
Target: Maibu

"Well, please pass my report on to Tsunade," Kin said cheerfully as she placed her money on the table. "I'll see you in a few days to take back the book when Anko has finished going over my written report."

The kunoichi got up from the bench leaving a confused summons behind which disappeared in a puff of smoke before reappearing in the Den's war room with Kin's book. Sliding off of it, the summons began to contemplate if perhaps it had finally been given the answer as to why sex was so important to almost all the vertebrate animal summons that it knew. Sliding into the Harem room of the Den it decided that perhaps it should engage in some research of the mating ritual of humans.


Naruto looked down upon his lover and groaned again as she knelt before him working her tits over his shaft. Reaching down, he grabbed one of her nipples giving it a pull causing her to squeal in delight as he said, "Shit, Tsunade, my cock feels incredible sandwiched between your tits."

Tsunade paused as she pressed on the outside of her breasts to squeeze them around his hardness and opening her mouth stuck her tongue out. From the tip, she drooled all over her breasts before beginning to work her naughty pillows up and down again. Naruto sat back on his elbows moaning, "Yeah, that's it."

Tsunade smiled up at him only wearing her usual shirt which was opened to allow her to wrap her breasts around Naruto's manhood. Basking in the pleasure she could see written on his face she asked, "How does it feel to get a tittie fuck from the Hokage?"

"Incredible since she definitely has the tits for the job," Naruto said as he made sure to watch his lover to fully enjoy the experience.

"Flatter," Tsunade replied amused, "I've bet you've said the same thing to Hinata. But your compliment does deserve some sort of reward."

Naruto was about to ask what reward when Tsunade wrapped her mouth around the head of his cock. Feeling her tongue swirling around the tip while his shaft was mashed between the warm marshmallow goodness of her breasts caused Naruto to jerk his hips as he fought against releasing his load. Tsunade could feel he was close so pulling her mouth away as she increased the pace of her bosom said, "Go on Naruto. Cum...cum..."

Naruto still held off for a bit, but finally erupted, hitting Tsunade beneath the chin as he spewed his seed all over her face, tits, and neck. Sagging onto the bed he said, "That felt incredible."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," his lover said after cleaning his dick. Standing she allowed her shirt to fall from her shoulders before saying, "It's good to have you to myself for a while."

"I'm sorry if I..."

"Shh," Tsunade said leaning forward her tits still coated in his essence, "It wasn't a recrimination. I'm just saying I'm glad this trip had afforded me a little one on one time with you, my love."

Naruto kissed her passionately, but before it could progress much further a horn sounded signaling that the cruise they had taken was coming to an end. Naruto sighed as she pulled away and said, "I just wish the circumstances were better."

"They will be someday," Tsunade said turning to head towards the shower and clean up. "On that day maybe you can take me on a cruise to Crescent Moon Island." She paused in her journey to shower to ask, "But why so jumpy? Is it because of how you bungled things with Ino?"

"Did you have to put it so bluntly?"

Tsunade smiled and said, "No, I could have put it sweetly, but the meaning would have been the same."

Naruto chuckled but with limited mirth as he said, "I can understand why she reacted the way she did. I just don't understand how she could think I'd come to any other conclusion. She basically wants me to stop from being me, so why wouldn't I think she wants to be free of the Binding."

"Naruto, she's concerned you're too reckless and she has a point. But that is part of the reason you react so honestly. She just wants to know that you are aware how much pain your death would cause. The truth is, I believe she was shocked to learn just how much she had come to care and cherish you. That was why she slapped you."


"I know you thought telling her that you were looking into a way to let her go sounded all noble to you. But look at it from her perspective. You have at last count twenty-eight other lovers more than willing to fill the slot she has vacated. With that said, can't you see how she would react so poorly? To her it looked like you were just washing your hands of her since you have plenty of willing lovers."


"I know my love," Tsunade said softly, "You still love her, but right now she also needs to understand that asking you to change is just as insensitive. She may wish you were less reckless, but she needs to understand that loving you means that it is a total package, recklessness included." Naruto nodded so smiling she said, "Now I need to clean-up. We're going to have to let the local shinobi authorities know we entered their country using fake travel papers. I think it would be best if when we did so my chest isn't coated in your semen."


Naruto chuckled and leaned back in the bed to close his eyes. When he opened them again he was sitting on his mother's couch in the recreation of her apartment within his seal albeit with pants as opposed to how he was naked in the real world. "N-naruto...honey," his mother said sounding a little flustered in part to what she had just felt as well as the sight of her shirtless son.

Wondering why her face was so red he asked, "Are you okay?"

"F-fine," Kushina replied hoping her son didn't notice how disheveled that she felt she looked. Kushina had been in the middle of berating herself for once more giving into the temptation to stay out of the chakra safe zone Kiyomi had set up for when Naruto was active sexually. Although she hadn't really gotten all that excited from Tsunade's tit job, since even outside of the green light her ability to feel the sensations appeared to be diminished, at the moment she could still feel the slight warmth of where Naruto's seed had landed on the Hokage.

Kushina had felt completely disgusted with herself after the time first time she had given in. The only good thing she had to say about the experience, at least afterwards, was that she learned that she only experienced what the woman with the real Naruto did and that his taking of the woman from behind had allowed her to pretend that it hadn't been her son causing her to feel such pleasure. At least until his lovers had cum and then gave him a double blowjob where she learned that she still experienced what the one that had been with Naruto the longest in a given session felt. Since then and in the few days that had passed Kushina had waged a battle of wills with her libido in which she lost almost as often as she won. While all the while her sexual desires continued to taunt her with the knowledge that if sex with Naruto felt that incredible while being dampened due to the lack of a physical existence, then it was no wonder his lovers were hooked to him physically as well as emotionally.

"Hey mom, are you sure you're okay?" Naruto asked worriedly having gotten in her face while she was distracted.

Reacting on instinct she pushed him back after emitting a surprised squeak. He landed on his ass causing him to say, "Hey, what's gotten into you."

"It's a question of what I want to get into me," her libido supplied quickly causing her to say aloud, "Shut up!"

"Jeez, okay I'm sorry," he said standing, "I'll be on my way."

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. I know I'm acting scattered brained. Please forgive me."

Naruto smiled brightly at her causing Kushina's heart to speed up, but whether from motherly affection or from some other aspect of her she wasn't entirely sure. "Of course mom. If I caught you at a bad time I could come back. But you said you wanted to talk to me before we entered Lightning Country."

"R-right," Kushina said quickly hoping to move past her embarrassing behavior, "The reason I wanted to speak you was to ask do you plan to make any moves on the kunoichi of Kumogakure."

Naruto shrugged his own face going red as he was sort of embarrassed to be talking about such things with his mother. He supposed he could understand the reason for her being so flustered due to his arriving so soon after obviously being with Tsunade. However aware that his mom was likely asking as part of her responsibility due to her being his Bijuu he nodded as he said, "If a chance arises I plan to take it. However, I doubt I'll get very many if any. I don't think the Raikage is just going to let me wander around freely. I don't think I'll get any chances to speak freely to a woman while there."

"W-what if words weren't necessary," Kushina said her face growing a similar shade of red as her son's.

"What do you mean?"

"I can make it so that you could... jumpstart a woman's desire for you if you want."


Kushina's blush deepened since she had come up with the idea as a result of experiencing sex through one of her son's lovers. Explaining she said, "As you know... Kiyomi experienced sex through your many encounters. I...She reasoned that it was due to the chakra binding that takes places between you and them. Those experiences are also locked away within her original form as memories. I could make it that you would cast a genjutsu on a kunoichi so that she would experience those memories as fantasies which all revolve around you."

"I don't know," Naruto said after a moment, "I've never really been any good a genjutsu."

