
48: Trouble in Sand and The Pack: Part II

Tifa walked through the village after leaving Yuffie still struggling to break whatever hold Kiyomi had over them which prevented the Taki trio from not only escaping the village, but also prevented them from even speaking about it. She still blushed in embarrassment as she recalled how she and Yuffie had begun acting like drunkards when they had tried shouting out about their being prisoners. Needless to say they had not gotten the message across and had ended up in the local drunk tank of the Anbu that had handled the matter.

Truth be told though, it was only her loyalty to Yuffie that had kept her from enjoying their relatively new found freedom. Tifa heard the sound of laughter coming from one of the drinking establishments that she passed and stopped to look at it. Noticing the name of the bar was Seventh Heaven, she smiled as she watched the people enjoying themselves through the window and was tempted to join them. But, knowing that being surrounded by strangers would cause her to revert to the personality Kiyomi had forced on them, decided to return to the home she had at Kiba's. She sighed at not being able to properly enjoy herself since one of her dreams had been to open a similar establishment in a big village.

She noticed the gazes that she received from several men as she walked through the village's streets. She smirked as one of them was hit in the shoulder by his girlfriend as he was caught staring. Tifa felt good about the attention especially as a part of the reason she had been selected to be a part of Yuffie's squad was because of her rather plain looks. That plus she, Yuffie, Aeris and the fourth member of their squad had all resembled each other and so it had allowed the women to infiltrate villages by pretending to be a family. But feeling like she had gone from a five, on most men's scales for not being too pretty nor too ugly, to a full on ten, Tifa couldn't help but want to make the most of it.

Something she had done with her wardrobe as she had used some of the money Kiba had given her, which had been given to him by Kiyomi, to purchase the current outfit that she wore, which consisted of a white halter top and short black skirt that was being held up by suspenders. On her feet she had forgone the typical open toed style sandals for a pair of red outdoor boots, and although she had left them at home a pair of gloves with metal knuckles completed the outfit.

All in all her new outside appearance matched the perfect version she had always pictured she could become if only her genetics had been a little kinder. She didn't know why Kiyomi, had decided to modify her as such, but she was grateful for it. Truthfully, Tifa had always wished she had possessed Yuffie's abundance of confidence since it had appeared that the only thing Kiyomi had needed to do to give Yuffie her preferred form was to make the grey-haired older woman young again. Something, Tifa was attributing to her former team leader's current strange behavior. For example, the fact that she and Yuffie had just spent several hours straining to see how far they could move from the village, while on the surface was a rather smart means of testing the controls Kiyomi had placed on them. The fact that Yuffie was still straining against them and hoping to will herself away seemed much more like a teenager thing to do, rather than the cool-headed leader she had been. Tifa giggled as she guessed that Yuffie was likely finding it difficult to maintain that coolness as a result of some of the hormones that had begun to course through her as a result of her becoming a teenager again.

Tifa though really wasn't sure that she wanted to escape her new predicament. Granted, she wished she was in full control of her own faculties all the time, but she had always felt restrained by living in Taki. Primarily since as a minor shinobi village, she had always pictured it as a backwater kind of town. A fact highlighted by its small stature and that it refused to expand so it could remain hidden behind the waterfall that gave it its name. In fact it was in order to escape being stuck in her village that caused Tifa to join Yuffie's squad in the first place.

Now with her in fact being officially listed as dead, and with a new face and body she could perhaps fully leave the village of Taki behind. Tifa came to a stop as the thought occurred to her. Of course it was followed by her wondering what exactly she would do with her life then. A few ideas sprang to mind, but her thoughts about the future soon gave way to thoughts about her past. Particularly, the point in time which had landed her in prison as well as her current situation.

Tifa would be lying if she said she had directed a great deal of time lamenting her actions and near killing of the blond boy that had stumbled upon their teammate's kunai, which had contained the information that they sought. Truthfully, she had spent more time wondering why such a young kid would cling to it so desperately and put himself in grave danger. She would only get an answer while acting as a maid in Kiyomi's home due to the false persona she had been affixed with. She had been present for a fight between Naruto and Kiyomi in which the red-head would remind her lover that he had nearly been killed just for trying to bring back a memento of the battle between Tifa's teammate and the shinobi that had killed her, all in in order to impress some kids who had made it a challenge so that he could be friends with them.

While locked in her prison of flesh where she had been aware, but unable to control herself, the revelation had made Tifa wonder just how sad and lonely Naruto's life must have been in order for him to go to such lengths to make a friend. Thinking about that had made Tifa actually come to regret her actions more than her time in prison had. A feeling which had only been compounded as Naruto continued to push for Kiyomi to release her and her teammates from the controls placed on them.

Tifa stopped in her return to Kiba's as she recalled the various times she had witnessed Naruto try to reason with the Bijuu he had once contained as he tried to convince the red-head to return them to normal. Tifa knew that Naruto was aware of who they had been, and remembered how they had tried to kill him. She suspected though that was a part of the reason that he had let their situation languish for so long, in that he wasn't exactly sure how to handle them if Kiyomi had complied. From the bits and pieces she had heard while in Kiyomi's mansion she knew that one thing that many of his lovers found so amazing about him was his ability to turn enemies into allies. But she wasn't sure about how many of them had tried to personally kill him, especially when he had been at an age where he couldn't truly defend himself.

The brunette began walking again, but found that she was no longer heading in the same direction. Eventually, the entertainment district she had been perusing gave way to an area that was still in the midst of being rebuilt. She stopped in front of a building that had been finished recently and from the conversations she had overheard knew was the current residence of the blond man she had just been thinking of. She felt conflicted, since she believed that Naruto wouldn't wish anything to do with her and had only argued for their release since he felt that what had been done to them was no different than what had been done to a kunoichi he had taken as a lover.

She wasn't even exactly sure why she had come, but was about to leave when a voice informed her, "He isn't here."

Tifa turned in surprise at being snuck up on and recognized Miya although the woman had held a different name and face when they had been in prison together. Noticing the woman holding a bag of groceries in front of her, Tifa smile politely as she said, "I guess you're taking to your landlady role."

