
39.5 Know Pain: Part II

"Thanks," Naruto replied beginning to move pass her, "I guess all those lame D-ranked missions paid off."

Naruko nodded in agreement although she didn't share many of those memories with Naruto due to them being a happy period of his life. Still the results spoke from themselves. She watched as he approached a clone to ask, "I trust you weren't detected?"

"Hey man, have a little faith," the clone replied annoyed at being questioned, "We stuck to the plan. No one knows that we Hiraishined to Wave. We didn't use the mark on Tsunami but the kunai you left buried on the Whirling Tide's Manor property. We then henged ourselves in order to purchase the supplies."

"Good," Naruto said with a curt nod, "I wouldn't want the others to worry if word reached them I appeared in Wave. Thanks for all your hard work."

The clone nodded before whistling getting all the clones attention. It then burst into smoke which the other clones did following its example. Naruto began to move around back causing Naruko to follow. The kunoichi came to a screeching stop though as she found that on top of everything else the cabin was built next to a small pond being feed by a waterfall. Naruko already picturing herself bathing under it turned to Naruto saying impressed, "An outdoor bath, an inside and outside fire pit, and supplies, just how long were you planning this?"

Naruto shrugged, before replying, "It just came to me after breakfast. If we're going to give our all during training then we can't be half starving or tired from tripping over each other at night." Naruto sat down next to the fire and pulling the lid off the pot began to spoon the food that one of his clones had been cooking into a bowl. Holding it out to Naruko he added, "If we're going to stop Pain and avenge Pervy Sage then we are going to need to dedicate everything we have to this training. Isn't that right boss?"

Naruko took the bowl which had been filled with a stew and sat across from her fellow blonde. Commenting on his calling her boss she asked, "You're not mad that Gamabunta made me a lieutenant when he stills calls you a lackey?"

Naruto chuckled before giving her a smile that she knew had melted quite a few women's hearts already as he said, "I can't say I'm all that surprised. Gamakichi explained it to me during one of our training breaks. He told me you've incorporated summoning into your fighting style and even managed to impress the Boss Toad. From what I can understand, Gamabunta is just glad that you don't just summon him into the same messed up situations that I tend to."

Naruko returned his smile as she replied, "He may have mentioned how nice it is to be summoned to deal with simple bandits from time to time. But are you really okay with me having the same summons as you?"

"Why wouldn't I be," Naruto asked in turn giving her a confused look as he paused in filling his own bowl. "I'll be the first to admit I don't use summoning as efficiently as I probably could. Not to mention the Boss Toad has a reason to be annoyed with how I summon him. It's always either been to fight someone else's giant summons or a Bijuu. To be honest I don't think he's ever really forgiven me for summoning him to fight that monster summons made of sea water. Besides, from what I've seen you've earned their respect and that in a nutshell is all that matters."

Naruko couldn't help feeling embarrassed as Naruto praised her. Hoping to change the subject she said, "It must be kind of a shock being cut off from the others."

"A little," Naruto conceded, "Fukasaku seems to think that it's due to whatever it is in the atmosphere that keeps the Toad Oil from evaporating. But, it isn't a true barrier since I can still Hiraishin." Naruto looked up at the sky before turning his attention to Naruko as he added, "Not being able to feel the others may be a blessing in disguise."

Surprised at the revelation Naruko asked, "Really? Is that why you didn't want your clones making contact?"

Naruto inclined his head as he answered, "Yes. While on one hand being constantly connected to them and being able to sense their constant presence is a true gift. With everything that is going on I don't know if I could truly concentrate if that was still the case. I'm so worried about Komachi that I keep trying to reach out to get a sense of how she is doing."

"Can't you "look in" on her using the Hiraishin portion of the foxmark?"

"Yeah, but I'm afraid if I do that without the emotional portion I'll misconstrued the situation and make things worse." Naruto tore his gaze from the heavens to look into the fire, the light of which highlighted how worried he was. "The same could be said for Konan as well. I know she wouldn't just let Jiraiya face Pain. I keep wondering if she may have tipped her hand somehow and might be in danger." Looking at Naruko, who could see his determination, he added, "But, I can't be worrying about that now and need to trust in everyone to hold things together until I'm ready to face Pain."

"You mean we are," Naruko corrected.

He gave her another bright smile as he said, "Forgive me, I misspoke."

Naruko nodded, before returning his smile with one of her own as she said, "Well don't let it happen again. We're in this together."


Komachi didn't know where she was as she awoke to find herself bound and gagged in a tight box that appeared to be aboard a slow moving wagon. Although her chakra was sealed her foxmark still gave her a general idea of where she was in relation to Naruto's other lovers. To say that she was surprised to find herself back in Konoha would be an understatement. In hindsight she supposed she shouldn't have been since she knew that whoever it was who had alerted Danzou had been highly connected to the Clan Council since it had been only after Tsunade had informed them that the information had leaked. While the evidence didn't mean the person was a counselor, Komachi couldn't ignore the possibility either.

Taking further stock of her situation she realized that she had been stripped naked so realized the people that had ambushed her were not taking any chances that she was wearing some sort of tracking seal. She felt her face twist into a smirk, a still unusual gesture for her, as she realized that there taking her into the village meant they hadn't found her foxmark. To her that confirmed her ambushers had been Root, since she figured normal bandits or thieves would have explored her nakedness in a manner that may have uncovered the location of her mark just pass her lower lips.

Closing her eyes she tried to recall details of the attack, but unfortunately due to their preparations and skill she hadn't caught sight of them. She supposed that since she had been moving from Root safe house to safe house as she avoided the Anbu sent by Tsunade to capture her. She shouldn't have been surprised that they had managed to get the drop on her. Naturally her plan had always been to link up with the remnants of Root, but she hadn't necessarily wanted to be at such a disadvantage during that encounter.

