
Target: Pakura - Part I

Komachi entered the Den's war room to find several of her fellow harem members waiting. Looking about the room she asked, "No Naruto?"

"He's returned to the Training Force," Tsunade replied. Directing an ire filled gaze towards Kiyomi she added, "He seemed in remarkably high spirits considering someone's little project decided to empty out half of his bank account and take some of his possessions before sneaking out of the village."

Kiyomi sighed before replying, "If only the same can be said for some of those present. Naruto has chosen not to make an issue of what Naruko did. Why do you insist?"


Tsunade began to say. However, she was cut off by Koharu who said diplomatically, "Perhaps now is not the best time to argue about your differences of opinion on this matter. Komachi can only meet with us for a limited amount of time now that Danzou has pulled his Anbu from watching Naruto and directed them to other pursuits."

Komachi nodded, but said, "True, but it has fortunately allowed me access to the punishment level of the prison." All the women present stood a little straighter upon receiving that bit of news. Komachi not needing any prompting began to say, "Unfortunately it appears that Danzou is preparing to enter the final phases of his plan. I don't know how much longer the Training Force is going to act as a deterrent."

"You can't believe that Danzou would dare try and pull off his rebellion knowing he would have to get through a combined force of Suna and Konoha–nin," Tsume said incredulously. "I'd wager that with the number of shinobi staying outside our walls that not even one prisoner would make it within spitting distance of Konoha."

Although still wearing her mask, so no one saw the gesture, Komachi frowned as she replied, "He would if he believed his forces had the edge which they very well may. Since he's been experimenting with the Animal Curse Mark that Mizuki possesses."

Tsunade growled in the back of her throat as she said through clenched teeth, "That bastard again. I should have just let him die of old age when the potion he took side-effects turned him into a shriveled up old man. "

Komachi nodded as she informed the Hokage, "It may have been for the best if you had. Amachi was able to reverse engineer how you returned Mizuki's vitality to him. As a result, he's been able to give many of the other prisoners the same Curse Mark without fear of experiencing the same side-effects."

"Dammit, how is that bastard not rotting in a Sea country prison?" Tsunade asked in aggravation.

"I'm afraid I have no answer for you," Komachi replied. "One can assume that Danzou has used some of his many contacts to secure Amachi's services."

"Perhaps we should make a discrete inquiry as to his current status in Sea Country," Shizune suggested.

However, Tsunade almost immediately shot the suggestion down as she said, "I don't think there would be anyway to do that without word getting back to Danzou. Even if we sent someone unaligned with either Suna or Konoha to investigate, if a hint that someone was looking into Amachi's whereabouts reached the wrong ears. Then whoever had a hand in securing Amachi's release for Danzou's project could inform those in the Leaf prison since they are likely watching for any sign that his absence has been missed."

Koharu nodded in agreement, but asked, "Are we sure that Amachi is even supposed to still be in prison back in Sea Country?"

Tsunade nodded in the affirmative as she said, "Unless they've begun pardoning inmates with multiple life-sentences all of a sudden. Then I believe it is safe for us to assume that he should still be there."

Koharu nodded in agreement, but felt a feeling of unease settle over her. Giving voice to her concerns she said, "You would think considering the amount of havoc he wrecked on Sea Country's shipping that they would be keeping better tabs on him. It worries me that he could be in The Leaf Maximum Security Prison even as we speak, yet no one has noticed he is missing from his cell."

Kiyomi agreed with the Konoha elder's opinion, but suggested, "Perhaps this is a mystery better saved for after we deal with the current crisis. Especially since, it seems to suggest that whoever has allowed Danzou to make use of Amachi's skills is rather highly placed in Sea Country's hierarchy. What is of more pressing concern is answering the question of how does his giving this Animal Curse Mark to the inmates, better increase his chances of capturing Konoha?"

"I would think the answer to that is self-evident," Tsunade replied. "It would make those under his command stronger, faster, and more resilient to injury."

Kiyomi didn't seem convinced as she said, "It just doesn't seem like the endgame for a man who has spent years crafting the plan as well as implementing it. These aren't soldiers in some cases, but petty thugs and bandits. Even if you make them stronger, there is no guarantee you can control them. If anything, giving them that taste of power may make them even more difficult to control."

"Agreed," Tsume said as she crossed her arms over her chest while leaning back against the wall, "but we can't forget that this whole ruckus in the prison may just be a smokescreen, something to direct our attention outside of Konoha so that a smaller more precise method of eliminating Tsunade can be used." Turning towards Komachi, the Inuzuka clan head asked, "Any thoughts?"

The Root Anbu shook her head in the negative as she replied, "If Danzou has any plans to deviate from what Akame believes is going to happen, then he has kept them to himself. Unfortunately it is not something I believe that I will be able to learn until just before he issues the orders." Turning her masked visage towards the Bijuu that Naruto used to house she asked, "What of your inside woman within the prison? Has she been able to distinguish herself to become one of his lieutenants? Because if not, then at this point it is unlikely that she ever will be able too."