"That runs in the family I'm afraid," Kushina said with a smile which her son returned. "That's why I would make it an almost automatic response. It would also need to be an eye technique so you'll have to make sure not to use it too overtly. We wouldn't want someone other than the intended receiver to notice."

"Wouldn't she raise a fuss?"

"It would be a split-second change. She might notice something but it would barely even register and she'd likely think she imagined it."

"Let's give it a shot," Naruto said excitedly, "I would hate to think we came all this way and didn't manage to find a way to increase our influence."

Kushina nodded, as she tried to fight down the shivers that accompanied her imaginations running wild with just how her son would put the technique she described to use.


Ayame had felt uncomfortable ever since Naruto had left the village. She couldn't exactly place it but felt a part of it was due to how one of her shop attendant friends had brought it to her attention what had happened to the last Senju Hokage that had entered into Kumo. She tried to tell herself to calm down as Naruto had assured her that he would be fine during the date they had the day before he left. She smiled as she thought about how she planned to celebrate his return.

She sighed though as she once more felt a sense of uselessness due to the fact that of all his lovers she was the weakest. It wasn't just in turns of strength that she thought that, but in the scope of his ambition. As she felt when compared to Jinchuriki, Kunoichi, Bijuu, princesses, and even the Hokage, she didn't understand what she really had to offer. She knew Naruto didn't think in those terms but she wished for something more to offer than the occasional bowl of ramen. Even the other civilian within Naruto's harem was contributing more with Tsunami overseeing the remodeling of the Whirling Tides Manor.

She felt a sense of gratitude to the other women since they had allowed her the privilege of being the official face of their relationship with the man they all cared for. Looking up at the clock she saw that it was closing time so moved from around the counter to pull the gate closed. She was reaching up to pull it down when something solid dove past the cloth hanging in front of the shop and hit her in the chest. She fell back slamming into the bar and caught her breath as a dark-haired man began pulling the gate down in her place. He turned the lock and smiling darkly at her said, "Hey Ayame. Miss me?"

"Toshio," she said scared of her former boyfriend as much from the way his eyes were traveling over her as the knife he was wielding. Taking in his appearance which had changed considerably since he was no longer trying to resemble Naruto, she noted that his hair had returned to its natural black color which matched the beard he was now sporting likely to disguise his appearance.

"You do remember? I'm touched," he said stepping further into the ramen bar tapping his knife against his skull in a threatening manner. "I of course remember you and how you dumped me to become a slut for the demon brat." Ayame's eyes narrowed at him for insulting her boyfriend causing him to chuckle as he said. "You don't like that huh? You know you and the demon have been almost directly responsible for all the downturns my life has taken lately. Shit, I haven't gotten laid since we broke up. T-that time at the Manhole doesn't count. Plus your network of shop attendant whores has been tarnishing my name so that lately the only date I've been able to get has been from an overanxious male stalker."

Despite the situation Ayame said, "What's the matter the virgin killer meet his match and lost his own anal virginity?"

"Shut up bitch," Toshio roared, "It was probably due to something that Yamanaka bitch did. She'll get hers eventually too, but right now I'm here for mine."

Ayame grew panicked and was aware that by now Naruto was likely in Kumo so wouldn't be able to come to her rescue. She didn't doubt that he would, but she knew doing so would put everything he had worked for in jeopardy so tried to prevent her fears from reaching him through the mark. She didn't want to be the weak link that caused everything to come crashing down. She turned and tried to run around the ramen bar for the back door but Toshio caught her before she could make it. He pulled her clothes ripping the back of her uniform and exposed her mark to his eyes.

"What the fuck is this? Are you fucking serious you bitch? I'm going to fuck every goddamn hole you have and a few I plan to add and when I'm done I'm going to cut this mark off you and keep it as a souvenir." He threw Ayame to the ground and prepared to follow through on his threat but was stopped as a clawed hand clamped down on his head.

Ayame looked up to see Toshio being lifted off his feet as Kiyomi stood behind him her eyes glowing red as her hair and face took on a more feral appearance . She held him there his legs kicking helplessly as he tried to get the hand to release him. Realizing, he was still holding his knife the man tried to plunge it into her hand, but the Bijuu sent a pulse of her chakra through him causing him to scream in pain as he dropped his knife. "What a sad pathetic creature you are," the Bijuu said coldly. "I believe Naruto told you to keep your distance from Ayame. Unfortunately for you, you decided to disregard his warning when you thought yourself safe due to his being in Kumo."

Still smoking from the chakra that passed through him the would be rapist asked, "Who the fuck are you?"

Kiyomi smiled darkly although only Ayame could see it as she replied, "I'm the demon part when you referred to Naruto as demon brat. I was just thinking I needed to find a body for something I had planned to correct a wrong I committed. I thank you for volunteering." Raising her other hand she cast a barrier around the small shop to subdue the coming screams.

"W-what..." the man managed to say before Kiyomi sent her chakra into him causing him to scream again.

This time however she didn't let up and as she channeled more and more of her chakra into him. Toshio's screams took on a more feminine tone as Ayame watched in confused amazement. Furthermore, his hair began to grow longer and once more took on the blonde coloring that she remembered he had sported as they dated. His eyes although already blue took on the unique coloring that she recognized as Naruto's even as the face became more and more feminine. A fact highlighted as his chest grew and expanded to press against the black shirt that Toshio had been wearing. His hips also grew shapelier and although Ayame had never seen it before she was confident that she was looking at the form Naruto took when using his sexy jutsu. The only thing she felt was missing were the whisker marks on her cheeks.

Kiyomi set the woman down gently who sank to her knees. The woman looked around in confusion before saying, "I...I'm free." Before collapsing forward and was caught by Ayame. The Ramen waitress looked up as the Bijuu asked, "Are you okay?"

Still shaken she nodded causing the Bijuu to smile as she said, "Good, Naruto would never have forgiven me should something bad happen to you while he was in Kumo. You should have called out with your mark sooner."


"I'm aware you didn't want to be a burden, but Naruto wasn't the only one willing to come to your aid. Don't forget that."

Ayame nodded as she felt tears gather in her eyes. "Thank you." Kiyomi nodded before directing her attention to the woman that Ayame was holding causing the waitress to ask, "What did you do?"

"Correcting a mistake I made in forgetting that just because something was a collection of unstable chakra. That didn't mean it didn't have feelings or dreams of its own."

Ayame looked down at the sleeping woman and wonderef if the Bijuu was referring to the dark aspect of Naruto's personality she had set loose in a bid to escape. If so she wondered how it would react to being given a form, but not one it had been used to or perhaps even wanted.


Naruto stared off into the distance as he sat across from half dozen of what he assumed was Kumo's finest. Three of whom were some of the kunoichi that Yugito had told him were quite influential and could aid in his goals. He tried to focus on his ambition but was still somewhat rattled by what he had felt nearly happen to Ayame as he was being escorted to Kumo upon leaving the cruise ship. Glad that his lovers were watching out for each other he planned to find some way to show Kiyomi his appreciation, before returning to the matter at hand.

Tsunade was currently inside the Raikage's office and from her mark he could sense a vague sense of amusement coming from her. He supposed it was due to when the Raikage finally learned what it was she wanted from him for Yugito's release, the man would be stunned by how little she was asking for, or by how much depending on his pride. Confident that for the moment she was safe he concentrated on trying to find a way to get close to one of the kunoichi present. Aware he would likely only have time for one seduction he decided his goal was the woman known as Mabui.

