
49: Trouble in Sand and The Pack: Part III

Temari approached the apartment building where she lived followed by Kankuro, who had insisted that he escort her. She had just spent several hours arguing with Gaara, who had not relented in accepting the Daimyo's decree. The worst part was that no matter how much she called him a stubborn fool, she couldn't deny that his reasons for doing so made sense. She began heading into her building, but stopped as Kankuro asked, "Temari, what are we going to do?"

Trying to keep a strong appearance as she had for most of her life, since she had primarily taken care of her younger brother while her uncle had tended to Gaara, she answered, "I...I don't know. We'll try to reason with him again tomorrow. No matter how right he is in claiming we can't defy the Daimyo without Suna suffering, there has to be a way."

Kankuro although skeptical, still accepted her words as the lifeline of hope that she had meant for them to be. "Alright then, goodnight."

"Goodnight," Temari said before making the rest of the journey to her apartment, and almost as soon as her door closed the tears she had been fighting back all day began to fall. Therefore, it didn't come as much of a surprise when several moments later Naruto appeared as she knew she had likely been broadcasting her distress into the network of women that bore his mark. Temari didn't care though as all she wanted was for someone to be the strong one for a change.

"Temari, what's...?" Naruto began to ask, but quickly found the air knocked out of him as she launched herself at him. Unprepared for it, they both fell to the ground as Temari cried into his chest shocking the jinchuriki. He wrapped his arms around her as he waited for her to reach a point where she could tell him what had upset her so greatly.

Finally, after they had remained in the same position for over an hour Temari finally said, "Thank you."

"For what?" Naruto asked confused since with a few wipes at her eyes his lover seemed to have regained her composer.

Temari didn't smile as she stood, but before she turned away her eyes shone with the gratitude that she felt at being able let her emotions go. She answered him by saying, "I just never had a chance to let myself go like that and have someone comfort me. I...I really needed it."

Naruto nodded as his damp shirt could attest. Standing, he came up behind his lover and asked, "Now what put you in such a state?"

Temari for a moment felt the need to cry all over again, but this time pushed it away as she knew nothing would come of it. Turning to face her lover she said, "I'm guessing that by now Komachi has reported what happened here after Joseki's trail." Naruto inclined his head prompting her to explain the latest development, "Today we received a member of the Daimyo's court who was acting as his representative. The Daimyo has decreed that for his possible involvement in the crime, Gaara is to be executed in six days."

She wasn't all too surprised by the shock that appeared on Naruto's face, nor how it quickly shifted to anger as he said, "Who the fuck does the Wind Daimyo think he is? He can't just order Gaara's death without allowing him..."

"Naruto, that's exactly what he can do," Temari said stomping him mid-rant.

"What?" Naruto said confused, "But Gaara and he are equals in the grand scheme of things."

"That's what we're taught in the academy," Temari said unemotionally at first. But then some bitterness seeped in as she added, "But that's not how the world actually works. It's just that in most instances that the Daimyo don't meddle in village affairs so heavy-handedly." Temari held her hand out towards her bedroom window, "But the truth is all this was built on the Daimyo's land which he lent to the First Kazekage which we pay for with our service to him. It's the same story for all the Shinobi Villages that exist. They let us operate as we choose, because in return we protect their countries, but that protection extends both ways and without it, all this will be swept away like dust in the wind."

"Temari, I know that Gaara didn't do it. The Daimyo is making a mistake, so I'll just go and break him out until we can..."

"Don't you get it," Temari snapped angrily letting the frustration she was feeling out. She felt bad as Naruto winced since it was directed at him, but didn't stop, "We're dealing with the political powerhouses here. This is so much bigger than just village affairs. Even if you did break Gaara and took him to the Leaf, all you would be doing is creating is an international incident between our two countries. Perhaps the Fire Daimyo might offer Gaara his protection from the Wind Daimyo's anger, but in all likelihood to prevent matters from escalating he'd hand him over. To make matters worse, you'd likely be thrown in jail as well." Temari calmed so said, "I'm sorry I yelled at you. It's..."

"Shh, you don't need to apologize," Naruto said taking her in his arms. She began shaking again letting the jinchuriki know that she was fighting back sobs. Rubbing her back soothingly he said, "Temari, we'll think of..."

Temari looked up at him as she said, "You can't. Gaara was quite insistent that you not interfere. He's afraid that any actions you or the Leaf take will undo the progress we have already made in uniting the Shinobi Villages. From the short list of potential candidates to succeed him, it already appears that the next Kazekage will be favorable to the Leaf. He doesn't want to see that undone."

Naruto's grip around her tightened as he said, "He can't expect me to just do nothing as he tries to sacrifice himself."

"That's exactly what he expects. It's not just for your dream though, but the good of Suna as well. He can't defy the Daimyo without there being repercussion that could leave Suna in ruins," Temari said before burying her face into his chest again. Naruto led her to her bed, where he sat down as she cuddled into his side. With tears streaming down her face, she looked up pleadingly as she said, "I don't want my little brother to die."

Naruto pulled her head back into his chest as he stroked her hair affectionately as he didn't want her to see the pained look on his face since he didn't know what he could say or do to make things better. After several minutes Temari cried herself to sleep so Naruto laid down pulling her along with him. He stared up at her ceiling trying to come up with some solution that would make everything better. Unfortunately outside of finding the real killer, who if his plan was to frame Gaara would likely lay low until after the execution, he couldn't come up with anything. Not to mention that if it was a plot by the Daimyo, then there was no guarantee he would accept the evidence as anything but a fabrication to clear Gaara.