The Taki-nin wasn't sure what caused the now purpled haired woman to blush, but got a hint of it as she replied while hiding the grocery bag behind her, "Perhaps not as well as I would have liked." Miya not wishing to linger on the subject said, "If you are looking for Naruto, you might wish to try the hotsprings. He helped a few more residents move in today and is likely relaxing there."

W-what makes you think I'm looking for him?"

Miya shrugged as she began to head inside while answering, "I suppose I thought you were following in your teammate's footsteps. Aeris stopped by the day after Kiyomi removed most of the controls on you. I wasn't there when they talked, but I believe she asked for him to forgive her."

Tifa wasn't surprised by the revelation as she knew that Aeris had come to regret a great many of the things they had done over their shinobi career during their time in prison. In fact, Tifa had believed it was only her loyalty to her friends that had allowed Aeris to take part in Akame's plot if only so her teammates could earn their freedom. "Do you know what he said to her?"

Miya shook her head before replying, "No, their conversation was carried out in his apartment. But whatever he did say I believe helped Aeris find some closure about the incident between you three and him."

Tifa nodded as Miya entered the apartment building. The Taki-nin let herself move without a destination in mind, but wasn't too surprised when she was standing out front of the gate that led to Kiyomi's property.


"I just don't understand it. I've done everything short of tie him down and have my way with him, but no matter what I try he always pulls away whenever things begin to heat up."

Matsuri took a sip of her iced green tea as she sent a look over to Yukata who seemed disinterested in the conversation as well as a little fidgety. She had noted that ever since leaving the Training Force, Yukata had been rather withdrawn. In point of fact, her joining the current gathering was one of only a handful of times where she hadn't come up with an excuse not to attend.

Tuning back to Sari, who had joined the gathering of Suna Kunoichi still fuming from her failed attempt at seducing Gaara, Matsuri said, "You just need to be patient, Sari. He'll come around."

"I have been patient," the kunoichi replied quickly in a huff. "But there comes a point where you have to admit that things just aren't working out."

Matsuri frowned as she asked, "Are you saying that you've reached that point?"

Sari sighed as she held her cup of ice water in both hands which rested in her lap. Looking up, she answered, "I-I don't know. I told him that I thought we should see other people as I was leaving his office and he didn't even come after me. How should I take that? It's bad enough he doesn't want to have a physical relationship, but now it appears he's fine with not having one period."

"I think you're overacting," Matsuri said. "Gaara probably wanted to give you time to cool off."

"That's the problem," Sari said quickly, "He's always so dispassionate. It'd be nice if he would get a little hot-headed from time to time." The kunoichi sighed, but then acting cheerful as she tried to put her relationship woes behind her asked, "So what about you two? Are there any prospects on the horizon?"

Matsuri felt a little guilty as she responded, "No, can't say there are," due in part to the fact that her sex life was so fantastic, but also because Sari was her best friend. However, she did take a little pleasure in her keeping her relationship with Naruto a secret since Sari had not told her about the one she had with Gaara until after the blond had seduced her.

Sari didn't press making Matsuri feel as if her friend was still nervous about discussing boys in general due to how she had become Gaara's girlfriend behind her back. Both women turned their attention to Yukata, who appeared a little listless as she stared off into space. After it became apparent that she wasn't going to rejoin the conversation, Sari asked, "How about you Yukata?"

"What? I'm sorry could you repeat what you just asked?"

"Are there any men you're interested in?" Sari repeated.

"Um...no, no not really?" Yukata answered although both women at the table didn't believe her. Before either of them could press, Yukata stood abruptly saying, "I...I need to get going. It was nice seeing you both."

Yukata took off before either woman could bid her farewell in turn causing them to share a look until Sari asked, "Do you have any idea what's been going on with Yukata?"

Matsuri shook her head in the negative since she wasn't sure what was wrong with her friend. Although she did know about how Yukata had visited the summoning circle that had been part of Naruto's plan to draw Pakura to him, but since he had told her he never used the Temptation's Touch on any of his visitors, she didn't believe that was behind Yukata's change in behavior since returning to Suna. Yet, no one that knew Yukata before the training force had failed to notice how withdrawn she had become. Proposing her own theory she said, "Perhaps, it's due to her training to make it into the puppeteer forces."

Sari gave the matter some thought before commenting, "I guess that would make sense. Yukata was disappointed when she failed the entrance exams after becoming a genin."

Matsuri nodded and felt a sense of contentment from being a part of the group that made it possible for her friend to have a second chance at her dream. Letting a little of that emotion bleed into her voice she said, "Well, with all the chakra infused wood being shipped to the village due to our new trade agreements with Konoha, they were able to expand them. They've even reopened the Puppet Armory. They're letting the hopefuls build the puppets they wish to take the exam with. They say their puppets are going to be some of the first to be built since Sasori of the Red Sand defected."

"That's not hard to believe," Sari replied. "Most of our sources for the wood needed in puppet creation dried up during the Third Shinobi War. The few that remained barely provided us with enough to maintain those already in the field." Sari leaned forward conspiratorially before asking, "Still, do you really think that's the reason?"

"Sure I do," Matsuri answered. Guessing that perhaps her friend had another idea behind Yukata's strange behavior she asked, "What do you think it is?"

Sari looked around to make sure no one was listening but then said, "Do you think it might have something to do with the Ghost?"

"The ghost," Matsuri said both a little confused and nervous.

Sari frowned as she said, "Come on Matsuri, don't play stupid. Quite a few of the kunoichi from the Training Force have come back with tales of the Perverted Ghost who would fondle them until they came."

"H-how did you hear about that?" Matsuri asked since her friend had not been a part of the Training Force.

A little color entered her cheeks as Sari explained, "I went out with Kashike and a few others shortly after they came back."

Sari trailed off as her cheeks colored prompting Matsuri to say, "So?"

"So," Sari said starting up again, "she hooked up with Tsuchino shortly after she got back. You remember how enamored with him she was, right?" When Matsuri nodded she continued, "Well even though she landed her dream guy, she just ended it."

Matsuri shrugged as she cut in, "So, maybe he didn't live up to her fantasy."

