
40. Know Pain: Part III 1

The cool water of the waterfall felt refreshing as it fell around him as his right hand traced down smooth silken skin. Placing his chin on the shoulder of the woman said skin belonged to as his hand continued down her stomach he said, "So, let me get this straight. While for the past month I've been a perfect gentlemen making sure not to peek at you as you bathed, you would blatantly look at me when you were supposed to be cooking."

Naruto's hand reached between Naruko's legs where he slid his finger into her warm silken honeypot causing her to coo appreciatively and press her ass against his groin. Naruto began working the finger in and out as she moaned happily while responding, "T-that's not all...I even one time spied on you when you were fucking some of your other lovers."

"W-what! When?"

"You were staying at some penthouse," Naruko said, turning her head to kiss her lover over her shoulder.

The kiss ended causing Naruto to chuckle as he said, "You've truly inherited Pervy Sage's will."

"Do you think he's watching us right now?" Naruko said making the jinchuriki arch an eyebrow as her pussy clenched down on his probing digit.

"Without a doubt," Naruto said sliding a second finger inside, but he felt Naruko's spirit dampen so removing them turned her to face him. When she didn't make eye contact he asked, "Hey, what's wrong? You're not..."

"No, don't ever think that," Naruko responded guessing he was about to ask if she regretted their actions the night before, "I... I didn't know it was possible to feel such happiness and pleasure. It's just...you say I've inherited Jiraiya-sensei's will, but... Are you sure that I'm not the evil you contained? All I can think about is how badly I want to kill Pain."

Naruto cupped his lover's face and stared into her blue eyes which appeared on the verge of tears for several moments so he tried to think of something he could say to put her at ease. Finally, he settled on, "Me too."

He smiled at her as her face registered her surprise at the revelation. "Y-you do? But...what about it being your goal to..."

Naruto shrugged as he replied, "I'm no saint Naruko. I don't know how to reconcile my ambition with this desire to kill Pain. On one hand, I know killing him could cause me to lose my way. Yet, on the other hand the idea of not avenging Pervy Sage...it's sickening to me. Do I let my teacher's killer go so I can claim a moral victory in order to keep his dream alive? Or do I stop Pain permanently and risk killing my dream in the progress? In the end I don't know the answer, but I think if I can find it...then maybe Jiraiya's death wouldn't have been in vain."

Naruko rested her head on Naruto's chest as she said, "You're over thinking it. Pain needs to be stopped plain and simple. But I know what you mean...if it comes to it...I'll kill him for you."

"I can't ask that of you, or anyone for that matter."


"Because I need to find the answer I feel this confrontation will present to me...to us," Naruto said correcting himself as he saw a scowl begin to appear on Naruko's face from his making fighting Pain about him. "If I turn responsibility over to you if presented a chance to confront him, then it would be no different then turning tail and running. I'd be running from the darkness in me. You've seen who Pervy Sage dedicated his first book to right?"

Naruko scowled, but nodded as she said, "It's dedicated to Nagato."

"Yeah, Nagato also inherited the Pervy Sage's will. But when he was confronted with his own darkness he didn't run or confront it. He embraced it and as a result his goal, while noble, has become twisted. If I'm not careful the same thing can happen to me."

"It won't," Naruko said her voice caring a certainty to it. "But look at us," the blonde woman said her voice taking on a seductive tone, "Here we are in this romantic setting and we're getting all philosophical. If Jiraiya-sensei's spirit is here, he's probably screaming for things to get a bit more physical."

Naruto chuckled at her joke, but groaned pleasantly as she decided to follow up her words with action when she took his nipple into her mouth. As she sucked and teased it with her tongue, her hands traced down his body until she gripped his rigid cock. Using both of them, she slowly began to jerk him off. Commenting on the night before she said, "Sorry about last night, I guess it must have been pretty disappointing for you. I can't believe I passed out."

"Last night was fantastic, and any time I make a woman cum until she's unconscious makes me feel like I did something right."

"Oh you did," Naruko said as she began sinking to her knees. "Let me return the favor." Naruko continued to tug on his dick as she came face to face with it. Smiling up at him, she gave the head of his dick a little flick with her tongue. Naruto groaned as she followed it up by swallowing several inches as she continued to use both hands to stroke his remaining length.

"Yeah... that's fantastic," Naruto said encouragingly as he leaned back into the waterfall enjoying the way its cool wetness was combating the warmth surrounding his love muscle. Moving forward enough that the water just fell along his back and shoulders, he stared down loving the way she looked as she pleased him orally with her hair in their usual pigtails.

Meeting her blue eyes, he let out a pleased moan as she stopped her stroking and placed her hands on his hips. Starting slowly she began to bob her head back and forth prompting the jinchuriki to place his hand on her scalp to guide her along his pole. Naruko began to pick up the pace as she began to take more and more of him into her mouth. Occasionally she would stop to suck on his nuts, before running her tongue back up his cock in order to resume blowing him again. Naruto felt himself reaching the end, so in order to by some time to recover pulled his dick from her as she let him slip from her lips to move to stimulate where his substance for which she was growing to enjoy tasting was produced.