The other crux of the situation was that any direct action that he took would not only negatively affect the ease by which his ambition moved forward. But, as Temari had pointed out could have some pretty devastating consequences for him personally, since any action he did take would have to be without Konoha's blessing. Which meant the best outcome he could hope for was being branded a missing-nin and hunted for the rest of his life. Furthermore, there was no guarantee that Gaara would accept any aid meant to save him. Watching Temari sleep he wanted to tell her everything would be alright, but knew such words would be false.


Aeris sat in the large tub that resided in the Inuzuka home where she now resided. She sighed less from the warm water surrounding her then from a sense of depression that had been her companion for the past several days. The reason for it being the kiss that Kiba had given her. She wasn't necessarily sure why she had reacted the way she had, as she did like him, but whether it translated to the type of feelings that he seemed to hold for her she couldn't say.

She brought her hand up to her lips as she recalled the memory of his lips against hers. Just like when they had kissed, Aeris had felt a little thrill from the gesture and the knowledge that he found her desirable. Plus there was a little added bonus in that she believed that she had been the recipient of his first kiss. But then an image of her last lover flashed before her and just like several nights ago she felt an overwhelming sensation of guilt hit her causing her to cut the recollection short.

Another sigh passed through her and she wondered if Kiba would still think so kindly of her if he knew the truth of her past. Or what he would think if he realized that if they had met under different circumstances she likely would have given him the physical affection that his kiss had conveyed to her. But, she would have done it in order to get him to lower his guard until she could find a means to blackmail him into doing anything that she wanted. A task she had performed as a part of Yuffie's squad many times.

She would have been lying if she said her actions had bothered her at the time, but that all changed after a mission to Kirigakure. Her objective had been to seduce a member of the village into defecting. She had just entered the village as her team waited for her to find a suitable target when she had ended up being hit on by a man named Zax. He had been a recently promoted Hunter-nin and had aspired to become a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Yet to Aeris's surprise, unlike most of the people associated with the Seven Swordsmen he had been earnest and kind.

Enough so that she had almost considered abandoning her mission so that she could remain the simple flowergirl that she had been pretending to be as part of her cover. Yet, to her shock it would be Zax that would eventually suggest abandoning the village. When she had asked for an explanation, he had revealed that he had witnessed the truth of the Hunter-nin forces, as after an encounter with a group of Kekkei Genkai users, he had witnessed several children being killed as well, and when he had attacked the man who had done the deed it had been he who had found himself being reprimanded. Finding that his argument that the victims had only been children was met with the swift response of, "What difference did it make?" He found he could no longer walk the path that the Fourth Mizukage was laying out for his Anbu forces.

Still, despite his telling her of his desires to defect, Aeris didn't want to tell him about her mission since she didn't want him to know that was why she had originally been with him. However, Yuffie having grown to suspect that Aeris was growing cold feet, and thus had kept tabs on her, made her presence know as well as revealed Aeris's purpose in the village. At first, Zax had pulled away from her due to his hurt feelings that stemmed from learning the truth. But during the journey back to Taki having accepted Yuffie's offer to aid in his defection, she had managed to convince him that although their relationship had started out as a falsehood. The feelings she possessed for him were all too real.

Sadly, so to were his, which he demonstrated by saving her and her team's lives when several squads of Hunter-nin had caught up. Aeris had not wanted to leave him, but after kissing her and telling her that he loved her. He had then knocked her out and let her team take her away. When Aeris had awoken, she had felt betrayed by her team for not staying behind and aiding him. But, Aeris had known that even if they stayed behind the outcome would have just been their joining him in death, and with that being the case it hadn't been the first time Yuffie had abandoned a mission for the benefit of her team. An action that had landed her in hot water with the Waterfall village's leadership more than once.

Aeris had returned to the spot of Zax's last stand and found the site for what she had believed had been the fire with which the Hunter-nin had destroyed his body along with the shinobi he had killed. Strangely one of the Hunter-nin had planted his sword in the ground like a grave marker. She had presumed it was as a sign of respect since she imagined that Zax had taken quite a few of them with him. Aeris also marked the spot in her own way by planting a bed of the yellow flowers she had sold while undercover in Kirigakure.

It would be the last time she visited as she tried to kill her heart to the man by convincing herself that he had just been another mission. It had worked for a time, but after being captured by Kakashi when they had attempted to kill Naruto, she had grown disgusted with herself. The reason being that if Kakashi hadn't have stopped them, then she and her team would have committed a crime that had ultimately caused Zax to abandon his home. That realization had made her glad that they had been caught and incarcerated as it had prevented her from continuing down her destructive path. It had been her loyalty to Yuffie which had caused her to aid in the Plot to destroy the Leaf so that her teammates could attain the freedom that they had desired.

Strangely though, Aeris had noticed a distinct lessening in Tifa's desire to escape their current situation over the past few days. A fact being highlighted in Tifa's no longer aiding in Yuffie's attempts to find a way around the controls Kiyomi had placed on them. Furthermore just the day before, Tsume had asked the three Taki-nin to run an errand for her. Tifa had surprised her teammates by quickly agreeing and had even suggested she could handle it herself. Aeris suspected it was for that reason that Yuffie had agreed to go without causing a fuss so she could keep tabs on her teammate, having likely noticed her recent change as well. It had been during that trip that the three women had been approached by a large Inuzuka male, who had introduced himself as Koreshige Inuzuka.

The bald and massive Inuzuka had towered over the three women, and despite his face still sporting some bandages; Aeris would admit he was handsome. He had smiled charmingly at them, but having been the one giving such smiles in the past, Aeris could tell it was a calculated gesture. "So, you're the three girls that little Kiba's found for himself."

