
34. Target: Pakura: Part I

Mabui opened her eyes and couldn't remember that last time that she had woken in such a state of contentment. Sitting up and clutching her covers to her nude frame, she felt disappointed by waking alone. However she was aware that perhaps another of his lovers required his attention. Therefore, she channeled her chakra through the small fox mark on her ankle. She felt her world expand as she began to sense the other women that she was connected to through the young man she had taken as a lover. She felt a measure of joy as she found that he hadn't gone far, but wasn't too sure how to take the fact that he wasn't alone in her living room.

She slipped from her bed and threw a light silk robe on which barely reach down to mid-thigh. She stepped into the living room and found Naruto and Yugito sitting in one of her chairs. Yugito was in her bra and panties as she sat in his naked lap with one of her breasts exposed. They were both facing toward the large panoramic and watching as the sun rose over Kumogakure. Yugito seemed to purr from the light fingering she was enjoying as she rested her head on Naruto's shoulder.

Mabui watched them and was surprised to find that she wasn't jealous. She tried to understand why, and figured that it stemmed from the same reason she hadn't been bothered by Darui's other lovers. She supposed there was something to be said about knowing what she was getting into beforehand. She also admitted that it was something of a turn on since to him it just seemed so common place.

But she supposed it was which he proved as he turned his head towards her to say, "I can see why you love this apartment. This view is amazing."

Mabui looked out the window and was surprised at just how impressive the sight was as the sun rose over the mountain casting its light over her home. She wondered how she had never noticed it before. She supposed it was just another thing that she hadn't taken the time to indulge in as she climbed the ranks as a kunoichi.

Yugito smiled as she looked up to see Mabui staring out the window as if seeing the village for the first time. Yugito extracted herself from Naruto's lap taking a moment to lick her juices from the finger her lover had just had buried inside her. She walked towards Mabui and grabbed the woman's hand. Pulling her towards the chair she sat Mabui down on Naruto's lap as she said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, but well when I felt him in the village I couldn't stay away."

She was about to turn and leave but Naruto pulled her down onto his lap as well. Nestled between his two lovers he said, "There's no need to leave. You can't tell me you're satisfied with that little bit of fooling around."

"I don't want to intrude," Yugito replied as she kept her gaze on Mabui.

"Do you think she's intruding, Mabui?"

Mabui to a certain extent felt that she was, having wanted Naruto to herself that morning. However she shook her head no since she figured much like her, Yugito would find her access to the blond extremely limited when compared to those inside Konoha and even Suna to a certain extent. She felt better about her choice when Naruto smiled at her. The three settled in and watched the sun continue its climb into the morning sky.

Again Mabui couldn't believe that she had lived in her apartment for years without noticing she was privy to such an amazing sight. Her attention was pulled from it as she noticed Yugito's shoulder moving subtly. She followed it down to see the jinchuriki was gently stroking Naruto's cock. Mabui wetted her lips at the sight and then placed her hand over Yugito's. The blonde woman smiled at her as they both began to jerk him off. Naruto sighed in pleasure as he leaned back to enjoy the two women's efforts.

Yugito gasped causing Mabui to wonder why, but she got a hint as she felt Naruto's hand travel over her leg before nesting between them. He began to gently rub the outside of her pussy causing the kunoichi's own actions to become less controlled. Yugito surprised Mabui as she pulled the sash of her robe loose before leaning forward to suck on one of the dark-skinned woman's nipples. Mabui moaned as she felt the kunoichi's tongue begin to trace over her areola and shuddered in pleasure when she bit down on the hardened nub.

Yugito pulled her mouth from Mabui's breast and stood from Naruto's lap. She pulled Mabui up as well as she backed up against the large window. Once Yugito's back touched the window she smiled over Mabui's shoulder at their shared lover. She then reached down to Mabui's waist to pull the woman's robe up over her hips and expose her ass for Naruto's hungry eyes.

Mabui looked over her shoulder to see Naruto closing with her and sighed happily as he pressed his cock up against her pussy. Naruto began to slide inside of her pressing Mabui into Yugito who in turn was pushed up against the glass of the window. Mabui moaned loudly as Naruto began churning about inside her. It grew in volume as Yugito's hand reached down and began to rub her clit as the kunoichi also kissed and licked around her chest and neck. Finally, she zeroed in on her mouth to which Mabui eagerly responded as she felt the woman's tongue enter it.

The kiss was broken though as Naruto stepped back with Mabui and then reached down to pull the woman off her feet. He held her by her legs, and held them open giving Yugito a spectacular view of where they were connected. Mabui's skin darkened from embarrassment as Yugito's eyes devoured her.

The kunoichi jinchuriki licked her lips before sauntering towards them. Upon pressing her body against Mabui's, she leaned in to kiss Naruto over the woman's shoulder as she also fondled one of her breasts.

Mabui watched hungrily out of the corner of her eye and when Yugito pulled back quickly turned her head to capture Naruto's lips herself. She moaned into his mouth as Yugito slowly traced down her body with her tongue in order to zero in on Mabui's breasts. It grew in intensity as Yugito knelt down even further in front of the rutting pair to concentrate her actions around where Naruto and Mabui were connected. Naruto's grunts picked up in intensity as the blonde kunoichi began to fondle his balls while he continued to pound away within Mabui's velvet snatch.