She pouted up at him cutely, but let out a pleased laugh as he pulled her back up to her feet. He maneuvered her under the water fall, where they spent several moments kissing as he began to resume his fingering of her. Naruko groaned into his mouth as she ground her mound into the hand cupping it. Once his hand had become coated in a wetness that had nothing to do with the water cascading over them, he brought it up to her face where she licked his fingers clean of her juices. She then once more locked her lips to his allowing him to taste her as well. Naruko ended the kiss upon feeling the stiffness poking her in the stomach so whispered, "Mmmm, I don't taste bad, do I?"

Meeting her hooded eyes Naruto grinned lustfully as he said, "That is an understatement."

Pressing her body tighter against his as she brought her lips to his ears where after nibbling on his earlobe for a moment throatily said, "It would taste even better if it was mixed with your cum."

Naruto in the midst of tonguing Naruko's ear in a similar manner as she was his whispered, "Let's find out shall we?"

Moving his hands, which had been loosely gripping her hips, to her ass, Naruto picked his lover off her feet as he stepped back into the gentle waterfall that fed the pond. Naruko reached down between them to grip his cock and guide it into her steaming cunt. The two of them shivered, as he penetrated her, in a way that had nothing to with the cool water raining down on them. She gripped him tightly by the shoulders as she locked her legs around his waist to aid him as he began to pull her up and down his cock slowly.

Naruko sucked on his neck and shoulder as the two began to build up to a more frantic pace. When the pleasure being generated from her lover's cock became too much her grip on him weakened causing her to fall back. Naruto easily held her, but took advantage of the separations to add to her pleasure by focusing his oral talents on her breasts.

Naruko, moaned appreciatively as her arms hung limply behind her occasionally dipping into the pond as Naruto continued to hold her like she weighed nothing. After lavishing her breasts in attention, he moved the arms wrapped around her lower back up pulling her torso close to him again. As the distance closed he ran his tongue up her chest, to her neck where after tracing her jawline he reached her mouth which she opened in welcome. The two kissed deeply as Naruko began to feel the first vestiges of an approaching orgasm. Sensing that Naruto was still a ways off and not wanting to cum alone she let her leg's grip on his waist slacken.

His dick slipped from her folds as she ended their kiss, and wordlessly turned around. Stepping from the falls, she approached the nearby rock face that surrounded the pond and placed her hands on it. Looking over her shoulder she saw Naruto stepping out after her and seeing a place she could use as a footrest raised her leg to step on it. Naruto stared at the sight of his lover with one foot in the water and the other legged raised out of it with her ass pushed out towards him thereby giving him a terrific view of her wet and drooling snatch.

Coming up behind her, he ran his hand over her thighs before gripping her hips and sliding one more into her tight and welcoming quim. Naruto picked up right where he had left off as he slammed his hips into her firm ass. Looking over her shoulder at the jinchuriki driving her wild Naruko egged him on saying, "Yeah...that it lover. Fuck me until I can't walk straight."

Naruto brought a hand down on her ass causing her to yelp in surprise. Leaning forward as he continued to prod her core with his pleasure stick, Naruto brought his face to hers as he said, "You better be careful. You remember what happened that last time you told me to fuck you until a condition was met. I don't think gramps is going to accept fucked silly as a valid excuse to miss today's training."

"Still the request...stands." Naruko responded finding the orgasm she had denied herself earlier was approaching as Naruto's right hand moved from her hip to her stomach and then pussy.

Knowing what was coming, she tried to stave it off. But regardless came hard while shouting, "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming!" as he rubbed her clit.


"...cumming!" Kushina shouted as she shared in the experience of Naruko, who because the kunoichi was staring at her son as she came it forced the red-head to do likewise. Kushina detected a slight widening of Naruto's eyes like he had seen something that confused him. She had noticed a similar look appear the night before when Naruko had climaxed. Naturally as she had been tied to kunoichi at the time, Kushina had as well. Although she had not lost consciousness as the young woman had.

The red head wasn't sure why, but to her both that experience and the one she had just had felt more real than any of her previous "moments of weakness", which was how she had begun to describe the times she allowed herself to experience what her son's lovers did. She hated to admit it, but after a month without any sort of release she wasn't going to allow herself to feel guilty. That would come later though she knew.

Naruto slipped from Naruko, thereby pulling out of Kushina, causing both women to whimper at the loss. Kushina took the moment of clarity, now that her lusts had been partially sated to try and find a way to end the session. However, Kushina wasn't sure how since the moment she had switched off the lamp in the living room, her apartment had faded away. It had been replaced by the environment where Naruko and Naruto were currently letting their desires run wild. The same thing had happened the night before, which had frightened Kushina since at first she had feared she had somehow left the seal alerting Naruto to how shameful she had been acting.

Kushina had been waging a losing battle with her libido ever since the first time she had experienced the pleasure Naruto gave his lovers. However, for a short time she had managed to prevent herself from giving in to her need for pleasure after what had happened with Pakura. Although still basking in the afterglow of the orgasm she had experienced as Naruto spun her around, she recalled how that incident had been the first time that instead of experiencing the pleasure of Naruto's lovers through phantom sensations, an avatar of her son had appeared. Kushina had quickly switched on the lamp before matters could progress too far, but it had forced her to confront the fact that it was her son making his lovers feel so exquisite, and by extension her.

