
48: 48: Trouble in Sand and The Pack: Part II 2

Kiba struggled to say something as he watched Aeris cleaning up the kitchen for the night. However, as opposed to a few hours before there was a noticeable tension in the air. Kiba sighed wishing he could go back in the past and stop himself from kissing the woman. Hoping to recover some of the previous closeness that he had felt to her he asked, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

He frowned as Aeris stiffened at his voice making him believe she had tried and succeeded to ignore his presence until he had just startled her. She quickly replied, "No, thank you. I'm just about finished."

Kiba knew a polite way of being asked to leave when he heard one so got up from the kitchen table. He paused at the doorway, and felt Aeris stiffen again behind him so left without saying anything. His mother was coming down the stairs that lead to his home's second level where the bath and bedroom resided and upon seeing her son's downcast mood asked, "What's wrong pup?"

Kiba spared a moment to look up at his concerned mother, but still a little uncomfortable about his recent discovery of his mother and sister's active sex life didn't wish to have an embarrassing conversation with her. Before, he could say as much the front door opened and Tifa announced, "I'm back."

"Any luck finding a way to escape the village," Tsume asked rather disinterestedly figuring Kiyomi had covered all the ways the women would come up with. Her noise picked up a familiar scent on the woman along with the tang of an aroused female. Knowing the male scent she was picking up was the one that she had created for Naruto to use when he was henged as Kakami Takayama, the employee of the Great Tree Shipping Company and man with a Snow Country kunoichi girlfriend that suffered from multiple-personalities, she grew more interested as she asked, "Or did you find something to keep you from trying."

Tifa blushed as she quickly said, "I...I need to take a bath. I worked up a sweat trying to escape with Yuffie."

"I bet you did," Tsume said as she made room on the stairs so Tifa could quickly pass.

As the woman passed Kiba, he picked up the scent of Tifa's arousal which made his dick lurch. He also picked up an unfamiliar male one, but he guessed from his mother's reaction that it was somehow related to Naruto. Believing she had created a formula that gave scents as well as erasing them he asked as soon as the other woman was gone, "I-is she with him now?"

Tsume looked up the stairs before answering, "Not yet, but it's only a matter of time. He's quite the skilled hunter. He knows when to let his prey have some space, and when to pursue. In this case I believe he's going to let her come to him."

Hearing his mother speaking almost reverently of Naruto caused some bitterness to spill into his words as he asked, "Is that why you're with him? Because of his skill."

Tsume watched her son for a moment before finishing her trek down the stairs. She stared at him until he broke eye contact causing her to sigh at his timidness, especially around women. Forcing him to meet her eyes she finally said, "Yes, that is indeed part of it. But also his skill at making me feel like a woman." Tsume knew her next words might sound like she was rubbing salt in the wound, but she also hoped her son would take the hint as she added, "You could stand to learn a thing or two from him, you know." She ruffled rustled his hair playful hoping that if Kiba did take her words wrong it would lessen the blow of them before heading to the kitchen to get a late night glass of water.

Kiba watched his mother go and at first felt like she had punched him in the stomach. But still feeling the aftereffects of the gentle gesture that had followed admitted that whatever else Naruto had done, he had softened his mother's disposition. Guessing that he did have quite a bit to learn as his mother suggested, he headed upstairs to his room to think of some way to make up for his misstep with Aeris lest Naruto swoop in and put her under his spell as well.


Naruto slept contently but alone in his apartment's bed as a figure entered his bedroom stealthily. Mikoto watched him sleep for a moment wondering how a shinobi could sleep so deeply in a world where death came from the shadows. She reached out for him, but paused as the guilt of what she had tried to do the last time she had approached him in such a way passed through her. She nearly lost her nerve as she turned to slip back out of the room, but knew she needed to go through with her self-appointed task.

Slipping into his bed without so much as causing it to rustle, she placed a hand over his seal, taking a moment to enjoy the taunt muscles she could feel just beneath his skin and then pulsed her chakra so that she appear inside of it. To her surprise, Kushina was still awake as she appeared to look rather restless to her friend although Mikoto doubted that the red-head would still think of her that way soon. Kushina's violet eyes lit up as she spotted Mikoto causing her to say, "Miko, Naruto didn't say you would be dropping in."

"T-that's because I didn't tell him," Mikoto said unsure if she could actually tell her friend what brought her there that night.