But being a shinobi and aware that a shinobi sometimes would have to choose a secondary target to accomplish if his primary became unattainable, he zeroed in on the blonde known as Samui. She stared at him coolly and considering her dress, he had a hard time imagining that she was as ashamed of her breasts as Yugito claimed. However he was aware enough to realize that just because her clothes flaunted her large assets that didn't mean she liked them. It just meant that she was aware of them enough to recognize that even if it was for a split-second that an enemy lost focus as his lusts got the better of him. It was an opening which could decide the victor in a battle. He had to admit also that even as she stood against the wall opposite of him it was hard for his eyes not to be attracted to her breasts even if she wasn't doing anything in particular to call his attention to them. Her current stance being a prime example, as she stood with one arm wrapped across her torso to hold the other tight against her body. He doubted she was even aware of the seductive visage she presented as her stance caused her breasts to be pushed together and up.

Naruto although looking out of the corner of his eye moved onto the dark-skinned red-head lest he get caught staring. He found her attractive in a tomboy sort of way. Not to say that she wasn't feminine, but something told him the kunoichi considered herself to be one of the guys most of the time. That would present some challenges he imagined, particularly due to his current inability to interact with her outside of the current mission to watch him which she had been given. Her obvious disdain for him as a shinobi of Konoha was also apparent.

To be honest it was something almost all the Kumo shinobi present shared. He turned his head to look at a clock and saw that over three hours had passed since Tsunade had entered the Raikage's office. Naruto took the opportunity his movement afforded him to observe who he considered perhaps to be the senior most shinobi present. He knew the man's name was Darui from the clipped introductions he had received upon finding the Raikage waiting for as they entered the building from which the village leader conduct his business. From the laidback way the man carried himself Naruto imagined he and Kakashi would get along swimmingly. Still from his own experiences with his sensei, Naruto knew the man was also highly proficient. The dark-skinned man also no doubt was observing him as closely as or more so than Naruto was.

A loud crash of wood splintering came from the office causing Naruto to launch to his feet, but he could still feel Tsunade's amusement so relaxed. But also did so since all the present Shinobi had pulled blades or kunai to stop him. He wondered what was going on inside the room, and relaxed somewhat as the Raikage's voice called through a voice box on his secretary Mabui's desk, "I need a new desk brought up from storage."

Mabui who had been crouched on top of her desk as she held a kunai in a ready position reached down to activate the device as she said, "Yes, Lord Raikage."

Darui nodded to the blonde light-skinned man present saying, "Shii, I'll leave getting one to you."

The serious looking blonde nodded, before heading off towards the stairs to fulfill his leader's request.

Naruto relaxed and took his seat causing the Kumo-nin to calm as well. However, Naruto took the opportunity to up his release of enhanced pheromones which he had been doing ever since Tsunade entered the office. He smiled as he noticed a slight blush appearing even on the almost porcelain complexion Samui. Figuring the sudden jolt of adrenaline had only accelerated their effect he sat back to wait for the Kumo-nin he expected to explode first to reach his limit.

Now openly watching his Kumo counterparts, Naruto felt a slight worry as he noticed Darui begin to look towards Mabui as she continued to work behind her desk. He worried if that was a sign that the two of them were together but was somewhat bolstered by her remaining focused on her paperwork. While he was aware she may have been simply trying harder not to let the feeling she may have been experiencing show. Her doing everything she could not to look his way gave Naruto the impression that perhaps they had a relationship that had soured. He hoped that was the case since he never wanted to come between two people who cared for each other.

To his surprise she looked up at him to give him a gentle if cool smile. He smiled back and took it as a good sign when she quickly wetted her lips. Naruto wasn't sure if the other blonde male that had been pacing back and forth noticed Mabui's reaction, but he obviously reached his boiling as he said, "What the hell are you smiling at hotshot?"

Naruto focused on the man named Atsui, who outside of the shinobi Shii that had left; he had figured would be the first to react to the pheromones he had released. The presence of the three kunoichi had made Naruto confident that one of the males would react to his presence in the same vein as animals when a strange male entered another's territory. Aware that one of those males was puffing himself up he knew that now he needed to tread carefully lest he start the international incident they were trying to avoid. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you nervous. I was just wondering if I should consider the Raikage breaking his desk a good sign or a bad one."

As Naruto expected, Atsui didn't react to what he had said so much as what he thought he heard when the man replied, "I'm not nervous. You think I'm scared of you."

"I hope not," Naruto replied hoping he sounded sincere.

"Cool down, Atsui," Samui said as her brother tried to project himself over the sitting Naruto.

"Why should I? We should take their Hokage hostage and make them release Lady Yugito. It is what she deserves for arrogantly strutting into our village and making demands."

"I wouldn't do that," Naruto said calmly.

"Yeah, why's that."

"Two reasons," the blond jinchuriki said while letting a little heat into his voice, "The first is it would upset an already delicate situation, and cause more pain for all those involved then you'd know what to do with. The second is because if you even tried to lay a finger on her, I'd stop you."

"Stop this," Atsui said swinging on the blond before he could even stop himself.


Tsunade kept a cool but slightly amused look on her face as the Raikage paced angrily behind his ruined desk. She was glad that she had opted to wear her Hokage robes and hat since she could feel the twin nubs of her nipples rubbing against the bra she was wearing. Quite aware that Naruto's pheromones were even now filling the room despite the closed door she figured that without the robe and extra support the Raikage would know just how excited she was.

As a doctor she had found it fascinating to watch as the Raikage had grown more and more agitated from her lover's pheromones. She had even been aware of the exact moment he first felt their effect as he had paused in midsentence to send a look to the door. Tsunade had just moments before sat a little straighter to present herself as if to tell him that the man she considered an alpha male was nearby. The Raikage had resumed trying to persuade slash threaten her to release Yugito. Her calmness in the face of his growing agitation had only further upset the Kage so that when she rejected an obscene amount of ransom for his jinchuriki the man had snapped slamming his fist into his desk smashing it to pieces.

Aware he was losing his cool he took a moment to calm himself after a halfhearted apology for the outburst. As he steadied his breathing, Tsunade briefly wondered why she wasn't more affected by the airborne chemicals. She decided that it was likely since she had already given herself to Naruto and as such outside of her arousal there was nothing more for them to do to her. She did wonder why she wasn't bothered more by the three women outside the room, but chalked that up to her acceptance that her lover would take more women as his.

After several seconds the Raikage began to make another pitch for the freedom of Yugito to which Tsunade barely paid attention. Studying the Raikage, she couldn't deny that he cared deeply for the shinobi under his command causing her to wonder why it never seemed to be enough to prevent hostilities from erupting between their villages. She figured that at the very least that trait united both of them as she was sure it must be the same for all Kage.

A commotion outside the room caused the Raikage to stare up at the door as he said, "What the hell is going on out there?"

Storming to the door with Tsunade following behind he threw the double doors open and was about to yell. But his shout stopped on his tongue upon seeing Atsui lying on the floor with Naruto pinning him to the ground with a knee in his back and holding a kunai to the back of his neck as several clones prevented the other Kumo shinobi from getting too close to them. "Naruto," Tsunade said sounding stern but was secretly thrilled at her man displaying his dominance of the other, "What are you doing?"

Naruto looked up and rubbed his head with the hand clutching the kunai in embarrassment as he explained, "It wasn't me. This guy tried to coldcock me."

Darui sighed putting his cleaver sword away as he admitted, "Sorry sir, it's true. Maybe the tension of worrying about Lady Yugito is getting to him. We're all feeling it."

"That we are," the Raikage admitted. "Fine, I suppose six shinobi to baby-sit this whelp is a bit of an overkill. Mabui, I trust you can keep an eye on him."

