
33. Target: Mabui

Komachi looked down at Naruto and the kunoichi from Suna that she had spent the night with. She smiled softly still an unfamiliar gesture for her face, but one she imagined would become a regular feature. Yet for the moment she would need to give off the appearances of the emotionless killer for a while longer. She headed to the door to leave as she needed to return to her Root duties since she worked sixteen hours a day. A rather easy feat when one had no friends or outside life. Looking back at the bed, she placed a hand over her pelvis sensing the mark on her pussy lips that she had asked Naruto to place on her. After she attended to her duties, she would meet up with Naruto again to have the seal in her mouth modified.

Once she was out in the hall, she slipped out of the apartment building like a shadow and headed towards the Uchiha district. Entering a building that had used to house a bakery, she moved to the back and pressed a button housed under a wooden table were the dough for bread had been prepared. A corner section of the floor dropped down half an inch before sliding to the side as it exposed a staircase. She quickly descended as the entrance closed itself behind herand stepped out into a cavernous area that the Uchiha had planned to use in their rebellion. She didn't know if the cavern had existed before the founding of Konoha or if the Uchiha had created it. But she did know that Danzou had expanded it greatly adding a tunnel to his home as well as several that led outside of the village.

Reporting in to a Root commander, she learned that she was scheduled to relieve one of the two shinobi assigned to watch over Danzou. Heading down the tunnel she nodded to the man she was to relieve and wordless took his place as he stepped away. She waited outside the door for over an hour until it opened revealing the elevator car as Danzou stepped out followed by Towa, who had relieved the man who had been guarding where the elevator opened up in the mansion. Danzou didn't acknowledge her presence as she fell into step behind him, next to Towa, nor did she expect him too. Entering the main section of the cavern again, she was somewhat surprised to see Joseki waiting for them. Guessing he had been let in via the Uchiha district entrance, she supposed it didn't matter if he knew where Root was based only that he wasn't seen talking to Danzou.

"Elder Joseki," Danzou said tilting his head, "I trust you have reconsidered allowing this Maki to live."

"I told you Danzou. I will not sacrifice my people."

"But she is no longer your people." Danzou said with a shrug. "It is foolish sentiment like that which is what will lead to your downfall. Perhaps mine as well since I cannot move against the jinchuriki without implicating you. While that may hold some appeal to me in the future, it is only a hindrance now. "

Joseki scowled as he said, "Which is why moving against Maki would also cause us problems. She is smart enough to cover her bases and I'm sure if something happens to her. She'll have set up some way to implicate me. She'll come around again."

"As you wish, but I doubt you wished to meet just to tell me to stay away from your people."

"I recognize that I have made a mistake, so I've come to inform you that I have taken steps to find some other way to have the shinobi of the Training Force recalled."

Danzou leaned forward on his cane in interest and said, "Do tell."

"One of the servants in my home is in actuality a long-term spy from Kumo. They are unaware that I've made him one of my puppets so trust the information I've let leak out over the years."

Danzou chuckled amused as he said, "No doubt information that has weakened your enemies. Yet, how does this make up for your blunder. They've known about the Training Force for months."

Joseki scowled but didn't respond to the barb as he answered, "True, but I've let it slip that all these maneuvers are in preparation for an invasion of Kumo."

Danzou inclined his head in respect of the move as he said, "Clever, the Raikage is just impulsive and paranoid enough to believe such a rumor. The question is though, how will he react?"

Joseki shrugged as he replied, "It doesn't truly matter. It will likely cost a few lives, but it'll have to be sneaky enough that we end up blaming each other. That will limit what he can do since his forces are not prepared to engage in a war just yet."

Danzou nodded and added, "It may be prudent of us to try and figure out his move ourselves in order to catch his agents in the act."

"I thought that all you wanted was to end the threat the Training Force poses to your operation going on in the prison."

"It was," Danzou said as close to passionate as he got. "But this move you made has the potential for so much more. Think about it. We catch the Raikage's agent in the act of some sort of sabotage. The Raikage won't be able to pin such a move on an over-eager father this time. Not to mention with the right push the Hyuuga could easily be maneuvered into demanding some sort of retribution. If Tsunade refuses, she loses standing among the clans. But, if she decides to go through with it and demands retribution then that may spark a war with Kumo. That will force them to seek allies most likely being Iwa."

"That would likely mean that Kirigakure would not ally with them though due to that incident around ten years back," Joseki said.

"The Tragedy of Yosuga Pass, many Kiri shinobi still bear a grudge against Iwa for their betrayal there." Danzou said with a curt nod. "I find the irony would be fitting that Gaara and Tsunade would form this Training Force to foster a cooperative spirit between our villages which we could unleash on our enemies. We would have the advantage just from already knowing how to work together."

Joseki didn't look like he enjoyed the idea of actually working with Konoha longer, but in the end having an advantage against Iwa did prove rather tempting. Therefore with a nod of his head he asked, "Then how should we precede? We will not have any idea of what they will target."

"True, but the targets they have to choose from will not be as varied as you fear. Whatever they do, it will have to foster distrust between us. That means it would have to be something that could be pinned solely on a Suna-nin, but have painful consequences for Konoha. I'll have some of my analysts look into it and we'll have a list of possible targets before breakfast is done being served." Raising his cane he said, "If you would like to join me. I would fancy another game of shogi as well."

"I suppose that could be arranged. I'd like to see what your men come up with."

Komachi watched the two men walk off before following behind feeling sick to her stomach. How the two men could see themselves as champions of their villages after what she had just witnessed she couldn't understand. She felt a greater gratitude to Naruto than ever before, now that she was now questioning what she had been trained to believe. She also now viewed herself as Naruto's blade which was pointed at the elder's throat, as she was positive Danzou was unable to even fathom it a possibility that one of his emotionless assassins could begin to question him. It was an oversight that would cost him of that she promised.


Nanabi was guided to a stateroom within the warden's mansion. She felt a little nervous as to what the meeting had in store for her since upon arriving she had been ushered off and presented a silken red dress. She had nearly refused, but her curiosity won out, so she had changed into it before being guided to her current location by the warden's number two man Bekko. He remained at the door after opening it and waved her in. Nanabi walked slowly, taking in the wealth on display, before stepping up to Akame. He watched her carefully, but he didn't show any sign of desiring her in a sexual manner. Figuring this meeting would be strictly business. She relaxed, which surprised her slightly. She wasn't sure why she had not given into the curiosity that she felt about sex, but did suppose it had something to do with the fact that any encounter under her current circumstances would just leave her feeling used. And she had experienced that feeling quite enough during her hundred years of imprisonment.