Mikoto's distress was easy to see prompting Kushina to stand and close with her, "Miko, what is it? You should know that you can tell me anything." Mikoto stepped back before Kushina could wrap her in a comforting hug, causing the Uzumaki to stop short as a look of unease to appeared on her face. "Miko..."

"Kushina, there's nothing I can say to express how sorry I am at my actions..."

"Miko its okay...I'm sure you're overreacting," Kushina said again trying to approach her friend.

"No!" Mikoto practically shouted causing the former jinchuriki and current Bijuu to stop. Calming Mikoto said, "T-the night I learned that Naruto had taken Koharu as a lover...I...I wanted to hurt her."

Kushina looked unsure of what to say, but settled on, "I...I suppose I can understand that. She did have a part in what happened to your family."

Hearing Kushina try to symphonize with her felt like a knife to the gut. Mikoto closed her eyes unable to witness the moment when she would become something worse than scum to the Uzumaki as she pressed on, "I just wanted her to feel the same pain that I did so planned to kill someone she loved."

It took Kushina a moment to understand what Mikoto was saying but once she did she said shocked, "Y-you mean..."

"Yes, I planned to kill Naruto. I even went so far as to invade his room and would have done it if Mito hadn't stopped me."

Kushina's chakra flared as she feared for her son's current safety and prepared to defend him even as he slept by using her chakra to end the threat. Mikoto remained stock still as Kushina closed and raised her hand to slap the woman, an action that would be mirrored by the chakra now coating Naruto to a far more devastating effect. Mikoto tensed waiting for the blow that may well end her life, but opened her eyes as Kushina said, "Let me go." She was surprised to find Naruto standing behind his mother easily holding her arm even as she struggled to break loose. She watched as Kushina continued to struggle and finally pleaded, "Naruto, honey let me go. Even as we speak she's in your room and can finish what she..."

"Mom, she isn't hear to finish anything," Naruto said calmly. "She came her to apologize."

"You were awake when I entered your room," Mikoto stated surprised.

"Um, no," Naruto said, "But I'm aware enough to know when a woman's running her hands over my stomach."

Mikoto blushed at the realization that her touch and enjoyment of his body had woken him. But it was short lived as Kushina directed a glare towards Mikoto, in which the Uchiha thought she saw a small hint of jealousy. Her gaze shifted to her friend's son as he said, "Mikoto your apology is accepted."

"What!?" Kushina said as Naruto let her go so that she could face him. "Didn't you hear the part where she admitted to trying to kill you?"

Naruto smirked as he said amused, "She's hardly the only woman currently in my life that I could leverage that particular charge against." He wondered why his mother's cheeks turned red at the statement and hoped it wasn't because of her temper.

Kushina calmed the lust that her son's comments sparked within her as she had been caught unaware by his fingering the former Taki-nin Tifa since she had been away from the light due to her assuming she wouldn't need to be near it as Naruto was in a public place. Naruto walked towards his mother and placed his arms on her shoulders causing her to suddenly go stiff as a part of her wanted him to press his lips to hers in a very unson like way. The moment was broken as he said, "Mom, are you really willing to throw away your friendship with Mikoto over..."

"Don't say nothing," Kushina snapped pulling herself free of Naruto's grip. Wrapping her arms around herself, she said, "She admitted to trying to kill you."

Naruto hugged his mom from behind causing her to relax into his grip as he said, "I know, and I'm upset at her because of what it would have done to you. You would have survived, but possibly lost all memories of me and dad."

Kushina hadn't considered that causing her to turn and level another harsh glare at the person she was beginning to consider a former friend. But Naruto didn't let her as he let go and stepped between the two women. Favoring Mikoto with a smile, he said, "I'm thinking that might have actually made it easier for you though. Knowing that mom wouldn't be aware of your betrayal."

Finding Naruto's calm acceptance almost harder to bare then Kushina's anger Mikoto said, "Naruto, I'm so sorry."

Naruto kept his smile in place as he said, "Mikoto, what are you saying sorry for? I already said I accepted your apology."

Tears began to leak from her eyes as she wrapped her arms around herself as she began to sob. To her surprise, she was wrapped in hug causing her to look up and see Naruto had wrapped his arms around her. "H-how can you just forgive me?" Mikoto asked as she pleaded to understand the man holding her. It was a question that Kushina also wanted the answer to.