"Why do you believe that?" Kiyomi asked with a small frown beginning to appear upon her beautiful face.

"Well because if I am correct and we are nearing the final phase, then it would make no sense to bring any newcomers aboard. Besides, it seems that Akame has made a selection on which prisoners will lead the prison forces." Komachi then pulled several folded sheets of paper out of her pouch. She then handed them to Koharu, who was closest to her, as they stood around the table of the war room.

The elder flipped through the drawn faces, and she recognized a few of them before passing the pictures along to Tsunade. Commenting on the skill behind the drawings she said, "You are a rather skilled artists. I was under the impression that you didn't have any hobbies."

The Root Anbu inclined her head in thanks at the complement as she replied, "You would be correct. My skill is not something developed for me to enjoy, but for me to be able to accurately draw the faces of those I may encounter on a mission for either later elimination or possible blackmail."

"What a shame," Koharu said sadly, "Perhaps once we are done with this matter at hand. You should explore the more aesthetic uses of your skill with a pen."

Komachi nodded, but as she replied it almost sounded like she was accepting an order as she said, "I'll take that under advisement."

Koharu smiled and was about to say it wasn't an order. But, Kiyomi gasped directing all the women's attention to her as she shifted through the papers of drawn faces. "What is it?" The Konoha elder asked.

Kiyomi ignored the question as she instead asked Komachi, "How do you know these are Akame's lieutenants?"

"They were all present today for a demonstration of Amachi applying the curse mark to a test subject. They were also led to believe that the Fire Country Noble I was escorting through the prison was Danzou. I do not believe he would just allow any prisoner to be around for something like that. Not unless they have managed to accrue some sort of ranking within Akame's structuring of the prisoners."

"Why do you ask," Tsunade asked her tone just short of demanding.

Kiyomi looked down sadly at the picture she was looking at before replying, "Because if Komachi is correct then it would appear that my sister has decided to betray me again."


Seven was sitting atop of her bed pressing her back against the wall of her cell. Having already created the stone beetle walkie-talkies that she and Mikoto used to communicate, she was waiting for hers to open its wings signaling its counterpart was being used. She didn't have to wait long as its wings suddenly opened and the familiar voice of Mikoto said, "Well was he there."

"No," the seven-tailed Bijuu replied, "Although, I do think that Akame believed that who he was showing around today was this Danzou you speak of."

She could hear the frown on Mikoto's face as she said, "Are you sure? Akame should know exactly who Danzou is. It doesn't make any sense that he would be confused."

Seven shrugged before replying, "The man he introduced as Danzou was wearing a mask. However, he possessed both his arms and his build did not match what you described. Have you considered that perhaps you are wrong and Danzou has nothing to do with this? It could be someone else that is backing Akame. It could be someone within the Fire Country nobility who belongs to this One King movement I've heard some of the prisoners here referring too. Although..."

She trailed off as she began to recall the strange sensation she had felt before she and a few of the other men and women that Akame had chosen as his lieutenants entered the lift elevator that had taken them down to the punishment level. She was hesitant to even speak about it, but Mikoto pressed her about it by asking, "What is it? Tell me everything even if you don't think it matters."

"It's nothing, but just before we were taken down to view Amachi applying the curse mark to his test subject. I felt a strange feeling of vertigo..." She paused as her Bijuu chakra had quickly flared which had surprised her as Kiyomi's seal kept her from accessing it, but since she didn't wish to tell Mikoto with who she was working with yet made no mention of it as she continued, "It passed quickly and I didn't feel it again so I just wrote it off as being nerves or something."

She could hear that Mikoto wasn't convinced, especially as the woman said, "I don't know. To me it sounds like Akame attempted to place you in genjutsu."

"Really, I can't say that I've ever been placed in one before. Are you saying then that the man I described could have been Danzou and I didn't even know it?"

Sounding disbelieving, Mikoto said, "You've never been placed in a genjutsu. I find that hard to believe that you made it to your current age without ever having experience one before."

Seven winced due to her unintentional admission. As a Bijuu, most people she had faced in combat had never been willing to attempt to place one on her. They had likely believed, and rightly so, that they wouldn't be able to influence her enough into believing that the illusions they projected were real. She was just beginning to come to the conclusion that it didn't make sense for Danzou to insist that she and the other prisoners be placed in a genjutsu, but then still use his name.

Mikoto jumped to the conclusion she was drawing first as she said, "Actually, I believe you somehow dispelled it without even being aware of your doing so. You're either very lucky or have a Kekkei Genkai that you are unaware of."

"Or a guardian angel," Seven said in barely a whisper as she remembered how her Bijuu chakra had flared for a moment as the sensation of vertigo passed over her. Believing that Kiyomi had placed a safeguard in her seal, which bound her to her current body, to prevent her from being placed under a genjutsu since she did not have access to her full power felt a measure of guilt at her earlier desires to possibly betray her sister.

Despite her lowered voice, Mikoto had still made out what she said causing the woman to say, "Ah, you must be referring to your benefactor. Are you suggesting that she somehow was able to dispel the genjutsu from outside the prison?"