"You're more right then you know." Sari said with a smirk. "It took some prompting, but she finally admitted it was because he was lacking in the bedroom. She said that he just couldn't make her cum."

"Are you saying she can't reach orgasm?"

"Oh she says she can reach it... on her own," Sari replied. "But she also added they fail to match what she felt at the Ghost's hands." Sari looked slightly guilty as she admitted, "Hearing some of what she experienced made me jealous that I wasn't a part of the Training Force."

Matsuri frowned at what her friend said. Admonishing her slightly she said, "You don't mean that."

Sari took a sip of her water before admitting, "No, a little part of me does. I care for Gaara. I do. But, I want to experience some physical intimacy too and hearing Kashike made me wish I could have felt what she did. I mean you should hear how she sounded. He may just have been some pervert, but she was talking about him like she used to talk about Tsuchino. Once she admitted to visiting the ghost, she even talked about making a trip out to Konoha just to see if the Circle that seemed to call him was still there. The thing of it is. I can tell she wasn't the only one."

Matsuri was surprised by the revelation and it forced her to consider that perhaps Yukata was still hooked on the feelings she felt at Naruto's hands. Having felt them herself she supposed she could understand how it could haunt a person especially if they didn't know who it was behind them. Knowing that Yukata had visited Naruto the most, Matsuri began to see that perhaps the kunoichi's behavior was due to her being distracted by a desire to experience such pleasure again and perhaps even more.

Before Matsuri could ponder on it more though the restaurant went silent as several Oni mask wearing Anbu entered. They looked around the room, before zeroing in on Matsuri and Sari's table. Quickly approaching the leader of the group said, "Sari, please come with us."

Hearing the urgency in the man's voice, the kunoichi asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Lord Gaara has been placed under house arrest by the Council. He is the prime suspect in the murder of Elder Joseki as well as several guests at his house. Including the Magistrate."

Sari gasped as she sprung to her feet asking the Anbu, "Please take me to him."

"In due time," the Anbu answered, "First you must go before the Council. They wish to speak with you as you were the last person to see him before the murders."

Matsuri watched as Sari stood to follow the Anbu out of the restaurant without saying goodbye. She wasn't surprised by her friend's rudeness as she was sure Sari was berating herself for storming out on Gaara and thus being unable to provide him an alibi. She wondered what she should do, and considered alerting Naruto to the trouble, but held back as she felt it would be best to find out all the details she could before coming to a decision on the matter. With that thought in mind she paid and went out looking for the answers.


Naruto was relaxing in the hot springs located on Kiyomi's property. A feat made easier as he was nestled between two of his home's newest residents. Yakumo sighed contently as she laid her head against his right shoulder. When Naruto looked down at her as he pulled his attention from Shiho, who was giving him a history lesson, she smiled as she said, "Thank you again for helping me move in and placing the rest of my family's belongings in storage."

Naruto quickly pecked her lips before responding, "You're quite welcome. It was very generous of you to turn your family's home into a training center for your clan." Ino and Sakura who were sitting opposite of them giggled as Ino whispered something into the pink haired girl's ear. Believing it to be related to what he just said he asked, "What's so funny?"

Ino gave Yakumo a knowing smirk as she replied, "I was merely telling Sakura that as generous as her actions were. I think she gained more than she lost."

"Like what?"

"Like nightly access to a certain blond stud," Sakura answered. "I imagine it'll be much easier for you two now that she doesn't have to worry about an overprotective uncle hanging around."

Yakumo smiled as she said, "True, and Uncle Unkai was rather against me moving out. However, he'll be rather busy training those who have petitioned to rejoin the clan as shinobi."

Naruto pulled Yakumo a little closer as a wave of pride in his lover swept over him. While it was true that Yakumo's turning over her mansion to the clan to be used as a barracks had allowed her to move into the Hidden Eddy Inn, Naruto knew that her primary motivation was to give members of her clan the same second chance at their dreams that she had received. Due to the lie that had been spread about the Kekkei Genkai the First Kurama had possessed and many believed Yakumo had inherited, the Clan had for generations maintained strict guidelines about who could and couldn't become a shinobi. The most important one being a superior talent for genjutsu. However, while this method of picking who could and couldn't become a shinobi in the Kurama Clan had preserved the secret that the First Kurama hadn't possessed a Kekkei Genkai, but a keen mind for traps to go along with his talent for genjutsu, it was also leading to the slow extinct of the clan as a force within the village since so few had the required talent for illusion techniques. As such, it was believed that within a few more generations the Kurama Clan would be unable to produce the required amount of active Shinobi to be considered a true Shinobi Clan. If that ever happened they would likely lose their seat on the Council.

It wouldn't be the first time such a fate had befallen a clan of the village. A similar set of circumstances had led to the Hatake losing their clan status, although it hadn't been until Sakumo Hatake had abandoned his mission to save his teammates that the Hatake Clan had officially been stripped of their Clan Status. The only two exceptions to the requirement that a Clan provide a number of shinobi to the village were the Uchiha and the Senju. As the two founding Clans it was felt that regardless of their contributions to the village's forces they should always have a spot on the Council. Although in truth, it had been the Uchiha that had pushed for the exception to be given. Yet, as it became apparent that the Senju had truly tired of being at war and more and more of their children chose to pursue other avenues the other Clans had agreed hoping to keep a Senju presence for as long as possible.

Naturally this rule didn't apply to those Shinobi that were rewarded clan status for exceptional service. Thus far a feat only achieved by Sasuke Sarutobi, The Third Hokage's father. He was gifted with Clan status by the council at the behest of the Nara, Yakumo, and Akimichi, when he had held off a whole battalion of Sand shinobi during the First Shinobi World war. An action which had allowed the Heirs of those three clans to escape from being cornered and destroyed, and as such, was why those men in turn had demanded a Sarutobi be assigned as a sensei to their children which had given birth to the First Ino-Shika-Cho trio.

Instead a shinobi who was given a clan was given a number of generations to produce genin of quality. Of course to aid in this a shinobi could take multiple spouses, but it was more common for him to simply have family members swear allegiance to his clan so that their offspring could be counted. This was the path that Sasuke Sarutobi had taken since he had joined Konoha as a single shinobi and after achieving an official clan status had convinced the rest of his unaligned brethren to join him.