Komachi let her mind drift to Naruto and she wondered how he was doing. During her travels from the village word had reached her of Jiraiya's death. Now able to place why she had felt such pain coming from him, she felt her heart begin to hurt. Understanding that the pain was a result of her own strong feelings for Naruto, Komachi was shocked to learn emotions could connect her to people she had never even meant. It was also at that moment as her mind began to make plans to abandon her current mission to find Jiraiya's killer and make him pay that Komachi realized at some point without her realizing it she had come to love Naruto. It also made her realize just how daunting her lover's ambition was. She had never met Jiraiya, but due to her connection to Naruto and the pain she had felt him in had been prepared to strike out in order to avenge him. She realized that through that death which had hurt a person she cherished. She had come to hate someone that she had never met. She realized that stopping the spread of hate may very well be impossible. What that said about their chance of accomplishing the goal Naruto and the others had been working for Komachi couldn't answer. Just like she couldn't answer how Naruto would react when he came face to face with Pain, now that his heart may had had the seed called hate planted in it.

The wagon came to a stop and Komachi felt the box she was in begin to get pulled off. She listened for any hint that may have pinpointed her location inside the village. Yet, she could tell from the locations of Hinata, and Tsume that it was likely she wasn't near either of their clans' territories. Feeling like she was being moved underground she guessed that Remnants of Root still had a few tunnels for them to scurry about in. Her box was dropped on the ground unceremoniously, before the lid was pried off. She was then quickly pulled from it and then chained to a hook hanging in the middle of the room which lifted her off her feet. Suspended in the air, the two masked men that had brought her there left the room.

However, her senses told her she wasn't alone. Remaining calm, she waited for the person behind her to make his presence known since she needed to give off the demeanor of someone being collected by overcautious allies. After almost an hour of silence the person behind her said, "You took a considerable number of risks in heading to safe houses that could have been compromised. You should of have had no way of knowing how much the Hokage has figured out about Roots operation. Yet, you still chose to take that risk."

Sounding emotionally detached, Komachi answered, "I also had no way of knowing how to deliver my report on Danzou's demise. I surmised that heading to them would either put me under Root's observation or Konoha's. In either case my directive was clear."

"Really," the man said coming away from the wall he had been resting against to come before her revealing that he wore a hood which concealed his hair and a mask in the visage of a monkey to hid his face. Komachi wasn't surprised that he paid no attention to her lack of clothing. "What would your directive have been if Konoha had found you?"

"To kill as many of the Hokage's forces as possible before meeting my end."

"And since we of the Root have found you, what is your directive now?"

"To inform you of Danzou's passing," Komachi said unemotionally.

"A wasted effort my dear," the man said turning to walk away, "You would have better served your master by joining him in death."

As the masked man made his way to the door, the two masked men from before stepped in as well one of them brandishing a sword that was no doubt soon to be sheathed in her. Komachi though kept calm as she said, "Under normal circumstances that would be true. I failed in my duty to protect Lord Danzou. If my death appeases that failure then I accept your punishment. But, you should know that it appears Tsunade may have been able to keep a few more secrets from you."

She watched the man she was calling Monkey for the moment stop as he turned slowly to watch her over his shoulder. Knowing that a proper member of Root wouldn't negotiate for their life she said, "Lord Danzou had escaped through a secret passage that I had no idea existed. Yet, Naruto Uzumaki still managed to locate us."

"The official report stated that he accidently blew a hole through the passage as he fought his way through the forces defending the base."

"Those reports are fabrications," Komachi said, "I believe though Kakashi was the one to do that. He was also the one to strike the fatal blow to Lord Danzou."

"It appears you managed to avenge him then," Monkey said causing Komachi to fear her blade had struck too deep.

However, she didn't let it show on her face aware that Monkey was likely testing her loyalty since at the moment he only had her word. Komachi had little doubt that Root had spotted her at the first safe house she had visited. They had only let her go to the others in order to ascertain whether she was being followed. But she knew she couldn't play the part of taking satisfaction in Kakashi's death either, her emotional detachment needed to go both ways. Therefore she simply gave a curt nod of her head to recognize his point before saying, "Yet, what Root needs to know is that as dangerous as Kakashi was. Naruto has unlocked a jutsu far more dangerous. He managed to catch up and delay us because he had mastered the Hiraishin."

"What?!" Monkey said his voice filled with concern. Turning to the two masked shinobi he asked, "Are you sure she is clean?"

"Yes sir," one of the men replied, "She has no seals on her person."

Monkey turned to her and studying her body closed the distance before placing a hand on her stomach. Channeling chakra into her, he began to inspect her very carefully. However, when he reached her pussy he simply pulled her legs apart to make sure nothing was marked on her inner thighs. Stepping away he said, "Tsunade was wise to keep that hidden. She would have had a rather distinct advantage if we didn't know the Hiraishin had been mastered by the jinchuriki. You did well in informing me of this. I trust though you understand why this changes nothing."

"I do," Komachi said as the man with the sword began to approach. Komachi although not wishing to die didn't call out for help as she felt she had fulfilled her duty to her lover. When her life blinked out it would inform the others where Root was based and likely confirm the man that had warned Danzou was at the location. She was just glad Naruto wouldn't feel it as she didn't want to distract him from whatever training she was sure he was undertaking. She felt quite content that a minor cog such as her would be instrumental in the removal of the obstacle to Naruto's ambition that Root represented.

It would be that sense of contentment that her duty had been fulfilled that ultimately spared her life as Monkey said, "Hold..." The man in the midst of pulling his sword back to thrust it into Komachi's chest did as instructed. Monkey watched her for several more moments before turning away as he said, "On second thought I may find a use for this piece yet. Tsunade thinks she has weeded us out, what better way to rub her nose in her failure then for a known Root member to kill her precious jinchuriki. At the very least it will highlight her failure as a leader and perhaps make the Fire Daimyo willing to make her step down."

Monkey waved his two men follow him as they left Komachi strung up in the air. Once the door closed she allowed her face to show what she truly thought of Monkey's plot before thinking, "Checkmate."


Konan stopped as she reached a crossroad in the Land of Waterfalls. Having led the procession of Paths to this point she paused not sure which way to go. Looking over her shoulder she hid the frown that she felt as she couldn't see either Nagato or Tobi. "What is it," the Deva path that had once been Yahiko asked upon her stopping.

Konan stared for several moments before turning away as she said diplomatically, "You haven't seen fit to tell me where we are going."

Konan could feel Nagato's Rinnegan boring into her back. Ever since their leaving Ame she had felt that the Six Paths were studying her. She looked up at the sign marked on the crossroad again and supposed it was a fitting place to be since she felt her life was likely at one as well. All the while she knew she was growing tenser as the lack of knowing where they were heading played havoc with her emotions. The feeling of dread she had been feeling only lessened slightly upon Naruto's presence disappearing, because although she believed he was likely somewhere safe. She knew that Pain had plenty of ways of learning even the most secret of information.