Mabui reached back and grabbed Naruto's head, as she suddenly came, which in turn set Naruto off as he creamed the kunoichi's insides. She sagged in his arms, causing the young man to carry her over to a couch where he set her down. Naruto groaned as he straightened from setting the kunoichi on the couch due to Yugito taking his cock in her mouth once he had slipped free of Mabui's pussy.

Mabui watched as Naruto's hardness quickly returned and despite her recent release moaned as she began to rub her pussy. Yugito pulled her mouth from her lovers love stick and seeing the Raikage assistant's actions smiled as she said, "You can't get enough can you."

Mabui blushed and looked away but quickly looked back as Yugito took a spot between her legs. Kneeling on all fours Yugito said, "Don't worry, I'll lend a hand... or a tongue."

Before Mabui could respond, she moaned as the kunoichi's tongue began probing her depths. Despite being a little uncomfortable at the idea, she nonetheless found herself wrapping her hands up in Yugito's hair. As a result, when the woman pulled away to say to a gawking Naruto, "Hey, don't just stand there," Mabui found herself quickly trying to pull Yugito mouth back towards her pussy.

Naruto climbed onto the couch behind Yugito and gripping her hips asked, "So which hole does my sexy kitten want filled?"

"Mpph mass," Yugito mumbled as she tried to answer against Mabui's gyrating hips.

Naruto inferred what she meant and after rubbing his cockhead against her slippery cunt, pressed it up against her anus. He slid in slowly which prompted Yugito to moan into Mabui's cunt causing the dark-skinned woman toshout, "Yes...keep...keep doing that."

Although neither jinchuriki knew who she was talking to, both decided to do as she asked and continued in their pursuits of pleasure. Under Yugito's talented tongue, Mabui didn't last long and with a shout came coating the other woman's face in her release. Naruto promptly pulled the blonde kunoichi up against his chest so that he could taste Mabui on her lips. Mabui watched glassy eyed as the two jinchuriki rutted against each other on the opposite end of her couch.

She wanted to join them, but her body refused to move so she settled in to watch as Naruto's hand snaked down the kunoichi's body as he began to rub her cunnie while his other hand pinched and pulled one of her nipples. Yugito eyes grew wide after Naruto thrust into her violently, and then paused; leaving Mabui to believe that he was filling her ass with his cum. She screamed a moment later after Naruto pressed on her clit as he triggered her orgasm.

The two stood still as they rode out their releases before Yugito fell forward onto Mabui. She smiled as Yugito hummed contently while the other woman held her in a loose hug. Naruto sat watching his two lovers with a small happy smile. As Mabui watched him in turn, she couldn't help but want to do her part so that his smile never disappeared.


A freshly showered, but still naked Naruto appeared in his apartment as he teleported from Mabui's. He tossed the clothes he had worn to the Kumo kunoichi's home to the side and smiled upon seeing Hinata asleep in his bed. He knelt down to kiss her on the cheek but stopped as she said, "I take it everything went well with your newest lover."

Naruto nodded and sitting down on the bed kissed her gently before answering, "Yes, I can safely say that Mabui is on board. I'm sorry I left you alone last night."

Hinata sat up revealing that she had been sleeping in the nude as the covers fell away. "That's okay. I'm just glad that she has come around."

Naruto shook his head before giving her a kiss. As he pulled away he cupped her cheek to say, "You really are too kind. It's alright to be a little selfish."

Hinata's eyes twinkled with amusement as she replied, "What do you mean? I'm not letting you off the hook. You still owe me a date." Naruto kissed her again and then chuckled as she pouted cutely, "I'm not joking."

"I know princess," Naruto said standing from the bed. "Unfortunately, we'll have to find the time another day. Today's engagement is something we shouldn't miss."

Hinata nodded as she extracted herself from the bed to head towards his bathroom. Naruto's gaze followed the naked beauty until she shut the door behind her. For a moment the blond was tempted to join her, but remembering his words about the day's engagement forced himself towards his closet. Upon opening it, he sighed as he looked upon the black mourning clothes that he had purchased. He truly hoped they would be the last that he needed to buy, but knew that it was a wish that was unlikely to ever come true. As he reached for them, he figured that if there was a silver lining to the funeral he was about to attend it was that it was to honor a man who had long since passed.


Hinata kissed Naruto one last time before he disappeared from her room after he dropped her off. She nodded to the shadow clone that was henged as her and sighed after it disappeared. While she truly hadn't minded it when Naruto had left to attend to Mabui, she was somewhat sad that she couldn't attend the funeral for her Uncle with him. Granted it wasn't exactly a date environment, but she knew herself enough to figure she'd get emotional and would have liked it if her boyfriend could stand next to her.

Stepping from her room she nearly ran into Hanabi. Her sister looked surprised like she had been debating knocking on her door for some time. Looking like she had been on the verge of losing her nerve the younger Hyuuga seemed to shrink inside of herself as she said, "Father sent me to alert you that it is nearly time to leave."

