
53: Blast from the Past: Part Deux: Toka Senju Part III 3

Naruto knelt on the floor as Mito and Jirocho made small talk. Growing bored, he looked over to see that Toka wore the same sullen look on her face that she had worn in his presence ever since she had cast her genjutsu on him. He had been angry at her at first after emerging from it, but after it had faded and she had offered him an honest apology later the feelings had faded. He only wished he could do the same for her as his telling her that he had already forgiven her only seemed to make her mood worse.

He recalled the moments after she had cast her illusion to find himself standing in the dojo shirtless and surrounded by the nude forms of Ino, Karin, and Sakura. The three kunoichi were placing kisses along his torso and he struggled to remember how he had gotten to such a point. He had then recalled that Toka had placed a genjutsu on him, but had to admit if he was supposed to find the will to break it, he wasn't sure that he wanted to. That was until he heard a familiar voice say, "Ladies, I think you've entertained the loser long enough."

Naruto spun towards the voice as he growled, "Sasuke!"

"Hn," the Uchiha replied dismissively.

Despite his desire to move in order to put himself between his lovers and his former teammate, he found himself pushed back as all three exclaimed happily, "Sasuke!!!"

Naruto watched as his lovers quickly stripped the Uchiha of his shirt so they could place kisses along his torso in a similar manner as they had been doing to him moments before. He tried to tell them to stop and looked away as Karin began running her tongue down Sasuke's chest as she sunk to her knees before him. Mercifully his view was obstructed by her head, but from the sounds she made and her movements it left little doubt as to what she was doing for the Uchiha, who smirked at his former teammate as he looked back.

Naruto looked away again but could block out Ino's voice as she said, "Thank goodness you're back Sasuke. I'm just glad I don't need to pretend to care for that loser anymore. Please, if you leave the village again, take me with you."

Sasuke chuckled amused as he said, "Well maybe if you can please me as much as Karin is at the moment. After all, you're just a cock hungry bitch that needs a man to find a purpose for living."

Ino cooed happily as she moved to join the red head on her knees while Sakura pressed her nude form into Sasuke's back. Sasuke's words had caused Naruto's anger to spike as they had insulted Ino's dignity, but what she said in response caused it to boil over as she replied, "I know right. I just settled for him because he paid me some attention while you were gone. Can you believe he actually thought I loved..."

"That's enough," Naruto shouted angrily. He turned away from Sasuke to see that Toka was standing behind him. Growling angrily, he continued, "Put an end to this right now Toka! I'm not going to let you try to cause me to doubt my lover's feelings again. I've made that mistake once, and won't let it happen again."

Toka was about to reply with a taunt, but her eyes grew wide as Ino's voice cut in, "That's right lover! You tell that miserable shrew." Naruto looked back to find Ino's head on his shoulder, who then pulled him into a kiss in front of the stunned Senju. He basked in the taste of her lips which he had thoroughly enjoyed only a few hours before after they had left the breakfast table. He felt the hands that he believe represented Karin and Sakura, but felt a few more than would have been possible. He was going to look at who else had joined them, but groaned into Ino's mouth as his dick was pulled free and quickly swallowed. He separated from his dance with his blond lover's tongue to see that kneeling before him was a nude Mito.

Mito slid to the side so she could make way for Sakura who kneeled opposite her as they both worked their tongues over his length. Mito ended her tongue's washing of his cock as she looked back at the Senju kunoichi to say, "Admit it Toka. You're tired of being alone, and the reason you're so angry at us is because you want what we have."

"T-that's not true," Toka said, but even as she responded she noticed that her armor was rusting away and the clothes beneath began to crumble. Soon she found herself nude before Naruto, who basked in his lovers' attention as Toka watched enthralled. The Senju had also taken notice that the thick bush she normally sported was gone as her mound was smoothly shaven. But her attention was pulled away from her own grooming as her view of his cock was blocked as Karin knelt before him to swallow his dick as she happily said, "I definitely trade up."