"I'm glad you decided to accept my offer," Akame said guiding her to a chair which he pulled out for her.

Nanabi took the offered seat which he pushed in for her as she responded, "When the master whistles shouldn't his dogs come running."

"Indeed..." Akame said leaving a pregnant pause that Nanabi figured was where she should give her body's name.

Naturally, she had a small problem in that she didn't actually know it and despite Konoha's interrogations departments best efforts her body had never given it. But it did free her enough to say, "Call me Seven."

"Seven," Akame repeated his face not giving away whether he was annoyed or amused. He did let some amusement enter his voice however as he said, "I would think you would tire of being thought of as a number."

The recently minted Seven shrugged before replying, "You could say it is something I'm used to by this point. Besides, my old name and position are meaningless, even if I managed to escape this prison I would not be able to return to Iwa."

"No, I imagine not. They did pin the whole attempted invasion on you didn't they. It's strange though, you are not quite the zealot they portrayed you as. If anything you seem rather pragmatic."

Shrugging Nanabi said, "I'm also sure that they claimed I had convinced a whole battalion of genin to march into Konoha all on my own as well, didn't they?"

"Quite true, I suppose that is why you wish to get out of here alive without being used by anyone." Recognizing that he had paraphrased what she had told Mikoto several days before in the shower she remained silent. Her lack of reaction caused him to say, "You don't seem surprised..."

"That you've bugged the showers. Hardly, I'm actually more surprised that you haven't done the same to our cells."

Akame shook his head pleased as he said, "Incredible, you my dear continue to impress. So your confession in the shower was to what...a way to get Mikoto to open up to you, why?"

Seven smirked as she sat back in her chair after picking up a glass of wine one of Akame's servants had filled. Taking a sip, she answered, "She is the only one that I have yet to figure out. If I'm to achieve my goal, I can't afford any wild cards."

Folding his hands in front of his face as he rested his elbows on the table, Akame asked, "And just what is your goal?"

Smirking Seven said, "What do you mean? You just repeated it to me. A woman like that would be able to smell insincerity. Even now, she has refused to drop her guard around me."

"Don't sell yourself short. No one that approached her up to this point has even gotten her to admit as much as you have. Yet, surely you must realize that your goal is an impossibility. One could say you are already being used."

The human Bijuu inclined her head at his point but she said, "Yet, there are levels. Are there not? For example, the vast majority of those you've recruited to your goal no doubt would be surprised to learn that you in turn answer to someone else."

Akame's lone eye narrowed at her as he said dangerously, "Perhaps. Or if they have, they are at least wise enough not to bring it to my attention."

Seven took another sip of her wine giving the air of someone unafraid as she replied, "I doubt that if I haven't proven myself capable of making this simple of a deduction, then I wouldn't be enjoying such a fine meal this night. If I offend you then please stop me. However, a man in your position is not capable of all this." The kunoichi raised her glass and waved it around the room before continuing, "No, in order to be placed in charge of this prison with the confidence to be left alone and a staff completely loyal to you requires a person in the village with far more power than you. As a result, despite where you sit, the truth is that it is not so far removed from where I am. Both of us have far more to lose if this plot goes poorly than the man pulling your strings."

Despite her words Akame smiled as he shook his head in amazement as he asked, "However did Iwa convince you to take a mission doomed for failure like the one that landed you here?"

"By playing upon the very loyalty that they trained into us, while not having any for us in turn. I have no love for my home village and while you may be using me. Should things go sidewise, I will not allow it to catch me by surprise again."

"And how do you plan to prevent it from impacting you?"

Nanabi held her empty glass out to the side which prompted one of the servants to fill it. Once she was topped off she took another sip before saying, "By earning my right to sit at the dinner table with the other movers and shakers in this grand plan."

Akame sat back before waving to one of the servants who left the room. A moment later he returned followed by others bearing trays of food. Sitting them down on the table, they lifted all the trays at once presenting a banquet that put the one he had hosted for the new recruits to his plan to shame. Unfolding a napkin, the warden placed it in his lap before reaching for a lobster tail. As he did so he simply said, "Welcome to the dinner table. Now let's discuss what I'm going to need you to do."

Seven smiled as she reached for a piece of sushi pleased that she found herself in such a position. Yet whether Kyuubi would benefit or not, the Bijuu had yet to decide. After all, the man before her may be interested to know he had just made a deal with what many humans had considered a demon, and may be willing to help break the seal Kyuubi had placed on her that kept her from accessing all of her Bijuu chakra.


Naruto was back with the Training Force and was walking through the woods hoping to meet with the woman that had been missing from his life recently. But sadly his mind was not solely focused on the potential meeting, but instead on what Komachi had revealed upon Kiyomi's modifying the seal that Danzou used to keep his subordinates from spilling his secrets.

For Naruto it was a bit much to wrap his head around. He just couldn't understand how the two men could plot an action that they knew could end in war or how they actually hoped that it did. If he wasn't so disgusted by their actions, he'd have to admit the two elders were crafty and intelligent opponents. Not only had the two men quickly recovered from the debacle of their plan to kill him, but within almost a day's time had come up with a plan that could do all they wanted and more. They had literally come up with a plan in which no matter the outcome they would gain something. If whoever the Raikage sent succeeded then the Suna-Konoha Training Force would likely be disbanded due to the mistrust if would generate, especially if there were casualties.

But what was worse was that Naruto's more seasoned lovers had convinced him that actually foiling the attack would be worse. Komachi had all but confirmed that to be true by explaining that Danzou and Joseki were trying to predict the possible targets a Kumo saboteur would strike. Koharu had explained to him that if the saboteur was captured then both villages would demand Kumo to pay some form of retribution. She had also explained that even if Kumo had tried to disavow the shinobi was on a mission, all Joseki would need to do was produce the spy in his household to confirm that at the very least Kumo was in up to no good.