She had succeeded in holding back her need for release until she had used Rin's situation as an excuse, although granted there had only been a period of a few days that had passed between Pakura's joining the harem so she knew she really couldn't count it as a victory. But like a smoker trying to quit might use a bad day at work as a reason to light up, Kushina had justified her succumbing to her lusts as a necessary in order to relieve Rin of the memories of her actions while under Joseki's control. It would be later, when the guilt settled in, that her mind, now freed of her want for release, would point out she could have offered to do so after Naruto had made Rin a part of his growing family. She had tried to argue with herself using her knowledge that Kiyomi had deaged Tsunade while they had been making love. But her rational mind had then used Koharu's own deaging as an example of how she could have helped Rin without the need to step out of the green light that prevented her from experiencing the same joy as Naruto's lovers.

Kushina had tried to argue back though that she had wanted to learn if the previous appearance of Naruto had been a fluke of the weakened seal. But naturally the rational part of her had pointed out that her curiosity was just another excuse. The simple truth was she was growing addicted to her son's cock.

Kushina's self-assessment came to a screeching halt as Naruto completed spinning Naruko to face him and then lifted her right leg and placed in on his shoulder before burying his dick inside her. Naruko still sensitive from her orgasm experienced another one as did Kushina. Who copying the blonde woman's actions threw her head back and moaned loudly. The red-head tried to once more will the lamp on so she could end her involvement in the love making session. But, when nothing happened and the promise of orgasmic bliss once more began to build soon abandoned her attempt.

Kushina tried to close her eyes, but since Naruko stubbornly refused to do so, she was forced to stare into her son's eyes as his dick gave her pleasure. Granted it wasn't her directly, but staring into the clear blue eyes of Naruto it was hard to remember that fact. Kushina suspected that was one of the reasons he was able to maintain a harem of women, which was that he had the amazing ability to connect with people on such a level. Even now, Kushina was finding herself being sucked into those eyes making her feel like she was the only woman in his life. She believed that it was Naruto's dedication to the moment that was why his lovers could tolerate not being his one and only. It was because when he was with a particular woman, he was with her. He didn't let outside distractions pull him from dedicating his full attention to the kunoichi he was sharing the moment with.

For instance, Kushina was amazed that he could even function let alone be capable of rocking Naruko's world considering the number of women he needed to please. Although she had been quite content with her sex life with Minato, she knew there were others who would often complain how dispassionate their husbands could be even while in the acting of making love. Mikoto had often come to her with complaints about how unless she was in a fertile period Fugaku rarely touched her. And even when he did, she got the feeling he was planning out the next day's events often leaving her unsatisfied once he came. It was a problem Kushina didn't share, as although they didn't get to spend as much time practicing their bedroom arts as she wanted too. He had made sure to do his best to satisfy her. Kushina knew it had not been an easy task for her husband due to her endless stamina and energy. But, she knew she had been a very lucky woman indeed.

An even further feeling of guilt struck the former jinchuriki as thinking of her old sex life, brought forth a comparison between the only two men she had any sexual experience with. Although, she knew everything she was experiencing now was through another woman, Kushina couldn't help but feel that when it came to their skills in the bedroom Naruto improved upon his father in every way imaginable. Kushina didn't make that judgment lightly, but it was the result of experiencing the pleasure Naruto was capable of giving through a variety of different women.

If there was one thing she had been able to throw in her rational minds face, it was that each woman Kushina had experienced pleasure through caused her to feel different things thus confirming to her that although she saw only herself, it was still the other woman on the receiving end. One such example was the kunoichi Matsuri, who had the tightest pussy among Naruto's lovers. Whenever Kushina had stepped out of the light when he was with her, she would feel almost too stuffed. Or there was Tsunami, who Kushina probably would admit was one of her favorite woman whose time with Naruto she liked to enjoy. A part of the reason being that Kushina had planned to breastfeed her son and having been denied the chance, loved how when he was with the woman from Wave she would experience an orgasm just from having her tits sucked. Strangely though Kushina found that when Naruto was with Kiyomi the pleasure she felt was perhaps the most familiar. She sometimes wondered if it was because of the connection that bound all three of them. But at times she almost felt like her old-self, although it was difficult to compare since Naruto was larger than what she had ever experienced while alive.

Kushina felt the telltale signs that Naruko's world was about to once more explode with pleasure. She also felt a swelling within her that told her the kunoichi's womb would soon be flooded once more. Although, Kushina knew it was Naruko who said it, it was her own voice she heard say, "I can feel you getting bigger...t-tell me when your...cumming."

Naruto's thrusts became more frantic and powerful as he tried to bury himself as deeply as possible when he inevitable exploded. His voice sounded strained as he said, "I...I'm...I'm at my limit."

