Romance all around...

Soon many people started to gather around, giving Jermaine no chance to find the girl. His eyes kept searching for her but the girl was in no sight. "I'm sure I saw her." He mumbled to himself. The man was very confident at the sharpness of his memory, he had eyes as that of an Eagle's. People kept gathering around as it was a prime time for junk eaters. "Damn!!" The man gritted his teeth in frustration as he was unable to even find her path, or know whether she was still present or not. 

Just then a call interupted him in between. "I'll be there in 5." He spoke to the person on the other side. Saying that he put his phone inside and left the area, but the man's mind and eyes were still in search of the girl. It was gaining more interest from him, the more her face was hidden the more his curiosity increased.