"Tha..." Hinata stopped in thanking her sister as she began heading down the hall at a brisk pace. Hinata frowned, fearing that her marked improvement was driving a wedge between them. However she pushed such concerns to the back of her mind as she began to slowly follow in her sister's wake. Upon reaching the main foyer of her family's home she wasn't surprised to find that no one had waited for her.

She didn't mind though as she figured that it would give her some time to think about her place in the clan. She was surprised to learn that upon Tsunade's return from Kumo that many of the elders were now seriously considering going against her father and backing her right to assume leadership of the Hyuuga. Hinata was weary of her new supporters since she believed many of them were simply opportunists hoping to hitch their wagons to her rising star. In the end, she felt they were gambling on who they thought would grant them the most boons for their favor. She had to admit that she must have made a tempting ally since now that she was seventeen she could likely marry one of the elders' sons or grandsons thereby granting their family a line of secession. That, plus the fact that for so long she had been thought of as worthless had left her without any allies upon which to call should she press her claim to rule the clan.

Hinata frowned as she was beginning to understand why her ancestors had created the Branch family in the first place. All the political horse-trading going on behind the scenes could lead to open hostility if she wasn't careful, which was one reason she had kept those trying to align themselves with her at arm's length. Instead of becoming indebted to people looking at her as a way to promote their own self-interests, she intended to rise on her own merits. That and with the support of her family with Naruto. The only other group of people whose support of her claim she welcomed was that of the Branch family. Many of whom, upon hearing how it was her suggestion to the Hokage that had given Tsunade the idea to press for the Raikage to admit his involvement in the incident fourteen years ago, were now openly supporting her claim as heiress. Hinata though was being cautious not to try and use the incident to her political benefit, since she had not been thinking of such things at the time. All she had thought was that it was a way to extract something from the Raikage, for him to retrieve Yugito, without it being too painful to the people of Kumo. That, as well as it's being a way to finally close the book on a painful chapter in her family's story. Strangely to her though, it was her obvious discomfort at the idea of her benefiting from her involvement in the matter that seemed to make the Branch Family so vigorous in their support of her.

Reaching the Hokage mansion, she entered and made her way to the roof so she could lend her voice to the many that would speak kindly of her uncle.


Karin began to make her way down from the roof of the Hokage mansion having decided to show her support for her fellow Harem family member. It was upon stepping outside that she frowned upon seeing Ibiki waiting against one of the stone posts that marked the entrance to the grounds with his arms crossed. She was hoping he was there for someone else but that proved not to be the case as he said, "Rather strange, you attending a funeral service for a man you never met."

Karin paused as she pulled her glasses off and began cleaning them as she replied, "I did it as a sign of respect to the clan he was a member of. I was hardly the only business person attending the service."

Ibiki nodded at her point before saying, "True, you're certainly taking to this new role you've secured for yourself."

"Thank you," Karin said politely, "Now if you can excuse me I have business to attend to."

"I do too, which is why I'm here."

"Can we talk and walk?"

Ibiki nodded and then wasted no time in asking, "I have questions about what went down in Wave when you purchased that hotel."

"You aren't the only one," Karin replied. "I was hoping you'd be able to supply some answers."

"Afraid not," the Head interrogator said gruffly, "Unfortunately although the S. I. N. conglomerate has been extremely forth coming with information. I'm afraid it hasn't given us any ideas as to what was motivating those two that attacked you. They claim they weren't even all that interested in the hotel, but only decided to make the bid since Vega was so insistent. Considering he had achieved some amazing results in the past they thought he knew something they didn't."

Karin frowned as she asked, "Do you buy that?"

"Not really," Ibiki admitted, "Unfortunately due to its very nature as a company, the people I've spoken with might be nothing more than unaware dupes feeding me a company line. But I do get the feeling that at the very least; most of the people at S. I. N are unaware of anything sinister going on."

"Okay so why come to me?"

"I was wondering if you've found anything strange as you've begun renovating the hotel."

"No, I'm afraid not. Although, I will tell Tsunami to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary as she leads the rebuild. If she finds anything I'll let you know."

"Good," Ibiki said and then noticing the former Sound kunoichi was likely processing the information and forming a theory of her own asked, "What are you thinking?"

"It's probably nothing," Karin said after a minute.

"Or it could be something. You've obviously been giving this matter some thought, and I really need a new trail to explore as I'm currently at a dead end."

Karin was hesitant to speak to the man, but in the end figured his chasing down anything about the Wave incident posed no threat to her new life so said, "It's just...I've often wondered if this attempt to purchase the hotel was just a new way to pick up where Gato left off."

"What do you mean?"

Karin gathered her thoughts before saying, "I've been running the numbers, and to be honest I just don't see what his goal was for Wave. He had completely decimated that country, and while his monopoly guaranteed him their business. What good does that do him when they can no longer afford to pay?"

"I never been one for business, but I take it you have an idea."

"Yeah, you take the only thing they have left. You get them to sell you their land on the cheap and then provide them a one way ticket off the island."

"Where does he go from there then?"

Karin shrugged as she admitted, "I don't know. That's where my theory kind of falls flat I admit."