Hearing that, Kushina found herself surprised when Naruko pulled her leg from his shoulder and allowed his dick to slip from her cunt. She sunk to her knees her hand taking over the job of stimulating her pussy as she began to suck on his dick which was coated in her previous releases. Kushina, who on occasion had tasted herself in a similar matter found the taste different but not unpleasant. As Kushina tasted what another woman's pussy tasted like it dawned on her that although she had always know what she felt physically was based on what others felt, it was the first time something like taste had not been filled in by her previous experiences. That realization also made her understand that mixed in with Naruko's essence was what her son's own unique flavor. Finding that once more a barrier that had allowed her to pretend she wasn't crossing into the taboo had been destroyed, Kushina tried to once more will the green light that kept her separate from her son's sex life into existence. However, it stubbornly refused to appear. Not that it mattered, as Kushina suddenly found her mouth flooded in the warm thick cream of her son's release, which coupled with the fingers stimulating her pussy had her struggling to both swallow and moan as an orgasm rushed through her.

Naruko's eyes never left Naruto's as she swallowed his load, which meant that neither did Kushina's. The woman currently in possession of Kiyomi's current form felt a moment of panic as her son's eyes seemed to defocus for a moment. A quick look of confusion appeared making the red-head wonder what it was he was seeing and fearing he somehow knew she hadn't been inside the light. But the moment was over in an instant as he smiled in a way she knew was meant for Naruko. She sprung up to place her lips against Naruto's and after separating the two began to quickly begin to clean themselves as their training was set to start soon. Due to Naruto's libido calming Kushina found the pond fading to be replaced by her apartment again. But just before it completely switched was forced to say, "I was right. Your cum was just the thing needed to compliment my own flavor."

She didn't hear Naruto's reply, but as she prepared to have a quick shower which although she didn't need, she found it helped wash away some of the guilt. But as she made her way to the bathroom, she found the taste in her mouth still hadn't faded, and while she knew this latest development only made it more imperative that she resist indulging herself any further. She didn't know where she'd find the strength too since the warm feeling in her stomach already had her salivating for more, as well as curious as to how his cum would taste if mixed with her own essence.


Yakumo bit her lip as she searched for her name among the list of shinobi candidates that had participated in the recent genin trials. Having started at the bottom, she felt a little dread begin to settle over her the higher that she went up the list. Yet to her great surprise she found her name second from the top revealing that not only had she passed, but did so with the second best evaluation. She was especially proud of her achievement since a major part of the testing parameters had been physical in nature.

Feeling elated she turned, but felt a little of her high spirit fade as she caught sight of a woman also looking for her name in a similar manner, except she was searching among the candidates hoping to be promoted to the Anbu black-ops. Yakumo watched her for a moment and could tell the exact moment the woman found her name. The just minted genin guessed that what she found was less than the woman had been hoping for as her whole demeanor seemed to shrink. The dark haired woman seemed to know she was being watched so turned towards Yakumo giving her a brief smile. But in that smile, the Kurama clan head could see the sadness of a person whose dream had once more been crushed. Yakumo having once been in a similar position knew the look by heart so tried to send the woman a reassuring smile. But, she also knew that regardless it would do little to help pick the woman's spirit up.

Her attention was pulled away by the elderly sounding woman said, "Ah, second place, well done."

"Thank you, Elder Koharu," Yakumo said formally as she turned to face the woman to give her a polite bow of respect.

Koharu henged to appear as her elderly self, waved off the polite response as she replied, "Please none of that now." Her gaze shifted to all those present looking to know where they stood in regards to their evaluations, "It is I that should be thanking all of you for your hard efforts. It pleases me to see the village is filled with such fine people willing to do all they can to protect our home." Refocusing on Yakumo, she said, "Yakumo there are a few village matters I wish to discuss with you. I'm sure you would like to celebrate your joining the village's shinobi roster, so can we perhaps make time to get together a little later?"

"I'm available now," Yakumo said her gaze shifting to where the woman she had been watching had been standing.

"Good," Koharu said, but upon noticing where Yakumo gaze was pointing caught sight of the woman as she left the room. Aware of her story, she said, "Poor thing."

"You know her," Yakumo asked as she fell in step with Koharu.

The elder nodded sadly as she answered, "In a manner of speaking. She was one of the two midwives that assisted with Naruto's birth. She was gravely injured by Tobi when he released Kiyomi from Kushina and set her upon the village. She spent the last sixteen years in a coma and was one of those that healed when Kiyomi inhabited her new body. She was an extremely skilled Anbu and medic."

"Was," Yakumo said confused, "I've seen her training everyday as she tackles the Anbu obstacle course. It doesn't look like she's missed a step all things considered."

"Oh she's still quite capable," Koharu said as she and Yakumo left the village's Jounin Station where the evaluation results had been posted.

She was about to go into further detail, but was stopped as a voice called, "Yakumo."

Both women turned to see a very pregnant Kurenai approaching them. The red-eyed woman nodded politely to Koharu before asking, "Well..."

"I passed," Yakumo said excitedly as she closed the final distance between them to hug her old sensei. "But don't tell me you came all the out here just to find out."

"Not just for that," Kurenai admitted, "I also needed to get out and move a little before my doctor's appointment so figured I'd do both." Sensing she may have interrupted something she said, "I hope I'm not bothering you."

"Not at all," Koharu said with a warm smile, "I was just telling Yakumo about how proud she should be of her accomplishment."