Naruto looked at his mom for a moment before looking back into the dark eyes of Sasuke's mom as he explained, "Because I understand what it is to want to hurt people in order to make your own pain seem less. The truth is, it's only a thin line that kept me from seeking vengeance against the world for shunning me. It's a line I've approached lots of times, so how can I hate someone for approaching it as well. In the end you didn't cross it."

Mikoto wished she could take comfort in Naruto's words but said, "That's only because Mito stopped me."

Naruto shook his head as he said, "No, she only gave you time to come to your senses. She didn't tell me what you tried to do. That tells me that was because you had a change of heart. Something which your coming here to tell my mom only further proves. Wouldn't you agree, mom?"

Mikoto's gaze shifted from Naruto to Kushina and she was surprised to find the red-head fighting back tears. Before she could say anything, Kushina blurted, "I'm so lucky to have such a kind and wise son. Mikoto, I'm sorry for being a bad friend." She then quickly ran to the two as Naruto held out an arm so she could make herself a part of the hug."

Naruto held the two close to him as he smiled while Mikoto corrected Kushina to claim that she was the horrible friend only for the red-head to claim ownership of the title. It was a smile that appeared on his face outside the seal as well even as Mikoto snuggled deeper into the warmth she felt coming off of him.


Kurenai yawned as she stepped out of the apartment she shared with Yuugao, and Anko. Despite the early morning hour, she was already dressed and showered since she figured she'd eat her breakfast in her new home with everyone else. Reaching the stairs, she began to head down them but stopped as Sakura and Ino stepped in front of her when she reached their floor.

"Good morning Kurenai-sensei," the two said in unison before heading down to the ground level.

Kurenai found herself at a loss for words, primarily due to how the two kunoichi were dressed, or more accurately put barely dressed as both women looked like they had just spilled out of bed. Ino was wearing just a white a shirt that revealed she wasn't wearing a bra and pair of panties. Sakura's dress wasn't quite as revealing as she was wearing a man's shirt that was too big for her and which came down to the upper part of her thigh.

While she knew that a majority of the tenants were currently female, she felt it prudent to remind them that there was a male member that might decide to join them for breakfast. Resuming her journey she had hoped to reach them before they reached the main dining room but guessed she had remained rooted in place longer than she thought. She was about to call them out, but paused as she entered the room to find that it turned out she was in the minority as far as the state of dress at breakfast was concerned.

Miya Asama the landlady was impeccably dressed in her standard clothes, but the rest of the kunoichi in the room had decided to come to breakfast in the clothes they had slept in. Kneeling down at an open spot at the table she tried to keep her peace on the subject, but finally said, "Ladies...don't you think you're a tad underdressed."

Miya looked up from her tea as she quickly agreed, "I said the same thing, but they all seem quite determined to make breakfast an improper affair."

Sakura was the one that defend hers and the others state of dress as she said, "Relax Kurenai. We're hardly naked after all. Do you normally shower and dress before breakfast if you aren't in a rush?"

Kurenai was about to respond but she noticed a vein appear on Miya's forehead as a newcomer called out, "Morning everyone."

Recognizing Tsunade's voice and guessing the blond had stayed in Shizune's apartment, she turned to gain some more support for her argument but felt her jaw drop in surprise as the other kunoichi simply wished the Hokage a good morning. The reason for her astonishment was that Tsunade had decide to join the meal wearing her normal blouse, but instead of it being tied it hung open while still covering her breasts. To further add to the tantalizing image, the Hokage had decided to follow the other kunoichi's example and appear at breakfast in her panties.

"L-lady Tsunade," Kurenai said trailing off as she wasn't sure how to reproach her village's leader about her state of dress. Finally she said, "Um...don't you think you're a little underdressed."

Tsunade looked down and shrugged as she said with a smirk, "Can you say I'm popping out of my blouse any more than usual?"

"Well perhaps not...but still what if Naruto..."

"Did someone call me," Naruto said entering from the kitchen area wearing an apron that said, 'Kiss the cook.' From the amount of skin that peeked out from behind it she guessed he was only wearing some boxer shorts underneath it. She imagined the only reason for the apron was so as not to be splashed by any grease as a result of his cooking breakfast. Placing the dishes he had prepared down, he said, "Eat up everyone."

Kurenai paused as the others did as he instructed half expecting the kunoichi to raise some objection at his state of dress despite their own. However, to her surprise nothing was said on the matter as they went about eating the meal prepared by the blond man. Wondering if she was perhaps just old fashioned Kurenai followed suit as she began to fill her plate, although as she ate she had a hard time not admiring the muscular form of the young man sitting opposite of her.