Toka tried to look away, but it wasn't so much the sight of Naruto's large member that had kept her vision locked on the scene, but the look of contentment that each of the women sported. Ino seemed to know exactly what she wanted as she reached towards her to say, "You don't need to fight it Toka. There's room for you too if it's what you want."

To Naruto it looked like Toka had wanted to deny that she did, but she took a step forward just before the scene faded away. In its place, Naruto had found himself kneeling in the dojo again only to find a worried Tenten had applied chakra to him to end the genjutsu. "Are you okay, you were moaning quite a bit?" She sent a rather harsh glance towards Toka aware that the woman was harboring some resentment towards her and her lover as she added, "She didn't do anything..."

Naruto locked eyes with the Senju as Tenten trailed off, and to their mutual surprise she suddenly darted from the room. Tenten looked back at Naruto as she stated, "Maybe I should be wondering what you did."

Much of the anger he had felt had faded as a result of Toka's obvious shame and thanks to Tenten's statement the rest left his system. He chuckled as he said, "Let's just say, when it comes to the power of ones dirty imagination I have her beat hands down."

Tenten's eyes lit up as she said, "Oh, so it was those kinds of moans. Was I there?"

"No," Naruto admitted causing her to look disappointed, but he cupped her face as he added, "But, you're here now."

A hungry smile appeared on Tenten's face as she eyed the hardened package that Naruto's pants struggled to contain. She rubbed it as she said, "So, I am. But maybe it would be best if we both went somewhere else." Naruto nodded once more teleporting with one of his lovers appearing in his bed and atop a still snoozing Ino who quickly joined in on the action.


Naruto's attention was pulled to the present as Mito said, "Lord Jirocho, perhaps it is time we disperse with the pleasantries in order to discuss why you wished to wait until I could travel to Tea Country for us to discuss business together."

"Yes," Jirocho responded, "But first can I ask why you were escorted by representatives of the Leaf, Lady Kiyomi. Considering the strength of the women under your command, I had figured you would use them as escorts."

Naruto had wondered the same himself, but felt a part of it was so she could enjoy Toka's obvious discomfort at his presence. Mito revealed that this wasn't entirely the case as she explained, "Well simply put, my company's contest was a resounding success and we currently have more business than we can handle. With that said, we've naturally turned to the Leaf, Sand, and Kumo to help us protect the excess shipments. The reason I choose these two to escort me is for the same reason you hired Naruto to participate as your champion. As a genin you can secure his services for a fraction of the price that it would cost to hire a chunin or jounin. The same holds true for Toka as well."

"Ah, well it's good to see you continue to practice smart business decisions despite your company influx of cash," Jirocho said although a part of him did sound disappointed.

Mito picked up on it as well as she said, "Your reasons for wishing me to journey here are beginning to become apparent, sir. Were you hoping that one or two of my guards could be of use in helping you deal with your rivals in the Nagatomi Family? It's reached my ears that recently they've been gaining favor with the Daimyo and with that tends to follow who ultimately controls this village."

Jirocho nodded but said, "The situation is a little more complex than that. After our previous troubles with Wagarashi Family were cleared away in part thanks to Naruto, his team, and Idate's victory in the race, we managed to resurrect Degarashi Port in short order. However, in time the Daimyo began to wonder if perhaps he wouldn't be better served if there was more competition to be had."

"Why," Naruto asked speaking up, "Didn't he learn his lesson with the Wagarashi?"

"If he did it was only in his short-term memory," Idate said bitterly from behind his master.

Both Mito and Jirocho smiled as their subordinates realized they had spoken out of place and quickly apologized. The leader of the Wasabi spoke up as he said, "Idate is more right then wrong. Truthfully though, the Daimyo is likely recalling the few golden years where our family competed with the Wagarashi on equal terms. Back then, both families struggled for every shipment that came in along with every sailor's coin that was spent in one of our gaming or pleasure houses. For the Daimyo it didn't matter who won as he got a cut from each, and since we competed so fiercely with our rivals money flowed into the port."