It was also the path that Yakumo was hoping to take with her clan as well. Yet, the problem the Kurama faced wouldn't be solved by just adding shinobi to the roster if they couldn't cut it. Not to mention Naruto felt Yakumo would begin to regret her decision should her people pay the steep price that was often the cost of failure, death. Another thing Yakumo had desired was for there to be something about her shinobi's skill set that stood out like the other great clans of Konoha. She had drawn a blank until she had mentioned it to Naruto, who had commented that he wished he could help, but considering his own lack of skill in genjutsu wasn't sure what he could offer. He had then made an off-handed comment about how nice it was to be a part of a team, as he was with his mother, since she could dispel any genjutsu placed on him. It was the spark of inspiration Yakumo needed as she figured out how she would train the new shinobi. Giving her lover a kiss, she had rushed back to her Uncle and had informed him that the future Kurama that failed to measure up to the clan's strict mastery of genjutsu would then be trained in how to counter it.

Yakumo believed that given time the new Kurama Clan shinobi would prove to be quite effective in the field as Counter Genjutsu operatives. Her belief stemmed from the fact that currently in order to dispel a genjutsu a person needed to do so themselves or have someone do so for them. Something which could prove difficult in the heat of battle since to break a genjutsu on a person it required for the two shinobi to be in direct contact. Yakumo planned not only to find a way around this since it would make it possible for a single person to break genjutsu on multiple people at once. But as they developed more advanced techniques she believed it would be possible to even reflect the genjutsu back on the casters. It could also not develop into anything, but Yakumo felt it was a worthy avenue to explore.

Naruto was pulled from his thoughts on the matters of clans and the Kurama's future by Shiho closing the book she had been giving the history lesson from. Turning towards Naruto she said, "I guess we aren't going to get any studying done with all these distractions."

"Sorry," Naruto replied rather unconvincingly.

"It's okay," Shiho said a little amused at the obvious relief that appeared on Naruto's face. Teasing him, she said, "You're hardly what I would consider a model student under the best circumstances. I guess I shouldn't be surprised you're having trouble concentrating. Plus you must be tired from helping us move today."

"That was just a light work out when compared to the big move," Naruto said sliding down a little further in the water as Shiho placed her book on the ground before pressing herself against the jinchuriki.

"Which part," Ino said with a sultry smile, "The moving, or what came after."

"Both," Naruto replied, "You and Sakura wore out my clones after they helped you get settled into your apartment."

The two roommates shared a look before Sakura responded, "Well we just wanted to let them know we appreciated their hard work. I didn't hear them complain."

"Maybe because you drained them until they dispelled," Naruto replied with an amused smile which grew into a lustful smirk as he recalled how enthusiastically his lovers had thanked his clones.

Ino's smile mirrored her blond lover's as she said, "That's why Sakura and I decided to join you tonight. We figured we'd get a chance to pick-up where we left off. If I would have known I would be sitting through a history lesson I might have stayed home."

Shiho huffed in annoyance but let it pass as Naruto replied, "Not all of us were stellar students in the academy Ino. Shiho's being kind enough to help me catch up on the stuff that I should probably already know. I'm sure she might find it just as boring when I help you with the gardening in your shop's greenhouse."

"You're right," Ino said and turning her gaze to Shiho added, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Shiho replied, "I know a night spent with a good book is probably not how most shinobi spend their nights."

Naruto smirked as Sakura giggled before she added, "Well, Naruto and I can think of one who spends his nights like that." Turning towards Ino, she then said, "Well maybe what is needed for things to heat up is for somebody to take the first step."

Ino smiled as she saddled closer to her pink-haired friend as she said, "I think that can be arranged." Ino then pressed her lips to Sakura's. The two kunoichi pressed their bodies against each other as they made out sloppily making sure that those watching them could see their tongue play.

Shiho gasped at the sight as while she had seen and done quite a lot since joining Naruto's harem. She was still a little shy, when it came to the public displays of affection, even when she wasn't the one doing it. Yet, she found herself unable to look away as the two kunoichi continued to kiss heatedly. She got the feeling that they had forgotten the others present as they simply enjoyed the taste of each other's mouths. The bespectacled kunoichi felt a jolt that started in her pussy as Sakura moaned out loud as Ino lowered her mouth to the pink-haired woman's breast.

"Mmmm, Ino please the other one too," Sakura moaned out causing the Yamanaka to do as she suggested. Ino squeezed Sakura's breast before she then latched her mouth to the woman's tit to begin sucking on her hardened nipple. The green-eyed woman's head fell back as she moaned loudly and wrapped her arms around Ino's neck. Sakura began to lean back pulling Ino forward as the pink haired girl's knees appeared from the water on either side of the blonde. Sakura's moans became deeper and from the way Ino's shoulder moved it made those watching believe the Yamanaka was taking advantage of her friend's position to stimulate her pussy under the water.

Shiho looked at Naruto out of the corner of her eye to see him watching the two with rapt attention. Quite aware of the effect the sight and moans of the two kunoichi was having on her, Shiho decided to take advantage as she reached for what she believed would be a very stiff dick. Her gaze drifted to Yakumo though as her hand bumped into someone else's. She smiled at her and it was quickly returned before both of them reached down to take possession of the appendage that had introduced both of them to worlds of pleasure beyond their imagination.

Naruto groaned as he felt the pair of hands wrap around his cock and began to slowly slide up and down it. Tearing his gaze from the sight before him, he looked down to see both Yakumo and Shiho looking up at him as they slowly jerked him off. Leaning down he first kissed Shiho before giving Yakumo one as well.

The sound of a person leaving the water drew his attention back to Sakura and Ino. He watched hungrily as Ino having lifted Sakura out of the water placed her on the edge of the hot springs and after spending a few moments kissing her fellow harem member, slowly worked her way down the pink-haired kunoichi's body to begin eating her friend's dripping snatch. Naruto's dick lurched in Yakumo and Shiho's hands as he devoured the sight of Ino pushing her ass back towards them as she traveled down Sakura's body giving him a better and better view of her incredibly wet cunt.