Both Yuffie and Aeris had been surprised when Tifa had deviated from the script of the programing Kiyomi had left in them. Whereas the two had been about to if not outright agree with the statement, they would have left the possibility open. Tifa however quickly said, "I'm not with Kiba in any such fashion. He's just been kind enough to let us stay with him until we can clear up the misunderstanding with our employer or find some new jobs."

Koreshige had smirked at her words as he said, "I should have known the rumors surrounding him were false. No way he'd be able to handle three such fine creatures as yourself."

Aeris frowned at the giant Inuzuka's words, and was a little surprised as she said, "Kiba's a very kind and gentle person for taking us in as he has." The primary reason for her surprise was due to her words not being twisted by Kiyomi's programming as they reflected what she felt.

Which was why her frown deepened as several male Inuzuka behind Koreshige began chuckling. The large man looked back at his friends as he said, "Really, kind and gentle. Well guess that says it all right there don't it boys."

Again Tifa surprised her teammates as she said, "I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss him. I've come to find it's the kind and gentle ones that leave a woman the most satisfied."

"Yeah," Koreshige said his tone growing a little heated as he sensed the challenge in Tifa's words. "Well when you feel like being with a real man..."

"I'll be sure to give you a wide berth," Tifa said causing the man to growl angrily. Turning to her fellow Taki-nin she said, "Let's get going. I don't want to face an angry Tsume if we don't get to the store before it closes."

All three Taki-nin shuddered at the thought of an enraged Tsume Inuzuka, and Aeris thought she noticed a small one pass through Koreshige as well. Tifa quickly spun pulling her teammates with her and did her best to ignore the pointed stares that were being directed at her back.

Aeris ended her recollection of her friend's strange behavior as she began to consider the possible reasons for it. The first being that Tifa saw what had happened to them as the opportunity to leave Taki behind that it was. With their new faces and the massive changes in their physical characteristics, especially in Tifa's case, Aeris recognized that they could start over wherever they wanted. Since getting out and seeing the world had been one of Tifa's reasons for joining the squad in the first place, she reasoned that her teammate saw staying in Konoha as too good an opportunity to pass up. But, Aeris didn't know if that was the whole story as she recalled Tifa's words to Koreshige. To her emerald green eyes it had almost appeared as if Tifa had been taunting the Inuzuka with the fact that she already knew what a real man was. From the clue about not underestimating a kind and gentle man which Tifa had given, she had immediately zeroed in on two suspects, the first being Kiba due to her own words about the Leaf-nin. Not so much to her surprise the idea that her teammate might have been with Kiba behind her back filled her with a rather intense feeling of jealousy. But, she calmed it as she quickly realized that there was a second option currently in their lives, Naruto.

Aeris smiled as she thought that Tifa may have succumbed to the jinchuriki's charms. Not that she could blame her as she had often wondered what it would be like to be with him considering the sounds of women in pleasure that she often heard throughout the mansion as she had performed the household chores that Kiyomi had given her and her teammates. The smile grew wider as she imagined that Tifa would be putting her new assets to use in pleasing Naruto.

Aeris sighed as she admitted to herself being with a man did sound rather tempting. A temptation she had felt when she had gone to Naruto's in order to ask for his forgiveness. Yet, despite the fact that Naruto's own gentle and kind nature was beyond dispute, there was a bit of a wildness to Kiba which attracted her. She believed it had also been what had attracted her to Zax, it was that wildness she believed which motivated them to keep striving to become stronger in a world already populated with shinobi that possessed strength that almost appeared inhuman at times.

In many regards, Naruto already seemed to have achieved that distinction considering his role in defeating Pain. Something she believed that had already begun to eat away at Kiba even before his learning that the blond had started a relationship with many of the women around him. She wondered how Tifa's potentially joining Naruto's growing list of lovers would affect the male Inuzuka. She imagined learning that, as well as her own rejecting of his admittedly clumsy advances would likely further batter his self-confidence.

Yet, despite her wishing that she could move forward, she found that she still didn't understand why she had pushed Kiba away when he had kissed her. She sighed at the frustration she felt with the situation and sunk into the water a little further. She again replayed the kiss in her mind and imagined what could have been had she let it progress.

Aeris's mind produced for her a scenario where after some heavy kissing she would find herself once more kneeling before the brown haired young man with his cock hanging out of his pants. This time though she was there willingly, as she leaned forward to take him into her mouth.

Outside of her progressing fantasy, Aeris sunk a little further into the water as she spread her legs and ran one of her hands down her body towards her awakening loins. Her hand ran through the trimmed brown hair above her vagina, and as it did, she found herself wondering what Kiba would think. Recalling the groomed thatch that had surrounded his eight inch pillar of flesh, she guessed he likely wouldn't mind. She moaned as her hand reached its goal and she begun to slide her middle finger up and down her slit soft. Her breathing began to pick-up as her rubbing became more insistent as the desire to cum began to grow in her. Her hips began move in time with her actions and she brought her free hand up to just beneath her breast before running it back down her body causing her to shiver from the tickling sensation that passed through her, a moment later she would have retracing its path to once more lightly cup her tit.

She bit her lip so as not to moan out and alert the other residents of the home as to what she was doing. Quite aware of the Inuzuka's incredible sense of smell as well, she only hoped that the fact she was submerged in the bath water would be enough to cover up the scent of her arousal. Although a part of her considered raising herself out of the water to alert the only male of the household that there was an aroused woman currently in need of a good fucking as her actions were proving.

But that feeling was replaced by mortification as she heard Yuffie call out, "I'm coming in."

Aeris sat up in the water as the sliding door to the bathroom opened to reveal the woman that had led her team. She felt her heart beating in her chest and hoped that the woman didn't pick up on her labored breathing which she struggled to get under control.