Mito could see why the Daimyo would be tempted to introduce a new element to the mix, since to his way of thinking without a rival for his largest producers, he was likely wondering if they were working as hard as they could be. Commenting on her own observation of Jirocho's character she said, "You do not seem to be the type to shirk away from a little competition."

"No, nor is anyone in my family," the Wasabi leader replied. "But we do prefer a fair field. You see, the Daimyo did decide to make one adjustment when he decided to allow the Nagatomi to operate in Tea Country. Rather than have two families operating for control of one city, he set them up to the south in a city called, Sotoba Port. It was relatively small, but in recent years it has grown to rival Degarashi in size and influence."

"I'm not sure I see the problem," Mito said although she did have an idea of what was behind the sudden growth. "It would seem that the Daimyo would be happy since he's getting the benefit of two strong port villages."

"True," Jirocho agreed, "But what troubles me is how the Nagatomi achieved such quick results. It took my family many months to uncover, but we learned that they are opening their port to all manner of undesirable cargo. They type of things that no self-respecting port would allow within their shores."

"I assume you are referring to drugs and other types of illegal cargos," Mito said to which the Wasabi family head nodded. Mito frowned, as she pointed out, "Still, if your concerns are valid why not bring them to the Daimyo?"

Mito could tell she struck a sore point as Jirocho's grip tightened around the fan he held. She suspected that he already had, but unlike his young associate Idate, he was loath to speak out against his country's ruler. Instead he said, "Unfortunately, my Lord would rather not get involved in such matters. I fear that much like the situation with the Wagarashi, he would only get involved should his cut of the profits be impacted."

Mito could read between the lines, so commented, "Should I be concerned that your own family's position is becoming rather difficult. Perhaps as a result of the highly profitable nature of what kinds of cargos it seems the Nagatomi are dealing with. I imagine it must be hard to compete, and if the Daimyo tends to favor whoever generates the most wealth for him it's likely the Nagatomi are whispering in his ear that they can double his cut if only they controlled both ports."

Jirocho looked ashamed as he admitted, "It is as you say. That is why; I had hoped to make use of your guards. The Daimyo has hinted he is open to allowing the Nagatomi control of Degarashi, to further push him into siding with them several of our shipments have come under attack. I believe they are trying to hurry along the process by cutting into our profits and as such our tribute."

"Then I guess you were hoping to use my guards to protect your shipments through Tea Country, and should the Nagatomi attack them. To have us crush your rivals in a decisive blow." Again Jirocho nodded prompting Mito to say, "I'm afraid I cannot go along with such a request."

Her response obviously surprised both of the Wasabi present causing Idate to say, "What, but..."

He was silenced by a stern look from his master who bowed politely to the woman he believed was Kiyomi to say, "If that is your decision then I will have to abide by it."

Mito inclined her head as she said, "Good, I can appreciate working with a man who knows when not to push an issue. Now as I said, I cannot get involved as if it appears that I'm taking sides in local political issues and further more influencing them, then my future goals to open trade routes between all the major and minor shinobi villages will suffer. Yet, with that said, I happen to have secured the services of two Leaf Shinobi, who I'm sure cannot ignore the correlation between the increased amount of criminal activity involving drugs along the Land of Fire's southern border and your information that the source of those drugs may if nothing else be originating from Sotoba."

Jirocho frowned as he said, "I appreciate what you are suggesting. But the reason I didn't bring my concerns to the Hokage is because of what recently happened in Suna. Despite what is being claimed, those who control the countries are growing concerned by the increased cooperation being exhibited by the Shinobi Villages. Having the Leaf Village act in Tea Country without the Daimyo's support would only make matters worse."

Mito smiled as she said, "Jirocho you're a smart man. Are you willing to bet your rival is just as wise?"

"What do you mean?"

Mito's smile widened as she explained, "I have it on good authority that you aren't the only person interested in what is being passed through Sotoba Port. Now let's imagine for a moment that word gets to your opposite number in the Nagatomi that a pair of Leaf shinobi are in town. What sort of response do you expect such news would elicit from him?"