The other thing playing into her growing fear that Konoha was the target was that Nagato wasn't traveling with her, but with Tobi and his Animal Path. She knew that with Tobi's ability to appear anywhere he wanted Konoha was never outside of Pain's striking distance. She knew that at the moment Nagato had to at least be close enough to manipulate his Path, but since she knew he had been having the technicians working on making improvements to his chakra transmitter had no idea how close he was. It bothered her that she wasn't being let in on the plan, but she suspected the march was as much to test her loyalty as if could have been to pull Konoha's forces away from the village by bringing the supposed leader of Akatsuki out into the open. She figured if that was the case then once Konoha took the bait, Tobi would teleport into the village with the Animal Path. Once inside it would summon the others, thereby throwing Konoha into chaos as they wreaked havoc due to their bypassing the barrier and thus denying the Leaf Village an idea of how many opponents it faced.

Finally after what seemed like forever, the Deva Path said, "Take the path leading north."

Konan was surprised by the order since it would be leading them away from the Leaf Village. Not sure what their destination was she did as instructed stepping onto the path heading away from Konoha. As soon as she did she felt most of the tension bleed from her body.

However, her moment of peace didn't last as the slight shift of her shoulders as she relaxed was the final validation Nagato needed that Konan no longer counted herself among Akatsuki. Raising the Deva Path's hand and bringing it in line with the back of Konan's skull, he said, "I thought so." Releasing a concentrated blast of his jutsu, he watched dispassionately as Konan's head vanished from her shoulders.


Kiyomi didn't let her concerns about the rift that had appeared between Naruto and her show on her face as she worked on making the Taki-nin more self-sufficient. She was hoping that if they didn't need instruction to perform the most simple of tasks that Naruto would at least concede her method of handling them was more humane than death. Still she knew on some level that chances of that were relatively small.

In the wake of Jiraiya's death she had come up with another reason to further hone her skill, and believed that it may even convince Naruto that she was right to practice creating a new persona in a person. But knew her argument wouldn't stand up to much scrutiny since it hadn't been a factor when she had taken over the Taki kunoichi's wills with the one she had implanted. Removing her hand from the one that had been Yuffie she asked, "Do you feel any urges?"

"I have to go pee," Yuffie replied sounding less robotic than before, but still not right.

"Then go," Kiyomi said annoyed. Which turned to anger as Yuffie began to follow the directions literally causing the Bijuu to shout, "Not here, in the bathroom."

Yuffie again did as she was told making her way to the bathroom. Kiyomi was about to follow since she knew that unless she told the woman what to do she would likely simply stand in the bathroom and relieve herself. However, she stopped upon noticing another presence watching her in amusement and having a good idea of who it was and not in the mood for her company asked, "What do you want Uchiha?"

"Why do I need to want something?" Mikoto replied stepping into the room. Walking up to Aeris and Tifa, who remained sitting at the table, she waved her hand in front of their faces before asking, "Not that I care what happens to them, but why not just undo what you've done?"

Although still not in the mood for Mikoto's company, the Bijuu did wish to discuss the matter with someone that wouldn't be so quick to agree with Naruto. Yoruichi had already made it clear that she shared their lover's opinion, and Seven simply didn't care about any of it as she tended to rather smash her way to solutions. Finding the old adage that beggars couldn't be choosers to once more be true, she said, "I'm not sure that I can at this point. In order to supplant their personalities I created new pathways in their minds. At this point removing them could do more harm than good."

"Interesting," Mikoto said sounding just short of being mocking, "So your solution is to make those pathways more complex and even more difficult to remove."

Kiyomi scowled at the woman, but quickly replied, "It beats the alternative."

"Meaning that if you screw up and they die you don't want Naruto to find out it was a result of your tampering."

Kiyomi looked away her fear that should such a thing could happen being easy to see for the Uchiha. Mikoto still found it surprising that a Bijuu seemed to care so much about what a single person, let alone that she was suspecting the Kyuubi wasn't alone in caring a great deal about what Naruto thought. Giving voice to the theory she had put together she said, "It's hard to believe so many women would give themselves to some brat. Let alone allow him to mark them like pieces of property."

Kiyomi glared at Mikoto before a pleased smile broke out on her face as she said, "Ah, there it is. That famed Uchiha pride. Do you truly believe yourself to be so different?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mikoto said challengingly.

"Why it's simple really," Kiyomi said before reaching into the sleeves of her kimono. "You afford yourself some sense of pride because why... because you were unwilling to share your own lover. You believe this somehow makes you superior."

"No, I didn't say that..."

"But you did," Kiyomi said pressing her verbal attack, "Why else would you mention us giving ourselves to him with such disdain?"

"I-it just isn't normal," Mikoto tried to counter her own argument sounding weak especially with how unconcerned Kiyomi appeared to be with what others considered the norm.

"Why should I care about that? Tell me, did you love your husband?"

"W-what does that have to do with anything?"

Kiyomi's eyes grew wide as she said amused, "Ah, I think that answers that question. Well as a woman that can tell you I love the man who shares my bed let me explain to you why I can share him with others. It's because I do not take any pride in calling him mine."

"I don't understand...you say you love him, but take no pride in it."

"You're right, you don't understand," Kiyomi replied. "You see love as something you can fit into your confined set of rules. For example, you can love countless people unless you have sex with one of them at which case you can only love that person in the physical sense."

"T-that's just how it is," Mikoto responded finding her cheeks were growing red and that she was at a total disadvantage due to Kiyomi's lack of discomfiture in discussing the subject.

"Says who?" Kiyomi countered. When Mikoto didn't respond she said simply, "The answer of course is other people's pride. You and others I'm sure, seem to believe that if Naruto takes another lover then it in some way cheapens what he feels for those of us he's already been with."

"Are you saying that it doesn't? Then why mark you as pieces of property."

Kiyomi surprised Mikoto by pulling open her kimono exposing her breasts to the woman. Pulling her robe from her shoulders she presented her back to the Uchiha and showing off her own mark on her back right shoulder said, "Your pride sees these as markings he has put on us to mark his conquests because you can't believe he would can take another woman as a lover and still cherish those he already has. You see, I may take no pride in calling him mine, but this mark displays my pride in being his. My lover is special. Rather than trying to hide that fact away though it pleases me when a new woman understands this by taking on his mark as well."