The brown-haired woman began to relax as she noticed the slight color in her teammate's cheeks as she held a small towel in front of her. Although none of the Taki-nin of Yuffie's team had been overly busty, it was apparent that Yuffie may have been a late bloomer, a fact that must have bothered in her youth since the towel she held covered her small breasts. Due to her arousal, Aeris couldn't discount that her gaze might have added a little to her team leader's discomfiture as she studied her, and considered asking the woman to help her reach a satisfying release as they had so often done during their time in prison.

However she doubted the reason Yuffie was joining her was for such apurpose so asked, "What made you want to join me?"

Yuffie looked unsure of herself, which was a rather startling trait considering how confident in herself she had been before, but much like some of her other strange behavior. Aeris attributed it to her deaging. If she currently had to guess she would put her teammates age at around sixteen, which was around a year younger than Kiba. Although it hadn't been as pronounced, she imagined that the process that had made the formerly fifty-some year old woman young had also been applied to Tifa and her. While she had been in her mid-thirties before, she believed that if anyone had to guess her age, they likely wouldn't suspect she was much older than a few years past twenty. She imagined that Tifa was likely just hitting that number herself, at least genetically.

It was another thing that she was actually grateful to Kiyomi for, since it was giving her a chance to make the most of the years that she felt she had squandered. Yuffie climbed into the large tub that was likely built as much for the Inuzuka that lived there as for their animal partners. Aeris noticed that she only removed the towel just before her small breasts slipped into the water.

Yuffie busied herself for a moment as she poured water of her exposed neck as she searched for the right way to phrase the question rolling around in her mind. Finally she settled on, "H-have you noticed how Tifa's been acting the past few days?"

Aeris noticed the slight quiver in her teammate's voice, and wondered if perhaps Yuffie felt it was a byproduct of her leadership. While out of all of the Taki-nin, Aeris suspected that Yuffie regretted their past actions the least, as the team leader had likely believed they had been doing them for the greater good of their village, she did know the one great regret she had was the order she had given to pull out before their remaining teammate which had led to her death. The brown-haired girl knew that the one thing Yuffie prized more than her home village was the well-being of her team. It was for that reason she had positioned herself as the mole in Akame's Plot against the Leaf to ferret out any potential spies among the prisoners.

Aeris suspected that Yuffie would take it as a personal slight against her leadership if Tifa had decided to become one of Naruto's lovers, so kept her suspicions to herself as she answered, "Yes. It's rather difficult to ignore your arguments over how she isn't helping you try to escape the village anymore."

Aeris frowned as Yuffie mumbled to herself although she suspected it went along the lines of, "She isn't the only one."

Aeris ignored the muttered comment to say, "Yuffie, we both know that Tifa has always had a soft spot for the more exciting night life of the bigger villages. It's why whenever we'd infiltrate a village like Konoha she always would take a job at the bars or clubs that they had."

"I know," Yuffie said pulling her knees up to her chest, "That damn fox demon probably does too; due to all the poking around she did in our heads which is why she gave her such big boobs."

Aeris heard a little envy in her teammate's comment which to her was another sign of Yuffie's struggling with the emotions she was feeling due to her deaging, since before she had always come off as cold and calculating. Granted there had been moments when the young girl sitting before her would occasionally show through. But those often were after a mission, particularly ones that involved stealing something from heavily fortified villages or bases. It often had made Aeris wonder if the sudden uptick in jewel thefts that the places they were tasked with infiltrating would experience was in fact due to her team's leader. The only thing that had stopped her from suspecting Yuffie completely was that there was no such surge of thefts in any of the Shinobi Villages that they had snuck into. Although, she suspected it was because in those instances her alleged hobby would more quickly cause them to be exposed as those villages would quickly go over their visitor logs looking for suspects.

Aeris recalled watching as Tifa was altered before her when they had faced Kiyomi during the riot at the prison. Commenting on it, since Yuffie had been unconscious she explained, "Actually, I think that at the time she was just giving Tifa the body her heart's always desired. Truthfully, I think she gave did that for all of us."

Yuffie looked down at her small bust submerged under the water as she said, "Speak for yourself."

Before the two could discuss their teammate any further, a knock at the door alerted them to her presence as she asked, "Mind if I join you?"

"Come on in," Aeris called. The door opened and the emerald eyed woman had to admit that it was hard not to feel a little envious of Tifa now as she stepped into the room naked. Aeris noticed that Yuffie sunk a little further into the tube causing a soft smile to appear on her face.

Tifa walked with a confident step which while she had never been too self-conscious in such circumstances around her team. Definitely wasn't present when they bathed in more public places such as hot-springs and the like. "So what were you two talking about?"

Aeris saw that Yuffie was likely about to ask Tifa directly about her behavior so stepped in to say more diplomatically, "Just about the changes all three of us have experienced lately."

A pleased smile appeared on Tifa's face as she said dreamily, "Yeah." It faded slightly as she thought of how down in the dumps her lover had been the past several days.

Both her teammates picked up on it causing Aeris to ask, "What is it?"

Tifa held back the sigh she felt at not being able to tell her teammates the truth of her relationship. Although she suspect Aeris would be glad for her, it was how she imagined Yuffie would react which held her tongue. But, the news that was behind Naruto's depressed manner had recently spread to the populace of Konoha as merchants and other visitors to Suna began to spread the news. "I take it you haven't heard that the Kazekage has been arrested and is scheduled to be executed in the next few days."

Tifa's teammates shared a look, but with a shrug Yuffie asked, "So what?"

Frowning at her teammate's response, she explained, "It's just a lot of people here seem genuinely bothered by the news, and not in the way of how the Kazekage's death will affect the relations between Konoha and Suna. It's just nice to see, you know?"