Naruto had tried to point out that according to Komachi the man had been fed false information regarding the reason for the Training Force. Tsunade had been the one to point out that it wouldn't have mattered. If Joseki was allowing the man to operate in his house knowingly, then it was only because he had used one of the Forbidden Puppet Arts to turn the man into his pawn. Between his two lovers, they had explained that Joseki could literally create a personality loyal to him which at the snap of his fingers could switch the personality back to the loyal Kumo shinobi. It was a tactic Suna would and had used on people to place operatives in vital positions in other countries' governments. It was an effective tactic because even the operatives themselves wouldn't know why they were so ambitious to be placed in positions of power until the man pulling the strings let them. Naruto had asked if there was a way to prove if such a jutsu had been used on the spy. Tsunade said that there was. However, she had been quick to point out that since the man was from Kumo and the tests didn't prove the jutsu had been used, but that there was a possibility it had. It was likely that forces within both Suna and Konoha would jump at the chance to stick it to Kumo.

His lovers had even pointed out that letting the Kumo saboteur get away could also possibly be even worse than catching them. They had said that if the operative were to escape then it would create a boogeyman by which Danzou and Joseki could create distrust between the two villages. Without the hard evidence of an attack or the person behind it, the elders would be able to create whatever narrative they wanted by which to either drive the villages apart or to war with the target of their choice. With enough manufactured evidence, they would be able to cast whoever they wanted into the villain role.

But considering he could feel Yugito heading towards the village the idea of capturing the operative didn't exactly fill him with a sense of relief. He had yet to go to her or use her seal to 'look' in on her. His reason being because he trusted that if she was the operative that Kumo was sending then she would alert him when she could. He believed the fact that she didn't was because she was being escorted to prevent Akatsuki from making another attempt to capture her. He was rather worried at the prospect of having to defuse the current situation while also dealing with a team of Kumo-nin.

Feeling like he was sitting on an exploding tag that was beginning to smoke signaling the coming detonation, he wondered how in the world he was going to stop it. Yet, despite the urgency of the situation he let his concerns get pushed to the back of his mind as he found Ino. She was alone in the clearing and it appeared she was doing her best to ignore his presence as she worked through an exercise. She moved gracefully about the area at times bending in extreme, and to his eyes provocative ways, as if to avoid some unseen attacker. It was something that had evolved from the training sessions that he and his lovers had together. Naruto had suspected that Ino had developed it as a means to fight against opponents like Tsunade and Sakura. A part of him wondered if she had created it as a means to stay competitive with the two women since much like Hinata for a time he suspected that she had feared losing ground in his heart due to a perceived weakness. If so, Naruto wished she could feel the gaping hole in his heart that her pulling away had left. He imagined most people would think him over-exaggerating since he had so many lovers. But to be truthful, Naruto was unable to understand their philosophy. To him, they believed that his heart could only contain so much love for his lovers as if once he hit some number his capacity to feel the emotion was diminished. However to Naruto, it was his heart that simply grew bigger with each new woman. That wasn't to say he felt the same level of intimacy or connection with them, at least in the beginning. But he did feel the same level commitment that he would live and die for each of them. They were his family after all, and he would do anything in his power to make them happy, even let them go.

Ino ended her training by landing near her bag. She bent down rather conservatively bending at her knees as she pulled a bottle of water from it. She stood downing the contents as she kept her back towards him. Finally she turned towards him while she kept her face neutral.

Her complete lack of reaction made him nervous. Something which he expected seeped into his voice as he said, "Thanks for agreeing to meet with me."

"I don't remember agreeing to that," she said her voice not giving away anything she was feeling.

Naruto smiled weakly as he replied, "I think we both know that if you wanted to, you had plenty of time to move somewhere more public."

Again Ino didn't truly react as she crossed her arms across her chest and said, "So talk."

Naruto wasn't sure where to begin now that he was in front of her. "I've missed you," he said earnestly causing a small break to appear in her calm demeanor.

The small flicker of joy that appeared quickly disappeared as she said, "Not enough to actually prevent some Suna-nin from pummeling your face in. It has healed nicely, Sakura's work."

Naruto looked away as he responded, "It wasn't the best of plans, but it worked. The situation was defused and we've made some real progress in preventing further outbreaks of violence."

"Great. So what do you plan to do the next time a situation arises? Let them cut off a limb or worse? Don't you understand it's the rest of us that have to sit back and watch as you recklessly and stupidly put yourself at risk?"

Naruto nodded, but calmly said, "I had it under control Ino. He wasn't a threat to me."

"Then why let him hit you, huh? You could have easily blocked his punches or avoided them completely."

"True," Naruto conceded, "But if he swings and misses then he'd react from embarrassment, no doubt egged on by taunts from Hardliners in both villages. If I block him, then he may react in much the same manner. Taking those hits and not reacting was the best way to get him to calm down."

Ino scoffed before replying, "Nice plan."

"I didn't exactly have a lot of time to think it through Ino. Why are you so mad it wasn't like..."

"Wasn't like what?" Ino said angrily, "Like with Kin where you were going to sacrifice yourself for someone you barely knew."

"I was never in any real dange..."

"You didn't know that," she said cutting him off with a shout as she approached him to stab a finger into his chest, "What happens the next time and the potential disaster isn't just Tsunade mindfucking with us? What then? Are we supposed to just accept that's it's you being you? Then what? What if you can only have either your ambition or us?"

Naruto looked shocked at her question and didn't know how to answer it. While he wanted to say he'd choose his lovers naturally. The idea that he couldn't have both to him seemed almost unrealistic. Stating as much he said, "This isn't a zero sum game Ino. If I stood on the crisp of achieving my ambition but needed to sacrifice one of you, of course I'd refuse to go forward with my dream. I would always be able to try again."

"What if the one being sacrificed was you?" Naruto stopped short of saying he'd pull back and Ino could see as much so said, "You see... why are our lives more important than your dream, but yours not."

"I'm not trying to be reckless, Ino," Naruto countered, "I want to be there at the end with all of you. But I can't stop being me, and I refuse to turn my back on people I can help."

"I-I don't know if I can stand there and watch what happens when you gamble it all only to fail."

"Ino," Naruto said stepping forward but stopped as she stepped back. Looking down at the ground he said, "I understand. Tsunade's begun looking for a cure to the Binding. I'll let her know you're..."


Naruto stared at her in surprise and he could see that she looked just as shocked for a moment. But then tears began to appear in her eyes as she said softly, "Bastard." She then took off running snatching up the bag containing her training gear. Naruto watched her go unsure what happened since he thought being free of him was exactly what she wanted.


Yugito moved quickly and quietly through the Leaf Village. It always had shocked her at how easy it was to infiltrate, since with an easily faked I.D. and a forged signature anyone could enter the village. It was such a stark difference from her village. Naturally though, getting inside the village was easy. Doing so to sabotage it was quite another.