"Yes sir"

"Good, the rest of you are dismissed." The Raikage turned on his heel as Tsunade smirked at her lover and gave him a wink. Naruto smiled as he let the Kumo-nin up saying, "Sorry, no hard feelings." He held out his hand but was blown off as Atsui simply stormed off. The other Kumo-nin left displaying similar degrees of coolness towards him, causing the blond to sigh noisily before the Raikage shut the door to continue his discussion with Tsunade.


Mabui approached the blond to apologize for her fellow Kumo-nin saying, "Don't take it personally. Atsui tends to act first and think later."

"Thanks," the blond man said sincerely, "I really hope we can one day become friends with this village."

Mabui could see the truth of his words reflected in his blue eyes which quickly shifted as they became slitted and glowed red before returning to normal. It barely registered to the woman as she suddenly grew light-headed but was steadied by the blond man as he placed a hand on her hip.

"Are you okay?" he asked as she still wobbled slightly from her sudden vertigo as well from the overpowering scent of the man that seemed to fill her with warmth.

"Y-yes," she replied stepping away unaware of the locating and Hiraishin seal Naruto had placed on her stomach which quickly disappeared. Feeling suddenly parched she asked, "Do you want something to drink?"

The Leaf-nin nodded so the kunoichi headed to a nearby room where she prepared tea, coffee, and snacks for the Raikage and whatever guest he was entertaining. As he followed behind her, Mabui tried to calm the jitters she was beginning to feel from the blond's presence even as she walked with an exaggerated sway to her hips.


Seven was sitting in her cell as she contemplated what she should do with the information she had become privy to. The past two weeks since her meeting with Akame had been relatively difficult as a result of the combat drills she had been subjected to. Their difficulty stemmed from the large handicaps that Akame would give those who would face her. She knew the reason was that the person she had been paired with for the training sessions was Mikoto. They would often be pitted in combat scenarios where they would have to fend off a large number of attackers while defending an objective. Or they would be the attackers and would need to rely on teamwork to win. By subjecting the two of them to such hellish ordeals, he hoped to exploit the small crack that Mikoto had shown the Bijuu turned woman.

Seven's problem though was that if Akame's intentions were so transparent to her then she believed they must have been to Mikoto as well. Mikoto played along occasional dropping small tidbits of information about herself, but Seven knew it wasn't anything that Akame didn't likely already know. Her reason for doing so was obvious to Seven which was that as long as she knew who Akame was using to spy on her, it would allow the woman a certain amount of freedom as well.

Seven pulled her feet up onto the bed as she pulled her knees into her chest. Wrapping her arms around her knees and despite a particularly tough battle that morning, Seven didn't feel any pain due to her rapid healing. A recent upgrade due to Kiyomi's tampering with her seal to allow her more access to her Bijuu powers. Her fellow Bijuu had appeared in her cell when after a particularly vicious battle with a Mizuki backed Ninja Dropout team in full on Animal Curse Mark Mode had nearly defeated her and Mikoto. The former Chunin had seemed significantly stronger to Seven, but in the end she had still triumphed. However not without sustain quite a few injuries, as a result when Kiyomi had called out to her mentally she had ignored her. Not one to take such lying down, the red-head had appeared in person in the cell to lay into Seven, but upon seeing her fellow Bijuu's bruised state had quickly turned nurturing. Kiyomi had lain down next to her on the bed, and placed a hand over the seal on Seven's stomach. Seven had resisted at first but lulled by her fellow Bijuu's warmth had finally relented. She had quickly fallen asleep as Kiyomi hummed gently and by morning although still appearing bruised most of the pain she had been feeling was gone as was Kiyomi. Seven had examined her seal and although not an expert had easily found the changes as a result of her own attempts to change her seal.

Kiyomi's behavior had Seven feeling guilty for her double dealing. Although the seven-tails had yet to actually betray Kiyomi, she wasn't too deluded to deny she had considered it and had practically established the connections she would need to do it. Now though, she felt trapped by her holding back on her becoming one of Akame's lieutenants since she couldn't exactly come clean two weeks after the fact. Not without destroying the bond that Kiyomi had been trying to repair. Therefore in an attempt to find a way out of her current predicament she was turning to the only person she felt she could, Mikoto.

She looked up from her knees to a small stone beetle on her bed which she had created with the small amount of access to her Bijuu chakra she was able to tap into even with the Chakra Repression Seal on. It had a partner which had made its way to the female Uchiha's room while laying a small sticky string which would connect the two stone objects. The stone beetle on her bed opened its shell indicating that the other one was in use which was followed by Mikoto's voice as she said, "My you are fully of surprises. How could you use such an intricate jutsu while the seal is active?"

"A magician never reveals her secrets," Seven replied with a small smile since despite the blood flowing through the other woman's veins she had found she truly did enjoy her company.

"Really," Mikoto said sounding guarded, "It's not a perk of your becoming a major player in Akame's little game."

Seven frowned even though she had expected the Uchiha to have figured out as much already. Remaining cautious herself since for all she knew Mikoto would sell her out she said, "Let's just say it's a perk given to me from someone on the outside."

A note of surprise did enter Mikoto's voice as she said, "Are you saying you've gotten in with the man behind Akame?"

Seven was surprised by Mikoto's response although she supposed she shouldn't have been. All the same signs that she had found that pointed to an even greater power must have been just as obvious to Mikoto. "No, that player has yet to make his presence known. I get the feeling you already know who it is though."

Mikoto aware she may have given away too much said, "What do you want? I'm guessing that whatever it is you don't want Akame to know otherwise you'd have approached me in the shower. You also don't want the people watching our cells aware of this conversation which is why you're using this clever little trick. But let's get one thing straight I don't trust you."

"I know," Seven said a hint of melancholy entering her voice, "From the start of this whole affair I've been only on my own side. Now...now I may have screwed things up with...well to be honest I'm not sure where we stand. I just want to put an end to this plot before things get even more out of hand."

"You have a line of communication outside of the prison. I take it you didn't tell them about your becoming one of Akame's soldiers."

"She still thinks I'm trying to prove myself."

"Come clean," Mikoto said without hesitation, "Otherwise, you take the chance things will spin outside of your control."

"I-I can't"


"I betrayed her once already. She'd never forgive me for attempting to do it again. Please, I know you don't want this plot to go through."

She didn't know if Mikoto felt sympathy for her or had just picked up on the desperation but after a long pause said, "Tell me what you know."

Seven seized the chance saying, "I take it you've noticed how recently some of the better prisoners have gone missing recently."

"Yeah, I've just figured that they were moved outside of the prison to set up for some second stage of the plan."

"No, they can't, a large force of Suna and Konoha-nin are camping within spitting distance of the prison. They've actually been moved to the lowest level of the prison."

"The punishment section? Why?"

"It's been converted to some sort of lab. A man named Amachi has been working there for months now."

"Amachi, I've never heard of him."

"Neither have I, apparently though he was a prisoner in Sea Country. I get the feeling that Akame's backer pulled some strings to get him released somehow. But why he is here is to reverse engineer Mizuki's curse mark."

"Are they close to doing so?"

"I don't know," Seven replied. "I was only given a quick tour recently. It was more of a welcome to the winning side type of thing. Akame didn't exactly invite me to ask too many questions. When I professed some disbelief that they'd be able to crack the seal formula he assured me that this Amachi has intimate knowledge of the curse seal."

"This woman you're working for on the outside... what is she planning?"

"I'm not sure. I know she intends to stop the rebellion, but thus far she hasn't seen fit to share her plans with me." After a moment Seven added sadly, "Not that I can fault her."

"Alright then we'll find a way to end this from the inside. I'll begin to make a show of opening up to you more and let Akame believe you've gained my trust. It should convince him that you're upholding your end of things. Hopefully he'll let you see more of this lab and let you take a more active role in things. We'll talk more tomorrow."