"Not really," Yuffie replied causing Tifa's frown to deepen. "Alliances form and break all the time. It's idiots that actually buy into the idea that an alliance means the other side isn't actively trying to find an opening to cripple them that are the easiest to manipulate. If anything that the people of the Leaf are that broken up about it then it means the Kazekage must have done an excellent job of suckering them. It's just a shame he won't get to take advantage of his ploy. But his replacement will likely try to keep up appearance until he sees a moment to strike."

"I...I don't think that's the case here," Aeris said seeing that Tifa was growing more upset by Yuffie's words. "Don't forget Suna forces aided in putting down Akame's plot. They also aided The Leaf during Pain's Invasion and the sneak attack Sky Country pulled. It was the fan wielders of Suna that forced Sky Country to withdraw without inflicting too much damage."

"Not to mention that Naruto was instrumental in saving the Kazekage from the Akatsuki," Tifa chimed in.

"You two are making much too big of a deal out of their actions," Yuffie said annoyed. "They are allies and if Suna didn't do anything when the Leaf was being attacked it would have looked suspicious. Not to mention..."

"Gods, how can you be so blind," Tifa snapped angrily. "Do you really think Naruto saved the Kazekage because of some alliance? He did it because he's his friend. Furthermore, at least try to recall that he also argued for us to be released from Kiyomi's control over us. The women that tried to kill him, remember?"

"Yeah he did a great job of that, which is why whenever I'm out in public I get to act like I'm in love with some loser Inuzuka."

"Kiba isn't a loser," Aeris said her own temper spiking for a moment.

Yuffie looked at her two teammates and actually hearing some admiration for the two Leaf-nin that had been brought up said, "D-don't tell me you're actually fallin..."

"I'm with Naruto now," Tifa said interrupting her teammate. Although already suspecting as much Aeris was still shocked by Tifa's frank admission of her new relationship.

But not nearly as much as Yuffie, who at first tried to remain calm but then tears began to form at the corner of her eyes. With a loud shout of, "Idiot," Yuffie turned and leapt out of the tube as she snatched up her small towel.

Tifa felt guilty at her revealing her secret in such a way so reached out for her teammate as she called, "Wait!"


Kiba stepped into the hall from his room as he heard the heated voices coming from the bathing area of his home. Quite aware that his home's guests were taking a bath together, he wondered what was behind the apparent argument. Hoping to calm things down, lest his mother grow annoyed at the noise, he moved to knock on the outer door of the room when it was thrown open and he was ran into. He reached up to catch the person that had smashed into him as they both fell back. Kiba groaned as his head bounced off the floor, but the pain was coupled with the feeling of something soft in his right hand. He gave it a squeeze causing the person on top of him to moan which had the instant effect of making the pain in his head fade away, especially as he realized he was staring into the increasingly redder face of Yuffie. The kunoichi shouted, "Pervert!" Before leaping to her feet and then took off running by planting her foot right into his face as she used him as a springboard.

"Ah, what the fuck," Kiba shouted as he grabbed his face after his head bounced off the floor again.

As the new pain coursed through his skull, he missed an equally naked Tifa run by as she called, "Yuffie! I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. Let me explain."

"Shut up! You big boobed traitor. I don't ever want to speak to you again!"

"Stop being so childish," Tifa responded just before the door to one of the guest rooms the women had been assigned slammed shut deeper in the house. Tifa banged on the door for a moment but growing frustrated said, "Fine! Be that way, the truth is I don't care what you think. Naruto's a great man and I want to help him make his dream a reality."

Hearing that, Kiba temporarily forgot about the pain as the realization that much as his mother had predicted Tifa had become another woman to succumb to the jinchuriki's charms. Becoming aware that he was being watched by Aeris, he sat up, but made sure to keep his back to her lest she was in a similar state of dress. "I guess Yuffie's taking Tifa joining Naruto rather hard."

Aeris was a little surprised that it appeared Kiba had already had some prior knowledge about Tifa's relationship. She wanted to ask him how he was handling the news, but he stood up and with a shake of his head said, "Man, has his fortunes with the ladies changed since the academy." Although, Aeris knew he had tried to make it sound like he was amused at the situation. She also heard some jealousy and wonderment in his tone. He pushed whatever he was feeling away as he said, "Well goodnight Aeris," without looking back.

She returned the pleasantry as she slid the door closed. Despite being clad in a towel, she didn't wish to wander around the house in such a state so began to get dressed in the clothes she had brought. As she put her clothes on she heard Kiba ask, "Where are you going?"

Tifa was the one that answered, "I have a place to live in the village. Thank you for the letting me stay here."

"Sure," Kiba said, "It was the least I could do considering...well everything."

Aeris heard some of the guilt that Kiba still harbored for how he had treated them the first night in his voice. Apparently so did Tifa as she said genuinely, "Hey forget about that. I can only imagine what most boys your age would do with three women that they had been told would do anything they commanded. You didn't let things get too out of hand."

She heard what sounded like a kiss and then heard Tifa whisper something. Realizing she was straining to listen at the door, she quickly finished dressing before heading to where Tifa and Kiba had been talking near the entrance to his home. She heard the door close and when she appeared saw Kiba still rubbing at his cheek where she had kissed it. The Inuzuka turned towards her, and again she felt a sense of jealousy as she noticed his red cheeks. But it was a hopeful look in his eye that made her wonder what her teammate had whispered to him. Kiba appeared a little nervous, which she could attribute to Tifa's good-bye as much as to the awkwardness that had been between them since he had kissed her, before clearing his throat to say, "Tifa said she's living at the Hidden Eddy Inn if you wish to visit."

"Oh...thanks..." Aeris replied hating how awkward she sounded.