"Perhaps not," Ibiki said as he crossed his arms across his chest in a thinking pose. "I assume you think the problem with your theory is if Gato was working in League with whomever Vega and Balrog are. Then why only use a single missing-nin to deal with the Bridge builder and the shinobi team guarding him?"

Karin nodded, and replied, "Exactly, it doesn't really fly if he had access to such skilled shinobi."

"Unless a third party decided to let Gato loose on Wave and then move in to pick up the pieces after he was done and had moved on. You're right in saying Gato's long term goals for Wave didn't appear to offer much financial benefit to him. But even he didn't have the money to buy a country. His ruining it was merely due to the nature of where he set up his monopoly. After Kakashi's mission to Wave and Gato's death, we never bothered to look into how he built his empire. It may just be time to start. Thank you; you've given me a good deal to think about."

Karin smiled as she said, "I'm glad I could help."

Ibiki inclined his head and then surprised her by saying, "You should know that my original reason for searching you out was to inform you that if you are still interested that I've recommended you for reservist status within Konoha's shinobi system." Karin couldn't keep the surprise from her face, causing the scarred man to say, "It's a position where if an emergency situation is called, you would be called upon to help defend the village. It's something that is usual made up of retired Shinobi or Kunoichi. I've recommended you in part due to the bravery that you showed in Wave when you helped the genin assigned to protect you."

"I'm not sure what to say, but thank you."

"You're thanks are not necessary. If you're interested then meet with a man named Ebisu, who coincidentally is also the sensei of the genin you helped."

Karin smiled as she said she would. She began to walk away from Ibiki as he headed off to his department, but Koharu called out to her saying, "Ah, Karin please hold on a moment." The red-head stopped smiling towards the elder who said as other people that attended the funeral passed them, "I wanted to say how pleased it made me to see a representative of our business community pay tribute to one of the heroes of the village."

"Don't mention it," Karin said as she and elder began walking away together. Once they were sure they were alone she said, "Did you already know Ibiki had nominated me as a reservist?"

Koharu smiled as she answered, "Of course. We thought it would be a nice surprise. He did it as soon as he had read the report on what happened in Wave. It shouldn't interfere with your other duties. People are only called up during times of war." Karin nodded, but appeared lost in thought prompting the elder to ask, "Is something wrong?"

"Ibiki just stirred up some memories about what went down in Wave. That's all."

"What about precisely?"

Karin frowned and bit her lip as she was hesitant to bring it up since Naruto had promised to keep an eye on the situation. However she feared he was looking through the prism of his fondness for the genin she was having doubts about. Finally she said, "Do you know anything about a genin named Udon?"

"Why?" Koharu said sounding a little defensive.

Although surprised at the elder's reaction Karin carried on saying, "I don't have any proof or anything...but there is something about him that I don't trust. As they escorted me to Wave he appeared extremely competent. But it didn't exactly translate into skill during combat, at least that's how it seemed during the fight with those missing-nin that worked at S. I. N."

Koharu looked ahead as she replied, "Sadly such things often can be said for many shinobi. One never knows how one will react when faced against a superior opponent."

"That might be," Karin said after a long pause. "But what if he's somehow connected to Root? I mean keeping an agent close to the grandson of a Hokage would make influencing him easier should Konohamaru follow in the Third's footsteps."

"True, but Udon was placed on Konohamaru's team mainly due to his being the grandson of Homura. I imagine if I have started a family one of my grandchildren would have found their way on that team as well. It's a way to foster close ties among the teams."

"I guess maybe I was just imagining things then," Karin said after a moment. Although her tone said that perhaps she wasn't exactly convinced she was wrong about Udon. "Well, I should get back to the office."

Koharu watched as Karin took a separate path and although she couldn't see her teammate turning his grandson into the human machines that Danzou preferred. The seed that her old teammate would use his grandson to guide and influence a future Hokage had been planted. As she began heading to her official home as Elder of Konoha, she began to wonder if Karin's fears might not be so farfetched as she first believed. She had read the report including how Udon had been thrown into Konohamaru by Balrog thus taking both of them out of the fight. If she was reading Karin's concerns correctly then perhaps Udon hadn't been as incapacitated as the report indicated. Koharu felt a chill pass through her at the thought since that would have meant the genin had been willing to sacrifice both Karin and his teammate Moegi.

But for what reason she couldn't exactly say until she realized that that if having influence with a future Hokage was the goal, then there was no better way to ensure a tight bond between a future Hokage and a potential advisor then for them to survive a common trauma. And the death of a teammate was just one such hardship that too often united the shinobi of Konoha. Koharu stopped cold in her tracks as she thought, "That's what happened to us after all."

The thought was a sobering one as she recalled how after her sensei Tobirama Senju had died, how Hiruzen had turned to his teammates for advice and promoted them to Elders. It was that shared pain that also at times had allowed Homura, Danzou, and herself to sometimes go against the Third's better instincts when dealing with enemies of the village as they would remind him of the pain that had been inflicted upon the people of Konoha. Something he was all too aware of due to the loss of their shared teacher. In the end despite her attempts to convince Karin that she was jumping at shadows, Koharu was beginning to fear that at the very least Homura was coaching his grandson to try and have history repeat itself.