Yakumo growing aroused by the sight as well and wishing to experience some of what the pink-haired medic was stood in the water to pushing her hips towards Naruto as she asked, "Will you kiss me down there too, Naruto?"

Naruto didn't respond with words as he simply leaned towards her and clamped his mouth onto Yakumo's mound. She began to moan softly as she felt his tongue first lick against her outer lips before zeroing in on her increasingly sensitive clit. Naruto moaned into her little pleasure buzzer as his dick was engulfed in a different type of wet heat as Shiho took the opportunity to straddle him and guide his cock into her pleasure passage.

Shiho moaned as she slowly rose up and down Naruto stiff rod as she placed her hands on his stomach. She looked over her shoulder as she heard Sakura pant out, "I-ino y-your tongue feels so good. L-let me taste you too."

Ino pulled her mouth away from Sakura's cunt so that she could climb out of the water. Placing her knees on either side of her friend's head, she lowered her pussy down to Sakura's face and moaned as the medic's eager mouth began drinking in her essence. Shiho's view of Sakura's wet pussy was obstructed as Ino leaned down her friend's body to return her head to between Sakura's thighs.

The sound of a body leaving the water by them pulled Shiho's attention back to her side of the hot spring as she saw that Yakumo had extracted herself from the water in order to sit on the edge with her legs spread. Her attention was pulled to Naruto as he pressed his lips to hers allowing her to taste Yakumo's pussy which coated his lips and tongue. She moaned at the added flavor and after the kiss ended allowed Naruto to spin her around on his dick so that for a moment she was facing the still sixty-nining Sakura and Ino. He then lifted them both bodily and turned them so that they were facing Yakumo. Shiho placed her hands on the edge of the hot-springs as Naruto began to pump into her from behind even as Yakumo began to rub and tease her pussy to the sight.

Shiho found she couldn't pull her gaze from where Yakumo's delicate fingers were rubbing her mound. Watching as they grew increasingly slick with the brown-haired juices, she didn't offer any resistance when Naruto with a gentle nudge to her upper back slowly guided her face to between Yakumo's legs. Yakumo's fingers were replaced with Shiho's tongue as the blonde woman gave into the pleasure coursing through her and forgot her inhibitions.

Yakumo offered her fingers to Naruto who hungrily sucked them clean as the Kurama clan head began to moan as a result of Shiho's inexperienced but enthusiastic tonguing of her snatch. Naruto once he had cleaned Yakumo's digits of her essence reached down to lift Shiho's right leg out of the water. Her cries picked up in volume as she rested her foot on the edge of the hot-springs as her being spread out allowed Naruto's cock to probe her deeper.

The hot-spring filled with the sounds of the four women and one guy basking in pleasure until Yakumo panted, "N-naruto...I...I want to feel...I want you inside me too."

Naruto smiled at the Clan head as he thought of how best to comply with her request, and although creating a shadow clone came to mind. He still preferred to handle the pleasuring of his women himself unless the circumstances called for it, such as when they were spread out as had been the case for his lovers who he had helped move into the Hidden Eddy Inn. Therefore, he began to push Shiho forward forcing her out of the water and up Yakumo's body as he followed her out. Once his two lovers' mounds were positioned near one another he slid out of Shiho and in a smooth motion slipped into Yakumo. Shiho moaned out in loss even as Yakumo's cries picked up in volume. After several strokes he switched once more causing the two women to once more switch volumes, before he did so again.

On the opposite side of the water, Ino paused in her licking to say, "Wow, Sakura your cunt won't stop flowing."

Sakura pulled her mouth free of Ino's honeypot to reply with her chin coated in the blonde's essence, "Y-you're one to talk. But, I can't get enough of your sweet taste. I feel like a bee drawn to a flower."

Ino blushed at Sakura's compliment as she rubbed her chin through the thin strip of pink fur above the medic's pussy as she replied, "I know what you mean." She then busied her tongue with once more drinking in Sakura's juices an action the pink-haired kunoichi followed.

Naruto had both Yakumo and Shiho moaning loudly as he rubbed his dick between where the two women were pressed together so that he could stimulate them both. His dick dragged over each woman's clit causing their cries to grow in volume together as they neared their respective climaxes. Yakumo, pressed her lips to Shiho's who responded eagerly as their tongues danced around each other. The two women heard a pair of muffled screams as their compatriots on the opposite side of the spring came together.

Both women tensed as they broke their kiss so that they could give voice to the pleasure that turned their worlds white for a moment which seemed to last forever and was also entirely too short. Naruto pulled back as his own climax approached as he got to his feet and began to fist his cock. The four kunoichi quickly moved so that they could kneel before him, with Sakura and Ino running over the water so that they didn't miss a drop. All four women stuck out their tongues as Naruto groaned and began shooting strands of thick white cum which as he moved his dick to give each of his lovers a taste ended up coating their faces and chests as well.

Each of his lovers began to wipe the excess cum from their bodies which they then made sure found its way to their mouths. Shiho had removed her glasses to lick some of the cum from it and although they could be considered anything but clean she put them back on and stiffened as she noticed someone at the entrance to the grotto which led to the jungle themed spring they had been using. Ino noticed what caused Shiho to go stiff first and leveling a gaze to the woman licked the last of Naruto's cum from her fingers before asking, "Did you enjoy the show?"

Naruto spun to the intruder and was surprised to see a red-faced Tifa standing on the opposite side of the springs. The woman's gaze drifted down, but Naruto figuring she'd probably been there for a while made no move to cover himself. Tifa tore her gaze away and tried to sound calm and collected as she asked, "C-can...Can I speak with you?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"C-can we maybe...go someplace else..."

"I guess so," Naruto said guessing that wherever Tifa wanted to go she wanted it to be a place that required clothing. Rubbing the back of his head, which caused his softened cock to swing, he said, "Let me go get dressed." But before rushing off he turned presenting his ass to Tifa as he bent over to give each of his lovers a kiss before calmly strolling off to the bathhouse where his clothes were. Tifa remained rooted to the spot as Naruto walked pass her and watched as the four women seemed to bask in the pleasure they had just experienced. As Tifa finally turned to leave it was with a slightly awkward gait as she resisted the urge to fix her dampened panties which clung to her oh so tightly.