Seven felt a warm smile appear on her face as she thought of her sister while replying, "If anyone could, she would be able to."

Mikoto proved that she was more than just a pretty face as she said, "You have another seal on you don't you, besides the one the prison placed on you to shut off chakra? That's the only way she would have been able to disrupt a genjutsu from another location."

"Yes, I do," Seven admitted.

The line was silent for several moments until Mikoto finally said, "What exactly is it for? I cannot see it being a locating seal as they already know where you are. Granted, they could fear you would be moved. But, it seems a rather risky thing to do for such an unlikely eventuality." The Uchiha remained silent, however when it became apparent that Seven wasn't going to respond she added, "Look if you expect me to help you get yourself out of the jam you're in, then you better answer my question."

Seven's eyes hardened as she stared down at the stone beetle walkie-talkie. Her voice grew dangerous as she said, "Watch yourself Uchiha. While it's true I did come to you for help. Thus far you've been painfully little, while at the same time continually questioning my motives despite revealing none of your own. If Akame and Danzou are about to set their plans in motion then I'm beginning to question about what good it was coming to you. Take care of yourself."

"Wait!" Mikoto said quickly as she feared that Seven was about to cut the connection as well as their partnership. When the stone beetle in her hand didn't crumble into dust she said apologetically, "You're right. And the truth is at this point if we're going to stop this plot then I'm going to need you more than you need me. I had no idea things had progressed to such a point so quickly. It's just... that trusting others isn't really my strong suit. But to derail their plan I'm going to need your help as much as you need mine."

The Bijuu's anger calmed as she heard the earnestness in the Uchiha's voice. After a moment Seven said, "Fine, but I think it's time you told me just what it is you hope to achieve. I've heard of the Uchiha massacre, and I know you have no love of Konoha. So why go to such great lengths for it?"

Mikoto sighed and then remained silent for several heartbeats until she finally said, "This isn't for the village. Do you remember the speech that Akame gave during the banquet after you joined?"

"I do," the Bijuu said not exactly sure why Mikoto was bringing it up.

"Ignoring all the other bullshit that he said, he made mention of a young man named Naruto who houses that spirit of the nine-tailed fox. Whatever Danzou and Akame have planned, I know it will negatively impact him and that is something I cannot allow."

"Why's that?" Seven asked her curiosity piqued.

"Because his mother was my best friend and I won't let anything happen to her son." Seven began laughing causing Mikoto to say angrily, "I'm glad that amuses you."

The Bijuu recognized laughing at the woman's admission probably wasn't the best way to go about staying on her good side so said, "I'm sorry, it's just it seems the whole world seems to revolve around this kid."

"What do you mean?"

Seven felt a smile form at the corner of her lips as she said, "Let's just say that the woman I'm working for goal is eerily similar to yours. Now how do you plan to put this rebellion down?"

"First we're going to need to figure out what exactly Akame thinks applying this curse mark does in achieving his goals. I don't think I need to tell you that these aren't the most trustworthy people in the world. Therefore, giving them even more power without an adequate means of controlling them seems foolish."

Seven nodded, but asked, "Don't you consider the chakra suppression seals that have been applied an adequate means of control? No matter how powerful this curse mark will make those it is applied to. It'll do them no good if suddenly their chakra is cut off by Akame."

"Very true," Mikoto agreed. "But it would be the same result if he sends this curse mark army towards Konoha without removing it. You are probably unaware of this, but the seal that has been applied to us is no different than the one that has been used by Konoha jailers for close to a century. Even the feature to turn chakra on and off is but one used in cases where prisoners are sent into a hostile environment that only a ninja would be expected to survive. Therefore..."

"The hand signs to activate it would be known by many of the shinobi in Konoha," Seven said when she realized what Mikoto's point was.

As the Bijuu tried to figure out how the new piece of information fit into her theory, Mikoto suggested, "The means of control may be hidden within the Animal Curse Mark."

Her tone full of doubt, Seven said, "I don't think so. I mean when you consider some of those who've already undergone the procedure I doubt they would have signed up if they knew they were just having a new means of control installed upon their bodies. Especially Mizuki, he was the first and I doubt he would allow Akame to tamper with his seal without making sure he knew exactly what was being done. The man might be a fool, but unfortunately he's already been betrayed once and he does tend to learn from his mistakes."

"Agreed, then I guess I know what your next task is going to be."

"Great, you mean besides trying to figure out whether or not Danzou is involved in this plot for you. I also have to figure out how Akame plans to control his curse mark army. What exactly will you be doing?" Seven asked as she saw her list of things that needed to be done growing.

Mikoto's voice held some amusement as she replied, "Are you beginning to feel that I'm not doing my fair share of the work? Trust me, when all is said and done I doubt you'll be able to say that I didn't take as many chances as you. But for right now, you're the one in the best position to handle what needs to be done. Besides, there is no point in trying to figure out if Danzou is involved. The fact that I'm here proves that he is, as my continued existence is only known to a handful of people. Not to mention, I'm beginning to believe that you were the only one to shake the genjutsu that was placed on you all before you went down to the punishment section. I believe that if it had affected you that you would have seen the old man I described. That Danzou is not showing up here himself implies he is prepared for the worst case scenario in which his rebellion fails and that means it's likely that Akame was under the genjutsu as well. But if you doubt me perhaps your outside benefactor could fill you in on whether or not he is involved."