"Pride of course," Kiyomi said pulling her kimono back over her shoulders, "Did you not ever sit around comparing your man with those of your friends? Wouldn't it please you when one of them would grumble about something their man would do that pisses them off and you could offer something yours would do that would make them wish they could call him theirs."

Mikoto had naturally since most housewives could easily find stuff to complain about in regards to their husbands. As she thought about it though, compared to Tsume and her, Kushina never would join in. Instead the Uzumaki almost always would just nod and smile as she listened to her friends gripe about their husbands. At the time Mikoto had just assumed it was because she didn't want to present a less then flattering image of the man that was the Fourth Hokage. But with Kiyomi's words playing through her head, she began to wonder if it was simply because the kunoichi didn't want to paint a picture of how much of a loving partner her husband was, less other women might set their sights on him.

"You seem pretty free with your information considering you've been dancing around the subject of just how involved you and the other woman have been with Naruto until now," Mikoto said wanting to take some pride in her theory being correct.

Kiyomi shrugged as she turned to face the Uchiha, her kimono still hanging loosely over her shoulders. "I figured you were fishing for the meaning behind the marks you no doubt spotted on the women using the hot springs. I saw no harm in giving you the confirmation you sought. If you prove to be a threat to my family I'll erase you from history. If not, well I doubt I'll have to suffer your presence once you run afoul of your son."

Mikoto wanted to fire back a retort, but before she could come up with something a look of worry passed over the red-head woman's face. Mikoto was about to ask what had spooked the Bijuu, but she disappeared in a flash of flames leaving the Uchiha to wonder what was happening outside the mansion.


Konan looked back as the area she had just been standing erupt into a fireball as the paper bombs hidden among the sheets that had made up the paper clone the Deva Path had eliminated exploded. However, although she knew she had only managed to slip away due to her years of working with Nagato and therefore being aware of the few blind spots that appeared in his formations, she didn't believe for a second the Paths had been caught up in it. Tossing away her Akatsuki cloak she began fleeing, while heading away from Konoha. Although she knew that Nagato already was of the opinion that was who she was working for, she didn't want to give him any further confirmation. To that end she also refused to call on her foxmark. Although, she knew Naruto was no longer in the village she didn't want to take the chance that the lack of ability to feel his presence was one way. The last thing she wanted was to be the cause of Naruto ending up in Nagato and Tobi's grasp.

Taking off running, she knew that a key reason that Nagato had chosen the area as the spot for her execution was that it was a hilly grass covered area devoid of trees for her to use for cover or escape. Still, she had made it a couple of hundred yards when she had needed to leap about as several missiles began to impact around her. She had believed herself clear when suddenly she was blown off her feet from an Almighty Push from the Deva Path.

Konan slid along the ground for several meters before coming to a stop. Picking herself up slowly, she looked behind her to see the Path's closing in on her slowly. Having come to a stop at the top of a hill, Konan pushed herself to her feet and quickly slid down the slope on the other side. Reaching the bottom she found a spot that ended in a dead end, but would allow her to keep her back to a wall. While she knew that either the Asura or Deva path could easily bring the area down on her. She figured that Nagato wanted to use the Human or Naraka Path to find out who she was working with. If that was the case and she could destroy the Naraka Path then she felt it would be a worthy trade for her life since it would mean Nagato would likely have to postpone an attack in order to return to Rain. Although, Nagato had kept her at arm's length in what he had been doing with his other Paths, she believed that by destroying God's Tower Jiraiya had managed to destroy where his replacements had been stored.

A frown appeared on her face though when only the Deva Path stepped into the area with her. "To think the traitor in my midst was the one person I would never have suspected on my own."

Konan winced as she could hear the anger and perhaps hate that Nagato was directing towards her. It hurt twice as much as it was Yahiko's face that was conveying the emotion. "Nagato, please it's not too late to stop this. There is a better way for us to honor Yahiko's memory. There's someone who has inherited his will."

"Is that who you've betrayed me for? I would have thought you of all people would understand that without Pain people refuse to change. Those in power will always continue to scramble about inflicting pain in order to hold onto their pathetic thrones. Only by leveling everything can we inflict the world with the fear that pain teaches us to be wary off. A child that burns itself on a stove will be twice as wary the next time he's around it."

"I know that was what we came to believe..." Konan tried to reason but let out a scream as the Deva Path unleashed his jutsu to smash her up against the rock face behind her.

Although he didn't unleash his full power, she hit hard enough to leave an impression. She had just pushed off the wall when a second wave slammed her back against it. This was quickly followed by a third and a fourth. Konan felt it as bones gave way and organs began to reach the point of rupturing as more waves kept forcing her to hit the wall at her back. The assault ended and Konan sank to the ground her vision growing blurry as a result of the swelling taking part in her brain. She tried to once more convince Nagato to abandon his plan to force the world into accepting his peace.

Yet, she could only find the strength to gurgle out, "N-nagato...p-please..."

"Don't worry Konan, you'll see the world we strived to make as a true angel resurrected in my image," The Deva Path said as Nagato mistook her words as her begging for her life.

He raised his hand intending to finish her off, since in truth he had no intention of questioning her since his goal was to level Konoha to the last man, woman, and child. Sending out a powerful but focused blast of his jutsu he watched in stunned amazement as a woman appeared between him and Konan in a burst of flame. But, what truly shocked him was as the jutsu hit the woman whose back was facing the Deva Path, it slammed into some sort of red barrier that diverted it so that the wall surrounding Konan and her was smashed to pieces.

The red-head stared down at Konan for a moment, before gingerly picking her up. Cradling the blue-haired woman in her arms, she looked over her right shoulder just enough so that Nagato could see that the woman's green eye was slitted like some beast. With a cold fury the woman said, "I don't know how it is you have those eyes. But you're unworthy of them. I would take great pleasure out of ripping them from your head. But, luckily for you I won't be the one to determine your fate."

Before Nagato could question who that person would be, the woman disappeared in the same manner as she had appeared. It left the man that stylized himself as a god wondering just what it was he would encounter when he destroyed Konoha.