"Sure thing," Kiba said walking passed her to the kitchen to get the drink of water he had come down for. His face still felt red due to Tifa's kiss against his cheek as well as from her whispered, "Hang in there."


Kurenai sat at breakfast which was rather bland compared to the ones that the household usually had. Her gaze shifted to Miya, who appeared pleased that the food was at least edible. Her gaze next drifted to Tifa, who was the newest resident of the Hidden Eddy Inn, and who appeared to have quickly adapted the other women's dressing habits at breakfast. She spent a moment to consider her own which although she hadn't come down dressed and showered to start the day as she had before, doubted the sleeping pants and loose fitting buttoned down shirt that she wore gave Naruto the same thrill he must feel from the other women present. Which she admitted that he hid remarkably well.

Her gaze next traveled to Hinata, who although dressed in a similar manner as her sensei, wore a shirt that hugged her curves. Kurenai had a hard time believing that her student, who had always worn an oversized jacket and loose pants to hide those curves, could wear such a shirt around the boy she had long held a crush on and remain conscious.

She stopped thinking about such things though as Hinata directed a worried glance towards Naruto. Her own gaze followed suit as she looked at the jinchuriki, who was fully dressed and looked like he had slept in his normal clothes. He stirred around the food on his plate having yet to take a single bite. Kurenai noticed that Hinata wasn't the only one directing such glances his way. Apparently, so did he as he suddenly pushed his plate away before standing. "Sorry everyone, I know I'm bringing everyone else's moods down along with mine. I'll just go back to my apartment."

He reached for his plate, but Karin stopped him to say, "We'll clean-up for you. Just relax and have a nice shower or something. It looks like you collapsed right into bed after returning from the training fields last night."

Naruto nodded as he began to walk out the room as Miya said, "Naruto, later on I intend to practice some more swordsmen ship if you would care to join me."

The blond man nodded as he said uninspired, "Sure...that sounds great."

Kurenai stared at the landlady of the Inn and found herself again wondering who the woman was. She knew that the woman that had bought most of the buildings that surrounded her new home, Kiyomi, tended to employ former kunoichi such as Karin in her business ventures. But, why a former shinobi like Miya would be content to be a landlady in an apartment building, she couldn't fathom. Granted Kurenai knew she may be jumping to conclusions since Miya never admitted to be a shinobi, but having seen some of her and Naruto's recent practice sessions she found it difficult to picture her as anything else, especially since she would put the woman's skill with a blade even above Yuugao's. What further amazed Kurenai was that she was giving the woman's skill such a high estimate even as she practiced a sword style that seemed to barely use any chakra or jutsu in its implementation.

Naruto walked out of the room and she could tell all the women present save perhaps Miya were sending worried glances after him. She didn't find it strange since all the women present had some dealings with the blond, and she knew her own concern for him was just as apparent. Despite his leaving the room, the atmosphere of it didn't pick up any. The red-eyed woman could tell most of the women wished to discuss Naruto's down mood, but held back for some reason.

They ate in silence until the door to the dining room opened again as the elderly Koharu entered. Although the elder's appearance surprised Kurenai since she still lived in her mansion. A rumor was spreading that she had plans to donate it to the village so they could expand the nearby Training Grounds. Wondering if the woman was currently at the Inn looking for a place to live since the rumor also said she was interested in downsizing, it turned out it wasn't the case for this particular visit as she said, "Ah, Hinata I'm glad you're hear. I wanted to speak with Karin about the upcoming trip to Kumo, but needed to speak with you as well."

"Why," Karin said concerned, "Is it related to the Hyuuga's attempts to prevent the embargo with Kumo from ending?"

"In a manner of speaking," Koharu said taking a seat where Naruto had been sitting. Kurenai was surprised that the elder didn't seem concerned about discussing the matter despite the room full of kunoichi. Looking around though, she figured that since the meal was being attended by Fu, Yuugao, Sakura, Karin, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Guren, and Shizune, the only one present without some connection to the matter about to be discussed was Miya, who appeared content to merely sip her tea. She guessed that she could count herself in the estimate as well, but as the landlady was making no excuse to leave felt her own curiosity compel her to stay, especially since it appeared it involved Hinata in some way.

"You've spoken with my father about ending his opposition to the matter, I take it," Hinata said calmly.

"Yes, Hiashi can read the writing on the wall and knows he isn't going to persuade the rest of the council against backing the measure. Still, his opposition will cause a much larger ripple in the civilian council as well as the local businesses the Hyuuga clan support," Koharu explained. "I'm afraid that even with the embargo ended; one will still exist in spirit if businesses are unwilling to sell to the Great Tree Shipping Company and others like it for fear of losing Hyuuga business."

"Is this something father has threatened to do?" Hinata asked calmly.

Kurenai was more than a little shocked by the quiet strength that her student was giving off. Although she had begun to notice its appearance just before she had left her team during her maternity leave that it had so solidified in Hinata astounded her, especially since she would have imagined Naruto's dating Ayame would cause it to crack a little.

"Strangely enough not in as many words," Koharu said. "He is saying that if the elders of the clan decide to pursue such an action he will not be able to stop them. I believe with the Raikage's admitting his role in causing the death of his brother, your father truly doesn't have any wish to stop the embargo from ending."

Hinata nodded due to her believing as much also, but aware that for Koharu to seek her out it meant her father must have mentioned something that he or the elders desired which would get them to go along with ending the embargo. "Father must believe there is some way to convince the elders not to interfere then."

"Yes," Koharu said hesitantly. Kurenai was surprised by the older woman's tone since it seemed to hint at a closeness that existed between her and Hinata that she wasn't aware of. Kurenai did suppose though that it could have been a byproduct of Hinata's taking on the role of an aid for the Hokage, and thus through dealing with the elder on a regular basis one had formed. "Basically your father wants Hanabi and me to accompany Karin during the upcoming trade talks with Kumo once the embargo ends."