Jirocho began to share Mito's smile as he replied, "I imagine it would be rather heavy handed requiring an equally strong response from the shinobi who are feeling endangered."

Naruto began to see what his lover was suggesting, but wondered what she meant by knowing others were interested in Sobota. He closed his eyes in order to reach out to his lovers and wasn't overtly shocked to learn that several of them were currently in the city in question. With a trip south in his future, Naruto asked, "When do we leave?"

Mito was the one that answered, "The sooner the better I imagine. We don't want to give the Nagatomi too much time to plan for your arrival. In the meantime I believe Lord Jirocho and I have other business to discuss."


Toka sighed as she lay awake and alone in the hotel room that she had booked with Naruto. Despite Mito's plan needing for the Nagatomi to know of their presence, they hadn't wanted to make it to apparent so had slipped in under assumed names and as husband and wife. She looked at her "husband" but couldn't truly consider him present as the sleeping man was actually a clone. The real Naruto was likely half a city away and currently with the several kunoichi that had previously infiltrated the village.

She felt a little bitterness that he was likely currently "entertaining" them while she faced a potential dangerous situation on her own. But realized that was a rather weak thought for a supposedly strong woman. She knew that the Nagatomi wouldn't realize their village had a pair of Leaf shinobi in it right away since Mito and Jirocho were likely aware of the possibility that the Wasabi had been infiltrated by their rivals. Therefore, they would be leaking the information slowly to see which rumors reached the Nagatomi and as such who had been privy to them. Naruto had just sent the message of what their covers were to Mito via his summons so Toka suspected it would still be several days before the gang had enough information to zero in on them specifically.

Toka suspected she would be enjoying several lonely nights as a result, and couldn't deny her glimpse into Naruto's love life was the cause. Rolling over to face her "husband's" back she wondered which of the women that she had briefly met were with him at present or whether it was a question of who wasn't.


Naruto held Fubuki in his arms as they stared up at the moon from one of the dozen of hotel rooms that she had rented along with Haku, Naruko, and Sage. He had been surprised to learn that Fubuki had asked for those women's assistance in a matter Koyuki had asked her to look into after the device Kabuto had used to drain his chakra had turned up in the Land of Wind. Fubuki had traced that several of the rarer components had recently passed through Sobota and had it on good authority that a ship was due which contained more.

The pink-haired Snow-nin nuzzled back against his shirtless chest as she wore a loose fitting robe and said, "It's so nice to not have to share you for a change."

Naruto smiled at her reference that Koyuki tended to be present most of the time they were together. "I don't think Naruko shared that sentiment. But I admit it's nice to know that you feel that way since sometimes I wondered if you were only with me because of Koyuki."

Fubuki spun in his arm as she knelt between his legs where they sat on the floor, "You took the words right out of my mouth." She smirked playful as she added, "Although if I did run off with the princess you have no one but yourself to blame since you're the one who got me hooked on her tongue."

Naruto chuckled as he asked, "Then should I try to get you hooked on mine?"

"No need," Fubuki said playfully, "You have something I'm already addicted too."

"My glowing personality," Naruto suggested as Fubuki began to lower her face down towards his groin.

"I'm sure that's a close second," the Snow-nin said as she freed his one-eyed monster which she began to tease awake by kissing and swirling her tongue around its head. Naruto leaned his head back and groaned as his dick began to stand tall from his lover's tongue play. He caused her to let out a soft moan in turn as he reached into her robe to fondle a hanging tit as she swallowed a third of his length.

Naruto sat back and enjoyed Fubuki's actions, but after several minutes pulled her mouth away as he said, "If I'm competing with Koyuki, I don't think it would be wise for me to enjoy all the pleasure." Naruto then pushed the snow-nin back until she was lying on her back and laid atop of her. He kissed her deeply as he began to fondle one of her breasts, and enjoyed the way she moved beneath him. As they kissed, he groaned as she rubbed her slick folds against his dick as she tried to angle it inside her. Finally she said, "Please Naruto, I want you."