Kiyomi appeared in the Den's teleportation room, which she quickly left as she carried Konan to the Medical Bay. "Yoruichi," Kiyomi said via the telepathy she shared with her fellow Bijuu. She could feel her sister get startled from her afternoon nap as she rolled off the table she had been using as a bed.

"W-what is it?" the two-tailed cat replied as she gathered her bearings.

"Find Tsunade," Kiyomi said urgently, "she's in...never mind." She cut the mental link as she could feel Tsunade making her way to the Den. Guessing the Hokage knew something important had happened from Konan's appearance in the village, the Bijuu set the former member of Akatsuki down on one of the medical tables.

Although Kiyomi had already used her chakra to heal most of the damage to Konan's body. She couldn't be sure it would be enough to save the woman since her ability to heal Naruto had stemmed from being connected to him and thus able to send her chakra to the damaged portions of his body to heal specific things. The healing nature of her chakra worked great on physical wounds but wasn't target specific, which was why some people had relapsed when she had used her chakra wave, although it had given doctors a chance to get in front of the diseases.

Tsunade barged into her medical bay, but her questions died on her tongue as she saw Konan's condition. Quickly moving to the table she scanned the woman and said, "You've succeeded in healing a good portion of her injuries. But her brain is swelling, unless we can relieve the pressure she's going to die."

"I...I wouldn't even know where to begin." Kiyomi said.

"Then step back and get me Shizune and Sakura," Tsunade said moving the table to the operating room that she had converted the room they had once interrogated Komachi in.

Kiyomi was about to do as instructed, but the door to the medical bay slid open as the two women Tsunade had asked for appeared. She was surprised at their appearance until Yoruichi stepped in after them, having summoned them figuring gathering the medics would be the next step. She took in her sister's state as she was covered in blood that had transferred from Konan's wounds before they had healed. Watching as the medics began to work on the blue-haired woman, Yoruichi said, "So that's Konan."


"I...I never got the chance to meet her," Yoruichi said sadly.

Although far from certain, Kiyomi said, "You will," she then disappeared in flames as she used her version of the Hiraishin to reappear in her home as she mentally added, "I hope."


Naruko sat atop a stone square that was being balanced on the end of a giant stalagmite. Approaching the end of their third week of training, they had progressed to the next stage which was overcoming their animal natures in order to remain still. With the shadow clones aid, both she and Naruto had quickly overcome their dependence of the toad oil to gather natural energy. However, the current stage had proven to be twice as difficult and was where they had spent the past two weeks.

Part of the reason was that Fukasaku had refused to let them use clones to speed up the process. His reasoning was that although they seemed able to properly balance the natural energy they gathered. They could still begin the transformation from human to toad if they weren't careful and the last thing he wanted to do was give one of them a whack from such heights. They would easily survive it if filled with natural energy, but depleted of that due to a whack from his stick and the end results could be messy.

Naruko believed they were nearing the end of their training as currently both of them were easily remaining balanced. To add a level of complexity Fukasaku was leaping from each of the stones his students were resting on trying to upset the balance. Yet no matter where he landed the stones remained perfectly still. Leaping up and down on the one Naruto was using several times he finally said, "Good, very good. You two are finally ready for the final part of your training."

Naruko opened her eyes to see Naruto do the same his eyes being the only thing showing his success at harnessing Natural Energy. She knew it was a feature that she shared at the moment as well. Rolling backwards off her stone, she landed gracefully and easily caught the falling square before returning it to the pile of intact ones. Naruto landed a moment later as he followed suit with Fukasaku perched on his shoulder. The three of them then began heading towards where most of the toad's resided in order to drop their teacher off.

Dressed rather skimpily in her sports bra and shorts, Naruko turned to face the others as she folded her arms behind her back to push her chest out as she asked, "What is the finally stage Fukasaku-sensei?"

She felt a measure of pride as Naruto's eyes momentarily drifted from her face to her chest as he responded, "Yeah, gramps what else is there for you to teach us."

Fukasaku wacked Naruto with his staff knocking the remaining natural energy out of him as he said in a huff, "Naruto-boy, you for instance could stand to learn how to address people with respect."

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," Naruto said rubbing the delicate knot appearing on his head. He frowned when Naruko stuck her tongue out at him, but then chuckled since he knew she was just being playful.

Fukasaku didn't miss the gesture either as he smiled in amusement at his two students pleased with how close they had grown. Answering the question posed to him, he said, "Now that you can enter into Sage mode it is only right that I teach you how to fight like Sages. Starting tomorrow I'll be teaching you Frog Kata." Leaping from Naruto's shoulder to the groud he added, "I would invite you to dinner, but I believe I already know the answer."

"Yeah, well about that," Naruto began to say since Fukasaku had one morning come to get them early for breakfast only to see his students eating already.

Fukasaku held up his hand as he said, "Naruto it's quite alright. After witnessing the disgusting things you two eat, I can only imagine that our cuisine looks just as unappealing. With that in mind, it does make the few times you have joined us for dinner all the more special." The Toad gave them a final wave goodbye before taking off down the path towards his home.

Naruko and Naruto returned to their small cabin where they quickly fell into their comfortable rhythm. This usually consisted of Naruto preparing the ingredients for the night's meal as Naruko bathed in the pond out back. Then after she was finished she would cook them as he similarly cleaned himself up. Then both of them would clean and wash the dishes. They would then spend the night talking about various topics relating to the mundane or profound.

It was during one such night that it occurred to Naruko that she was probably the only kunoichi to have enjoyed what could be considered a normal home life with Naruto. Although she hadn't really meant anything by her observation, once the idea had been planted she began to imagine herself in the role of his wife from time to time. Her little fantasies would take less innocent turns sometimes when she'd be in the midst of cooking their dinner in the fire pit inside the cabin for when it rained and Naruto would enter dripping wet with just a towel around his waist. He'd quickly mutter an apology as he'd grab his clothes to get dressed outside as he took her keeping her back towards him as a sign of her disapproval. Instead of it being due to her peeking at him through the small window opening that faced out back.

Naruko had tried not to peek since she was rather positive Naruto had yet to, but if there was one trait she had picked up from Jiraiya. It had been her enjoyment of the art of peeking. Ever since her time of spying on Naruto with several of his lovers, Naruko had become something of a thorn in many hot spring establishments' sides. She was an equal opportunity peeker, since she enjoyed the female form as much as the male one. And although she had seen quite a few naked bodies since then, including catching a few couples getting it on, she still would give Naruto, her number one spot.