Breakfast was just wrapping up as a voice called out, "Hello is anyone here."

The woman the voice belonged to quickly approached the dining room as Kurenai was the one to call out, "In here."

To her surprise a dark-brown haired woman entered and caused the first vestiges of modesty to appear on many of the women's faces. Kurenai believed the current state of dress was the reason behind the woman's nervousness as she said, "Um...Naruto...I'm here..."

"About the open apartment I told you about yesterday," Naruto said springing to his feet. "Right this way Tifa." Tifa appeared a little confused by his response but nodded as he quickly moved to guide her out of the room.

Before the door closed Tifa heard the red-eyed woman lean towards Miya to asked, "Shouldn't you be the one to show her around."

"No," Miya replied sternly before returning her attention to her tea leaving a very confused Kurenai

Naruto led her upstairs towards one of the unoccupied but furnished apartments and once inside said, "Sorry about that. Your appearance caught me by surprise. Not all the women that were at breakfast are a part of my Harem."

"I see," Tifa replied and felt her heart speed up as Naruto approached her.

"Have you come by to pick up where we left off yesterday? Or, to tell me to get lost?"

"T-the first one," Tifa said quickly causing Naruto to seal his lips to hers. Tifa met Naruto's tongue with hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck. After several moments she felt something poking her in the abdomen and having a good idea of what it was broke the kiss and stepped back. Seeing the tent that was sticking out from the apron she said while commenting about what was written on the front of it, "I can think of a few things to do besides kiss."

Naruto smirked as Tifa dropped to her knees before him and after untying the apron from around his waist, watched as he pulled it from his body. Her eyes grew wide at the size of Naruto's cock as it appeared from behind the cloth curtain. Her pussy quivered at the sight of the intimidating package before her, but having her own large assets as a result of Kiyomi's modifications decided to put them to use.

Cupping her large tits she raised up on her knees so that Naruto's dick slid under her shirt and between the valley of her breasts. She then pressed them around his cock and was surprised at how warm it felt nestled between her flesh pillows. Naruto groaned as Tifa wrapped her arms around her tits giving herself a hug in order to squeeze them around his cock and then began rocking back and forth to work them over his shaft.

"Mmmm yeah," Naruto groaned, "Use those magnificent tits to fuck my cock."

"Do you really like it," Tifa said, "I could never give anyone a tittyfuck before, but always wanted to."

Naruto reached down to pinch one of her hardened nipples poking through her shirt causing her to moan as he said, "Oh yeah, I'm loving it. I could stand here and have you titfuck me all day."

Hearing Naruto's words really spurned her on as she began to work her tits over his rod. "I'm glad," Tifa said staring up to meet his eyes, "I love having your hot hard cock pressed between my tits."

Naruto groaned as she went into overdrive warning her of what was to come he said, "Tifa, I'm going to..."

"Go on," Tifa said cutting him off, "Cum...cum...I want to feel it."

Naruto erupted causing a wet spot to appear on Tifa shirt where his erupting cock was. Tifa cooed pleasantly as her bosoms were coated by the trapped semen. Naruto sagged slightly as he finished erupting, and noticing the mess he had made of Tifa's shirt said, "Sorry about your clothes."

Tifa smiled up at him as she said, "The apartment is fully furnished right."

"Um yeah," Naruto said a little confused with what Tifa's point was.

"It comes with a washer and dryer, right?"

Naruto smirked as he replied, "Yeah, as a matter of fact it does."

"Good," Tifa said standing. Pulling the suspenders from her shoulders before she pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it away as she said, "I feel that I'm going to need to try them out before I can commit to living here."

"Well if that is the case," Naruto said as he pulled Tifa close to him, "I think it would best if we made sure to give the place a real workout."

"My thoughts exactly," Tifa replied before opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue for Naruto.

The blond quickly accepted her invitation as he swallowed her tongue before using his own to stimulate it. Tifa moaned into his mouth as he also roughly squeezed one of her tits and rolled it about. Tifa soon found herself pressed against a wall as Naruto placed his knee between her thighs. She began to rub her dripping snatch against it revealing to Naruto that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Naruto broke the kiss to comment, "No panties what a naughty girl you are."