Naruto lifted his hips enough so that her soft hand could grip him and guide his cock to its destination. Fubuki moaned softly as he was pressed against her passage and it grew in intensity as he slipped inside and fed more of himself into her. Naruto didn't wait on ceremony as he began to relentlessly slam himself into his Snow-nin lover who encouraged him on with her moans. Naruto leaned back on his knees pulling Fubuki up into his lap as he thrust up inside her much to his lover's delight. Her hand gripped the windowsill as Naruto pumped his length within her. Eventually though, she used it to pull herself free, before standing and using the window's edge to steady herself as she bent over at the waist while gripping it.

Naruto got to his feet as he came up behind her and slid his cockhead against her wet folds causing Fubuki to hiss as if burnt by the heat coming from it. A heat he thrust inside her as he gripped her hips and once more began sliding inside her gripping tunnel. Naruto bent over his lovers back and grabbed both of her hanging breasts forcibly causing her to moan as he rolled her nipples between his fingers. Fubuki began to thrust her ass back against him to meet his thrusts giving the jinchuriki the impression that she was close. Nearing his own release, he increased the pressure by standing up right and pulling her arms free of the window. Holding her by the forearms as she gripped his, he began thrusting with wild abandoned and erupted in pleasure as after a violent thrust that kissed her deepest spot he began to deliver his seed directly into her womb. The explosion of liquid heat caused Fubuki to shout out as she came and her quivering tunnel milked him of more of his gooey seed.


From a nearby vantage point a pair of spectators watched as the two coupling shinobi sunk beneath the window as they basked in the feelings of pleasure still coursing through their connected bodies. In truth though, only one of the spectators actually occupied the area as the other was residing in a hotel room while holding a copy of the slug watching Fubuki and Naruto. But both, much like Toka, had been curious as to what the two lovers had been up to yet had decided to satisfy their curiosity.

Katsuyu felt the Rinnegan fade in her copy as she diverted her attention back to the one that was being held by Sage. The slug was aware that the orange-haired woman was shaking having likely experienced an orgasm herself as she teased her pussy in time with Naruto's thrusts. The slug summons had noticed that lately, it was an activity that Sage was beginning to engage in more and more on her own without the need for Naruto to be spending time with a nearby lover. Yet, she did notice that the kunoichi's orgasms always seemed stronger as they "looked in" as they tended to call it when Naruto was occupied with one.

Katsuyu noticed that Sage's breathing became deeper and more relaxed as she slipped into slumber. A part of the summons realized that it was only a matter of time until the Rinnegan wielder's desire to experience more pushed her into becoming Naruto's lover, or her sister picked up on the desire and became the catalyst. The summons began to wonder what it would do on such a day since Sage would no longer need her help to look in and Katsuyu would be denied the incredible sensations it was able to gleam from its summoner when their chakras were connected in order for the Rinnegan to appear in her copies.


Toka felt nervous for the first time in over a week about a matter not related to Naruto. The reason for her concern came as a result of the news that the ship Fubuki and the others had been waiting on had been diverted to Sea Country. Her worry over the news came from the fact that it appeared the change in course had come as a result of the news that Naruto and her were in Sobota Port. However, since the ship had reached Sea Country and offloaded its cargo before any of those in the Nagatomi Family had begun to react to the news, it had left her with the impression that some other force was at work within the village. A force that might not be too pleased with a pair of shinobi poking around in the port city. However, she forced herself to relax as she reasoned that whatever person or group had diverted the ship had done so to prevent a struggle in the city. Something the Nagatomi seemed to be gearing up for even if they didn't know where to direct their forces.

This made Toka believe that whoever was interested in the ship was simply making use of Nagatomi's family's policy of letting any questionable cargo into their city. Therefore, she was sure that now that the ship was out of reach their interest in the city had waned outside of a curiosity at what might happen. One thing Toka was sure of was that if they had been looking for Naruto and her they likely would have found them.

She tensed as a knock at the door sounded, and pulled a kunai before asking, "Who is it?"