Seeing the cabin approaching Naruko ran to it, where upon stepping into the cabin she quickly stripped from her clothes. Throwing a towel around her body she grabbed her cleaning products and an oversized shirt for after before stepping outside. Naruto waited against the side of the cabin and once she appeared asked, "What do you feel like?"

"Anything but ramen," Naruko answered smirking at the way his face grimaced since she had only agreed to his favorite food once so far.

"Fine," Naruto said vowing he wouldn't ask the next day, although he knew he would.

Naruko smiled at him as he headed inside and decided that since he didn't whine about her choice would choose his favorite food when he asked tomorrow. Heading around back, she pulled the towel away from her body in order to slowly enter the water in order to allow her body the chance to grow accustomed to the cool temperature. Making her way under the waterfall, she kept her back to the cabin as she ran her hands over her body occasionally stopping to play with her hardened nipples. Letting a small moan escape from her lips she began to rub her pussy as she tried to attain some release while briefly wondering just when Naruto handled his own self pleasure since in all her peeking she had yet to see him indulge once.


Naruto sent a look at the ingredients he had chopped and prepared for Naruko to cook. Trying to resist the urge to peek on the girl, both to see what took her so long to clean-up, but also for the more primal reasons. He instead turned the page in the Jiraiya's first book, "The Legend of the Gutsy Ninja."

Grateful that Jiraiya's first book didn't include any of the sexy actions his subsequent ones would be famous for. Naruto began to read the scene where his name sake in the book battled against the evil ninja that vowed to destroy his home. "I love this part," a woman whispered causing Naruto to smile.

"Me too mom," Naruto said as his world shifted causing him to appear in the seal sitting cross-legged on the floor facing the coach she was resting on.

His mother smiled at him as she closed her copy of the book. She then stood from the couch before moving behind Naruto to begin massaging his shoulders since she knew despite appearances he was growing rather nervous. Hoping to get him to open up to her she asked, "You need to relax Naruto.

You've completed your training to a greater degree than Jiraiya could after years of training in just three weeks. When the time comes you'll be able to face Pain."

"I hope so," Naruto said. Kushina frowned though as she felt her son's shoulders grow tenser despite her massaging them.

"It's about what happened to Konan," Kushina asked but she had phrased it as a statement. Tsunade had sent the messenger toad Fukasaku had left to inform him of his lover's condition. Naruto upon finding out that she had been put into a coma had nearly taken off to find and confront, Pain. It had been a slap to the face from Naruko that had brought the blond back to his senses as she berated him for acting like an idiot. She had correctly pointed out that from the very beginning Konan had done everything in her power to prevent Naruto and Pain from coming face to face. The last thing she would want was to be the catalyst that hastened that meeting.

Naruto had startled the kunoichi by still Hiraishining away, but instead of going in search of Konan's attacker had instead teleported to her bedside. He had felt his sudden appearance send warning bells off in his lovers who feared he was going to track down Pain. However, he put them at ease before vowing to Konan, he would put a stop to Pain's ambition. He had remained with her for several hours before returning to Mount Myoboku, where he had encountered a very pissed off Naruko who had been under the impression he had abandoned his training to go on a hunter-killer mission.

Despite it having been several weeks ago the pain of seeing Konan looking so battered was still fresh in Naruto's mind. Looking down at his teacher's first book, where Jiraiya had transcribed his hopes of a better world Naruto said, "I'm a fraud."

"Honey, no you're not. Already as a result of your actions Suna and Konoha have a closer alliance than ever before. Also, the village has taken the first tentative steps to coming to an understanding with Kumo. Something even the Second Hokage couldn't make happen."

Naruto tried to take some solace from his mother's words, but couldn't as he said, "Yet, that's only because I've had no reason to hate Kumo or Suna. B-but despite me knowing its wrong...all I think about is how badly I want to kill Pain right now."

Kushina hugged her son from behind as she said, "I know Honey. But it's only natural to feel that way. He's killed your teacher...and hurt one of your lovers. He also stands as the greatest threat to you and your loved ones."

Naruto sighed as he placed his hand over where his mom had locked hers around his chest. Taking comfort in her warmth he said, "The problem is that it's too natural. How can I be someone that speaks of peace and understanding when my own true nature wants to do the opposite?"

"I don't know Honey," his mom said kissing his cheek, "but I believe you'll find a way."

Before he could reply though, he was pulled from the seal by the sound of Naruko's voice shouting, "Hey, wake up."

Naruto's world shifted granting him a close up view of Naruko's face as she stood bent over in front of him as well as a grand view of the kunoichi's cleavage since she was still only wearing a towel. Naruto felt his dick lurch at the sight, and hoped he mastered the Frog Kata quicker than he had the other two stages since after three weeks without relief he desperately wanted to return to his home. Standing, he thanked Naruko for waking him and while he figured he could quickly rub one out as he bathed. Refused to since he believed that a man in his position should conserve all his energy to pleasing his lovers.


Kiyomi was once more training her Taki-nin. She watched rather satisfied as they ate since she had placed several food dishes in front of them after further modifying the women's psyches. Although she had needed to wait for nearly an hour, shortly after she heard one of their stomachs growl all three women began to eat without being instructed too.

Her minor success pleased her so much her voice barely contained any of its normal distaste as she said, "Can I help you Uchiha?"

Although it had been several weeks since their last conversation and she doubted any of Naruto's other lovers had spoken to her about matters concerning the Harem, Mikoto asked, "How's the woman you saved?"

"She's woken from her coma," Kiyomi replied, not wanting to give the Uchiha the satisfaction of seeing her surprise that she had obtained some knowledge of what was happening in the harem.

"That's good," Mikoto said taking a seat next to Kiyomi.

"Can you please get to the point of your visit?" the Bijuu asked annoyed.

"I merely wished to continue our previous conversation," Mikoto said.

She scowled though as Kiyomi muttered, "That makes one of us." However, despite herself she said, "What aspect of it do you want to talk about?"

"You mocked me for my Uchiha pride as you put it. However, I've watched you and the others tied to Naruto. I can see you all wear a similar type of pride, so I want to know what makes your pride so much better than my own."