The stone beetle folded its shell signaling that Mikoto was done speaking. It then began to crumble into dirt which she swept onto the floor. Alone again Seven realized just how sad that fact made her and suddenly wished for the warm presence of her sister again.


She was on her knees in a shower and sucking on a dick as if it was the tastiest thing she had ever been given. The man it belonged to leaned his head back to groan, sending a thrill through her body causing her to increase the pace of her bobbing. What also added to her pleasure was the way his eyes automatically sought out hers to watch her please him.

Pulling back she let him out of her mouth with a loud pop and began to tongue the tip of his cock before traveling down his shaft to take one of his balls into her mouth. Fisting his shaft as she sucked on one of his testies causing him to groan again as he said, "Damn Mabui, wherever did you learn to suck cock."

Letting his testicle slide from her mouth she responded, "This is my first time, but I've dreamed of doing this to you for ages."

She took his cock back into her mouth moving back and forth occasionally stopping to run her tongue around the underside of his cock. The man she was pleasing shook his head in pleasure and amusement as he said, "They must have been some explicit dreams." Mabui just moaned in agreement causing the man to groan. Mabui reached up and began to fondle his sack prompting her lover to place his hand on top of her head in an attempt to control the pace of her sucking. It did him little good as she ran her tongue over the tip of his cock and she felt his nuts contract before he began to spew his load into her mouth while shouting, "Ah fuck!" Mabui caught his load with her mouth eagerly and after his orgasm ended leaned back to show him the cum that he had released before closing her mouth. Swallowing, she closed her eyes as she savored the taste, before looking up at him and opening her mouth to show him that it was gone.

Wanting him in her pussy next she was disappointed as the water of the shower turned cold causing her to say, "I think it's time for us to get out of the water Naruto."

Mabui's eyes popped open to see her alarm clock read only an hour later than the last time she had looked having woken from a dream featuring her, Naruto and another blonde woman she didn't recognize. That one had featured him and the blonde having sex in a hotel room only to reveal that they were aware she was awake in the bed next to them. The blonde woman had riled her up to the point where she practically begged for Naruto to join her in her bed to end her sexual torment. The session had then turned into a foursome as they had been joined by a red-head who had been watching from the hall.

Mabui rolled onto her back wondering what was causing her rather explicit dreams. Sitting up in her bed, she felt a slight embarrassment at the uncomfortable reminder of just how sexual her dreams had been as her panties clung to her. Getting out the bed, she hoped a cool shower would calm her body and her lusts so quickly stripped.

Stepping under the cool spray of her shower, she tried to ignore the memories of the dream that the setting inspired. For a moment, she felt an old familiar temptation to call up Darui. However she quickly squashed it down since although they had shared a rather fulfilling sex life. That had been the extent of it and when she had hinted she wanted more he had promptly pulled back. They had still from time to time used each other when one or the other had been in need of relaxation. However, recently Mabui had not been the one to instigate those encounters as she figured if she didn't change her behaviors she wouldn't get different results. Still that didn't mean she hadn't been weak from time to time as the stresses of her job and a general lack of a personal life got to her.

Stepping from the shower and finding that at least for the moment her libido had calmed she decided not to tempt fate by trying to go back to sleep. Getting dressed, she walked through her luxurious apartment which featured a large panoramic window by which she could take in her village. She looked outside on the sleeping village and wondered how she'd kill the couple of hours she had before she needed to head to the Raikage mansion to attend to her duties. She bit her lip fighting the temptation to head to Darui's apartment for some stress relief, and in the end managed to convince herself that doing so wouldn't solve anything but her immediate desires.

However, still feeling restless she left her home and soon found herself overlooking a small rundown hotel in one of the poorest sections of the village. Approaching the group of her fellow Kumo-nin who were quietly observing the building she smiled gently at Jay, a bald dark-skinned man, as he greeted her by saying, "Mabui, I'd have thought you'd have had your fill of these Konoha Bastards. You're likely to be babysitting the one again later."

Mabui frowned since she had found Naruto to be a rather friendly and enjoyable individual. She let the frown disappear as she gently teased, "You'd know a little something about babysitting wouldn't you Jay. Shouldn't you be watching over B or has he slipped from under your noses again?"

Jay chuckled but replied, "Yeah under normal circumstances I'd still be at the Valley of Clouds and Lightning. But Lord Raikage pulled quite a few of the watch teams back to the village. Hope Bee doesn't realize it or else he might go on another of his trips." Directing his gaze to the hotel the man said, "Hard to believe a Kage actually turned down the posh suite we had prepared for her in favor of this dump."

Mabui had found it a little strange as well and briefly felt a twinge between her legs as she wondered if it had something to do with the man that the Hokage was traveling with. Closing her eyes for a moment, she found herself under a desk in some office sucking on the cock of the man sitting at it while another woman spoke to him. Before she could sink too deeply into the fantasy another voice cut into her reverie as it darkly said, "We should take that cow by force and make her tell us where Lady Yugito is. If she refuses we should just unleash B on their village. There isn't anyone capable of stopping him within it anymore.

Mabui focused on Shii and countered, "I wouldn't be so sure. Besides by now the whole world knows the Hokage is here. If any harm comes to her while under the Raikage's protection then it would damage relations with all our potential allies. They included"

"Allies..." Shii said the disbelief he felt at such a term applying to Konoha easy to hear, "They would only be so lucky for us to consider them as allies."

"Don't be so hasty," Mabui cautioned, "Iwa has been busy expanding on their western borders. Eventually they could turn their gaze east and make a play for some of the minor countries along their border. That would all but guarantee Konoha's involvement. Depending on who the Raikage perceives as the bigger threat we could be fighting alongside them to push Iwa back."

"Or we could join them in taking Konoha out," Shii replied bitterly, "It's no less than they deserve for murdering Lord Gashira. We extended a hand in friendship and that Hyuuga bastard cut him down in cold blood."

Mabui nodded in agreement having heard the tale many times herself over the years. She was aware that the Raikage had tried to turn it to his advantage by having the murder's body delivered to Kumo so they could get the Byakugan. But all that had happened before she became his assistant. "Still Shii by now you should know that alliances change and shift with the wind. That is the truth of the shinobi world." Indicating the hotel she added, "That is why the Hokage refused the room we offered her. She knew that we had likely chosen it for the ease by which we could monitor her. By staying here it forced us to scrap all our plans and has afforded her a privacy she wouldn't otherwise enjoy. She even rented the rooms surrounding hers and filled them with shadow clones as an added barrier against us spying. But in the end it's all just part of the game of move and counter-move that we've been playing against them for over a hundred years."


"Oh god Naruto, harder," Tsunade moaned as she was pinned against the wall of the shower as her lover pressed himself against her from behind. Reaching up, he cradled the side of her face as he turned it to kiss him. Tsunade didn't need the prompting as her tongue met his as they made out hotly while he pumped away at her insides.

Naruto withdrew from inside of her but before she could complain spun her around to slam her up against the shower wall before quickly filling her once more. Naruto gripped her ass possessively allowing the Hokage to pull her feet from the ground as she wrapped her legs around his hips. She moaned loudly as he sucked on her tit prompting her lover stop as he said, "Tsunade you need to keep it down. It won't do us a whole lot of good to have rented those extra rooms if the entire hotel still knows what we're up too."

Tsunade though didn't truly care as she pulled her torso close to his as she began to suck and nibble on his ear while replying, "S-screw them...It's your fault you know...oh fuck...getting me all excited by those pheromones of yours...it was all I could do not to have you take me as soon as...ahhh...as soon as my meeting with....more...ended." Naruto chuckled prompting his lover to lean back to stare into his eyes as she said seriously and more coherently, "If I'm going to have to go through that again you're going to have to inoculate me."