Temari stood in Joseki's house which still looked as it had after a passing Anbu that had noticed the guards that had been placed around the home had been rendered unconscious and had then discovered the grisly murders. While the bodies had been removed, although that would be a generous description in Joseki's case, dolls had been brought in to simulate them as the desert heat made it necessary to refrigerate the corpses as quickly as possible.

Temari had come directly to the crime scene after the emergency council session had ended when it had become apparent that Gaara was the prime suspect. She frowned as she recalled Sari explaining that she had left her brother alone after they had had a fight. While Gaara had made no bones about being in his office alone, Temari had hoped that perhaps her brother had been wrong about the timing and Sari would be able to vouch for his whereabouts. With that not being the case, the council had been forced to temporarily strip Gaara of his powers as Kazekage until a full investigation could be performed.

Temari turned her gaze from the table where the bodies of Joseki's guest had been found strangled while still sitting, to the outline of the supposed attacker painted in the blood of Joseki as he experienced a Desert Funeral. The figure appeared to be cloaked giving no indication of whether the person had been male or female, but what Temari did notice was there was no presence of the gourd that Gaara typically carried. While that didn't necessarily mean anything, since the attacker had tried to hide their identity, she did believe it was evidence that her brother was being framed. Granted, she knew she was not the most impartial person, since she wouldn't believe the charges against her brother even if someone had managed to catch the attack on video. She just didn't believe that Gaara would act in such a manner due to his belief in Naruto and the change that had come from his finding a friend in the blond man.

She heard the Anbu behind her shuffle just before they were joined by a third who said, "Can you leave us alone for a moment?"

The Anbu answered, "I'm sorry Lord Kankuro, but my orders were quite specific and I cannot leave either you or Lady Temari alone while inspecting the crime scene."

Kankuro sighed although he had already known that would be the response since some on the council feared the two Sand Siblings might be tempted to tamper with the evidence found there. "What are you thinking Sis?"

"I'm thinking that Gaara had nothing to do with this," Temari replied turning towards her sibling.

"I know that, but you have to admit that as frame jobs go it's a rather good one."

"Really," Temari replied, "I was thinking just the opposite. To me it's the type of frame-up that a person would do if they expected those looking into would just leap to the first conclusion that popped into their head." Pointing to the wall, Temari said, "I mean look. The murder makes an effort to conceal their identity but then kills everyone using jutsu used exclusively by only one person in the village. The killer might as well have painted, 'Gaara was here' on the walls."

Kankuro looked at the outline of the killer that was painted on the wall and couldn't help saying, "He kind of did." Temari scowled at her brother causing him to hold up his hands defensively as he said, "Look Sis, I'm on your side. But you point out the major problem. Gaara is the only active shinobi in the village that can use sand like that and that was the weapon used here. It wasn't the Iron Sand of the Third Kazekage, nor was it the gold dust that father used to use."

"What about missing-nin?" Temari asked.

"None that had the talent required to carry this out. Some of the victims might have been pass their prime, but they were still Ex-Councilors. And while none of the current council was in attendance here, a few of them were still allies of Joseki. They just can't let it show in the current political climate."

"There letting it show alright," Temari growled angrily, "By stripping Gaara of his powers and locking him up like a criminal, they're playing into whoever really did this hands."

Kankuro nodded but nonetheless said, "True, but what choice did the council have. We can't have it appear that Gaara was going to punish Joseki for going outside the law and then do the same thing himself without consequence. Not to mention that for the moment this is a crime with only one strong suspect."

"What happened to being innocent until proven guilty?" Temari snapped. "If a person was planning to set Gaara up then they could have found a way to use his jutsu. Naruto told me that his team once encountered a group of shinobi that had a man who used jutsu similar to Gaara."

"You're talking about the Watari ninja right," Kankuro said surprising his sister. Noticing the surprise written on her face he said, "Hey, you aren't the only one looking for an explanation that doesn't point to Gaara. The problem is that the Watari shinobi you are speaking of is dead, he was killed by Kakashi."

"I know that," Temari replied, "My point is if it could be done once, it could be done again."

"Agreed," Kankuro said, "But until such a person makes themselves known, we having nothing to offer as proof of Gaara's innocence. It gets worse though."

"W-what do you mean?"

Kankuro concern was written on his face as he explained, "After you left The Council decided to send a message to the Capital. The Daimyo is soon going to learn that his Magistrate is dead and the prime suspect is Gaara."

"Those idiots," Temari said closing with her brother. "Do they have any idea what they have done?"

"Some of them I'm sure do," Kankuro said calmly. "But even those that aren't out to get Gaara felt it was something that needed to be done. Better the Daimyo find out from us then some other means. I hate to say it like this, but when measured against the village's survival Gaara's life doesn't carry much weight."

"It does to me," Temari said softly.

"And to me too," Kankuro replied, "Which is why we need to get to the bottom of this and fast. If the Daimyo sent that magistrate here to derail some of Gaara's plans then he may see this as an opportunity to remove him all together."

Temari nodded as her brother's words pointed out what she truly feared. That the scene behind her was created to give the Daimyo a chance to quickly eliminate Gaara. Hoping to derail such a plan, she prepared to leave the house but stopped as Kankuro said, "Oh and I'm not sure why Gaara wanted me to tell you this. But he made it a point for me to tell you that you aren't to get Naruto involved."

Temari frowned as she wondered what her brother was playing at. It occurred to her that Gaara was perhaps as aware as her that what had befallen him could be a plot by the Daimyo. But why he wouldn't want her to inform his friend she wasn't sure. Still while she loved Naruto, she was still beholden to the wishes of the Kazekage so replied, "If that is what Gaara wants, then we have no choice but to respect them. But we're going to have to inform the Hokage."

"You know she'll probably tell Naruto."