After the memorial, Hinata found herself heading to the third training ground where the Memorial Stone was. She stopped as she saw her cousin standing there watching as a mason carved his father's name into the stone. Hinata was about to turn when Neji said, "I'm told I should thank you for this."

"No," Hinata said softly, "It is we that owe your Father the thanks. I'm just glad we could finally acknowledge his sacrifice."

Neji turned to face his cousin and gave her a small cryptic smile. After a moment he said, "You've certainly grown Hinata. It seems that your sister has reason to look over her shoulder." Hinata moved forward past her cousin watching as the mason continued in his task. Neji wasn't surprised that she didn't respond so added, "The strange thing is I never pictured you as all that desirous of the Clan Head position."

Hinata looked at her cousin out of the corner of her eye before saying, "I've come to believe that I can do the most good in the position."

"That is a belief more and more people are beginning to share." Hinata looked over in surprise to see her cousin wearing a tight grin. She felt her face redden slightly as Neji said, "I imagine Naruto believes this as well."


Neji was amused by his cousin's sudden embarrassment. Pressing a theory he had been developing he said, "I figured you'd be rather heartbroken when you learned he was dating the Ramen waitress." Hinata began to pale slightly as she began to suspect that Neji was aware that she and Naruto were more than just friends. The Branch family member continued, "He became quite popular for a time after all. Yet there didn't to be a whole lot of fallout when he settled. I suppose that make sense since they were play dates. But I wouldn't imagine that you would be playing."

Hinata didn't know what to say, but figured that she should have known her cousin whose eyes were unmatched within the clan would be able to see that which most hadn't. She was about to admit that she was still in love with Naruto, but was saved the trouble as he said, "Naruto once promised me that he would change the Hyuuga when he became Hokage." Turning her cousin began to walk away as the Mason began to admire his work, "Although I'm not sure exactly what is going on. I believe that I should just take what is going on as his efforts to deliver on that promise early." He stopped looking over his shoulder asking, "Are you happy?"

"Yes," Hinata said definitively, "More so than I've ever been."

"Then that is all that matters," Neji said walking away leaving a smiling Hinata.


After the memorial service Naruto appeared inside Kiyomi's mansion. Although he had been back in the village for close to a week since his trip to Kumo, Kiyomi had been strangely quiet. She had finally called to him using her mark a few moments earlier. She smiled at him before closing and kissing him. He separated from his Bijuu lover to see Yoruichi watching them from just behind her sister. He noticed that she had an amused smirk on her face which experience told him meant that she was aware of some mischief. However, she quickly closed with him to get her kiss as well.

After they separated she smiled at him her amusement easy to see causing him to ask, "What?"

She shook her head as she said, "I don't want to ruin the surprise."

Kiyomi cleared her throat and then said, "Don't you have someplace else you should be?"

"Oh no, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Kiyomi scowled at her sister, before sliding between her and Naruto. Gripping his hand she said, "Please come with me Naruto."

Naruto heard a hitch in her voice that told him that Kiyomi was afraid of how he would respond to whatever she was about to show him. Yoruichi sensed Kiyomi's discomfort so followed behind quietly as the Bijuu led their lover to her room. Kiyomi stopped in front of her bedroom door. Looking nervous she said, "I've thought of a dozen ways to explain this to you...but at the moment all my words fail me. I figure I'll show you so please keep an open mind."

"Okay," Naruto said as he watched Kiyomi throw open the doors. To say that he was surprised to see a woman lying on the bed was an understatement. Stepping further into the room he felt his mouth drop open as he looked upon the female form he had based his sexy jutsu on. He looked back at Kiyomi who seemed prepared to receive his anger or any of the other emotions he may have been feeling.

Yoruichi threw her arms open as she said, "Surprise!"

Kiyomi looked back at her sister unamused, but turned back to her lover as he chuckled. Closing with Kiyomi, he said, "Now how about you use some of those words to tell me what is going on?"

Kiyomi explained how she had used Ayame's would-be rapist's body as a vessel for the shadow that she had set loose inside him. Naruto looked back at the young woman and asked, "What are you hoping to achieve by giving her a form?"

"I hope to give her a chance to grow as a being. Much as humans treated us Bijuu as just sources of energy to use in their conflicts. I had done the same thing."

"Okay, I understand. So she's been asleep since I was in Kumo?"

"Yes, I was hoping you would be present when I woke her."

"Alright, let's do it," Naruto said as he moved closer to the bed.

Kiyomi nodded and moved to the foot of the bed. She then made a release hand-sign and the kunoichi's eyes began to flutter. They shot open and Naruto leaned forward to welcome the woman to the world. However when her blue eyes narrowed and she growled, "You!" He was caught by surprise by the palm strike to his chin that rocked his head back and caused him to fall to the floor.

"Hey," Yoruichi shouted as the blonde kunoichi rolled to her feet. The woman looked around the room wildly as the dark-skinned woman moved to attack her.

Kiyomi helped Naruto get back to his feet who said, "That was rather rude."