"I have the items that you requested madam," a woman that served as an assistant to some of the more influential hotel guests replied. Toka smiled as Naruto had had their room upgraded when he had decided to make a bigger splash in the city by visiting the casino located in their hotel and then had proceeded to clean the place out. Rather than watch several million ryo walk out the door, the hotel had opted to have the pair moved into one of their penthouses.

As expected they had been the talk of the town, but apparently the Nagatomi expected shinobi to be stealthy and quiet rather than hang a sign out that said, 'Hey, look into us.' It was something which further highlighted to Toka that the people who had diverted the ship and the Nagatomi were not connected. The Senju hid her kunai in the sleeve of her robe and answered the door with a pleasant smile as she said, "Ah, thank you. Please come in."

Truthfully, Toka felt the façade was a little forced coming from her since all of her experience as a shinobi revolved around large conflicts. The more nuanced tasks of putting people around her at ease was not something that she was used to performing. Even when she had needed to hide her appearance with a genjutsu or henge in the past, it had been for the sake of walking through an enemy camp, which was little different from walking through her own sides. This had meant looking like she belonged in an area while at the same time doing her best to remain inconspicuous. A task easily performed as she had done so in among her own forces until having achieved a rank where she was one of the big shots.

The woman moved into the room and laid out several items of clothing on the couch as she asked, "Do any of these strike your fancy?" Truthfully Toka didn't fancy any of the dresses until her eyes landed on a tuxedo causing her to ask, "Is my husband coming back up? I thought he was going to busy himself in the casino until we went out tonight."

"No, as far as I know that is still the plan. But you didn't give me much to go on so I asked him what you might like. He suggested that you might prefer to wear a tuxedo yourself." Toka was genuinely surprised and touched by Naruto's suggestion as truthfully she found that she would actually prefer too. However, to her surprise she asked, "Um...would it be possible for me to make my choice later? I still need to shower and I'd like to see what my mood is afterwards."

"Yes, of course," the woman said pleasantly which Toka imagine was easy to do as she handed the woman a wad of bills. The woman quickly made her way for the door, but stopped as Toka asked, "Um about the other items that I asked for?"

"They are in the bag of toiletries," the woman said before giving a rather amused smile as she added, "Planning a little grooming for the night after your date. From the way you sounded it has been a while." Toka wanted to deny it was for what the woman thought, but simply nodded before turning back to the clothes. She was glad she was facing away as her cheeks grew red as the woman suggested, "If you want my advice go completely shaved. He'll definitely enjoy it."

Toka didn't look back as she said, "I'll take it under advisement." She thought back to the genjutsu and blushed as she recalled how Naruto having never seen her nude before had likely supplied the mental picture of her shaved mound that he likely preferred, if his other lovers were anything to go by. She decided to go with that explanation as the idea that she may have been the ones whose doubts had been modifying the genjutsu in order to better fit in with what he preferred was still too embarrassing for her to accept. Taking the kit into the bathroom, she still wasn't sure which version of her would emerge.


Naruto was sitting at a high stakes game of blackjack as he waited for Toka to join him. Fubuki and his other lovers had already left the city upon learning that the ship they had been waiting on had been diverted. But before she and the others had left, they had infiltrated the headquarters of the port to find out who had diverted the ship.

Unfortunately, whoever had given the order had not been so careless as to give them any means to track them from Sobota Port as the order for the change had been entered at a different facility. Having hit a dead end, Fubuki was going to speak with the informant that had originally put her on the ship's trail while Haku, Naruko, and Sage would travel to Sea Country to find out what they could about where the cargo had gone after being offloaded.

While he was concerned about what the future could hold, since whoever was peddling the Snow Country gadgets was obviously well-funded and organized. He was glad that his current mission wouldn't be complicated with a showdown with such a group, as while the Nagatomi were flush with cash, they were anything but efficiently organized. Naruto had spent an entire week since Fubuki and the others had left placing subtle hints with various people all around town about his interest in the Nagatomi family. That coupled with the confirmed spy within the Wasabi should have had the Nagatomi knocking on his door or at the very least they should have placed them under observation. However, neither had been the case. It left Naruto with the impression that the leader of the group was someone that saw an opportunity, seized it, and his success was more than he was qualified to handle. Yet despite his limitations as a leader, his greed was driving him to expand his influence into the Wasabi's territory.