Temari turned away as she let a smile cross her face as she replied, "Well what she does with the information is out of our hands. However, if something bad had befallen the Hokage then I'm sure we'd expect the Leaf to tell us, so it is only fair."

"I guess so," Kankuro said. "But I'll leave it to you to explain to Gaara."

"I'd love too," Temari replied, "Just as soon as he explains to me why he's making it a point to try and cut out one of his closest friends."


Tifa took a sip of the sake that was placed in front of her as she listened with half an ear to the music that was playing in the background. She looked over to the man sitting next to her and although he was henged to look like the false persona he used to date his equally henged lovers without attracting attention to him and his harem, she still felt her cheeks heat up as she recalled the scene she had just witnessed. Recalling the finale as he coated his lovers in his seed, she downed the rest of her sake so he wouldn't realize the coloring was due to him.

"Would you like a refill?" asked the woman that had introduced herself as Ibara and who ran the bar called Seventh Heaven.

"Yes, please" Tifa said breathlessly due to the alcohol still burning her throat.

The server smiled as she collected the bottle and then turning her attention to her companion asked, "What about you Mr. Takayama"

"No thank you Ibara," he replied swirling his own bottle, "I'll be fine for a little while longer. And how many times have I asked you to call me Kakami?"

"A few I'd imagine," the bartender answered. Ibara then asked, "Where's your normal companion?"

"Which one?" the henged Naruto asked amused referencing the fact his false persona's girlfriend was afflicted with multiple personalities, which in fact were his different lovers playing the part.

"I suppose that is the question," Ibara replied with an amused smile, before adding, "Although I think they might all be jealous to find you out with such a beautiful woman."

Naruto grinned at the bar owner before replying, "I don't know about that. I'm very fortunate in that they aren't the jealous types."

"It must be hard balancing all those different personalities though," the woman said with a shake of the head.

"Sometimes," Naruto admitted, "But it's worth it."

The woman smirked, but another customer waved her down so she moved to the end of the bar to attend to him leaving Naruto and Tifa alone. Tifa had noticed that Naruto had seemed to be enjoying his conversation with the woman, although she believed it was due to more than the topic. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she asked, "Was it just me, or did you seem to bask a little in fooling her into believing you're this other person? I'm sure that if you had simply come as yourself, she'd be buying your drinks for you."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Naruto replied as a slight frown marred his features. Recalling how she and another mother had been glad that he failed his genin exam he explained, "She wasn't exactly my biggest fan." Looking around the bar he added sadly, "Actually, I've only ever come here in character as the actors like to say."

"Why?" Tifa noticed Naruto seemed uncomfortable for a moment and guessing it related to how he was likely treated in the past and how he might not be over it asked, "Is it because you can't forgive her?"

Naruto picked up a hint of concern in Tifa's voice and attributed it to her wondering if he would perhaps be unable to forgive her since that appeared to be the reason she had went looking for him. The jinchuriki smiled politely before answering, "That isn't the reason. I guess now that my star has risen so to speak, I just don't feel a need to make an issue of the past."

"Perhaps she would like a chance to speak about it now though," Tifa suggested.

"Is that why you sought me out tonight?" Naruto asked getting to what he believed to be the heart of the matter

"Well it certainly wasn't for the show that I received," Tifa said as she took a sip of her drink to help mask the sudden heat she felt resettle in her cheeks as her memory replayed the scene of Naruto's four lovers kneeling before him to catch his seed.

Naruto chuckled in amusement as he scanned the room, as he did so he took in some of the beautiful women present. Having come to the bar several times in recent weeks with his lovers, as well as by himself, he was beginning to learn some of the habits of the regulars. His gaze landed on Kukaku as she spoke with an attractive man, who appeared to be a businessman from the way he dressed. He watched her smile as the man whispered something into her ear. Kukaku grinned seductively as she licked her lips and gave the man a nod. The man flagged down Ibara so that he could pay his bill and then stood following after Kukaku.

Naruto watched them leave, having witnessed a similar scene several times in the past. He wasn't bothered by it although he did know Kukaku's finding other lovers was a point of contention between her and Yoruichi. But in truth Naruto felt it was all a part of Kukaku's adapting to her human form. He knew a prideful woman like Kukaku would have trouble finding herself being somewhat subservient to any man she took to bed. Considering Naruto's place at the head of his harem he understood why the Five-Tails balked at the idea of becoming his lover. Having seen her pick-up several men he had noticed that she seemed to prefer men that wouldn't back down from her, and at the same time likely wouldn't form an attachment to her. However, having noticed her leave with the same man several times recently, he began to wonder if she was perhaps the one finding herself forming an attachment. He spared a moment to wonder what would happen if she realized that perhaps she was the one that couldn't let go, before returning his attention to the other women.

Tifa noting Naruto's roving eye as she struggled to answer his question instead said, "I'm not sure if I should be jealous or not. I'd like to think I'm beautiful enough to keep your attention for more than a half hour."

Naruto chuckled as he focused back on Tifa as he replied, "If it was simply a matter of looks you'd have my undivided attention. As a matter of fact several gentlemen here seem to have a hard time keeping their eyes off of you. But since you seemed uncomfortably by my questions I thought that I would give you a moment to get yourself together so busied myself with searching for someone I hoped could help me with a certain problem."

Glad for a chance to change the subject, Tifa asked, "What kind of problem?"

Naruto indulged her as he said, "Well I'm sure you may have heard from one of the women at the mansion about how I was having trouble with a certain woman of mine."

Guessing he had likely already patched things up with Kiyomi now that she was somewhat free of the red-head's control, she figured it might be due to the other woman he had heard some rumors about. Commenting on what she had overheard as a maid she asked, "You're talking about the one that's recently pulled away because of your refusal to submit to her desires to explore BDSM."

Naruto nodded in the affirmative before explaining, "It isn't just a matter of my refusing to. But an inability to actually do so, at least in the capacity that she is asking me too."

"I'm not sure I understand," Tifa said.