"That could lead to her to asking questions I'd rather not face right now."

"True, but believe me when I tell you the sooner you face those questions. The better it will be for all those involved."

With that said the stone beetle folded its wing and began to crumble into the earth that had made it up. Alone with her thoughts, Seven admitted that she had heard what the Uchiha was saying, but still couldn't bring herself to face her fellow Bijuu and admit she had considered once more betraying her. Therefore, she would do everything in her power to make sure such a thing never occurred.


"Oh... so so good," the young kunoichi standing before Naruto in her bra and panties moaned as he continued to play her like a fine instrument. Naruto was especially proud of the fact that he had brought her to such a state without directly stimulating her pussy as of yet. A fact that the kunoichi was all too aware of as she looked over her shoulder to where she guessed his head was to plead, "P-please... touch me down down there."

A pleased smile appeared on Naruto's face although the kunoichi he was groping couldn't see it as a result of the transparency jutsu he was employing. Naruto began to snake his hand down her body from the breast he had been playing with so that she could feel his progress towards her honeypot. As she shivered within his arms he mentally smirked as he thought to himself, "Man, Sakura really outdid herself in spreading the story I asked her to."

Looking out past the privacy barrier that appeared whenever someone entered the circle he drew outside the destroyed Chunin Instructor Evaluation Building, he smiled as remembered how he had first tested the seal beneath his feet on Sakura after they had completed their first assignment as part of the Training Force. Afterwards, as per his request, Sakura had started rumors of a perverted ghost that had haunted the old evaluation grounds. When he had first come up with the idea, little did he know that he would have quite so many visitors looking to experience pleasure at his hands.

Directing his attention back to his current recipient of his talents he felt a little like he had come full circle as she had also been the first kunoichi to investigate the rumor that Sakura had started. Although in truth, it had been her interest in the paranormal that had brought her to him. He smiled as he recalled the memory of finding the Suna kunoichi, whose name he would later learn was Yukata, crouched on all fours inspecting what he had dubbed his summoning circle. He had felt a little guilty as he had begun to pat and pet her body through her clothes. However, that had faded as she began to relax as a result of his ministrations, even though he suspected that it was due to her at first believing she was experiencing something paranormal. He had nearly scrapped his idea after he had brought her to climax the first time. But when he had returned to the circle the next night as a result of it being activated and found her waiting for him minus everything but her undergarments, he had decided that the show must go on.

Naruto's hand reached its destination sliding past the band of her panties to find her wet and willing pussy more than ready to receive his touch. Stroking her outer lips gently, she responded with a needy moan as her head fell back against his shoulder. She turned her brown eyed gaze towards where she believed his face was and upon seeing the desire located in it he was tempted to kiss her. Yet, he refrained from doing so as that would likely lead to the encounter progressing further than he intended it to. The moment ended as she removed her head from his shoulder as he slid his middle finger in pass her lower lips. "Ahhh, fuck," she whimpered as his finger rubbed her gripping insides. After several minutes of probing her tight hole with his digit, he withdrew causing her to moan at the loss until he brought the finger up to torture her clit by pressing on it gently. Her head shot back up against his shoulder as her climax rocked through her body and coated his hand in her release. She went limp in his arms and he gently lowered her to the ground until she was kneeling before him.

He watched her as she panted while recapturing her breath. He believed that should he reveal himself to her that she would gladly offer to take care of the hard-on currently tenting his pants. However, he stopped himself from doing so, in part because she wasn't who he was hoping to capture with his ghost story and also because at the moment she would not be able to advance his ambition. He knew that sounded rather cold; however after his night with Mabui, he had been giving more thought to exactly what lay beyond the horizon of his ambition. Therefore, with a perverted laugh that he had model after his Master Jiraiya, he disappeared in a red flash only to appear before another beauty, who was more than willing to help him get settled down after his session with Yukata.


Temari smiled at Naruto seductively as he appeared in front of her. Able to see the outline of his cock through the material of his jeans she licked her lips hungrily as she closed the distance between them. Pressing her body up against his, she reached down for his hand, and in a move that caused his cock to lurch up against her pelvis, took it in order to clean his fingers of the juices that coated them. Letting his fingers slip from her mouth like a mini cock, she moaned at the taste before saying, "Mmmmm, so it was Yukata again. What's this, the third or fourth time?"

Naruto stared at his lover, his eyes sparkling with the lust he felt from seeing her suck another woman's cum from his fingers. Her words barely registered at first, but when they did he chuckled as he replied, "Fifth actually. I wonder what she would think if she knew that her commanding officer could now identify her by taste."