Yakumo blushed prettily as she said humbly, "It wasn't that great an achievement. I mean Tsu...Lady Tsunade got rid of the rule stating that those that failed the exam couldn't retake it for six months and has even held an evaluation bi-weekly instead of every three months. With Jiraiya's passing she's trying to build up the village's forces in case our enemies decide to test us."

"True," Koharu stated, "But, since you've only participated in the one you wouldn't know that she made the evaluation quite difficult. One could say it was almost a mini-chunin exam in difficulty."

"Really, and they only made me a genin," Yakumo said as her voice took on a slightly pouting tone since she had believed the Genin Evaluation had always been quite difficult.

"Well consider it good practice for when you do take the Chunin Exams," the elder said giving her fellow harem member an amused smile. Growing serious she added, "The Hokage might be trying to bolster our forces, but she's not willing to do so by filling our ranks with those whose only role is to absorb kunai meant for more skilled shinobi. That tends to be Iwa's approach for combat."

Yakumo absorbed what she had been told, but thinking of the Anbu asked, "Was the test made more difficult for those wishing to be Anbu as well?"

"No, I'm afraid not," Koharu answered, "I'm assuming you are referring to Taji, the woman I saw you watching earlier."

"What's your interest in her, Yakumo?" Kurenai asked rather surprised at just how well her former student and the Konoha Elder were getting along. Remembering her own experiences with Koharu, she had always held the opinion that all modern kunoichi failed to measure up to her strict standards.

"She...she just seemed so sad today and I've seen how hard she's worked to earn a spot in the Anbu. I guess she just reminds me of my own struggles. But considering how good she is, I don't understand why she has yet to be chosen."

"Unfortunately, it's a case of her being past her prime," Koharu said her tone growing wistful. Answering the question she was forming in Yakumo's mind she explained, "The Anbu black-ops are the people given only the most important and difficult missions. Therefore it also has the greatest turnover. That is why the Anbu hold evaluations almost monthly. Its standards are so strict that a shinobi who is injured and loses a step or two is almost instantly flushed from the program. You might be surprised, but even someone of Kakashi's skill level might not be able to meet those standards anymore."

"I find that hard to believe," Yakumo replied.

"I know," the elder responded, "But as famous and well respected as Kakashi Hatake the jounin might be. It pales in comparison to the reputation he had amassed in the Anbu. He had joined shortly after his teammates passing, and had become a truly formidable asset to the village. Yet, he didn't leave just because the Third Hokage had wanted him to become a Jounin-sensei. The effort to maintain the level of performance necessary to remain in Anbu can be said to be as trying as the missions. For that reason most members of the Anbu are in their early twenties. A few make it to their thirties, but I can assure you no one has ever been admitted to the Anbu past the age of thirty-five."

"I just can't wrap my head around that I guess," Yakumo said. "I mean the Hokage, could probably trash hundreds of Anbu, but you're telling me that she couldn't be a member."

Kurenai spoke up to say, "You're confusing personal strength with the strength of an organization." Kurenai smiled at her former student as Yakumo turned to her with the questioning look she had often received when she had briefly trained her. Stating her point she said, "You could say that as the current Hokage, Lady Tsunade could be considered the pinnacle of all the shinobi in the village. As a result everyone knows her name. The Anbu though are faceless shinobi, not known for flashy jutsu nor do they receive personal recognition for their exploits. They simply get the job done. When Elder Koharu said Kakashi had been a great asset for the village that was exactly what she meant. He had probably performed hundreds of missions for the village, but if things went correctly then no one would be any the wiser that he had been involved. His victories weren't his, but the Anbu's. Therefore they have to be skilled in every area of the shinobi arts." Kurenai rubbed her stomach as she paused for a moment the gentle smile on her face making the other two woman present suspect her unborn child was making his or her presence felt. "I'm sorry," she said upon refocusing on the conversation, "Basically while the Hokage could likely defeat the entire Anbu division if push came to shove. She might necessarily be as fast as would be necessary to be in the Anbu or as accurate with her shuriken jutsu. But just being fast or accurate doesn't make an individual strong in the same way it can an organization where every member performs to the same exacting standards."

"I understand," Yakumo said feeling even sadder for the Anbu. Turning her gaze to Koharu she stated, "You're saying just from growing older Taji's body isn't capable of meeting the basic standards of being an Anbu." When the elder nodded she asked both women, "Surely she must be aware of this. So why does she try so hard?"

Koharu frowned slightly as she answered, "She missed out on sixteen years of her life. Sixteen years where everyone else in her life had moved on. I guess she just feels that rejoining the Anbu would be the one thing from the past that she can recapture before moving forward."

Yakumo frowned as well, but it morphed into a small tight, but cryptic smile as she said, "I believe there might just be another thing from her past that could help her to move forward."

Kurenai stared at her student in confusion which only grew as she believed that Elder Koharu seemed to understand exactly what Yakumo was hinting at. Although curious, she needed to move along as her unborn child again reminded her of its presence as well as her need to visit the doctor. "Congratulations again on achieving your dream. I'm sure you'll make chunin in no time," Kurenai said before bidding both women a pleasant day.