Taking a sip of his drink, Naruto said, "Anko when she became one of my lovers submitted to me. Not the other way around. This is true of all my lovers and while I do not begrudge them for disagreeing with me, at the end of the day it is my will that needs to prevail. It is the only way my Harem can actually function, much like a Hokage can have advisors and listen to the council but in the end when a decision is made they need to obey it. A part of the reason things degraded to such a point with Anko is because I wasn't as firm as I perhaps should have been."

"Okay, I can understand that I guess. But, what does that have to do with your refusal to take a few spankings from her from time to time?"

"Well put yourself in the position of one of my other lovers." Tifa's felt her cheeks heat up as a tingle started in her pussy from the blond man's words as she had been finding doing so easier and easier since witnessing him pleasing his lovers. "Can you tell me you'd have the same level of respect for me needed to obey me without question at times if you knew I was submitting to someone else?"

Tifa flashed to an image of a nude Naruto wearing a gimp mask and bent over a wooden horse as Anko slapped his ass with a riding crop. While she would admit that on the surface it was a rather hot image, she could understand his point. It then dawned on her that what Naruto was looking for then was someone that Anko could explore her new interests with, but would leave Naruto in the dominant position within the Harem. It also made her realize what kind of man, she was sitting next to as she gave voice to something else that she realized, "You could have used us."

"Pardon me," Naruto said confused.

"You could have handed us over to Anko. My team and I," Tifa said.

"No I couldn't," Naruto replied with a shake of his head. "It would have been no different than how Kiyomi tried to hand you three over to Kiba."

Tifa wanted to talk about it further, but was stopped as Ibara came back around. She filled Naruto and her glasses as she made small talk again, but was soon waved down by another customer. When they were alone again, she asked, "Is that why you didn't sleep with us when Kiyomi offered? Or was it resentment? I heard during some of your arguments that you used similar means to seduce some of your other lovers."

Naruto sensed a certain amount of desire in Tifa's voice so turned on his stool and placed his hand on her knee. Tifa stiffened at the touch, but relaxed a little as Naruto asked, "Do you ask out of curiosity? Or desire?"

"Maybe a little of both," Tifa answered and stiffened again as Naruto's hand traveled a little further up her leg.

Naruto smiled at the answer and her reaction to his response to it as he said, "Truthfully, I feel that I had crossed the line with one of my lovers due to the anger I was feeling at the time. Luckily she hasn't held it against me. But while I might have stacked the deck in my favor, all of the women bound to me succumbed to their own desires to be with me. They made the choice even if they didn't know all that it entailed in the end. I also have tried to give them a chance to back out before we consummated our relationship. With that said, taking you while under Kiyomi's false personas would have been wrong as it wouldn't have been you making the decision."

"Even if we would have come to be glad that you had?" Tifa asked and found she was rather happy her question caused Naruto's hand to slip further up her thigh.

Naruto nodded as he answered, "There would have been just as much of a chance that you would resent me for it later. Plus what motivation would there have been for me to have Kiyomi remove the controls placed on you?"

"I guess you're right." Tifa said. "I would have probably resented you for using my body as my mind was trapped inside of it." Despite her words thought Tifa frowned as they had the added effect of causing Naruto's hand to travel down and away from her panty clad pussy which was growing increasingly warmer. Finding that warmth spreading through her body she asked, "But with that said, what if one of us found ourselves wanting to be with you now?"

Naruto's hand reversed course as it traveled up to the edge of her skirt as he rested it on the inside of her thigh. Naruto smirked as a small gasp, which trailed off into disappointment, escaped from her lips as his hand stopped just short of dipping into her skirt "What do you mean?"

Tifa licked her suddenly dry lips before she asked, "I mean could you be with one of us? We nearly killed you and would have if not for that teacher and Kakashi. Could you be with one of us without resenting us...me?"

Naruto slid his hand forward and cupped Tifa mound as he began to run a finger up and down her slit. He felt the material of her panties grow increasingly damper as he answered, "One of my best friends tried to kill me first in order to prove his own existence." Increasing the speed at which he rubbed her, he added, "I prefer to look forward not backwards because who knows what sort of bonds can be forged once people get passed their initial misunderstandings."

Tifa placed a hand on the bar to prevent from bending over completely as the pleasure of Naruto's actions coursed through her. She lowered her face so that her hair obscured her face as she bit her lip to prevent from moaning as Naruto slid her panties to the side so the he could push his finger inside her. His voice gave no hint of the excitement he was feeling at fingering the beautiful women in the middle of the bar as he continued, "Besides there was some good that came from that encounter. I learned that I mattered to my teacher, Iruka. And while you likely can't have the same warm fuzzy feelings I did from learning that due to your time in prison. It did lead the two of us here so that we could both experience this moment."

Naruto was about to push Tifa over the edge but was forced to stop as Ibara asked, "Is everything alright?"

Turning towards the bar's proprietor Naruto calmly said, "I think she had a bit too much to drink. I think it would be best if we get going before she makes a mess. Can you please put it on my tab?"

"Of course," Ibara replied as Naruto helped Tifa stand. "I hope you feel better."

Tifa nodded wishing she could tell the woman just how good she was about to feel. Naruto guided her outside and once they were alone said, "I'll give you some time to decide if you wish to continue this. You know where to find me if you do."

"W-wait," Tifa said grabbing the henged jinchuriki's arm, "Y-you can't leave me like this."

Naruto paused, and then quickly guided Tifa inside an alley. Pressing her up against a wall his hand cupped her mound and he pressed on her clit. Tifa, still worked up from the bar climaxed hard, but her screams were muffled as Naruto pressed his lips to hers. The evidence of Tifa's orgasm flowed down the side of her legs after drenching her panties and Naruto's hand.

Naruto stepped back to admire his handiwork and dropping his henge as he did so while Tifa panted as she used the wall of the building to remain upright. Bring his hand up to his nose, he smelled the scent of Tifa's arousal before licking his fingers clean of her release as he said, "I hope you decide to move forward with me."

Then with a happy tune whistling passed his lips Naruto began walking down the alley leaving Tifa to contemplate whether or not to give the matter some thought, or to chase after the blond now. Deciding that she doubted she's catch him even if she followed due to how weak her legs still felt she pushed off from the wall to head to her current residence, but which some part of her was already calling her temporary one.