Naruto didn't doubt that if they were on an even playing field then Jirocho would have easily dealt with his rival. Yet, with the Daimyo's current favoring of the Nagatomi if had tied Jirocho's hands. Naruto's respect for the leader of the Wasabi had been further increased when he had explained why he hadn't brought his concerns to Konoha, especially considering his close ties with Tsunade. That he was trying to prevent the Leaf from ending up embroiled in another situation that could potentially have them on another Daimyo's bad side showed the type of man he was.

Naruto believed it had also raised Toka's estimate of him, since while she had been rather demure during the mission as a result of what guilt she felt about the genjutsu she had cast on him. She had not been pleased at the idea of helping a semi-legitimate gangster. To her way of thinking helping him out was a mistake. Naruto in all honesty had used to believe exactly the same thing. It had only been the fact that he hadn't realized the extent of Jirocho's business operations when he was younger that had prevented him from raising a stink about helping Idate win his race.

He had realized it a few years later though during his training trip with Jiraiya when they had visited a brothel in Tea Country. Naruto had been rather shocked to learn that it had been owned by Jirocho. That was until he had learned that while the Head of the Wasabi family had indeed purchased some of the women that worked there from their fathers, husbands, or even themselves, because of debts they had accrued in his gambling houses. He had never forced any of them into prostitution. Instead, he had the women that didn't wish to work in the sex trade instead perform tasks to help in his other businesses such as the gambling halls where they would work as hostesses and such, and after a set number of years the debt would be wiped out.

Naruto had been shocked to learn that all of the women in the Wasabi Brothels had chosen to work there since their debts would be forgiven faster, and some choose to remain because of how much money they made and kept since Jirocho took such a small percentage. Naruto still had wanted to argue since he felt it was unfair that a young woman could be sold for mistakes made by someone else, and Jiraiya had agreed. However, he had pointed out that it was a practice that was widely accepted in the Elemental Countries, and if Jirocho didn't purchase those debts then someone else would, and who likely wouldn't treat the women as well.

Naruto could tell the Nagatomi would definitely fall into the latter category. He hadn't been surprised to learn that Naruko had visited most of the hostesses clubs and brothels located in Sobota Port, since she was still in the process of rebuilding Jiraiya's information network. According to his fellow blonde Uzumaki those places while not exactly trashy, did give off an aura of sleaze. The women also seemed hopeless and she had noticed that most seemed to be addicted to the narcotics that were so prevalent in the port city.

Naruto felt a sense of concern that even if their plan to provoke the Nagatomi into attacking them worked, it wouldn't exactly fix the situation most of the town's residents faced. For one, if the Daimyo would rather feign ignorance as to what was going on in the city so long as his coffers were being filled, then there was no guarantee that he would do anything but install someone new to continue the operations. Plus as Jirocho feared, it could still cause problems for Konoha with other Countries' Daimyo if it came to be believed that they were needlessly interfering.

Yet, on the other hand he had faith in both Mito and Jirocho that if the deficiencies in their plan were apparent to him, then they must be to them, and that they were taking steps to improve the situation. But, none of that would matter if they couldn't provoke a reaction out of the Nagatomi, which was why that night Toka and he would be paying them a visit in the casino that they ran. Naruto and Toka had fully mapped the extent of the Nagatomi's operations within the town. They had even left a few clues hidden about to suggest that those hidden caches of drugs, weapons, and slaves, had been snooped through. Therefore, they would easily be able to rescue the people and confiscate all the goods once the Nagatomi family was dealt with. Of course that would also be dependent on the Daimyo's cooperation.