Approaching a fence, she held her hand up and watched as her fingernails grew longer. She slashed along the chain-link fence creating a small gap she could slide through. She easily slipped through the parted fence and moved quietly until she was pressed against a wall of one of the buildings the fence was meant to keep her away from. She crouched down as she scanned the area and pressed up against the wall a little tighter as a shinobi appeared. The man scanned the area intently but with the eye of someone that had been doing so for several hours which became more evident as he yawned. Turning on his heel, he headed away from her keeping to the pattern that he had been using the last several hours that she had been observing him.

She wondered briefly as she detached herself from the wall if the man would have been so lackadaisical in his duties if the food supply he was guarding was for his own village. She somehow expected that the Suna-nin wouldn't be. She ducked into a small gap between two of the warehouses just before another Suna-nin was about to appear having already timed and mapped all of the patrols' patterns. Reaching the end of the buildings, she dropped to a knee again waiting for the next patrol to pass. As she waited it highlighted to her just how far Naruto's ambition had come even as it also pointed out how far it had to go. She doubted the guards on duty even had an inkling of just what a show of trust their being allowed to protect the facility was. After all if they did, they would no doubt be putting more effort into their task.

The fact that they weren't was something the Raikage had planned to exploit. Yugito had been surprised when she opened the envelope, which she had been given in the Raikage's office, had contained Konoha's Food Inspection Facility. The area was a quarantine of sorts through which all of the village's food passed through before going to the various shops that had ordered it. The reason for its existence was naturally to protect foreign agents from crippling the village by tainting a farm's crops or animals with diseases. That was why when Kumo had discovered that Konoha had made it a part of its Training Force exercises. She had been dispatched to infuse some of the already inspected items with a virulent strain of salmonella. The idea was that Konoha would quickly blame Suna for performing shoddily in its duty to protect the facility. There was also the outside chance that some of the most vocal elements within the village would suggest that Suna may have been directly responsible. With the few signs of a break-in that she had left just be a red herring to try and shift the blame. In either case it was expected the Training Force would be disbanded with an even greater potential that the two allies may descend into war.

Yugito wondered briefly why neither Danzou or Joseki hadn't simply used one of their own agents to do what the Raikage wanted her too. But she figured that before things headed completely south both villages would be conducting an investigation into the matter. An investigation, which had the potential to expose one or both men's secret activities to the light of day if the agent they used was caught. She supposed that having a third party be behind it also meant that even if the investigators believed Kumo or one of the other villages had been behind the plot, they would likely never get the answers that would put their suspicions to rest. It really annoyed her that an otherwise great man such as the Raikage could so easily be prodded into doing the bidding of such manipulative bastards as Danzou and Joseki. However, she was forced to admit that A wasn't above playing such games himself as the Hyuuga matter proved although she had only learned the truth due to her being one of Naruto's lovers. Although she believed that his attempt on the Hyuuga was partly due to the example the Raikage's father had set when he had tried to capture Naruto's mother Kushina.

Yugito was pulled away from her thoughts as the patrol she waited for passed by her location. To her eyes as they moved across the building she needed to enter the two shinobi stood a little straighter. She smirked since normally such a thing would throw up a red flag. However, today it simply meant that everything was going according to plan.

The patrol passed by slouching once they were out of sight causing Yugito to run from her spot. Reaching the storage facility, she leapt up onto the wall and scaled to the roof in seconds. Keeping low to the ground, she moved across the rooftop until she came to a skylight. Elongating one of her nails she sliced a small circle into the glass. She then cut the wire running along the inside of the frame before opening the latch that held the window closed. Lifting it slowly, she paused a moment to make sure a second alarm hadn't been triggered before entering the building and slowly lowering the panel behind her. Looking around the office, where the many clerks processed the paperwork generated by the process of making sure the food within was uncontaminated, she wasn't surprised that it appeared no one was guarding the inside of the building. The information she had been given on her target had indicated that although Konoha did apparently trust Suna to watch the outside of the buildings. That trust hadn't been extended to the inside, which was why it should have been completely emptied before it had been locked up. Yugito made her way to the door that opened to the main warehouse, where the food was kept before being shipped to the various merchants that had purchased it.

Upon stepping out onto the platform that encircled the top half of the warehouse, she paused to take in all the cameras so as to not cross any of their fields of vision. However, a small whirling sound attracted her attention. She tried to think of what it could be, but only came up with the idea that the noise sounded like a small object being spun in a circle. Searching for it, she caught sight of a figure on the catwalk with her just as the shadow threw a weighted piece of metal attached to a rope at her. Yugito raised her arm causing the metal end of the johyo to wrap around it.

Matsuri pulled the handle of her weapon back which forced Yugito to her feet and to grab the railing of the platform lest she get pulled over it. "It seems I've been discovered. Konoha must trust you Sand-nin more than our intel states."

Yugito used chakra to grip the platform so she could let go of the railing and growing her nails on her free hand cut the rope binding her arm. "Hey," Matsuri shouted as she stumbled backwards from the sudden release of tension. Yugito leapt from the platform flying towards the Suna-nin on the other side of the warehouse. But, as she was midway through her leap she was hit by a huge gust of wind. She caught a glimpse of Temari as she was rocketed to the warehouse floor, but before she hit the ground, a giant spiderweb of cloth appeared along her trajectory. As soon as she hit it the material, it wrapped around her binding her arms and legs as it began to seal her chakra. When it was finished, she was suspended upside down and looked like an insect that had crossed paths with a spider except her head was uncovered.

Temari and Matsuri stepped into a cone of light from one of few lights that had been left on in the warehouse. A moment later they were joined by a third woman that she had never met, but had felt enter her lover's life. She spun around lazily due to where the cloth holding her was tied to the platform above and caught sight of the security camera that was even now recording her face. Although it hurt her professional pride to be video tapped in such an embarrassing situation. She did take some small solace in knowing she had allowed herself to be defeated. Now with nothing better to do then hang around as it were, she just hoped Naruto could play the current game of human shogi better than the men that had set it in motion.


Kiyomi sat back in a high backed and expensive chair in her study while surrounded by dozens of open books.

"Well, it seems my master has decided to pay me a visit."

She opened her eyes and although she hadn't gone anywhere, she saw Nanabi sitting across from her. The rest of the room seemed to fade away to be replaced by an empty blackness as the two Bijuu communicated mentally.