Naruto smirked already having a good idea what she wanted as he asked, "How exactly am I supposed to do that?"

He groaned as he felt Tsunade flex her cunt around his large needle while she moaned, "By pumping my womb full of the cure for my lust." Naruto began pumping harder as he leaned in to once more engage her tongue in a wet and sloppy kiss. However, she wasn't dissuaded from making her point as the kiss ended as she picked up where she left off. "I mean it," she said while Naruto again paid attention to her breasts, "I'm not leaving this hotel room until I'm satisfied I've received the proper dosage." Tsunade felt her body preparing to ascend into pure bliss once more. She pulled her lover tighter against her and moaned as he began to suck on her neck. Almost a year of lovemaking had made her quite aware that Naruto was nearing his end as well due to his deeper and more penetrating thrusts as he tried to make sure that all of his seed reached her womb. He pulled her hips tightly against his as she felt his heat fluid her insides causing her to nearly scream in pleasure. But despite her earlier insistence that she didn't care she muffled herself by clamping down over his shoulder.

After he was finished filling her with his seed the two remained where they were as they caught their breaths. Finally, Tsunade placed her feet on the floor as Naruto pulled out some of his seed taking the opportunity to slip from her love tunnel. He stepped back but Tsunade quickly sank to her knees and grabbed ahold of his manhood. Naruto looked down as she pushed some of her hair behind her ear before staring up at him. Her honey-brown eyes twinkled with amusement as she said, "The next dose needs to be ingested orally."

With the hot water of the shower running down his back Naruto couldn't help but just close his eyes and relax. That wasn't to say he didn't plan to make her work for her next dosage though as he had a reputation as a marathon man to protect something he suspected Tsunade wanted to turn into a sprint as he felt her begin to deepthroat him. Once more engaged in the epic battle of will and flesh with his lover he wondered about trying to convince Tsunade to take her next dosage as an anal suppository since she had yet to allow him the honor of taking her virginity there.


Kiyomi was in her study when her sister Yoruichi entered asking, "Kiyomi... why is there a female version of Naruto in your bedroom?"

"What were you doing in there?" the red-head asked annoyed at being disturbed since she was researching something important as she believed she was beginning to understand the motives of the man moving behind the scenes and why he needed the Rinnegan.

"Looking for you... I should have known you'd be here you always were father's little bookworm. Hey! Don't change the subject."

Kiyomi marked her place in the book before replying, "I wasn't." Although she did have to admit she was buying time to organize her thoughts, "She is... well she was the darkness that I set loose inside of Naruto."

Yoruichi sent a small frown towards the door she had entered. Looking back at her sister she asked, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Kiyomi shrugged, and answered, "I don't know to be honest." Getting up she moved to a window to look out upon her property as she answered, "In all honesty I probably should have just reabsorbed the chakra I used to create that dark shadow of Naruto. However, it said something to me that showed me that I was acting in a similar vein as Madara Uchiha. I thought of it as just chakra and disregarded that perhaps due to the feelings I had imbued it with that it might be more than the energy I had used to create it."

"Still, that might be true and all...but are you sure it was a good idea. I mean the idea of a dark version of Naruto running around doesn't exactly seem like the best thing we could ask for."

Kiyomi looked away from the window giving her sister a small half-smile. Turning back to look outside as the sun began to rise and banish the shadows she said, "True, perhaps that is why I've made sure to place a seal that is keeping her asleep. However, at times I think we forget that nobody is inherently dark or light. You described her as a dark version of Naruto and perhaps that is an accurate description considering that I wished, when it was merely a shadow, to only see the worst in everything. Yet is Naruto truly only pure goodness who only sees the best."

"I suppose not," Yoruichi admitted.

"Don't forget that Naruto did experience everything that the shadow tried to throw in his face. I didn't create memories for it to experience. I merely focused it so that it took the worst impressions from them. Yet in the end it still yearned for something more."


"A desire for happiness. Even as it belittled Kushina, it wanted to be held and loved by her. Naruto still has darkness even with this shade's removal. I guess I'm betting that on her own she'll have light and cast her own shadow."

Yoruichi nodded but asked with some amusement, "So why make it a girl? Especially as a girl in his image...are you hoping for a little threesome fun?"

"Hardly," Kiyomi said although she did receive a quick imagine of what such an encounter may look like.

Her sister saw her cheeks brighten so said teasingly, "Perhaps now, right?"

"Oh be quiet," Kiyomi said getting ahold of herself and feeling annoyed from Yoruichi's obvious amusement. "Such a possibility had not even entered into my thought process."

"Until now"

Kiyomi carried on ignoring her sister's smirk as she said, "Truthfully my reason had to do with The Binding. We know that this technique cannot be used by a woman because it is the semen of the user that corrupts the woman's chakra so that she can be controlled by him. If she does become evil I have no desire to have let loose another Kanji on the world. Yet truthfully I want her to have an identity of her own and not consider herself to be a cheap copy of Naruto."

"So what's to stop her from feeling like she's just a cheap female version of him?"

Kiyomi turned around and smiled as she said, "I imagine there will be some of that. That is another reason why I'm keeping her asleep. I want Naruto here when she awakens because I know he'd help her come to understand she is more than the sum of the memories they share. The rest I'll leave to biology." Upon seeing her sister's confused expression Kiyomi explained, "Come now. You should know exactly what I mean? Our own ways of thinking have changed as a result of these forms we have taken. When it's cold outside don't you yearn for our lover to be present so you can snuggle into him?"

"Well yeah sure but..."

"But what would you have done in the past?"

Yoruichi actually needed to think about it for a moment but answered, "I'd have simply generated some more chakra to keep me warm."

"And what is method is it that generally comes to you first now?" Yoruichi's smile was all the answer that Kiyomi needed as she said, "Exactly. Their paths are now separate and each can head in their own direction. Perhaps someday they'll merge again, but on that day they'll most certainly be two different and complete individuals."


Mabui wasn't feeling at her best which she attributed to the lack of sleep she had enjoyed. After leaving the team watching over the motel that the Hokage was staying at she had decided to just go into the office to get ready for the day's events. Having a need to get some papers from the first floor she decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs, which she felt probably showed how rundown she was. Considering the Administration Building had yet to officially open for the day, she knew it was going to be a rough one. The elevator came to a stop on the third floor of the building which was built into the mountain that Kumogakure rested upon. When the doors opened she fought back the urge to frown as Darui was waiting for the elevator car.

"Going up or going down?" he asked in his usual laid back manner although he appeared as worn down as her.

"Down," she answered causing him to step inside the car behind her as she made room.

The doors closed and she looked at his reflection in the polished metal of them. She noticed him checking her out and as a result wasn't surprised as he asked, "Hey, how about later tonight I come by..."

She cut him off though as she quickly dismissed the idea he was about to raise by saying, "We've been down this road, Darui. You're not interested in what I want."

"But it looks like I got what you need. You look like you want to blow off some steam."

Mabui couldn't deny that and looked up at the numbers displayed above the elevators' doors. Wondering why it felt the car was moving so slow she replied, "I'm not the only one, since that's the only time I ever hear from you. Why don't you call up one of your other goodtime gals? I'm sure they'd be more than willing to receive what you have to offer."

Darui shrugged before replying, "Guess, I'm going to have too. I was just hoping I could get with the best before calling the rest."

Despite herself Mabui did flush slightly at the compliment since she had long known about his other friends with benefits so never begrudged him for that. She had been of the same mind for a while herself as she had wanted to concentrate on her career. But now being in her late twenties and probably at the highest point she would achieve had tried to hope for more. She had hoped for it with Darui, but he found the idea to be far removed from what he wanted. She supposed she couldn't blame him though as she had little doubt that any one of the other ladies he would call upon would gladly drop what they were doing to be with him. She was tempted herself which is why she was glad when the doors finally opened allowing her to escape with a quick goodbye as she headed to collect the papers she needed.