Tifa moaned as Naruto ground his knee into her mound as she replied, "Not naughty, practical. Especially when considering the state you left them in last time."

Naruto chuckled into Tifa's neck as he placed several kisses along it before saying, "So what are you going to do now? Walk around topless."

"Are you saying you'd want me too?"

"Now that's a silly question," Naruto said reaching down to pull her skirt up over her hips. Gripping Tifa's ass firmly he pulled her towards him and groaned as dick sank into her warm, wet, and tight passage.

Tifa moaned loudly as she was speared upon her first cock in over a decade causing her to wrap her feet around Naruto's back and lock her ankles. Naruto began to fuck Tifa roughly as he pounded her up against the wall, something the Taki-nin realized she so desperately needed.

Naruto was glad that Tsunami had made sure to include both conventional soundproofing as well as those used by shinobi in her design of the Hidden Eddy Inn as Tifa proved to be increasingly vocal in how much she was enjoying his actions. Her arms were wrapped around his neck as she held her body pressed against his as she whispered, "Yes...keep fucking me...gods it's been too long since I've known a man's touch."

Naruto grinned as he began to nibble on her earlobe as he whispered, "Are you saying last night didn't count?"

"N-no...fuck...no...but there's no way fingers...can compare to your great dick," Tifa moaned tightening her legs grip around him just in case he tried to separate it from her.

Something that Naruto had no intention of doing as he began to pump into her with even fiercer thrusts causing Tifa's moans to become incoherent gibberish, although he did pick up her saying, "dick ," several times. He also began to hear her say, "cumming," over and over so assumed she was approaching the end. Which he encouraged as he pulled her from the wall long enough to put his hand behind her and began to tease her asshole, "N-no," Tifa gasped before going tense and despite how vocal she had been before, tightened her hold around him as she fought back from screaming in ecstasy. Naruto feeling her cunt begin to milk him for his seed gave it what it desired as he flooded her passage and womb with his white cream.

As the warmth spread through her the white world that had been Tifa's climax faded to dark as the experience proved too much. Naruto easily held her despite her going slack in his arms. He then carried her to the bed and after cleaning her up and stripping her tucked her in. Looking at the time, he wished he could stay with his newest lover but had other duties to attend to so wrote her a note. A quick Hiraishin later he placed the note in an envelope in which he also sealed the keys to her new apartment. Giving her a quick peck on the cheek, he then Hiraishined again to clean up himself so he could attend to his official shinobi duties.

Several hours later a refreshed Tifa appeared from the apartment and bumped into one of her new neighbors. Kurenai was surprised to find the woman hadn't left with Naruto so asked, "Are you just leaving now?"

"Y-yeah," Tifa said, "I just had to try the amenities before I could commit to living here."

"So what did you think?"

"Oh I fucking loved it," Tifa blurted out dreamily before blushing as she realized what she said. Quickly excusing herself she waved good-bye as she left and added, "Anyway it was nice meeting you. I recommend you give it a try also."

Kurenai watched the woman leave feeling confused by her words before calling out, "But I already live here."


Naruto was quite pleased with how his morning was going. He hadn't been surprised when he had awoken to find Mikoto had left his room, but had genuinely been when Tifa had appeared. Recalling the encounter with his new lover caused a stirring in his loins that he considered putting to use on the women waiting for him in the Hokage's office. He doubted that was the reason Tsunade had sent an Anbu to find him as he had practiced further honing his senses while in Sage mode at the training field, but wouldn't rule it out as a possibility. While excited at the possibility of a new mission, a part of him would have liked some time to make sure Tifa was properly welcomed into the Harem. Yet, having every confidence his other lovers would, he entered the office secure in the knowledge that whatever happened next she would be looked after.

Naruto didn't enter loudly as he instead opened the door slowly to say, "Tsunade, may I enter?"

Kakashi chuckled at the respect Naruto used now due to his relationship with the Hokage which was further shown as Tsunade said, "Of course, My Love."

The tender greeting let Naruto know everyone present was aware of his many relationships although only Kakashi's presence had come as a surprise. The jinchuriki stepped before his blond lover as he favored the other women present, Shizune, Komachi, Yuugao, and Hinata with a smile before asking, "Why have you summoned me? Is there a mission?"

"I'm afraid not," Tsunade said her voice letting Naruto how serious the situation was.