Temari smiled at him as her eyes grew hooded in preparation for leaning forward to kiss her man. "She would probably be thinking how jealous she is as she wished to be in her commanding officers position right now." Temari then sealed her lips to Naruto's as they shared in Yukata's taste.

As they made out hotly, Naruto reached up to grab Temari's tit and smiled against her mouth as he felt the hardened nub of her nipples through the thin material of her kimono. She moaned into his mouth as he played with her nipple as she raised up her right leg, hooking it around his hip. She then began to gyrate her hips against his groin, causing him to lower his other hand to her ass as he pulled her tighter against him.

Both of them moaned hungrily as their clothed sexes rubbed up against each other. Temari needing to feel her lover inside her, broke the kiss and stepped out of Naruto's arms. Walking backwards she undid the knot of her kimono and exposed her body to her lover's hungry gaze. Now clad in only her panties, she turned around as she continued to walk away before bending over and placed her hands on the trunk of a fallen over tree.

Naruto growled in the back of his throat as his desire for his lover grew from the display as well as his ability to see her wetness through the thin material of her panties. He closed the distance between them, shucking off his clothes as he did. Reaching Temari, he placed his hand almost reverently on her backside giving it a firm squeeze which prompted her to moan in delight. He then traced the band of her panties before reaching where it cupped her soaking cunnie. He then slid the material to the side and pressed the head of his dick against her entrance.

He began rubbing his cockhead up and down her cunt eliciting his lover to moan with a slight growl, "Stop teasing me and shove that log inside me."

Naruto smiled at her bossy tone, as he tensed in preparation of burying himself inside her and said teasingly, "Is that in order?"

"I can make i... Fuck!" She was prevented from finishing her response as Naruto took that moment to slam himself inside her. Both groaned in pleasure as they once more basked in the sensation of being connected to each other again. But aware that they both needed to get back to the Training Force's main camp soon cut the moment short as Naruto began to move within her.

"God damn Temari," Naruto groaned from the resistance he was encountering as he attempted to plow his lover's overheated tunnel. "I'm beginning to think that you are enjoying these midnight trysts as much for the opportunity to find out who's been visiting my summoning circle as for the sex." Temari didn't answer as he began to rub her clit causing her to groan deep in her throat. However her skin began to flush making him think that he was perhaps more right then he knew. Deciding to tease her a little he said, "You know I've been rather surprised at the number of Suna kunoichi that have visited my circle. I'm beginning to think that in truth you are all actually rather perverted yourselves."

"N-no," Temari moaned in denial even as her cunt tightened around his dick as it continued to churn her insides. "It-it's your fault I've become like this. Just like it's you turning Suna's kunoichi into a bunch of pleasure seeking perverts."

"Are you saying I should stop?" Naruto asked, as he also stopped in his pleasuring of his lover.

Temari looked back her eyes showing him the answer so without making her give voice to it began to slide within her cunt once more. She moaned her appreciation, which grew in intensity as he lifted up her leg in order to hit her more deeply inside. With his other arm he reached around cupping Temari's face and pulled it back so that he could taste her lips once more. She eagerly reciprocated, dancing her tongue against his as she tried to work her hips harder and faster against his.

Naruto groaned his enjoyment of the increased sensations coursing around his pleasure stick as a result of her efforts. Pulling one of her hands away from the log they rested against, she reached down to where they were joined and began to fondle his nut sack. Breaking the kiss, she stared back into his eyes to say, "I'm almost there. Cum with me please, let's cum together." Naruto nodded his head and began to redouble his efforts causing their grunts and moans to grow in intensity. Several moments later she felt his nuts contract in her hands signaling his impending release so brought her hand to her clit giving it a rub just as he began to spurt inside her which triggered her own release.

Naruto dropped her leg as they rode out their orgasms. They both sagged to their knees while still connected as their strength left them. As she caught her breath against the log she was pressed against, she felt Naruto placing feather-light kisses along her back causing her to coo in pleasure as much from them as from the warmth that he had just been deposited inside her womb.

As their body temperatures return to normal and his cock finally slipped from her having softened sensing that it wouldn't be needed again, Temari prepared to ask a question that had been on her mind ever since Naruto had begun his plan to seduce Pakura via his ridiculous ghost story. A plan, which although it had yet to capture its specific target, had resulted in Naruto bringing pleasure to several of the Suna kunoichi under her command and thus could have significantly expanded his influence within the Sand village. At least it could have, had he decided to close the deal so to speak. Commenting on his lack of doing so thus far, she said, "Naruto, not that I'm complaining about you coming to me to get rid of the blue balls your playing with those other girls leaves you with. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to our goals if you would just go all the way with them?"