Naruto could tell it had been a relatively sleepless night for Mabui, just from the many times she had yawned already that morning. He could also tell his pheromones were having the desired effect from the many times she had discreetly tried to look at him and the few times she had been caught blatantly doing so as her mind appeared to be somewhere else. Glad it was just him and her at the moment, he wondered how to best approach her since Tsunade was unsure at how much longer she could drag out the negotiations.

Still, he let the matter slip from him mind for the moment to think about how strange being in the different village felt. A primary example had been the stares that he and Tsunade had received upon their leaving the motel they had stayed at for the night. Naruto chuckled since he had left clones strewn all over the place to prevent Kumo from being able to approach the place in case they needed to return there again. There was still a chance that even if no one approached their rooms, they might simply decide to stay somewhere else just to throw the Kumo-nin watching them for a loop. But back to the stares, almost everyone had stopped what they were doing as Naruto and Tsunade had made their way to Kumo's Administration Building to watch them some fearfully while others appeared merely curious. Having been to Suna many times he found it a little disconcerting. Tsunade had quickly pointed out that by the time he first went to the Sand Village, Konoha and Suna had been allies for years so the villagers and shinobi had seen Leaf Shinobi many times. Due to the history that Kumo and Konoha shared it was very likely that many of the people had never even seen a member of the Leaf in person. She had joked that they were probably wondering where they were hiding their horns and tails.

Naruto chuckled, but at the same time felt a touch of depression since that was one of the greatest cruxes of his ambition and one he had yet to come up with a satisfactory answer too. His lover must have read that her joke struck a little close to home as she gently whispered, "You will..." Naruto smiled at her genuinely almost hearing the, "My Love," that she often used when they were alone.

One thing that had surprised him though was that they hadn't been escorted, although both of them knew that quite a few Kumo-nin were tracking their every move. He guessed the Raikage wanted them to enjoy the illusion that they were welcome in his village. Still they had made the best of it by stopping for breakfast at an outside café on one of the terraces strewn all over the mountain that Kumogakure was founded on.

From there they had made their way to the Raikage's office where they had been met by the man himself on the first floor. He had personally escorted them up, leaving Naruto alone outside with Mabui. Naruto was about to turn his attention back to his seduction of Mabui, but was surprised that she was standing in front of him having moved during his playback of the morning. "I'm sorry what," he asked having the impression she had already asked him something.

"I said I need to take care of something. Would you like me to bring some refreshments when I return?"

"Um...sure some water would be great. Should I come with you? I'm afraid of what would happen if someone comes by while you're gone."

Mabui looked tempted to say yes, but declined as she answered, "Don't worry. The Raikage has left instructions he's not to be disturbed today. Nobody should come up here unless summoned or an emergency happens."

Naruto nodded, but was still a little worried since he could only imagine the scenario if some hot-head showed up and took his being alone as a reason to be upset. Guessing she figured she wouldn't be gone long, he settled in to wait for her return. Yet after around ten minutes, he began to get worried. Closing his eyes, he sensed the mark he had placed on her the day before and found it stationery just around the corner. He frowned wondering what she was up to, since he could tell it wasn't in the small office area where she had prepared the tea for the Kage the day before. Having watched as she prepared the tea, he tried to guess her location and placed her further down the hall in what had been marked record archives.

Using the Hiraishin, that was also a part of the temporary mark, he "looked" in on her. Naruto smiled wolfishly as he saw the woman standing towards the back of the room as she discreetly rubbed her pussy having hiked her skirt up while biting on the knuckle of her index finger to muffle her moans. Having already made sure the area outside the Raikage's office was camera free he teleported appearing in the records room near the door. Mabui didn't notice his entrance as a result of her closed eyes so gasped when he said, "It appears I've caught you at a bad time. Or was it a good one."

He noticed her eyes immediately moved towards the lock of the door missing the privacy seal he had placed on the door as she wondered if she had secured it while smoothing out her clothes. She frowned seeing that it was but wondered if maybe he had hoping to use the leverage of catching her to blackmail her. Trying to bluster her way out of the situation she approached him as she said, "You shouldn't be here. I'll forget..."

"I won't," he replied as she stopped in front of him. Her eyes grew wide as he grabbed the hand she had been using to pleasure herself and holding it up between their faces added, "It would be a crime to forget something so beautiful and sexy." Mabui blushed at the evidence of her arousal that still coated her fingers. Leaning in close to her causing her to get lightheaded as his scent filled her nostrils he added, "Let me finish what you started."

Before she could react his other hand quickly found her pussy which had grown even wetter either from being caught or by whom. He began to rub her dampened panties along her slit causing the woman to moan which he silenced by kissing her. Mabui didn't resist as his tongue ran across her lips looking for entrance which she granted. Deepening the kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck even as he pushed her deeper into the room. She heard him fiddling with his pants with his free hand and heard them hit the floor before he hiked up her skirt to press his manhood between her thighs. Mabui regained some of her sense breaking the kiss to pull back enough to try and regain control of the situation. However, before she could, he slid his length along her panties causing her to gasp and her thighs to clamp around his hardness. Feeling the heat coming from his dick, which matched the heat radiating from her core, her potential protest died on the tip of her tongue. Naruto sensed her surrender so slipped her panties to the side and pushed his dick inside her hot and wet tunnel.

Both of them sighed as he entered her fully, but Naruto aware that time was of the essence couldn't savor the moment so began churning her insides. Mabui quickly wrapped her arms around his neck as her right leg rose up to wrap around his hip. She buried her face into the jacket he wore hoping to muffle the sounds of pleasure her throat wanted to give voice too.

Naruto's hands gripped the woman's ass to pull her towards him harder and faster in an effort to bring them both to climax quickly. For Mabui, whose sexual engine had been running hot since the day before, it was a race that finished before it began as she quickly came. Naruto just continued to plow her soaking cunny though her orgasm causing her to experience orgasm after orgasm. Mabui seemed to lose it as she began to moan and pant incoherently while she tried to breathe. Her eyes grew glassy as her tongue hung out of her mouth as she tried to give voice to what she was feeling as she went loose in his arms. She grew taught though a moment later as Naruto jammed his dick fully inside of her and began to cum. She gave out a sound between a moan and a murmur as she began to shake from the warmth being ejected inside of her.

Mabui clung to him as their breathing returned to normal. After several minutes and now that her sexual needs had been sated, looked torn between rejecting what they had done or just basking in the afterglow. At the very least she decided to let him know how great it had been as she said, "That was incredible..."

"Yeah," Naruto said with a somber tone before adding, "It's a shame you're going to forget it for a while."


Mabui didn't finish her question as Naruto began to whisper instructions to her causing her gaze to go blank as she received them. He pulled away from her as he finished and watched as she began to straighten herself. She'd remember bits and pieces of what they had just shared but she'd strangely not be curious about who she had done it with. At least until Yugito could arrange a reunion where Naruto would have more time to explain everything. He removed the seal he had placed on the room after pulling his pants back up and stepped into the hall after making sure it was empty. Naruto sat down outside the Raikage's office and figured that soon Tsunade would figure out it was alright to advance the plan to the next level.


Tsunade had sensed it as Naruto and Mabui moved from outside the door. From the amount of time the two were away she could easily guess what they had been up to not that it was the only way she had of knowing. The Raikage lapsed into silence so she focused back on him and from the way he was glaring at her suspected he was waiting for the answer to the offer he had made. Truthfully since it was the usual list of money, jutsu, or information exchanges, she had stopped listening as she concentrated on her lover's mark and state of emotion. Having picked up on the sense of satisfaction and release he usually exhibit after sex she decided to end the game she had been playing.

