The spiritual bond

"Then what is it??" Alex asked in a slight confusion, unable to understand the meaning behind the woman's words. 

"That gown was made for your wife, when you didn't even know what the word wife means." She spoke taking Alex by surprise. "It was the finest creation at that time and it still is, when you were little, you're father saw this gown with your mother, at the exact moment he asked me to keep it for your wife." She smiled remembering the old times, and her old friend. 

"Ohh!!" Alex was blank for a moment unable to process this peice of information as he could not even speak, 

"The thing which amazed me was, Mia running towards the gown, she only had eyes for that one gown. Things like these reminds me that spiritual bond does exists." The woman patted his shoulders. "She's the one!" She added and gave a smile as a blessing.