Yakumo waited until Kurenai was out of ear shot as she said, "I'm sure Naruto would be upset if I were to achieve Chunin before he did. He's going to be disappointed when he learns he missed the Chunin Exams that Suna held."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Koharu said as she began walking once more. "Naruto must have been aware of the possibility he would miss them in order to perform his training." Koharu's eyes gave off a mischievous shine as she added, "Besides, you should consider it a unique opportunity for you and him to be together."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that in six months' time the chunin exams will once more be held in Konoha. Although a few specifics do change, one thing that has remained the same is that the second test is a five day endurance test in Training Ground Forty-four. Imagine it, five days trapped in a forest with Naruto."

Yakumo could imagine it and gave voice to a little of what she was thinking as she said, "I imagine it can be quiet cold at night and we might need to generate heat somehow."

Koharu smirked as she said, "Oh I can't just picture how you'd go about doing that." She giggled as the younger woman's face began to color.

Yakumo calmed herself as she set the new goal of being ready to enter the Chunin Exams with Naruto for herself. But concentrating on the present she asked, "What were you hoping to get together about?"

"Well, I suppose considering we were just speaking about the chunin exams. I was hoping you would accompany as I wished an old friend my regards in his grandson becoming chunin?"

Yakumo suddenly felt extremely nervous as she knew that wasn't the only reason that Koharu wished to visit her old teammate.


Konan sat in the medical bay of the Den as she recovered from her injuries. When she had first awoken she had been surprised to be alive, but not nearly so much as to find the woman sitting by her bed was none other than the Hokage. For Konan those first few moments had been filled with feelings of nervousness and anguish as she expected had Tsunade to lay into her about her failure to prevent Jiraiya from dying at Pain's hands.

Yet to her surprise once Tsunade had been sure she was okay the woman had placed hand on Konan's head as she lowered her face to the blue-haired woman's and giving her a warm smile said, "You gave us all quite a scare." The reason for her surprise was that outside of Tayuya and Ino, Konan had not interacted with any of his other lovers. She hadn't even really been in touch with Naruto since their brief time together, as she had only been able to send occasional updates.

The genuine kindness and acceptance she felt coming from a woman that she expected would still be filled with grief for her friend, a grief she shared, not to mention her nearly dying by her oldest friends hands caused Konan to do something she hadn't done since Yahiko's death. She cried. Tsunade pulled the woman to her as she vented years of pent up emotion.

Tsunade waited until Konan's tears stopped to say firmly, "Konan, I'm sorry I can't give you more time to deal with all that's befallen you. But you can't continue to straddle the fence. You've helped us greatly in weakening Akatsuki. But you can no longer pretend Nagato is separate from it. I need to know everything you can tell me about him."

Konan had remained silent as she met Tsunade's eyes. In them, she had seen a sadness at her understanding the position she was putting Konan in. However, she also saw a fear there which spoke to her as it was one they shared due to the threat Nagato posed to Naruto. Disappointed that things had turned out the way they did, Konan had nonetheless nodded as she began to explain Nagato's abilities.

Back in the present the kunoichi began to plot her next moves. First she would wait for Nagato's inevitable arrival in Konoha and once she did what needed to be done there. She began to plan how best to end the man that she blamed for leading her and Nagato into the darkness in the first place.


"May I help you?"

Koharu smiled at the man who had stepped up to the gate barring Yakumo and her path to entering Homura's home. "Yes, can you please tell Homura that Elder Koharu and Lady Kurama are here to see him?"

Instead of doing as she asked, the man unlocked the gate as he replied, "There's no need for that. I'm sure Master Mitokado will be quite pleased to see his old friend."

"Why thank you," Koharu said politely, "Can you point me in the right direction?"

"I believe he is out back overseeing his grandson's training."

"Excellent," Koharu said for a variety of reasons, "To pass along my congratulations to young Udon is one of the reasons for my visit."

"Right this way," the servant said before turning and heading deeper into the grounds.

The trip was made in silence for the most part. Yakumo would occasionally ask their guide questions about the grounds, one of them inquiring about how the Konoha Elder could afford to live in such luxury. The guide had explained that upon his retiring from being an active duty shinobi, the last remaining male member of Team Tobirama had branched out into the business world starting several successful enterprises. Koharu had let the guide explain further so that she could be alone with her thoughts.

Looking at the Kurama Clan head out of the corner of her eye as she subtly pried into her old teammate's history, she thought, "Now I can see why Naruto believed having Yakumo look into who had warned Danzou would be a good idea."

Koharu frowned internally though as she recalled that she had not exactly been the most welcoming ear to Yakumo's theory that Homura had been Danzou's secret partner. In fact when Yakumo had brought up the theory several weeks previous, the female elder had done everything in her power to disprove it. Sometimes she'd even go so far as to belittle the young woman's lack of experience.

Still Yakumo had been insistent that he was the most likely suspect. Her first piece of evidence being that Homura had been in the Clan Council Meeting where Tsunade had told the Clan Heads about Danzou's plots. Koharu had quickly countered that any of the Clan Heads present could be the culprit. Not to mention after the meeting there had been no guarantee that the Clan Heads hadn't alerted members of their respective families about what was about to happen. They had known well in advance that at least two of the clans had high ranking Root members in similar high positions. She had named Fu Yamanka as well as Torune Aburame as examples.