"Must we really start our conversation off with such a hostile tone?" Kiyomi asked, wishing Nanabi was as receptive to repairing their relationship as Yoruichi had been. Granted the circumstances were a bit different with Nanabi being a prisoner and unable to fully access her Bijuu chakra. But Kiyomi had tried to be less arrogant about where the two Bijuu found themselves during the moments when Nanabi would report what she learned of the state of affairs in the prison.

"That depends, are you going to remove the seal that is preventing my transfer to this body from becoming permanent?"

Kiyomi sighed before answering, "Honor our bargain and I will."

"Then I guess you have your answer, sister," Nanabi replied making the word sister sound like an insult.

Something which continued to infuriate Kiyomi to no end, since she had tried to call her fellow Bijuu sister during a previous meeting hoping for a much happier response. Still she refused to be baited so simply said, "Alright on to business then. Have you learned anything worth reporting?"

Nanabi gave a noncommittal shrug as she said, "Not really. That may change as I continue to prove myself. But at the moment it is hard to tell if Akame thinks I have, or if I'm still just one of the pack in his eyes."

"Really," Kiyomi replied arching an eyebrow and letting the pause that followed speak as to what she thought of the seven-tails' reply.

Getting defensive Nanabi said, "What? In case it's escaped your notice as you live in your posh house. I'm a fucking prisoner here. It's not like Akame is going to give me a pat on the head every time I've distinguished myself."

"Perhaps," Kiyomi said her tone still reserved signaling she wasn't exactly buying what Nanabi was selling. "Still I would expect your pride alone would demand you to outperform a bunch of lowly humans. You seem rather unconcerned about them performing so close to your level."

"Well perhaps if you gave me access to my full powers, I'd more easily differentiate myself from the rest of the herd."

"Then what would keep you loyal, sister," Kiyomi replied noticing that the other woman blinked first as they stared at each in the small contest of wills. Fearing what that meant, she said, "I guess I'll try again next week. You know to contact me if you feel anything crucial happens between now and then right?"

Kiyomi didn't exactly expect Nanabi to reply so was surprised as the other Bijuu said, "Wait!" When Kiyomi refocused on her, Nanabi sighed before said, "Akame has asked me to keep an eye on a woman here."


Nanabi shrugged in response. "I don't know. She's strong there is no doubt about that, but her reasons for helping Akame are unknown. I'm getting the feeling that she's operating under her own agenda which is why Akame wants me keeping tabs on her."

"If he doesn't trust her then why allow her participation?" Kiyomi asked aloud not expecting an answer. But trying to think out in the open provided a few ideas of what it couldn't be. "It can't simply come down to strength. If anything, that would make her participation in this rebellion even more foolish. There must be something that is happening behind the scenes that we aren't privy to yet."

"I don't know," Nanabi said as Kiyomi continued to pace as she thought out loud. "As long as we have these seals that cut off our chakra it seems he doesn't need to worry about any threat she may pose. He literally could end the threat she poses with a hand gesture."

"True. Still I feel there must be something more to this."

Nanabi could see Kiyomi was concerned so supplied, "There is one other thing worth mentioning I suppose. Several of the prisoners have stopped appearing at the mess hall."

"Dropouts," Kiyomi said her tone questioning.

"I don't think so," Nanabi answered, "Dropping out means death and although there have been a few of those during the training sessions. The people that have gone missing were some of the better shinobi."

Kiyomi looked at her fellow Bijuu with concern as she said, "I-I had no idea you were in that much danger."

"Really, I'm locked up with a bunch of crazed humans. All of whom are trying to impress the man pulling the strings through violence and intimidation. Where exactly did you think you sent me, a resort?"

"You're right. I'm sorry for not giving the matter the proper amount of thought. Thank you for your efforts."

Nanabi obviously looked surprised by Kiyomi's admission so looking away said with a small waiver, "Shut up. I'm doing this for myself and my freedom."

"I know," Kiyomi said earnestly, "But I'm still grateful. Please continue to do your best. I will see if we can learn what has happened to these missing prisoners. Also, who is this woman you were tasked to watch?"

"Her name is Mikoto." Nanabi noticed Kiyomi stiffen for a moment so asked, "Do you know her?"

"Of her would be more accurate," Kiyomi said after a moment.

"Is she important?"

"To some. I don't count myself among them since she is an Uchiha, but she appears to be a close friend of my previous host."

Nanabi felt the same distaste for the Uchiha as her fellow Bijuu. But she said in defense of the woman, "She doesn't seem to be like any of the other members of that clan that I have faced."

"Nevertheless be careful. We have no idea what her true motives are."

With that Kiyomi ended the connection and the darkness faded to be replaced by her study. She retook her seat and folded her hands in thought processing all that she had learned. She was also keenly aware that Nanabi had been less than truthfully with just how deeply she had infiltrated into Danzou's rebellion. Confident that for the moment Nanabi was simply hedging her bets, Kiyomi hoped that when the time to choose a side came it wouldn't end with her facing her family.


"Tsunade this situation is simply unconscionable. Where is the jinchuriki being held?" Danzou said angrily slamming his cane on the table for effect. Tsunade didn't flinch as she stared at the elder feeling a great sense of amusement although she didn't let it reach her face.

Tsunade's amusement faded though as fatigue set in since outside of several breaks the Clan Council had been in session since Yugito had been caught in her attempt to poison the village the night before. "I've already told you that she is being held in an undisclosed location. It wouldn't be that anymore if I told you, now would it?"

Danzou glowered at her and was about to speak but Hiashi beat him to the punch as the Hyuuga elder said, "I can understand your... desire to limit access to this Kumo-nin. Due to the sensitive nature of what she was here to do it would be...unfortunate should something happen to her by an overzealous shinobi. However, we should take the opportunity her capture presents to us with both hands."

"Just so we're clear. What is the opportunity that you believe this give us?" Tsunade watched the Hyuuga carefully as did Hinata, who was standing behind the Hokage acting as her assistant. She saw Danzou continue to glower at her, but she pushed the elder out of her mind since of all the people present she feared Hiashi's reaction the most. All those present knew of how the man's twin brother had died in an effort to prevent Kumo from getting the Byakugan. Although truthfully Hizashi Hyuuga had volunteered for death in order to save his brother's life. Tsunade knew that as a result should the Hyuuga clan head push for either Yugito's death or retaliation against Kumo, she'd be hard pressed to prevent the council from backing him.