Naruto pulled away from her causing her to look back and see that she had hit upon something he had been thinking about for some time. Fearing that he was internalizing something that could lead to a similar circumstance as when he had feared that their feelings for him were merely the result of his jutsu, she began to demand that he tell her. But she was beaten to the punch as he replied, "I suppose it would be, especially if Yukata or some of the other kunoichi who have been curious about the summoning circle eventually rose to high ranks within Suna's forces or government. But it's just... I'm not sure if I can explain this without sounding like a bastard." Naruto lapsed into silence as he searched for the words to explain himself. Temari was just about to tell him to spit it out when he continued, "I just don't have the time for them." He pressed on quickly as he knew how cold that sounded saying, "I mean, I'm only one man and I'm beginning to fear all the sneaking around will eventually catch up to me. For example, you deserve to have a nice date with a lovely dinner and dancing before we went back to enjoy ourselves in a more intimate fashion. Not to have some quickie in the woods after I just got done fondling some other girl."

Temari smiled gently touched that he was thinking along those lines, however a moment later she flicked him on the forehead. She laughed slightly as he rubbed the spot asking her, "What was that for? I was just trying to..."

Temari stopped him by placing her finger against his lips as she said, "I know, but me and the others signed up for this life. It would be rather foolish for me to complain about it now. Because to be honest, I think some of those kunoichi are growing rather addicted to you even if they don't know it yet."

"Come on Temari," Naruto said feeling a little embarrassed which had nothing to do with the fact that both he and she were still naked. "I haven't even been using the Temptation's Touch on any of them. They probably just consider this a little harmless fun that they can have while they are away from home."

Temari shook her head at how humble her lover could be as she replied, "Don't sell yourself short. It isn't that jutsu that makes you special. But is that really the reason?"

"In a sense, I mean what we're hoping to do is change the shinobi world and I always just assumed that afterwards we'd be free to all be together." Naruto adjusted himself so that he was sitting against the log. He pulled Temari close to him and leaned his head back against it as she rested her head against his chest. Staring up into the night sky he said, "However, after I was with Mabui. She got me to thinking about what we would do after we accomplished our goal and I realized that we might never be able to come clean about our role in bringing the villages together or our connections to each other." Temari pulled her head away from his chest to stare causing him to meet her gaze and give her a sad smile before continuing, "Because if we do come clean, people opposed to a more peaceful shinobi world would just use the fact that we were working behind the scenes in the shadows as a means to invalidate our success and plunge the world back into war, except this time using us as the catalyst."

Temari maneuvered herself so that she was sitting on his lap and cupped his face gently before kissing him lovingly. Pulling her face away, she rested her forehead against his as she responded, "If that is the case, then we will just have to remain in the shadows. We are shinobi after all." Grabbing his hand she placed it against her chest over her heart and added, "But this to me is too special to lose, so I will continue to cherish whatever time you can afford to spend with me whether it's in a fancy restaurant or here in the woods. The time and place don't matter to me, only that it's time spent with you."

She smiled as she saw that her words had touched him so punctuated it with a kiss. When it ended she considered having one more go with her lover, however aware that both of their duties would soon intrude stood and held out her hand to him asking, "I know that I can take care of myself, but would you mind escorting me back to the main camp as a representative of the Leaf."

Naruto smiled as he took the offered hand and replied, "it would be my honor and privilege, but not as a member of the Leaf. But as a man protecting a woman who has captured his heart."

Despite all that they had done up until that point, Temari was still rather unused to boys talking flowery to her so blushed prettily as she helped Naruto to his feet. They dressed quickly and as he escorted her to the camp she couldn't help but take his arm into hers and rest her head on his shoulder. And while, she did feel sad that when they needed to separate upon nearing the camp, she couldn't help but feel that so long as she had Naruto in her life she would only know happiness so was willing to share him with as many women as need be. A small, but amused smirk appeared on her face after they crossed the threshold of the camp's main gate and each went their own way when she spotted a pair of Suna kunoichi whispering among themselves and blushing. Aware that they had also experienced pleasure at Naruto's hands, she had to add that it was worth it also because outside of Matsuri and Maki. She probably had the most varied and exciting sex life of any woman in Suna, although it was at her request that the list might soon grow to include Pakura so that Naruto could help to right a wrong made by her father.


Pakura stepped out of her small tent and stretched as she greeted the new day. Sadly as with most days her mood quickly dropped as she noticed the usual stares that she received. They had faded for a time upon arriving at the Training Force main camp, but unfortunately that had not lasted long as the stories of her mummifying the son of a high ranking noble quickly spread even among the Leaf. Feeling saddened by this, as she had been one of the people that had actually welcomed the opportunity to participate on the Training Force as she had hoped to escape the persecuting stares that had been a part of her existence for going on fifteen years.

Trying to ignore them as best she could, she grabbed a towel out of her pack and made her way to the women's shower. Approaching the cloth covered enclosure; she could hear giggling coming from inside as several of the kunoichi that made up the Training Force prepared for the day. Stepping inside, all traces of merriment stopped as the young Suna kunoichi that had been laughing became aware of her presence. Keeping her face stoic, she moved to an empty stall away from everyone else and then began stripping before stepping under the showerhead.

Able to see the other woman's faces since the dividers for the stalls only came up to their shoulders, she could feel the younger kunoichi's eyes trying to watch her discreetly. Paying them no mind, she went about her business trying to clean herself as efficiently as possible so she could get away from the stares. The kunoichi still uncomfortable by her presence remained silent until they were joined by another, a kunoichi that Pakura had known when she was younger. As Maki entered, the other kunoichi felt rather emboldened by her presence so began joking and laughing again.