Yakumo had conceded the point, but quickly pointed out that she had considered that possibility, and had already tried to account for the two men in questions whereabouts during the timeframe after Tsunade had called the meeting. Having been unable to do so, she had postulated the theory the two men may have even been present in the Root base when Tsunade's forces had attacked. She had explained her reasoning by using the two secret passages that had been found right by the one Danzou had taken as her proof that others might have escaped as well. Koharu had argued quite successful that those tunnels presence was proof that any number of people could have been the culprit since they would have allowed secret egresses into and out of the Root base. She had also reasoned that it couldn't have been her old teammate since he had been present at the command center during the attack.

To her embarrassment Koharu learned the Yakumo had baited her into throwing out the theory that the tunnels added more suspects not eliminated any. The young Kurama heir had done this in order to disprove the elder's theory. She did this by producing the map that Komachi had drawn of the Root tunnels that had been found in her apartment when the Anbu black ops had investigated it in order to find clues as to where she had gone. Yakumo had pointed out that of all the secret ways in and out of the Root base, the three tunnels in question had not been on Komachi's map. The young woman had then explained that the tunnels were so secret she doubted anyone but Danzou and perhaps his partner knew about them. In order to maintain that level of secrecy she doubted that they had ever been used except when the base had been attacked. Therefore that meant that whoever had warned Danzou had done so from the outside.

To that end she had theorized that the message had come from the tube network they had found that connected the Root base to various points in the village. Several of which could have been easily accessed by any of the Clan Council members while on their way to where the command center had been. Yakumo had then asked if Koharu could attest to Homura not having an opportunity to send the message as he traveled to the Uchiha district. The female elder had ended up grinding her teeth as she answered that she couldn't.

Yakumo also pointed out that the person helping Danzou needed to be extremely well-off as they could not simply fund Root's operation with the scraps they could skim from Konoha's budget. Koharu had seen where she was going with the next piece of information so quickly argued that people would also notice large sums of his money going to Root as well. But again Yakumo had proved she had thought about her theory at length as she had replied they wouldn't if he spent it on community or charity projects where people might not necessarily look underneath the underneath. The example she had given was a large project to renovate the Uchiha district as it had fallen into disrepair. Koharu had tried to argue that she had felt he did it as a way of making amends for his role in the Uchiha Massacre. Yakumo though had other ideas as she had believed that was when the additions to the tunnels that had connected the Root Base to Danzou's home had been made.

Koharu had found it hard to refute the possibility, but Yakumo had more evidence in that Homura had also donated a large sum of money to a fund set up to improve Konoha's infrastructure. A fund that had eventually been tapped to repair the damage done to the Leaf Maximum Security Prison during Mizuki's first escape and when she believed many of the new security improvements that had been made off the books had been put in place.

That was when Koharu had snapped at the young woman claiming that it was easy for her to cast her teammate as another betrayer because she had never contributed anything of value to the protection of the Leaf. Nor had she ever had to make any of the thousands of difficult decisions to safeguard the village as she and Homura had done. She had known her words had hit a particularly vulnerable cord in Yakumo but she had been too upset to care. Koharu had then stormed out of the meeting leaving a hurt looking Yakumo and the surprised faces of the other kunoichi present.

The elder had even managed to convince herself that Danzou had just managed to infiltrate the organizations her teammate contributed his money to as he knew how much Homura loved the village. As she cooled off over the next few days she had even come up with a few other theories and had looked forward to ambushing Yakumo with them in the same way she had felt the Kurama head had done to her. However, all of those theories had fallen flat on their faces when she felt Komachi's presence return to the village via her foxmark and it settled underneath Homura's home.

Naturally as a result of the new development another meeting of Naruto's lovers had been called. Koharu had been embarrassed to attend considering her outburst, but it was misplaced as none of the women had commented on it. Instead they had all explained how they could understand her wanting to believe the best about her teammate. Needless to say, Koharu had made sure to apologize to Yakumo for the hurtful things she had said.

During the new meeting Yakumo had also explained that she believed Karin's theory about Udon had been right as well. Tsunade had been the one to lead the charge in disproving her theory this time, but not out of a particular sense of loyalty to her sensei grandson's teammate. It was to make sure they could poke any holes into it before taking an action that might expose them to their enemies. But, even Koharu had to admit that it was difficult to deny Udon may be a plant to lead Konohamaru towards the path of Root.

Yakumo in order to prove that theory had attended the third round of the Chunin Exams held in Suna. The young woman upon hearing that both Konohamaru and Udon had made it to the final round had decided to go in order to get an idea of just how skilled Homura's grandson actually was. However, it wasn't anything that had happened in the arena that had convinced her that Udon was more than he seemed, but something that had happened outside of it. Upon passing the Second Round, Temari, the proctor in charge of the Third, had the winners pick numbers to determine the fighting order. As a result Udon had been matched up against a shinobi from Grass and who happened to be the heavy favorite to win the Third Round.