Naruto directed his gaze towards Komachi, who had been returning to the village, and had felt Kiyomi teleport away to collect her guessed, "Is that why Kiyomi Hiraishined Komachi back so quickly?"

"Yes," Tsunade said, "I received an urgent message via messenger bird from Suna this morning and after reading it had her bring Komachi here so I could get a firsthand account. You were otherwise busy and the message asked that I not inform you about what it contained. But since I need to address the Council with it soon, one way or another word would have reached you."

"What's going on," Naruto asked with increased nervousness.

Receiving a nod from Tsunade, Komachi removed her mask and reported, "Joseki's trial did not go well. It seems that the Daimyo made an error in selecting the magistrate he sent or did so purposefully. In either case, Joseki was acquitted of the charges."

"What!" Naruto said angrily on Rin's behalf, "How could they just let that fucking bastard go free?"

"I'm not sure," Komachi said, "But that was the end result. However, his freedom was short lived as he and the magistrate, along with several of Joseki's supporters were later murdered." Komachi paused sending a nervous look towards Tsunade, who nodded for her to continue. Komachi faced her lover in order to inform him, "Based on the evidence it would appear that the culprit was Gaara."

"Gaara didn't do it," Naruto stated.

"I know you believe that..." Komachi began but fell silent as Naruto repeated his statement.

"He didn't do it."

Tsunade stepped in as she said, "Regardless of what any of us believe based on the evidence, the Council had no choice but to ask Gaara to step down. He has agreed and for the time being Councilor Sajo is acting as Kazekage."

"We have to help him then;" Naruto said quickly, "Maybe this Sajo character is behind it to become Kazekage."

"Let's not just throw around baseless accusations," Tsunade said quickly. "Councilor Sajo is not one of Joseki's hardliners and it was his vote that let Karin pitch the Great Tree Shipping Company desire to help strengthen the trade between our villages. I have offered whatever assistance that Suna requires to get to the bottom of this. While I did want you to hear this from us first, there is another reason I summoned you here."

"What reason is that?"

"Gaara has asked directly that you stay away from Suna. He feels that if this is some plot by the Daimyo a Leaf presence will only make the Daimyo's case stronger and could lead to a damaging of relations between our villages. He asked that for the sake of your ambition that you remain in the Leaf."

Tsunade watched as her lover's hands balled up into fists as he mumbled, "That stubborn bastard. He doesn't need to go at it alone." Tsunade watched him relax before saying, "Is that it?"

Tsunade nodded so Naruto excused himself leaving Kakashi and his lovers alone. Tsunade stood to look out the window and caught sight of her lover as he headed back to the Training Grounds. Behind her Kakashi said, "You know if this is a plot by the Daimyo then he is probably not going to waste time with a trial. If Naruto figures that out, the chances of him staying in the village are nil. It might have been better not to tell him anything"

Tsunade smiled as she replied, "I wouldn't force any of his lovers to keep a secret I was unwilling to myself by using my position as Hokage."

"And if he decides to head to Suna?"

Despite the concern she felt at the fallout of such a possibility the smile that she wore actually grew as she answered, "He wouldn't be the man I love if he didn't go."


Temari stood at the Main Entrance to Suna along with the rest of her fellow councilors as they awaited the representative from the Capital. Gaara stood by himself flanked by two Anbu and despite appearances, she knew the masked Shinobi were actually the guards for her brother. Despite the pomp and pageantry, Temari felt a measure of dread settling in her stomach. The reason behind it was due to the rumor that the representative of the capital was being accompanied by a member of the Land of Wind's Royal Guard.

Temari had heard tales of the Royal Guard which performed much the same function as the Twelve Shinobi Guardians had in the Land of Fire before the group had splintered as a result of the One King Movement. The Guard was said to be made up of Five members, what was most worrisome though was that those members did not necessarily come from Suna having been culled from many different Clans throughout the Shinobi world having been lured to the Capital by the promise of wealth and power. Or, even the freedom which came from only needing to obey the Country's Daimyo.

To Temari though the presence of a member of the guard all but guaranteed the Daimyo had some hand in the situation that had befallen her brother. It was something that caused her to clench her jaw angrily. Maki getting a sense of what was bothering her fellow Harem member pointed out another possibility as she said, "Relax Temari. A member of the Royal Guards presence could just be a sign of the Daimyo wishing to protect his representative."