Kiyomi shrugged as she answered, "Who can say that it is? But ultimately I believe it all boils down to what you place your pride in. Your pride is born of the arrogance that you were somehow born special. Your whole rebellion was born of that belief."

"My hus...Our rebellion," Mikoto said pausing to include amend her words to include herself, "was born from the fact that we were treated as second-class citizens in a village we helped to fond."

Kiyomi laughed musically which under the circumstances annoyed Mikoto greatly. The Bijuu smiled as she said, "Your own argument highlights my point."

"So you're saying, what exactly? We should have just continued to be treated as enemies within our own village."

"Not at all," Kiyomi said, "But your arrogance is what eventually made you into the enemies they feared you'd become. Your belief was not that it was as fellow villagers or fellow shinobi did you deserve to be treated equals, but as Uchiha. Deep down you understand this to be true, which is why you tipped the Third Hokage off?"

"How...Koharu," Mikoto said her voice dropping to a dangerous growl upon coming to the understanding of who had informed the Bijuu about her involvement in Konoha's learning of the rebellion.

To the Uchiha's surprise Kiyomi's chakra flared as her eyes grew slitted. Turning her full gaze upon Mikoto, the Bijuu warned, "Be careful Uchiha. If you present a threat to any of the women of this household I will end you."

It was one of the few times, Mikoto would admit to being intimidated so let the matter drop. Looking away she asked, "Are you saying I betrayed my clan because I threw away my pride as an Uchiha?"

"In a manner of speaking," Kiyomi said as her chakra dissipated. "But it would perhaps be better to say you placed it in something larger than the Uchiha. Much like Itachi did."

Mikoto wanted to tell the woman that she didn't know her son so had no right speaking about him. However, she recalled the confrontation Itachi had with the other Uchiha in the wake of Shisui's death. Remembering the contempt that Itachi had spoken with as he talked about the vessel to which they had pledged their loyalty. She understood that he had been talking about their pride as Uchiha over their pride at being shinobi of the Leaf.

Kiyomi sensed Mikoto's coming to an understanding of what she was talking about, so said, "Did you ever consider the reason people continued to distrust you was because they knew your actions were not for their sake, but your own. Your clan and Naruto share that in common I suppose. You both began from a place of distrust, and both strived to change the people's minds. The reason he is succeeding is because he has come to the belief that so long as he makes tomorrow a little better than today than it doesn't matter if the people recognize him for it. The people see this and therefore grant him the recognition he originally craved."

Mikoto stared at the Bijuu who began to get up to leave, but stopped as Mikoto whispered, "It's never the one who becomes Hokage who will be acknowledged by everyone. It's the one who is acknowledged by everyone that becomes Hokage."

Kiyomi turned to face the Uchiha to asked, "Who said that?"

"Itachi," Mikoto said sadly, "When he was arguing with Fugaku and the others when they first approached him with the request of being their spy in the Anbu."

"Your son was very wise," Kiyomi said feeling a small pang of sadness for the woman. Figuring that she had made her point she turned to leave the woman alone with her thoughts.


Naruto avoided Naruko's punch and quickly retreated less he get caught up in the aura of natural energy surrounding her. Naruko charged in throwing several kicks, which he also avoided but was forced to block the last one's aura. Crossing his arms, to block the blow coming towards his chest, he grunted as it impacted and sent him skidding several feet. He was about to go on the offensive when he saw the aura around her disappear and her yellow eyes return to normal.

Dropping to the ground to gather more energy she huffed annoyed, "Why haven't you run out of juice yet?"

Naruto shrugged, as Fukasaku said, "It's because he's still gathering natural energy somehow."

"You said that it was impossible for someone to do that while moving," Naruko said abandoning her attempt to gather more. "I mean I can understand why we don't run out when you merge with me. But why..."

"I know why," Naruto said suddenly, but instead of supplying the answer he dove into his seal. Much as he expected he came across his mother sitting in the center of the recreation of her old apartment in a cross-legged position similar to the stance he and Naruko took. What he wasn't prepared for was for her to be dressed in similar attire to what Naruko wore during their training sessions. Despite himself, seeing his mom minus her normal, less form flattering, clothing caused a familiar stirring in him. Realizing he was ogling his mom, he shook his head to clear out the thoughts threatening to take root and cleared his throat.

Kushina's eyes snapped open causing her to say, "Naruto...Honey...um surprise."

Naruto chuckled as he could think of a few surprises to which she was referring. Finding his attention was threating to once more drift to her skimpy attire he said, "I guess I should let Fukasaku know I'm not going to need to practice that merging jutsu anytime soon. Thanks mom. If I don't need to worry about my natural energy running out Pain isn't going to stand a chance."

Kushina beamed as her son faded out of the seal, and although she had started the training to help her son. Found that it helped combat the growing urges she was feeling due to her son not having slept with anyone in close to a month. Finding the reminder rather frustrating, she was tempted to give her pussy a quick rub through the thin shorts she was wearing, but as her son sudden appearance in the seal proved. There was a good reason she hadn't given into her own urges. Therefore she closed her eyes again to once more enter the meditative trance that pulled natural energy into Naruto and let her escape the desires she felt for him if only for a short time.


Naruko entered the cabin dressed only in a towel. She found Naruto already in his own sleeping clothes, which consisted of a loose shirt and boxers, since both of them had been rather worn out after training in Frog Kata all day so had opted to eat instant ramen instead of cooking a big meal. Naturally Naruto had finished his first so had then quickly headed outside to bath. Naruko had almost enjoyed her meal as she ate it while watching Naruto scrub his body clean. Sitting on the wooden platform that housed their sleeping rolls and separated the rest of the cabin from the dirt floor she began to comb her hair while he read Jiraiya's book again.

Holding her hand behind her, she said, "It's my turn to read it."

"Hold on, I'm at my favorite part," Naruto replied.

"I don't care," Naruko said turning to face him, "It's my turn. I like reading it while I comb my hair."

"Read the back of the ramen container," Naruto said turning the page.

"You're the only one that finds that interesting," Naruko said lunging for the book.

"Hey," Naruto said managing to pull it away from her grasp.

The two blonds each struggled to either gain possession of the book or maintain it. Due to their prone positions this led to a lot of rolling around. Naruko managed to get ahold of the book by rolling on top of Naruto and as she sat back to pull the book away from his own grasping hands suddenly found something hard and warm pressed firmly against her pussy.