The Hyuuga Clan Head wasn't alone either as he had brought all the Hyuuga elders to the council room. The older Hyuugas were standing behind him as was his youngest daughter. The older men were there to lend their influence to the discussion. Tsunade though was more interested in the young girl since she appeared to have a shy interest in whom Tsunade had brought to the meeting to act as counterweight to the elders. Hanabi's gaze shifted past the Hokage to glance up at her sister Hinata, who Tsunade had brought to the council meeting as an assistant. The girl's gaze quickly shifted away and Tsunade felt a small sadness for the younger girl. Mainly since with Hinata's surge in confidence and skill, since becoming one of Naruto's lovers, Tsunade had heard talk that the Hyuuga elders were actually fighting against Hiashi's desire to install Hanabi as Clan Head. Tsunade could imagine that it wasn't easy to see that which she had been groomed her entire life for was slowly slipping from her fingers. The young Hyuuga must also have been taking Hinata's presence at the meeting as just more proof of how far her older sister's stock had risen not only in their clan but the village as a whole.

Tsunade's gaze lifted from Hanabi to Hiashi to see that his demeanor was cool enough to prevent her from getting an accurate read of what the man was feeling. "In all honesty Lady Tsunade, we are well within our rights to react in any way we see fit. This Yugito Ni was captured with a deadly disease which she intended to poison our food supply with. More importantly though is that she is also the host of the Nibi. That means unlike... our last dealings with Kumo, they aren't going to be able to simply deny any wrong doing and force us to make recompense. No, this woman being a jinchuriki means she was sent her with the Raikage's blessing. If we so please we can remove the Nibi from her and find a more suitable host for it. Or, we can ask Suna to aid us in marching on Kumo. This cowardly act is more than enough reason to settle our differences with Kumo once and for all."

Danzou's earlier ire was replaced with grim satisfaction as he said, "Excellently put Lord Hyuuga."

Tsunade grimaced as she quickly said, "You two can't be serious. Yes I agree that what Kumo attempted is without a doubt grounds to start a new round of conflict. But gentlemen please remember that it behooves us to not act rashly. If we aren't careful we could start a Fourth Shinobi War."

"If you lack the spine to properly respond to threats facing our village, then perhaps it is time to elect a new Hokage. You are a fine peacetime leader Tsunade, but in the face of Kumo's unrestrained hostility we need a leader not afraid of the sight of a little blood."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes at Danzou's dig at her old fear and fought the temptation to cross the room in order to show him just how over her hemophobia she was. Glaring at the elder she said, "It's not the sight of blood that bothers me, Lord Danzou. It's the potential to one day be bathing in it that does."

"Then what would it take, Lady Tsunade, to provoke an adequate response from you?" Tsunade pulled her glare from Danzou to stare sympathetically at Hiashi. That sympathy vanished though as he said, "Perhaps if Naruto were to have been one of the victims of this plot your ire would be more noticeable."

"There were no victims..."

Tsunade's response was cut off by Homura who said, "This time. However, this wasn't the first time this woman was thought responsible for a biological attack on the village. Are you forgetting that incident at the Inuzuka Dog Show? Our pursuit did catch up with her near the Kumo border as she was being attacked by Akatsuki. We found a vial of rabies which matched the strain used at the show."

"True, but we didn't catch up near the border but on the Kumo's side of it, which was why we let the matter drop. Plus it could have belonged to one of the two members of Akatsuki."

"Come now, Lady Hokage," Homura said as if schooling an academy student. "The same woman is connected to similar biological incidents against our village, and you want to pass the blame onto Akatsuki. That is a stretch wouldn't you agree."

"Yes, but what we are discussing is possibly starting a new round of wars. Are we really prepared to do that?"

"Now is the perfect time to strike," Danzou said almost eagerly, "Kumo would be completely alone. Iwa is too busy expanding its Western Border to lend them aid immediately and Kiri is still weak from years of infighting and civil war. With the Training Force already assembled, we could be half-way to Kumo before they could muster an adequate defense."

Tsunade could see several of the clan leaders were contemplating Danzou's words. She could see that Shikaku was analyzing all that he knew about the village in question and was probably already creating potential plans to remove the threat it posed. The others were doing likewise but also measured with the fear and anger that their families could have been harmed by the very food they provided for them. She feared that with those emotions running hot that war may very well be the outcome of the meeting. Naturally she could stop it as Hokage, but it could cost her many of the clans support and without that she might very well lose that position.

But her fears were silenced as the soft voice of Hinata asked, "May I speak please?"

All eyes turned to Hinata, who smiled gently before moving from behind Tsunade when the Hokage signaled her forward. The kunoichi moved to the center of the room and slowly looked around it making eye contact with all those present. Finally after taking a deep breath she said, "I know that as victims of Kumogakure's past plots that we believe that with whatever actions we take here, justice will be on our side. Yet, I urge you to please remember Uncle Hizashi."

"We do," One of the Hyuuga elders said quickly, "That is why we should use this opportunity to avenge him. Lord Hiashi is right; there is no way for Kumo to claim this was not a sanctioned operation without giving up their claim to the kunoichi in custody."

Hiashi nodded in agreement as he said, "Listen to our elder Hinata. You speak of an enemy you do not know."

"With all due respect father, I know of Kumo very well. They have haunted my nightmares for many years as I feared they'd make another attempt and I am painfully aware that it was my weakness that was the cause of Uncle Hizashi's death."

Tsunade watched as a pained look appeared on Hiashi's face for a moment before disappearing behind the calm expression that he normally wore. It was something that surprised the Senju kunoichi since she had long heard how belittling he could be towards Hinata. She wondered if a partial reason for his attitude towards his eldest daughter had something to do with why from such an early age he had been grooming his youngest to succeed him. But one thing was certain, the man was painfully aware of the effect his treatment of his eldest had had on her.

Hinata smiled weakly and sadly as she continued, "However, I can't help but feeling that if we act from our anger at Kumo, justified or not, we would be the ones that invalidate Uncle Hizashi's sacrifice. His actions brought the village from the brink of war. Although I know he did it to save you father, he also acted in Neji's best interest..." She paused as she held a hand up to her heart adding, "As well as mine, and everyone in this room's as well. His death didn't break the chain of hatred between our villages, but it did prevent it from growing stronger. We have a chance to break it by showing mercy to the agent of the Raikage who was only following her Kage's orders."