"That's bullshit," Ino said stepping into the conversation. "He's just trying to make it appear that Hanabi will have had some influence in the talks if they go well. He's trying to push Hinata out of the running for clan head. This will be a feather in her cap that he can use to build more support for Hanabi. We wouldn't even be here if Hinata hadn't convinced Tsunade to make the Raikage admit Kumo's involvement in the kidnaping attempt against her, a part of our returning Yugito to them."

"I agree," Koharu said, "But that is precisely why Hiashi almost has to make such an obvious attempt at giving Hanabi a similar victory. Those same business ventures the Hyuuga have that they can use to impede us, can also be used against Hiashi if the people behind those ventures throw their support behind Hinata. They have seen what our opening up greater trade with Suna has done for their businesses. Many of them are eagerly anticipating the same thing happening with Kumo, they'll support the Hyuuga's attempts to stop us if they have to. But, that's only because not all of them will be successful in the new venture so would settle for what they know they already have."

Karin added her thoughts as she said, "Plus some of my competitors might go along with it to prevent The Great Tree Shipping Company from gaining any greater influence. It was my company that led the way in opening the greater trade routes with Suna. It's also because of the influence we gained from that, which gained us an audience with the Raikage and as such once trade opens, we'll already have a head start. Still I'll admit to feeling a little apprehensive about having a rank amateur there with us, perhaps I should make it known to Hiashi that my business dealings aren't the place for Hyuuga politics."

The question was addressed to Koharu, but Hinata said, "Hanabi will do fine. She's been observing father for quite a long time. I have no doubt she will be quite the asset to your discussions."

"Hinata," Sakura said impressed by her fellow Harem member's selfless nature, "That isn't the point. If anyone deserves to go, it is you."

Hinata saw it was a sentiment that most of the women present wore on their faces causing her to smile graciously as she said, "Thank you. But, this is an important step in bettering relations with Kumogakure. I only desire the Clan Head position because it is where I believe I can do the most good. Yet, in this particular case it appears that in order to achieve that result I must step aside. If I make an issue of it for fear of my sister's star rising within the clan and village, then it is only about my ego. We achieve the goals that those of you on the Clan Council and at the Great Tree Shipping Company have strived for by giving my father what he wants. We shouldn't jeopardize this chance."

Kurenai was quite proud of her student, and noticed the similar looks on the other women's faces. She smiled brightly as Hinata's cheeks colored when Ino said, "You're so sweet Hinata. It makes me want to gobble you right up."

Koharu laughed at Ino's statement since she imagined the blonde was thinking about putting action to her words. Aware, that such a thing would undoubtedly shock Kurenai and believing that the reason that Miya's hand had slipped beneath the table was to grab the bokken she often carried, in case she had to use it to prevent the Inn from descending into a den of debauchery as she often described her role when Naruto and his lovers began to get a little too fresh when Kurenai wasn't around, took the attention away from Hinata as she said, "I'll let Hiashi know that we accept his proposal then."

Koharu stood and left the room to do as she said. But, she stopped at the stairs leading up to the apartments of the building. Feeling tempted to comfort her lover, she resisted the urge to do as Hinata had suggested which was fulfil the role which best moved his dream forward. While she knew all of his lovers wished to comfort him as he fretted over his friend Gaara and what his actions and inactions would cost him and his harem, ultimately he needed to be the one to make the decision.


Yukata sat hunched over at a bench in the Puppet Armory as she worked on her puppet's arm. She made the last connections for some fiber's she was installing which would act as the muscle and sinew to allow it to work and hopeful if her calculations were correct give it a more delicate touch then most puppets. She leaned back and created some chakra strings which connected to the arm and was pleased as she watched the synthetic fibers act as she expected. She gasped as a voice spoke from behind her, "Wow, that is a lot of connections, it almost looks like human muscle. I imagine that's going to be rather hard to control, are you sure you want to create such a difficult to handle puppet. It would probably be best to go with something easier to control with a lot of tricks. They say the admission test is going to be a puppet battle royal."

Yukata held back a sigh along with a need to squirm in her chair as with her modifications in place she had looked forward to testing them out. Although glad that someone was praising her work, she was also annoyed that she felt the person was doing so in an effort to lead into a question she would rather avoid. Nonetheless as she began to close up the arm she responded politely, "Thank you Tomari. But I believe I'm getting the hang of it."

"Still the materials that you are using don't look all that strong. If I didn't know better I would think at best it would give your puppet the strength equivalent of a normal person. You'd be better off using steel cables, why trade away the inhuman strength that a puppet can afford a puppeteer?"

"I'm looking for something with a more delicate touch," Yukata answered closing the last compartment before stuffing the arm in her bag and stood to leave. "It was nice talking to you," she lied politely.

Tomari didn't get the hint as he stepped in front of her while saying, "Well don't cry too badly when my Bijuu Buster crushes your puppet for being too delicate."

Yukata spared a moment to look passed her fellow Suna genin to look at the puppet he had been working on. She had to admit it looked well-constructed and from the way Kankuro had reacted upon seeing it, apparently looked like Gaara had in his completed miniature Shukaku form. Yukata didn't know if it was the most appropriate design for a puppet, considering the current trouble the Kazekage was facing. But he had been working on it long before Gaara had been charged with the murder of Joseki so knew that he had designed it out of his reverence for the Kazekage. Something which still remained in pretty much all of his shinobi, despite the charges being levied against him. The question that she had been expecting since Tomari had begun speaking to her came up as he asked, "Since you're done for the night, how about you and I go out for some dinner. My treat."