Maki gave Pakura a smile of greeting, which as usual the older Suna jounin ignored. Although Maki was one of the few who had not ostracized her, their friendship had taken a beating when she had decided to become a lapdog for Joseki. After the Sound-Sand invasion of Konoha during the Chunin Exams and the death of Maki's team, Pakura had tried to convince the young woman that living for revenge was no way to live. Maki, her emotions still running hot from her anger lashed out at her saying, "That's real great advice coming from the woman whose actions caused the invasion in the first place. Maybe if you didn't have so much pride none of this would have happened." Maki realized what she has said was out of bounds, and quickly tried to apologize. However, Pakura would have none of it, as she believed that Maki's true feelings had finally come to the surface. Therefore, the older woman had turned her back on her and walked away. That was the last time the two of them had spoken. But recently, Pakura had sensed a change come over Maki. No longer able to sense the anger and grief that had become a part of Maki's being made Pakura tempted to try and repair their friendship.

With Maki's presence acting as a buffer to Pakura's, the other young Suna kunoichi decided it was safe to once more bring up the topic they had been talking about before she had entered. One of the younger women leaned over to her stall towards a long-haired kunoichi with brown hair and eyes asking, "You went again last night didn't you, Yukata?"

Yukata blushed but responded, "I don't want to talk about it. I told you I'm only interested in whether or not it's paranormal in nature."

The kunoichi didn't buy Yukata's excuse quickly replying, "You know it's just some pervert using a transparency jutsu, don't you? It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Kashike went a couple of nights ago and she said she's never cum so hard in her life. What's more, according to her, he didn't even stick his dick inside her. If he's that good then I'm thinking of giving him try."

"But you're seeing someone," another of the kunoichi said her voice dripping with the scandal of what her fellow Suna-nin had said.

Before the kunoichi could defend what she had said Yukata interrupted her by saying, "It wouldn't matter. Whatever or whoever it is at least seems to have some sense of morals as he will not show up if you're currently involved with somebody."

"Oh yeah," the kunoichi said with a hint of anger entering her voice, "just how do you know that?"

Yukata began lathering her hair as she replied, "Research, and one of the Leaf's kunoichi went to the circle a few weeks ago but he didn't show. I only learned later that she's been cheating on her boyfriend."

"I don't know Yukata," another of the Suna-nin said he her tone disbelieving, "I mean he's groped quite a few girls already. Why would he draw the line there?" The kunoichi then turned to Maki asking, "What do you think Maki?"

"Well to be honest, I don't know if this is the necessarily the best place to be having this discussion as there are plenty of perverts in both villages and wouldn't want any eavesdroppers to get the wrong idea of Suna kunoichi. But to answer your question, I think at the very least our Mr. Ghost has a respect for the bonds between people and wouldn't want to be the cause of one breaking."

Pakura watched as the other Suna-nin appeared properly chastised for their crass behavior as she had been getting rather upset by it, especially due to her own lack of physical intimacy. Hearing of the other and much younger women's exploits had truly been getting under her skin. However, it did plant the seed of desire to learn just what was going on out in the woods at night.

Finishing her shower, she quickly dried herself off and dressed. Leaving without a word, she stepped out into the bright sunny day and felt a bit of excitement at what challenges awaited.


"Dammit Seven, get your head in the game," Mikoto shouted as she tackled her fellow inmate to the ground just as a large metal cable cut through the air where she was standing. The cable missed, but slammed into the nearby building with enough force to cut through it. As the building began to collapse Mikoto shot to her feet, pulling Seven to her feet as well, and then dragged the woman behind her as she darted down an alley in the simulated town the chunin guards of the prison used to mimic different environments in which they might have to apprehend prisoners.

Confident that they had lost the shinobi that had been manipulating the cable, as well as were out of the viewing eye of any electronic devices monitoring them. She ducked into a small recess in the alley pulling Seven in next to her before dropping to her haunches in order to catch her breath. Seven slid down the stone wall next to her, but instead of assuming a position like her where she could dart off if they needed to she simply fell to her backside while wearing the same blank look that had been on her face all day.

Getting tired of it, especially since it could get her killed, Mikoto shoved the woman roughly and then said, "Hey, if you want to die here, then just tell me. I'll leave your ass here and let Shura and his boys put you out of your misery."

As she expected, Seven eyes narrowed dangerously at her from the rough treatment, however a moment later that fire died as she looked away replying, "Maybe that would be for the best."

Mikoto was about to ask what she meant by that, but then a heavy footfall sounded near their position. The Uchiha kunoichi peeked out from her recess, but quickly fell back into the shadows when she spotted another member of the Shinobazu at the foot of the alley. Pulling a kunai from her pouch in case he noticed them, she could only hope that he was as blind as the animal form he now possessed. The mole man, that was Toki of the Shinobazu, looked down the alley, but apparently didn't notice anything as he began lumbering off in search of his prey.