"Hmph, I see why your father considers you to be weak," Danzou said snidely to which Tsunade noticed a few of the elder Hyuuga's agreed. She noticed thought that one of them did not and although she never much delved into the particulars of who were the powers within each clan she suspected he was the one that had fathered Hiashi and Hizashi. Hiashi also seemed moved by his daughter's words although his reaction was simply a softening of his eyes. They hardened again though as Danzou added, "For that is all your pretty words have displayed a weakness in the face of an enemy who has attacked us. What do you think you could expect if you were at his mercy right now? I'll tell you, he'd pluck your eyes from your head in order to give them to soldiers in his army and use your body to breed shinobi loyal to him complete with the Byakugan."

"Lord Danzou, I ask that you at least address..."Hiashi said beginning to come to his daughter's defense expecting her to wilt from Danzou's venomous words.

However he trailed off as Hinata met Danzou's gaze with her own cooling noticeably as she responded icily, "Perhaps he would at that Elder Danzou. Should I then act in a similarly beastly matter? You may call it weakness. But if this Yugito Ni in turn remembers the kindness we show her causing her to spare a Konoha-nin that she otherwise might not have, then I will take solace in that, as opposed to us acting in a manner that will spawn more hatred, which in turn will have Kumo-nin clamoring for the blood of our kin in retaliation for her death."

"The problem with that however is that it will send the message that the other villages can keep testing us to their hearts content without suffering reprisals," Homura said as he placed a hand on Danzou's shoulder causing him to sit. "While distasteful, the need to inflict pain is our responsibility to bear. We shouldered that pain onto the Hyuuga to preserve the peace nearly fourteen years ago. It has done little to stop Kumo or any of the other villages from testing our resolve to peace time and time again. In this case instead of shouldering it we should in turn inflict it upon Kumo, so that much like a child who holds a lit match, they learn that it is only a matter of time before you burn yourself."

"Gentlemen," Tsunade said taking back control of the meeting now that Hinata's words had cooled some of the anger present, "I am in no way saying we let this incident go unopposed. Only let's handle this matter diplomatically."

"It will be a waste of time," Danzou said dismissively. "All it would afford them is time to bolster their defenses."

Tsume scoffed at the elder before saying, "We shouldn't kid ourselves. The Raikage had to consider the possibility his plan would fail. If so, he has already moved forces to blunt any attack we would make in retaliation. They were probably in place weeks before they even sent her. Shit, for all we know they've been in place since the Training Force first began practicing."

"Very true, Lady Tsume," Shikaku Nara said speaking up, "We did detect several units being moved towards the Hot-Water country border upon the Training Forces setting up camp. The likelihood of catching them unaware is nonexistent. Negotiation does nothing but give us a chance for a peaceful outcome. A battle with Kumo would be costly no matter how we went about it. Should Kiri and Iwa remain neutral it would give them a chance to take advantage of our weakened state after the conflict."

"Very well," Danzou said although his disappointment at the outcome of the meeting was well masked. Thanks to Komachi's report, those that were Naruto's lovers knew just how much the man had been hoping the drums of war would once more begin beating. "But what makes you believe the Raikage will agree to meet at a neutral site such as the Land of Iron."

"Simple, I'm not going to confront him at a neutral site," Tsunade said with a smile, "I'm going to meet him in his very home. He'll agree to such a meeting since I'm sure at the very least he feels some concern with how Yugito is being treated while in our care"


"Oh fuck," Yugito said sounding somewhere in-between pain and pleasure. "I don't think I can take much more."

Naruto smirked as he rubbed a particularly difficult knot from out of the naked woman's shoulders as she laid on her stomach on one of the massage tables he had bought recently. He heard Yuugao scoff causing the man to move his gaze to the Anbu captain sitting on the couch in Koharu's safe house. Naruto arched an eyebrow at her causing the Anbu officer to say, "You two are acting rather carefree considering right now the clan council could be calling for war."

"They won't let it come to that," Naruto said confidently directing his attention back to Yugito.

"Look Naruto, I know you have reason to feel smug considering how well your letting Komachi go went. But, you can't let that go to your head. Sure we had advance notice of what Kumo may have planned but..."

Yugito cut her off as she raised her head from the massage table to say, "Hey I would have let you known sooner, but I was escorted to the border by..."

She in turn was cut off by Naruto with a kiss as he said, "I know. We never doubted you would tell us when you could." Yugito sighed as he moved down her body to begin working her legs after placing more oil on his hands. Looking back at Yuugao he said, "Do I look smug? Because I assure you I'm just as worried as you are. I'm just confident that those attending the meeting will prevent it from getting too out of control. Besides I don't get to shower much attention to my kitten here so should take this time as the opportunity it is to do so."

He focused on Yugito who purred in contentment as hands continued to work their magic. He created a shadow clone when he grabbed some more oil which moved towards the sitting Anbu captain. It held its hand out and adding to the conversation that Naruto and she were just having said, "It seems we are always operating on the edge of disaster. We should take these quiet moments to relax for we don't know what the future is going to bring. Now, how about a massage?"

Yuugao looked at the hand and directed her attention to Yugito and Naruto just as the female blonde reached for a nearby glass of wine. She looked back at the clone saying, "I'm on duty. You may have Hiraishined her and me out of the Interrogation Department, but I'm still responsible for her."

The clone smirked as it looked over at Yugito and said, "I don't think she's going to be problem prisoner. Besides, I'm responsible for both of you."

Yuugao looked up into the pools of blue that were her lover's eyes and from the loving way that he stared at her felt her face grow flush. Taking the offered hand, she allowed the clone to pull her to her feet where she was in turned stripped and soon found herself face down on a table like the Kumo-nin she had been tasked with guarding.

That was how Tsunade and Koharu found them causing the Hokage to say amused, "I doubt any of our fellow Leaf kinsmen would find the idea of Kumo and Konoha as potential friends and allies so hard to believe if they could see you two now."

Yuugao's head shot from the massage table to look at the two women as her eyes grew wide in embarrassment at being caught in such a situation while on duty. However as the Naruto massaging her chuckled and noticing the two women's amused looks relaxed as she said, "I was just taking some advice to enjoy these quiet moments while we can."

"Good advice," Tsunade said sitting down on the couch, "There weren't any to be had in that council meeting."

"That bad," Naruto said as he finished Yugito's massage.

He turned to Tsunade, but Yugito sat up and grabbed his arm saying, "You're not finished are you? There are spots that really need a good deep massage that you haven't even touched yet."

Naruto kissed her lightly before saying, "Sorry, we'll have to save that for our celebration later."