The kunoichi tried to let him down easy as she said, "Sorry, but I don't think so. I'm just not looking to start a relationship with anyone."

"Oh...don't misunderstand me; I wasn't looking for a date or anything. It's just I thought we could get to know each other better as future puppeteers."

Yukata smiled as she said, aware that Tomari was just hoping to escape from the rejection, "I'm sorry, I guess I did misunderstand your intentions. But we aren't puppeteers yet, and I might not become one if as you pointed out I don't start learning to control my puppet with these modifications."

"Right, right," he said already moving back to his workstation. "Don't let me keep you any longer."

Yukata didn't as with a hasty good-bye she left the Puppet Armory. She quickly set off to her home and was tempted to escape the crowds in the street by leaping to the rooftops. But aware that quite a few of the people that knew her already considered her behavior to have become a little anti-social after returning to Suna, didn't wish to give them more ammunition by leaping to the roofs in order to stop being around people for the short journey to her apartment. During her walk, she felt herself grow a little wet as she passed a ramen stand that had opened almost a year back as it for some reason always made her think of her Ghost. She was aware that the Ichiraku stand had a sister shop in Konoha, and guessed that her reaction made sense since it likely used the same recipe for its ramen. As it was a scent she often picked up from her Ghost as he worked his magic on her, she understood why her body reacted the way it did whenever she passed. She had often used her weekend passes from the Training Force to eat at the restaurant as she wondered which of its customers was the one whose hands made her feel so incredible. She was tempted to stop in order to get some to take home, but seeing a line out front decided now wasn't the time.

Reaching her apartment, she stepped inside and was glad to finally be alone. While she knew her friends were starting to worry about her, she couldn't help her behavior as everything else just seemed like a distraction as of late. She walked to her puppet which was hanging against a wall, and looked remarkably human in shape. Covering its frame was a tattered cloak which she felt helped it to live up to its name, which was simply Ghost. She knew some of the kunoichi of the village would likely guess at the reason she named it as such, but since her interest in the paranormal had been well documented before joining the Training Force felt most would simply ascribe the name to that.

She quickly attached the arm to the puppet and stepped back to admire her handiwork. She reached up to caress the face of her creation, which was blank except for some reflective glass that represented it eyes and which glowed in the dark as a soft blue. As she had designed the puppet, she had considered giving it a face, but since felt that it not having one fitted with the fact that she had no face to put with the Ghost that haunted her dreams. But looking at the blue eyes that glowed softly and to her warmly due to the cloak covering it, she felt that if she could have at least seen his eyes they would shine in much the same color and way.

She turned away and walked to the opposite side of her small studio apartment. She paused just outside the circle that she had drawn on the wooden floor. She felt a shiver pass through her just before stepping in and watched as it activated since it was a reconstruction of the summoning circle that had been in Konoha, which she had created using the notes she had made back before first activating it when she had thought it to be something paranormal. Her room took on another worldly look as what she realized now was a highly intricate privacy barrier sprung around her.

She turned to look at where her puppet was hanging and creating some chakra strings affixed them to it. She smiled as it silently floated towards her not making the usually chattering sound that puppets made due to her feeling it would nullify one of the reasons she called the puppet Ghost, which became apparent as she activated the seal on it that acted as a transparency jutsu causing it to disappear from sight.

While it wasn't as good as the one the actual Ghost had used, since she could still make out a hazy outline, she felt that in the heat of battle it would be much harder to spot. She watched as the barrier reacted to her puppet as it passed through it and turned away so that it could come up behind her. She leaned back into the puppet, and basked in the smell of its cloak which came as close to capturing her Ghost's smell as she could. She wished she could strip naked as she had so often when visiting her Ghost, but while her modifications might have given her creation a more delicate touch, there was just nothing she could due to recreate the feel of her Ghost's skin.

Moving her fingers, she let out a moan as the puppet silently reached up to cup her breasts. She briefly wondered if in Tomari's wildest imaginations he had ever wondered if the reason for her desire to be alone was so she could work on her skill to better manipulate her puppet in bringing her to orgasm. Her moans grew in volume as her fingers danced to tell the puppet to roll her hardened nipples between its forefinger and thumb. The experience was much more enjoyable then it had been the last time telling her that her modifications were working as she had desired, but while increasing her pleasure had been one of the reasons for her improvement to her puppet, it wasn't the only one as she fully intended for Ghost to be a fully capable combat puppet. She felt the added dexterity would allow the puppet to fight in a truly human like manner, which would aid it in infiltration missions where it could be disguised to look more human.

Reaching back to cup the back of her puppets head while her other hand continued to control it she rubbed her noise against its cloak to bask in the smell in order to recapture some of the magical experiences she had felt during her time with the Training Force. Getting lost in the moment she whispered plaintively, "P-please..."

She needed to pull her hand away as she needed the use of both hands as she had her puppet pick up one of her legs and then use its free hand to begin rubbing her mound in a circular motion. She bit her lips as she knew her apartment walls weren't the thickest and didn't wish to alert her neighbors as to what she was doing. She fought back her moans as she neared her release, which caused her puppets actions to become sloppy as she had trouble making it move as she wished due to the circumstances.

Cutting her strings, the puppet fell to the ground as she turned and moved to collapse on her bed while burying both her hands inside her pants. Succeeding partially, she buried her face into her covers to muffle her cries as she knelt on the floor and directly stimulated her clit with one hand as the other slid two fingers within her. She stiffened as she screamed into her bed's mattress as she came hard and her release soaked the cloth of her panties and pants. Breathing heavily, she looked back at her unmoving creation and although the experience was much better, still paled in comparison to what she had felt at the real Ghosts hands.