Naruko suddenly lost all interest in the book as she realized that Naruto's cock had slipped out of his boxers and that at some point it had turned into an erection. She looked down at Naruto, who went completely still since he was obviously of the opinion that at any moment she was going to punch him and call him a pervert. However, he let out a groan when instead of reacting as expected, Naruko instead slid her pussy against it.

He was about to suggest they stop, less they get carried away, since he thought it might just be a result of their horseplay getting out of hand. But the words never crossed his lips as Naruko leaned back placing even more pressure against his cock and let out a deep moan as she again rubbed her noticeably wetter pussy over his boner.

"It's so warm and hard," Naruko moaned as she continued gyrating her hips. Opening her eyes, she stared down at him asking nervously, "Y-you think I'm...I'm attractive right...you're not just this hard because you haven't done it in a while."

Naruto reached up and ran his hand against her neck before grabbing along the back of her head. Pulling his face close to hers, he said, "Judge for yourself." He then pressed his lips to hers which quickly deepened until both blonds' tongues were rolling around each other. As the kiss continued on, Naruto pulled the towel away from Naruko's body before he began to squeeze and fondle her breast. The new contact caused Naruko to moan into Naruto's mouth and to increase the movements of her hips.

Naruto groaned as he broke the kiss to say, "N-naruko...it you don't stop I'm going to...ahh shit!"

Naruko loved the way he said her name while fighting back his need to cum. Aware of just how long it had been she instead increased her hip's speed and pressed even firmer on his cock which had grown slick from a combination of his and her fluids. Pressing her lips against his neck, she then kissed down his body before sucking on his nipple. Naruto groaned in pleasure once more, before he erupted coating both their bellies in his thick white cream.

Naruto fell back in satisfaction as Naruko stared down at the proof she had brought a small measure of relief to the jinchuriki. She rubbed her hands in his cum and growing curious brought some up to her mouth where she tasted it experimentally. She moaned at the taste although she did find it a little bitter and slid down his body until she could lick up the rest. He giggled appreciatively as her tongue scooped some free of his belly button and then once his stomach was clean she began to proceed lower.

Naruto though had other ideas as he pulled her up towards him, where he kissed her deeply. He then rolled her onto her back, and then climbing atop of her moved to place his head between her legs. Naruko moaned as she felt Naruto's tongue first begin to trace her folds, but not willing to be outdone raised her head to begin sucking on his dick which due to her previous actions had quickly returned to its previous hardness. The two blonds stimulated each other orally until Naruko couldn't hold back anymore as she experienced the first orgasm brought about by someone other than herself. "Oh gods," she screamed as Naruto's tasty lollipop slipped from her mouth so she could give voice to her pleasure.

Naruto stared down at her warmly as she basked in her post-orgasmic bliss. Naruko's eyes met his and seeing the look that she so craved would one day be directed towards her sat up. Spinning to face him, she spread her legs before reaching down to spread her pussy for him. Naruto recognizing her invitation was still a little surprised so asked, "Are you sure?"

Naruko nodded as she said, "Just promise me that you'll always look at me with such warm looking eyes."

Naruto closed the short distance between them and climbed between her legs. Following her down as she fell back onto the sleeping bag he cupped her face as he said, "I don't know if I can promise that. I imagine that as we grow even closer, they'll begin to show all sorts of other emotions for you warmth, desire, and love." He then kissed Naruko as he pushed his cock inside of her causing the woman to cum once more.

Naruto remained still as he rode out the feeling of her cunt as it tried to milk his seed from him. Once, it subsided he began to move causing the woman to moan as she said, "I-it's too much...p-please stop...you're killing me..." Naruto did as she asked, causing the woman's eyes to shoot open as she asked, "What are you doing?"

"Um...I'm just..."

"Don't listen to me; I'm half backed out of my mind with pleasure right now. Now you start fucking me and don't stop until I'm either unconscious or dead. And I might not want you to stop even then." Naruto grinned at her in a way that made Naruko feel a little nervous as he grabbed the back of her knees and pushed them up against her shoulders. Crouched over her he pulled his hips back until he almost slipped from her griping passage and then slammed them forward smashing the head of his cock into her womb.

Naruko's eyes nearly bulged out of her head from the deeper penetration causing her yells of pleasure to increase in volume. Naruto hands worked their way to beneath his new lover's thighs so he could hold her in position as he got to his feet to drive his dick into her with even greater thrusts. Naruko aided him by pulling her knees into her shoulders and responded to the more powerful blows to her deepest parts by saying, "Oh...yes...you're stabbing me so deep...you're killing me...absolutely killing me. I'm seeing heaven..."

Naruko wasn't the only one approaching paradise as Naruto grunted, "Fuck, you're gripping me so fucking tight. I...I can't hold back anymore...Naruko!"

"Naruto!" his lover screamed as everything went white while her womb was flooded with Naruto's seed. Due to his prolonged abstinence Naruto couldn't believe just how long his cock continued to spurt into Naruko. When he finally ran dry, he pulled out and watched as his cum almost immediately began to leak out. Naruko whimpered at the loss, pulling his attention to her face and he did a double take as for a moment as a vision of his mom looking immensely satisfied seemed to superimpose itself over her. But when he looked back it was gone so just assumed he had been a little more turned on by his mother's choice of meditation clothes then he should have allowed himself to be.

Naruko whimpered again, as she began to snore contently making him guess he had succeeded in the task she had given him. Although his dick was still raring to go, he thought it best not to follow through with the idea of not stopping even though she was unconscious. Picking her up he carried her to his sleeping roll where he snuggled up next to her after covering them both in the covers.


Outside the cabin, a voice said in its slow drawl, "Gamakichi, are you sure we shouldn't have interfered. It's gotten pretty quiet; he may have killed her after all."

Gamakichi stared at his brother for a moment before a wide smile appeared on his face as he responded, "Oh he killed her alright, Gamatatsu. But trust me, if we had tried to stop him, she would have killed us and not in the good way. You understand." His brother shook his head prompting Gamakichi to say, "You will... In any case it's probably going to get a lot nosier at night around here."


"Well...um... maybe you should go ask dad," the red toad said beginning to leap away.

"Okay," a confused Gamatatsu said following in his brother's wake.