The blonde kunoichi glared at him, but focused on Kiyomi saying, "What the hell is going on here?" She looked confused as she heard her voice and looked down causing a visage of shock to appear on her face. Her hand shot to her crotch and grabbing her groin as she said, "What?!" She focused on Kiyomi asking, "What have you done to me?"

"I gave you a form by which you could..."

"I don't want this...I'm a man..."

"No, you were a collection of energy made to think of yourself as Naruto and to focus on all of the negatives in his life in order to wear down his resolve to keep me contained." Kiyomi walked towards the young woman as she said, "But with this form you can..."

"No," the woman shouted and formed a Rasengan in her hand. She spun and slammed it into the corner of the room causing it to explode out.

Coughing from all the dust, Naruto looked out the hole the woman had made as the smoke settled. Yoruichi moved to leap through the hold in pursuit, but Naruto placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked back at him saying, "Let me go. I can catch her before she reaches the edge of the property."

"Yeah, but then she would probably react with hostility. Let me handle this." He moved to look out the hole and turned back towards Kiyomi to say with a smile, "Well you certainly know how to make life interesting." He dropped down to the ground and slowly began walking in pursuit.


Ayame was placing some garbage outside the back of her stand for collection. She placed the can next to a larger dumpster used by one of the other restaurants. She heard someone crying, so looked around the large trash receptacle. She was surprised to see a shivering female Naruto there. The scene caused her to flash back to how she first met Naruto and aware of what the woman was said, "Hi,"

The female Naruto looked up and a look of recognition appeared on her face. She appeared on the verge of panic, but Ayame gave her a reassuring smile and holding her hand out said, "Hi, we met briefly. My name's Ayame, would you like to come in for some ramen." The woman looked like she was about to refuse and run. But then her stomach rumbled causing her to flush in embarrassment. "Come on," the waitress said again insistently, but kindly.

The woman stared at the hand and when her stomach rumbled once more she took it. The woman followed behind her and then sat behind the bar as Ayame took her usual place. She smiled at the nervous and scared woman as she began to stir the Ramen broth in her pot. "What can I get you?" Ayame asked sweetly.

"I don't have any money," the woman said her voice carrying some suspicion of the Ramen waitress.

"That's quite okay," Ayame said with a shrug, "It's getting pretty close to the end of the night anyway. It would be a shame to waste what I have left."

The young woman still eyed her suspiciously, but as her stomach rumbled again she simply nodded. Ayame grabbed for a bowl and asked, "What would you like?"

The young woman thought about it as if she was making one the most important decisions she ever had and after several seconds finally said, "I'll have the shrimp."

Nodding, Ayame filled the bowl with noodles before spooning the shrimp broth and a generous helping of ingredients on top. She then handed it to the young woman who began devouring it as if it was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. The Ramen waitress rested her elbow on the counter and placed her chin in her hand as she watched the woman eat. Seeing that much like her lover the woman before her ate at an inhuman pace, she began to get the next round ready so that when the young woman slammed her bowl down she found a fresh one waiting for her. The blonde looked up at her blue eyes filling with hope causing the waitress to simply nod.

The woman went through the second bowl much like the first and after slamming it down wiped her mouth with her forearm. She stared at the pots as if hoping for a third helping, but appeared too nervous to ask for more. Collecting the bowl, Ayame began to fill it as she asked, "So what should I call you?"

"I-I don't have a name that's my own. I suppose you can call me whatever you want."

Ayame gave the matter some thought, however she found herself drawing a blank on what to call the young woman in front of her so said the first thing that came to mind, "How about Naruko?" The recently minted Naruko made a face that bordered on being upset causing Ayame to say, "I'm sorry that was..."

"It's fine," Naruko said although still sounding less than thrilled with her new moniker. "I suppose I can understand why you would think it fits," she said as she stared into the third bowl sitting before her. The woman began eating although at a much slower pace than she had previously.

Fearing that she had upset the young woman, Ayame began to busy herself cleaning up to close for the day. She was just about finished when Naruko asked in almost a whisper, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Ayame stared at her for a moment, before giving her a gracious smile as she said, "No, if anything this encounter kind of reminds me when I first met Naruto."

Ayame did feel a hint of worry as the young woman's face twisted into a mask of anger at the mention of her lover's name. "I see," Naruko said her voice carrying an undercurrent of anger, "I guess it would be too much to hope for someone to see me as me."

"I'm sorry," Ayame said quickly, "I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that I found Naruto hiding in the alley when we first met."

Naruko continued to stare directly at her as she replied, "It's not like I was hoping to re-create your precious first encounter with Naruto. I don't even possess those memories. I guess that bitch Kiyomi didn't feel I needed those memories, much like she felt I didn't need a dick."

"I know," Ayame said feeling heartbroken for the young woman whose anger was easy to see, "but I'm sure Kiyomi has her reasons...."

Naruko's gaze darkened as she slammed her hand on the counter while standing. "It wasn't bad enough that she used me and then discarded me," Naruko replied her voice rising in volume, "but now she decides to let me out only to give me this... this stupid form."

Ayame wasn't sure how to respond, so she tried to give it a reassuring smile but it came off weakly. Naruko could see that she was making the Ramen waitress uncomfortable now so turned her back on the woman as she said, "Thanks, I'll be sure to pay you back someday."