"No I don't think that will work for me at all. I can tell you aren't serious about this so maybe we'll try again in a few months."

"Dammit woman," A shouted slamming the palm of his hand down on the desk causing it to creak, "I've offered a king's ransom and yet you still won't return my shinobi. She is a precious member of my village so name your price."

"Is she?" Tsunade asked and leaned forward placing a hand on the Raikage's desk. She didn't smirk, but felt amused as his eyes darted to her cleavage for a moment. He shifted uncomfortable in his seat so she pressed forward saying, "Or is it the Bijuu she carries that is so important to you."

"Both," A said angrily, "What are you driving at?"

"Simple. I don't believe you care for her as much as you say you do.

"How dare..."

"Please, don't throw your self-righteous anger in my face. All you've offered is trinkets that are easily replaceable. You ordered a member of your village to poison members of mine and think you can buy your weapon back. Call me when you're serious about making amends and then we'll talk about returning Yugito back to you. Until then she can enjoy Konoha's hospitality."

Tsunade spun on her heel and began heading towards the door. She paused as the Raikage said, "If you leave this room then Konoha and Kumo will be at war before you cross the threshold."

Tsunade paused, and turned slowly her brown eyes truly furious as she said, "You'd threaten war when we're the ones that nearly suffered from one of your schemes. Don't confuse me with the Third Hokage. You can't bluff and bluster your way into making me back down. We both know that a war would quickly turn against you. The only potential ally you have is Iwa and they're too busy starting fights against the minor countries on their western border. Kiri might help but considering the recent civil war you can't be sure whose side they will come out on. Unless Iwa joins you at which point I'm sure there are many people in Kiri that still remember how they betrayed them making an alliance with either village unlikely."

The Raikage scoffed as he replied, "Are you willing to chance it?"

Despite her reputation as the Legendary Sucker, Tsunade had an excellent poker face which showed none of the concern she felt as she replied, "Are you?"

The two Kages stared each other down in a battle of wills until A looked away first as he asked, "What do you want?"

"For you to put your pride on the line," Tsunade said walking back towards the Raikage. Pulling a sheet of paper from her green jacket she placed it on his desk. A picked it up but she told him what it contained even as he read it saying, "You are going to admit that you ordered Yugito to carry out an attack meant to implicate Konoha's allies the Shinobi of the Sand in an attempt to cause distrust between us. Furthermore, you're also going to admit to the true mission of your Head Ninja during the failed attempt at an alliance thirteen years ago."

"What!? Forget it...that matter was resolved and you even..."

"I'm not negotiating with you on these points," Tsunade said sternly, "I'm telling you. You've gotten away with a lie for all these years and while to you it may be a matter that simply would sting your pride to admit your involvement. To some of the shinobi under my command it has left lasting scars that can perhaps finally fully heal. You claim Yugito is important as more than just a weapon. Is your pride really too much to offer for her return?"

A stared at the paper and read it to make sure it said all that Tsunade had related. After a moment he signed and reaching into his desk applied his seal. Tsunade folded it back up and stuck it in her pocket before saying, "Today you've made a wise decision. One that I'm glad to say has thwarted the plot of two old fossils whose tune you were dancing to."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say that your source in Elder Joseki's home has been compromised and leave it at that. He leaked you the false information on why we assembled the Training Force hoping your actions would cause his lies to become truth."

"How do you know this?"

Tsunade simply smiled before turning to leave as she replied, "I can't say just yet. My hope is that you'll take my words to heart and that perhaps my Great Uncle's efforts to forge a partnership between our villages can be realized. By the way, send someone to extract your man in person. Don't just summon him back. Otherwise you may not like how he is returned."

A ignored her warning instead saying, "When will Yugito be returned?"

"I'll send word as soon as Naruto and I leave the village. Thank you for the hospitality."

A just stood to look out on his village as Tsunade left his office. He knew the Hokage would keep her word since with his admission of guilt keeping the jinchuriki would do her more harm than good. The admission would cause him some problems outside of Kumo, but inside his standing wouldn't fall since many would believe he had only admitted his involvement to get Yugito returned. The rest would be attributed as nothing but lies generated by Konoha. Even her capture had been explained as Konoha interfering with a peaceful mission to render aid to a village in Frost Country. His higher ups knew the truth, but many of the rank and file would believe the lies. He wondered briefly if his lieutenants, many of whom were genin during the Hyuuga incident would realize that they had been lied to and what they would think of him if they did.

One of those people entered his office and asked, "Sir, how did the negotiations go?"

"Not very well for me personally I'm afraid, but the Hokage has promised to return Yugito."

"I understand sir," Mabui replied, "She'll likely take a land route for her return to her village. Should I send an escort?"

A nodded, answering, "Yeah, tell them to remain far back though. As a matter of fact, have them report to me. The last thing we need is for another Senju to die in our territory. The last time that happened Konoha nearly ended us during the First Shinobi War."

"As you wish, sir." Mabui said turning to fulfill her orders.

She stopped though as he said, "Also, send word to our man in Joseki's residence that I want him to return. I'll wish to speak with him as soon as he enters the village."

"Are you sure? It will not be easy to get another agent in such a high ranking Suna-nin's home."

A didn't respond so Mabui turned to leave frowning slightly as she felt more cum leak from her, only to be stopped by her panties. When she spoke with the man that had deposited it there, she planned to have a few words with him about being so promiscuous while on duty. She wondered why she couldn't picture his face but simply chalked it up to how tired she was.


Yugito had returned to Kumo far quicker than any in the village had expected. The reason being, that before Naruto had even left the village he had Hiraishined her to a safe-house in Hot-Water Country. The very same one where she had been converted to his cause as it turned out. Therefore upon hearing from Katsuyu's clone that she was free to return to her village, she had easily made it in record time. From some of what she heard Tsunade and Naruto hadn't even made it to Lightning's border yet. A part of the reason was that she figured the Hokage wanted to see how A would react if he thought he could move against them without the Kumo kunoichi being used as a hostage. The other Yugito was sure was due to Tsunade's traveling companion and her unrivaled access to him throughout the trip.

Yugito's return had been heartfelt as the Raikage had shed tears as had a few others. She had quickly apologized for her failure and the hardship it had caused, but A had assured her that there was no way for her to know that the alliance between Suna and Konoha had become so close as for her to expect Suna-nin inside such an important facility. Yugito felt a pang of guilt at that, but pushed it away hoping her letting herself get caught might one day lead to a similar close alliance for her home and the other two villages. The mood though had fallen considerable when Mabui had entered the office to inform the Raikage that their man in Suna had died. The Raikage had grown pale as he asked how to which the secretary had informed him that it appeared that an Iwa-nin had tried to break in looking for plans on the Training Force. In his role as a servant their man had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Iwa-nin had also been killed by several Suna-nin that had heard the commotion.

The Raikage though simply collapsed into his chair at the news and whispered softly to himself, "She warned me this would happen."

"Lord Raikage," Yugito had said worriedly.

But the Raikage didn't explain as he stood and tried to smile at her saying, "Yugito, you must be tired from your ordeal. Rest, and we'll see about finding you something to fill your time when you're ready for duty."

"I'm ready now sir."

"I'll be the judge of that." He ushered her out of the office while asking Mabui to stay so they could make preparations for their spy's funeral and to inform his family. About half-way to the door she began to move under her own power instead of being pushed so the Raikage turned to head back to his desk. She turned back just before leaving the office in time to see his shoulders slump as the weight of his position got to him as well as the sadness of needing to bury another of his men.