Temari nodded as she was forced to concede the point, but it did nothing to calm her. Her attention was pulled down the path as two figures appeared from the desert haze. The person in the lead was a robed man whose every movement seemed to scream career politicians. Temari would have dismissed him if his presence didn't affect her brother so. But still his presence was overshadowed by the woman walking serenely behind him. Despite the desert sun, she appeared as pale as a ghost, which was highlighted by her long black hair. Behind her head was a golden ornament of some type that looked like a crescent moon surrounded by a starburst. The woman wore a black robe that was covered by a white one over which a shawl like cape was wrapped. Temari didn't see any movement of the woman's shoulders and arms as she moved almost giving the appearance that she was gliding.

The Daimyo's representative reached the entrance first and announcing himself to his own fanfare shouted, "I am Representative Ishiha. My traveling companion is Lady Senjumaru Shutara of the Royal Guard. Who will be the first to greet us?"

Temari was shocked as she recognized the name of the woman as perhaps the greatest female puppeteer that Suna had ever produced. Her gaze shifted to Gaara as he stepped forward towards the two. That Senjumaru didn't react made Temari believe she could sense that Gaara's chakra had been sealed.

"Lord Ishiha," Gaara said politely, "Allow me to welcome..."

"What is this thing doing out of its cage?" Ishida said interrupting Gaara causing the Shinobi of Suna to bristle.

Councilor Sajo stepped forward to say, "Lord Ishida. While the evidence against Gaara does cast some doubt, he has only proved to be a fine Kazekage and is deserving of the respect his title is due. He has even agreed to have his chakra sealed until such a time that he can prove he is innocence..."

"Be silent," the man said unimpressed, "The Daimyo has heard the evidence and has decreed that Gaara is guilty. He'll be given one week to attend any matters he must before he is to be executed in front of the village."

"No you can't" Sari said charging forward. However she only managed to take a single step before six puppet arms unfolded from behind Senjumaru. One of them pointed at the kunoichi and she stopped in mid-step. Temari watched her struggle as she spotted the chakra threads that were extending from the fingers of the puppet arm and holding the kunoichi in place.

Gaara moved to aid his girlfriend but another of the arms extended towards him and just before it reached him, the fingers likewise expanded surrounding the Kazekage in a cage. A barrier of chakra began to extend from the digits trapping Gaara inside. Senjumaru turned her attention to the still struggling Sari and calmly said, "Cease your struggles. It would be unfortunate if permanent harm came about to you as a result." To emphasize her point the woman tightened the stings around the girl causing them to bite deeper into her flesh and some blood to leak from the minor wounds.

"Sari," Gaara said calmly, "Please stop."

"But I know you are innocent Gaara," Sari struggled to say due to the string around her throat. "The Daimyo has no..."

"The Daimyo has every right," Ishida shouted. "He is the one that gives you money to function and provided the land you built your homes on. Even if he didn't kill the magistrate himself the Daimyo is well within his rights to demand his life for his failure to protect his vassal."

"Sari please stop," Gaara said letting some real emotion enter his voice to stop Sari from further injuring herself. "I will accept the Daimyo's decision."

Hearing that, the fight left Sari causing her to sag to the ground as Senjumaru retracted her strings. Matsuri raced forward to comfort her friend and sent a glare towards Ishida as he said, "Senjumaru please get that man out of my sight." The woman bowed as he then turned towards Sajo to say, "I'm famished I trust you prepared a banquet for me."

Temari noticed that Sanjo needed to fight back his emotions as well before smiling politely as he said, "Of course. Please follow after me."

Temari stayed behind as she watched on helpless wishing Naruto was there to comfort her in a similar fashion as Matsuri was Sari.


High above the village watching the scene play out from the rock wall that surrounded it was a demon masked Anbu. The Anbu removed the mask to reveal the kind face of the woman that for most of his young life Gaara had believed was the spirit motivating the sand that protected him. Her violet eyes though were black which revealed the jutsu that was behind her return to the world of the living. Despite the suffering her family was enduring a pleased smile appeared on her face as the man controlling her said, "It truly is ironic that the sand that protected you so well over the years has proven to be the catalyst to your current dilemma Gaara."

She turned to face in the direction of the Leaf and the man pulling the strings queried, "Now what are you going to do, Naruto?"

The Anbu armor the woman wore grew hazy as it turned to sand before reforming into the cloak that had covered her as she killed Joseki and his guests. Without looking back, she leapt off into the desert to await the outcome from the possible tragedy she had set in motion.