"That isn't necessary..."

Ayame tried to say, but she was cut off by Naruko who said, "I won't be in your debt." Before Ayame could respond the blonde woman dashed from the small Ramen stand. Ayame considered calling to Naruto through her fox mark, but she could feel that her lover was stationary near the Hokage monument. Believing that if Naruto wasn't actively looking for the woman that he suspected he knew where she would end up, Ayame decided to let the matter be since she was of the opinion that anything that originated from Naruto, could not be all bad. Therefore, she busied herself with cleaning up the shop in preparation for going home.


Naruko sat on the Forth Hokage's head as she watched the village go about its business, but due to the lateness of the hour there wasn't much to see. A stiff breeze swept through the area causing her to shiver and pull her knees into her chest which had more cushioning than she was used to. The sudden reminder of the change she had been subjected to caused her anger to spike again. However, it was tempered by a feeling of guilt at how she had behaved with Ayame.

The wind kicked up once more and she felt somebody approaching from behind her. Having a good idea of who it was she asked, "Have you come to collect me for that redheaded bitch?"

Instead of a response, a jacket was placed over her shoulders and despite it belonging to the one person she absolutely wanted nothing to do with she found herself pulling it tighter around her as the wind cut through the area. Naruto stepped back giving Naruko some space before finally saying, "Nah, I figure that if Kiyomi wants to speak with you about the mess you made of her bedroom she can do it herself."

"Then what do you want?"

Naruto shrugged as he said, "Nothing. I just figured it was a nice night to watch the village."

Naruko looked over her shoulder expecting him to be studying her, but all she saw was him standing there with his hands in his pockets as he looked out on the village. Facing forward again she asked, "Why are you so laid back? Aren't you worried that with the collection of your evil thoughts running loose your precious village is in danger?"

Naruto chuckled causing the woman to look back over her shoulder to give him a nasty glare. Naruto met her glare with an amused smile and with a shrug asked in return, "Is that what you are? To me it looks like you're just a lonely person trying to make sense of the confusing situation in which she finds herself in." Naruto moved forward pulling even with the sitting young woman before adding, "I mean it's been several hours since you blew your way out of Kiyomi's. However, what dastardly and evil things have you accomplished since then?" Naruto could see Naruko didn't have an answer and so he let the silence linger as he took the time to direct his gaze towards the various points of light in the village where his lovers resided. When it became apparent that Naruko wasn't going to say anything he continued, "Be honest. Have you thought up one horrible thing while you've been up here? Because I'm willing to bet all you have been thinking about is how scared and lonely you feel."

"Do you know this because we're the same person and therefore have the same thoughts?"

"Are we really same person?"

"You didn't go chasing after me when I busted out of Kiyomi's. You must've been pretty certain you could find me."

Naruto chuckled at that and sat down next to the woman before saying, "I have been here for over an hour. In truth I had no idea where you went. I was just about to give up and get either Tsume or Hana to try and track you down when you showed up here."

"I don't believe you," Naruko said eyeing Naruto suspiciously, "Ayame said that you also hid in that alley behind her shop when you first met."

Naruto shrugged dismissively as he said, "Well sure, and I've hidden there lots of times both before and after I met her. If you think about it, I've probably hidden in every nook and cranny of the village over the years. The reason I was up here didn't have anything to do with some great insight into your psyche, but with a hope that I would be able to spot you." Naruko looked surprised at his admission and quickly looked away when his gaze turned towards her. "The truth is although we share the same unfortunate memories you aren't me and I'm not you. Kiyomi gave you a gift. She gave you a chance to grow beyond those memories."

Naruko hugged her knees tighter against her chest. A little waiver entered her voice as she asked, "How can you be certain that I'm not a danger to you and those you hold dear?"

Naruto frowned at the question, but answered, "I'm not. But I do know that right now you haven't done anything to warrant such fear." Giving her a sad smile which Naruko knew the reasons behind, he said, "If I were to fear you for what you have the potential to do, then I'd be no different than the people who feared me for housing Kiyomi. You seem to think that you are housing my darkness, but the truth is it is still inside me. I haven't forgotten what a crappy childhood I had growing up. But I chose to not let it define me and I believe that you won't let it define you either."

Naruko kept her stare looking forward, and gave no outward sign that Naruto's words had affected her. However, she did feel a slight warming sensation in the pit of her stomach. Another cold gust of wind cut through the area causing Naruto to shiver. Naruko was surprised that she didn't feel cold until she recalled that Naruto had given her his jacket. She was about to give it back when he stood silently saying, "I need to get inside quickly before I catch a cold and Tsunade reads me the riot act." Looking down gently at her, he added "You'll find my keys in the pocket of my jacket. Make yourself at home, I will stay somewhere else tonight and give you some privacy. Just remember, from here on out, it's up to you to decide on who and what you become."

Naruto then disappeared in a red flash, leaving Naruko alone but feeling less uncertain than before he had made his presence known, especially since the encounter had gone nothing like she thought it would. Supposing that Naruto was essentially telling her that until she acted like a threat that she wouldn't be treated as one, she began to wonder just what she should try and become.