Yet it was a match that never happened since the Grass Genin had ended up being poisoned. A quick investigation had traced the place he had been poisoned to a local Suna restaurant. Of course the fact that everyone that had eaten the same dish as the genin that night ending up being poisoned as well had aided in learning that. The investigation had revealed that mixed into the dish those poisoned had eaten were mushrooms that resembled the kind normally used, but with a few slight differences. With the possibility that the poisoning had been an accident raised, since several more had been found among the batch of mushrooms the restaurant had just received, the Chunin Exam Ruling Committee had been unwilling to delay the third round to properly investigate. The fact that the Genin in question would recover made the decision easier to swallow. Although that wasn't to say there had not been fatalities as several people had died, but they had tended to fall into the categories of being extremely old or young.

Udon though had attempted to drop out of the third round, knowing that he would be the prime suspect. However, those running the exam had made their opinion that Udon was not guilty of the act well known. Plus, his willingness to withdraw had further solidified the belief that he wouldn't take such a risk just to dropout. Two points that Tsunade had brought up to challenge Yakumo's theory.

But once more Yakumo proved she had thought at length about her theory, and had explored it through multiple angles. She had quickly pointed out that if Udon's goal had been to be promoted to Chunin along with Konohamaru, a heavy favorite to do so, but also continue to downplay his abilities, then facing off with what many considered to be the most skilled genin of the group and defeating him would not be the way to go. She had used Naruto's battle against Neji as her example since although Naruto had beaten a heavy favorite; he had always displayed the determination and guts needed to do so. Two traits which Udon had noticeably lacked, at least according to Iruka's records from the boy's time in the Academy, and further verified by his sensei Ebisu's mission reports.

Tsunade although she had sounded convinced pointed out that the Chunin Exams had a way of making the right candidates shine or discover strengths they didn't even know they possessed. Yakumo had conceded the point, but argued that if Udon's purpose was to influence a potential Hokage candidate to embrace the philosophies of Root. Then he couldn't be perceived as a rival, because if he was then Konohamaru may at times just take the opposite approach that was being discussed just to continue to fuel the rivalry. A teammate's opinion however might be better received, especially if he was perceived as being weaker, but more knowledgeable. An illusion that would be crushed should Udon manage to defeat someone people had considered vastly superior. He'd also lose his underdog status thereby making all his subsequent opponents fight him all the harder.

Still despite by that point pretty much everyone had come to accept her theory. Tsunade had still pointed out that Udon had been willing to drop and couldn't guarantee those in charge would not force him to do so. Yakumo argued that being allowed to drop out might have been the prize should everything gone according to plan. She had pointed out that the winner of the third exam didn't necessarily always become a Chunin. She had proposed that by displaying the proper judgment to offer up his withdrawal so as to alleviate suspicion of being the poisoner from falling both on himself and the Leaf village, there may have been those who would promote him regardless of his not appearing in the third round. The judges could argue that by even making it to the final round he had displayed the skills necessary to get there. But by withdrawing, he had shown one of the most important skills, good situational awareness. Not to mention there were likely plenty of people willing to make an exception in order to remain on an Elder's good side.

Koharu had been quite impressed as by following Yakumo's logic, she could see how that would be the optimal solution for Udon. It would allow him a chance to be promoted without forcing him to reveal skills he didn't necessarily want anyone to know he had. Not to mention that he would need to be ranked Chunin in order to take the more dangerous mission Konohamaru may receive which would allow him more opportunities to influence him to the Root way of thinking.

Still despite not being permitted to withdraw, Udon had been promoted although he had lost in the second round. Konohamaru also achieved the rank of Chunin having dominated most of his opponents and winning the third round tournament.

Koharu spared a moment to think of the last member of Team Ebisu and also the only one who failed to be promoted. She knew Moegi had been disappointed not to receive a promotion despite making it to the semifinals, but she hadn't let it sap her spirit. Furthermore to Koharu's surprise, the genin kunoichi had approached her recently asking about how one went about forming a team for the exams if their teammates already passed. Koharu had informed her that the process came down to the genin simple finding their partners on their own. Once a squad had been formed a temporary sensei would be assigned to them for the duration of the exams.

Again to her surprise the genin had asked, "D-do you think the Boss, will participate in the next exams?"

"Boss?" Koharu had replied questioningly.

"I-I'm sorry," Moegi had replied her face turning crimson, "I mean Naruto."

An amused smile had appeared on her face as she answered, "Oh, I'm sure he'll definitely want to participate. I'm also sure he'll be very happy to take the exams with you when they return to Konoha in six months."

A bright smile had appeared on Moegi's face at the idea, but it melted a little as something seemed to sap at her exuberance for a moment. It made the elder believe that Moegi likely harbored some romantic feelings for her lover, and had suddenly recalled that as far as she and the village knew he was in a relationship with Ayame. However, Moegi brightened back up as she perhaps hoped that by the time of the next exams Naruto's relationship status might change. Koharu spent a moment wondering how Naruto viewed the budding young woman. Having been well acquainted with the team that her old teammate's grandchildren were on, she knew that in six months the kunoichi would be sixteen. And although technically academy students were considered adults as soon as they graduated, most people frowned on the idea of thirteen year-olds indulging in the vices of adults. Koharu, before her inclusion in Naruto's harem, would have considered herself one of those people. But since Naruto had mastered the Temptation's Touch at that age, found she wouldn't have a problem if after the exams there was a new woman bound to her lover.