Looking at her fellow kunoichi, Mikoto saw that the woman had barely reacted throughout the encounter so said heatedly, "We don't have time for this. In cases it has escaped your notice they are letting those that have received the Animal Curse Mark participate in these training sessions. Also as a result the number of "training accidents" has skyrocketed. You might think you're above all this because you're one of Akame's lieutenants, but I assure you if you fall behind they will let you."

"It doesn't matter," Seven replied woefully, "there's nothing for me out there anymore. I don't know how, but she learned that I wasn't telling the truth about how far I've infiltrated into Akame's scheme."

Despite the situation, Mikoto's demeanor softened slightly as she asked, "Didn't you explain that you were trying to make amends?"

Near tears, the brown haired woman replied, "She didn't want to hear any of it. She only stayed long enough to tell me she was done with me."

She arched an eyebrow as her fellow kunoichi had made it sound like her contact was actually able to get in and out of the prison without anyone being the wiser. However, she ignored the questions she felt rise to the surface so she could say while sounding as nurturing as possible given the circumstances, "Then we'll just have to put an end to this without her help." Seven looked up at her in surprise causing her to allow a small smile to appear as she continued, "What? To be honest I was never comfortable with just letting your contact on the outside handle things. I put my faith in others before, and lost everything as a result. We'll put Akame's little insurrection down, and that way no one will be able to doubt you never intended to betray them."

Seven's eyes shone with new hope, causing Mikoto's smile to blossom into one she hadn't worn in a long time. Seven wiped at the unshed tears as she quickly apologized before saying, "You're right. Nothing's going to get done by just sitting here feeling sorry for myself."

Able to feel several people approaching, Mikoto stood her face turning serious again as she said, "You're wrong about that partner." Holding up the kunai she had pulled earlier, the Uchiha kunoichi added, "Something tells me these are the type of guys that prefer killing a target that doesn't defend itself."

Seven worked herself back to her feet, dusting herself off and with some of the old fire she possessed said, "Well let's show these bastards we're anything but easy."

"Now you're talking," Mikoto said just as Shura landed on the roof on the building opposite of them.

The leader of the Shinobazu now appearing as a large humanoid wolf grinned down at them as he said, "Found you."

"Thanks," Seven said as she held her hand out towards the Wolfman causing a large stone dragon to launch itself through the wall of the building she was standing in front of, "You've saved us the trouble of having to find you."

Shura launched himself into the air, however the Earth Dragon easily caught up and although it couldn't swallow him. It forced him to grab onto its jaws, and thus allowed the Dragon to smash both him and it into another nearby building which collapsed atop of him.

As Seven concentrated on directing her jutsu, Mikoto notice that the wall in front of them was beginning to crack. Pulling her shades, she activated her Sharingan just as Toki broke through the wall. Time seemed to slow as she closed the distance able to slip through the rubble his entrance sent flying about; as a result he was surprised to almost be immediately repelled as she appeared before him kicking him in the chest.

Toki quickly scrambled to his feet, but just-in-time to be on the receiving end of a Great Fireball jutsu, which Mikoto had launched after flipping outside the hole he had made. He threw his arms in front of his face as the fireball connected and the resulting explosion blew out the windows of the first floor. When the smoke cleared, a charred Toki was still standing, but soon collapsed forward as he struggled to breathe.

A moment later the last number of the Shinobazu appeared, and who had been the one whose cable jutsu had sent them scrambling into the alley in the first place. Confident of victory he asked while obviously expecting to see his partners, "Did you two finish off those bitches yet?"

Both kunoichi stared at the man, whose animal form was that of the jackal, and realizing his mistake cursed while trying to prepare a jutsu to defend himself. Unfortunately, he only had enough time to whimper before they were on him.


Pakura felt silly as she stood perched in a tree overlooking the Chunin Instructor Evaluation Grounds. Watching for some sign of just who it was that had been driving the kunoichi of Suna mad as of late, she let her mind wander to the day's events. The day's exercise hadn't been too horribly taxing as the scenario was a simple one, which was to escort a VIP from one location to another. To prevent things from getting too repetitive sometimes those assigned to protect the VIP wouldn't encounter anything. Yet others, they would face overwhelming opposition that no squad of shinobi could hope to overcome. Pakura had been both hunter and prey in the scenarios and found that she preferred to be the hunter, especially when it was against her fellow Suna-Nin as is allowed her to show off her superiority to those who had pushed her aside.

Despite her earlier excitement for the day challenges after her shower, when she found out that she would be one of the defenders and who she was partnered with she was tempted to sit out the exercise. Finding herself on the same team as Temari, who she despised due to her familial relations, had really dampened any enjoyment she thought she would get from the wargame. However, due to the presence of the Konoha-Nin Naruto, she had found her mood hadn't dropped nearly as much as she would've expected. She had even been forced to admit that she had even found his interactions with Temari amusing.

As she waited to see if anyone would trigger the circle that appeared to be drawn with old dried blood or a close substitute, she recalled the memory of the high point of the exercise.