Konan was returning to Ami with the Deva path from their hunting a minor ally of Akatsuki who having sensed the groups weakening, due to its recent setbacks, had decided to break out on his own. Naturally, that sort of thing had needed to be dealt with before more people would think it was acceptable to abandon Akatsuki. Although she once would have had no problem with performing such a task on her own, she was of the opinion that the Deva Path's accompanying of her had been as much of a test for her as it had appeared to be one for Nagato's new chakra amplifying devices. He had been able to control the Deva Path's body from the central tower of Ami while hunting for their target in Taki. Something she would have found impressive had its implications not frightened her so. Why Nagato had insisted on such improvements she did not know, but she was certain it was for more than just improving the range at which he could control the Six Paths of Pain. That he had neglected to mention the improvements to her until just before they left on the mission made her believe he was beginning to suspect her loyalty to Akatsuki and to him.

Sadly, their years of internalizing the pain they each felt had made communication for them difficult and as such, almost impossible for her to broach the subject with him. But she could feel his Rinnegan studying her throughout the trip. Therefore, when they had cornered their target underground and Nagato had claimed that his control of the Deva path had become difficult right before his body had collapsed to the ground as if the chakra manipulating it had been cut. She had quickly ended the threat the man posed by sending a paper shuriken into his throat.

A moment later the Deva path regained its footing with Nagato claiming that the technicians monitoring the chakra projectors had made the necessary adjustments. He had praised her for her quick response leaving her with the impression that he had expected her to let the target getaway. Konan had just been glad that the man they were hunting had been no angel as otherwise she may have let him.

Stepping into the audience chamber of Ami's central tower she spotted Nagato waiting for her with Tobi. The masked man was lounging on the floor in front of Nagato resting his head on his hand. As she followed behind the Deva Path as they approached the two men, the masked one waved jovially and said, "Hey welcome back, we've missed you. Did you have a fun time on your trip?"

Konan didn't react as she was aware that it was likely Tobi simply trying to get under her skin due to the fact that she had never hid that she found his goofy persona intolerable. Instead of responding she stepped in front of the emancipated form of Nagato asking, "Perhaps you will explain to me now that we've returned just what this test was for?"

The Nagato in front of her didn't respond as from behind the machine he was hooked up to the female Animal Path appeared while saying, "I've always felt a small amount of vulnerability when entering battle ever since I've become like this. This test was to help alleviate that. With the improved chakra transmitters, I will no longer need to get nearly as close to the front."

"Is that all?" She asked leaving the question open-ended as she suspected a more truthful answer was he no longer trusted her.

However, Nagato chose to ignore her implications in favor of having the Deva Path respond, "It is. You may rest now, but do not get too comfortable as we will soon be on the move again."

Konan nodded her head and without a word turned on her heel to leave the chamber. Although tempted to ask what their next objective would be. She refrained as she was certain that Nagato would ignore the question or deflect it. Yet the temptation almost became too much to ignore when Tobi purposely let slip before she exited, "You know Kisame was quite peeved with your request coming so soon after his sealing the Six-tails."

Nagato waited until the door was closed before responding, making his response unintelligible to her. She frowned, but didn't dally as she couldn't be sure whether or not Nagato was observing her through one of his smaller summons if she eavesdropped through the door. Heading to her room, she began to wonder just what it was Nagato and Tobi were truly up to. Whatever it was, she was certain that soon it would put her at odds with Akatsuki.


As the closing door echoed through the chamber, the Animal Path turned towards Tobi to say, "For being so certain she has turned against us. You tend to enjoy letting our plans slip in front of her."

Having dropped his cheerful persona Tobi replied, "What better way to gauge her loyalty then to watch her reaction when interesting tidbits are dropped in front of her."

"Yet she didn't react, did she?" The Deva Path said moving to stand in front of the masked man. The Animal Path picked up where he left off saying, "Nor did she remain outside the room hoping to eavesdrop."

Tobi watched as a blurred object began to climb up the small female form of the Animal Path. When it reached her shoulders it became visible to the naked eye revealing a small chameleon with the Rinnegan active in its eyes. Tobi chuckled amused as he said, "Ah, so you had your little summons watching the hall. Yet all you proved is that she's not stupid enough to wait outside the door like some rank amateur. Someone has been tipping off our enemies, Kakuzu's death is proof that. The trap that Jiraiya set for him was perfectly tailored for him. Need I remind you the pool of suspects is shrinking?"

Nagato himself responded by saying, "It was his love of money that did him in. Once the Leaf encountered him when they interfered with the capture of Yugito, it would have been a simple matter to look into his background to learn that all one would need to do in order to trap him, is place a high enough bounty on an easy enough target. Then lie in wait until he showed up to collect much as Jiraiya had done."

"Perhaps," the masked man conceded, "but I still believe you are allowing the specter of your friendship with her to blind you."

The Deva Path was what responded as it said, "God's eyes see all. Should his angel have turned against him, she will be cast out and treated as any other enemy."

"Good," was Tobi's simple reply as space began to warp around him so that he could teleport to Kisame and check on his progress in performing Nagato's request.