Koharu cautioned him saying, "I wouldn't plan that party just yet. You still have quite a few obstacles to overcome before we can say we have successfully navigated this new hazard."

"Not to mention any new ones that bastard Danzou is busy currently preparing," Tsunade said her agitation at the elder still in full force. "Honestly, how could you work with him and Homura for all those years?"

"It was far easier than I care to admit. The years of war have made us all a shadow of the idealistic youths we used to be. Only Sarutobi really managed to hold onto those ideals, especially after sensei was killed."

Tsunade nodded sadly having experienced much the same and said, "Don't remind me. Once Danzou learned I planned to head to Kumo, he all but offered to help me pack."

Koharu nodded gravely as she said, "It's easy to understand why."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked confused.

It was Yugito that answered as she sadly said, "Because the first time a Senju entered Kumo territory he was nearly killed by a couple of vile traitors..."

"And the second time," Tsunade said taking over, "He didn't return at all, but with the Raikage's blessing."


Kin Tsuchi sat down at a table in the small restaurant that she had stumbled across on her way back from the jungles of Southern Tea Country. She pulled out a book and read over the report that she had written beneath the profile of one of the women she had located. However unlike the Bingo Book that Tayuya had used this one contained information on the women in Kanji's harem. She had located a pair of them operating as mercenaries in the jungles of Tea. The woman's name of the profile she was reading was Leona Heidern. She was the adopted daughter of the Ikari mercenaries' leader and had apparently been captured on a mission with her partner as they investigated a girl's disappearance. It was now painful obvious that Kanji had been responsible for all three of the kidnappings.

Kin turned the page to see the picture of the woman's partner who went by the codename Whip. Much as her codename implied she preferred to use them as her primary weapon. She hadn't learned much about either woman since that wasn't her goal. She was simply hoping to provide intel on how they were coping with what they had suffered and to see if they had potential intelligence on some of the women that they were interested in. Fortunately both women had a strong network of support within their mercenary group so seemed to have come to some form of peace with what they had experienced. The two women had even completed their mission by returning the missing girl having located her among the others as the fled Kanji's compound upon his death.

She closed the book as the waitress came with her order and looked at the time as she waited for the courier that would collect it. She noticed a couple of attractive young men staring at her and she imagined they were trying to picture what her face looked like since she had taken to covering her lower half with the grey camouflaged scarf that she wore. She turned enough to eat her meal without giving the mystery away as she in turn imagined them naked since she doubted they would stop their own imaginations with her scarf.

Sex was something that had preoccupied Kin's mind as of late ever since she had left the Leaf Village upon Kanji's death. It was she supposed a natural reaction to some of the fooling around that she and Naruto had done. To be honest, she had grown rather addicted to the pleasure she derived from sucking him off, not to mention what she received in turn when he returned the favor. It had left her with a desire to experience more, but what held her back was the life-long commitment that would come with it. She understood that they were currently looking for a cure for the Binding, but with the three medics in Naruto's harem showing no sign of regret to being bound to him, she doubted finding a cure was a top priority for them.

Therefore at times, she was tempted to find a beautiful stranger and rock his world. But what held her back was that when she did give her virginity to someone, she wanted it to be to someone worthy of it. She suspected she had found that person already, but wasn't sure if she was ready for the commitment that would follow. Although she had to admit that considering she was busy hunting down women of a former rival's harem supposed she was already rather committed.

"Excuse me," a soft cultured voice said cutting into her reverie.

Kin looked down beneath the table to see a large slug sitting on the bench next to her. Recognizing it as a clone of Katsuyu the kunoichi said, "Greetings Lady Katsuyu."

"Good day Kin" the slug responded by lowering her eyestalks. "I know you have likely filed a report in the book but since Milady is likely to just ask would you mind telling me."

Kin shook her head before reporting, "I found three of the women that Anko turned up from the records she confiscated from Kanji's study. Two were mercenaries with the third being a civilian that had captured his fancy. All three have returned to their lives albeit with some emotional scaring. But their families and friends are helping them through it. None of them were aware of how Kanji was controlling them. I'm afraid however that as far as to the three women we are interested in finding went they had no information."

"I see," the slug responded after a moment, "I can understand Milady's desire in Kagura due to their history. But why are you all so determined to find this Momo Hinamori woman and Suiren of Kirigakure?"

Kin shrugged, before saying, "I'm not too sure myself. But I believe Tsunade feels she may become a threat. It was only after the raid that we learned how much Kanji had twisted her to love him. I guess she's afraid that with time and effort she'll come after Naruto in a form of revenge. She did watch as Kiyomi roasted Kanji and she saw Tayuya's face so could locate Naruto from her."

"I suppose I can understand her concern then," Katsuyu said her voice taking on a tone of admiration. "Naruto has always held a special place in her heart. It has only grown stronger now."

"Yeah," Kin said her tone wistful, "It's kind of scary when you think about it."


Taking the following silence as a curiosity on the slug's part for her to continue she explained, "I mean he's got legends like Tsunade, and Koharu falling for him, has made Bijuu like the Kyuubi and Nibi take on human form to be with him, and seems destined to find more amazing people like that. Yet he doesn't let it go to his head and can even make a nobody like me feel as special as he does them. I mean if he put his mind to it, he really could conquer all the Shinobi villages I bet."

"It seems you are rather keen on him yourself. Why have you not given yourself to him as they have?"

Kin looked over at the two young men that seemed to have found another pretty young woman to focus on. Shrugging she said, "I guess I wanted sometime away from the pleasure to think on it some more."

"Pleasure," Katsuyu said confused.

"Yeah," Kin said with a dreamy look as she remembered some of the encounters. Focusing on the slug she asked, "Doesn't sex feel good for you?"

The slug looked at her strangely asking, "We slugs are hermaphrodites. When we mate we simply exchange sperm to each other before laying the eggs. I became purely female as a result of a mating ritual where my male reproductive organ became too tightly entwined with my mates. Therefore I chewed it off to allow us to separate through a process known as apophallation."

"Wow... that was a bit too much information."

"I see, have you not considered that perhaps your own mating rituals would be repulsive to other species."

Sensing she had insulted the summons Kin said, "Sorry, I just couldn't imagine how painful that was."

"I suppose I understand, but you misunderstand. It wasn't painful at all."

"Oh, I guess if it couldn't feel that, it's no wonder you only mate to reproduce. It probably doesn't feel that good either."

"I...I suppose not," Katsuyu admitted as Kin picked her up and placed her on the book she had prepared.