Still it had not been enough to provoke a response and Naruto feared that they may have been too subtle. That night they planned to enter into the viper's den to get the reaction that they were looking for. Naruto was confident that although the Nagatomi might not have been smart enough to locate them despite the trail of bread crumbs they had left. They would at least be smart enough to realize when people were snooping around in their own home, and if not, Naruto was sure he could push the necessary buttons to force a reaction. If everything went as they hoped then the Casino's own security cameras would provide them with all the alibi they would need to explain their actions.

Naruto indicated for the dealer to give him another card with an eighteen visible as his focus returned to the game. The dealer shrugged before flipping over another card and just shook his head as a three appeared. Flipping his own cards which showed that he had a twenty the man said, "You have the devil's luck sir."

"Nah," Naruto said amused at just how lucky he had been, "I like to think it's a byproduct of clean living."

The man smiled politely before asking, "Another hand?"

"No thanks," Naruto said tipping him generously, "I should actually go see what's keeping my wife."

The dealer looked behind him to say, "Speaking of..." he paused as his mouth dropped slightly, "You're a lucky man sir."

"I kno..." Naruto said turning but trailed off as he spotted Toka approaching. His mouth drifted open slightly as well since rather than the typical jeans and blouses that she had favored during their role as civilians on vacation, she was dressed in a tight form fitting black dress and matching heels. The dress only reached to her mid-thigh a fact that Naruto could tell embarrassed her slight from the way she tried to pull it down a few times as she approached fearing it was riding up. It was also apparent that she likely had never worn high-heels before as her ankles threated to give out on her a few times.

She reached him and placed her hand on his shoulder partly as a false show of intimacy, but also he suspected as a means of stability. "I'm sorry I took so long...I had trouble deciding what to wear."

"Don't worry about it," Naruto said getting over his surprise at what she had chosen. "I was just going to check on you. You look stunning."

Toka looked surprised at the compliment and turned her face away as she pushed the bang that normal blocked her left eye away. Naruto noticed that cheek was equally red with embarrassment either from his compliment or the many men openly ogling her. Turning to the side he presented his arm to her as he asked, "Shall we go?"

Toka gladly took it as the two of them left their hotel for the short walk to the Gamer's Paradise which was the casino the Nagatomi operated out of. As they walked Toka said, "I shouldn't have worn these damn heels."

Naruto chuckled before stating, "I'm actually surprised you didn't wear the tuxedo. Any particular reason?"

Toka was too embarrassed to say it was because she had hoped to make an impression with him, but instead said, "Isn't it rather usual in these situations for a person to go with a piece of arm candy?"

"I object," Naruto said rather forcibly. Toka was about to explain that she had meant it as a joke at least until he added, "I know I'm attractive, but I refuse to be viewed only as a pretty face. I have feelings you know. It isn't easy being the heartthrob of so many women."

Toka laughed upon realizing what he was implying, a rather rare occurrence during her era, but had become more prevalent since meeting Naruto. It trailed off as a new wave of guilt over what she had tried to do to him with her genjutsu settled over her. It caused her to say, "Naruto, I know you already said you've forgiven me, but I'm so...so sorry for..."

"Toka," Naruto said gently, "Its fine. I've forgiven you, besides you were right. It did take something extreme to motivate me into taking control of that genjutsu. I might not have reacted as strongly to a different illusion." Naruto's words once more made her feel worse rather than better since it showed that she had just wanted to be cruel to him. "Truthfully, I think I need to apologize to you too. If I did take control of the illusion then my subconscious said some rather hurtful things to you through Ino."

"Actually I think it was me," Toka explained surprising the jinchuriki. "I've thought a lot about what happened and while your will might have stripped my ability to control the illusion. It was my own doubts that were being thrown back at me. I think once you would no longer be manipulated by the visions it caused my own doubts...and maybe desires to manifest. But what Ino said at breakfast that morning was true in one respect, for someone supposedly happy with her decisions I seem to be a pretty miserable person."

Naruto frowned since he couldn't exactly deny that had been the case, but he did say, "That's a trap I think anyone with a cause can fall into though. People sometimes come to think that their way of thinking is the only right way, and while sometimes right and wrong is rather clear cut. A lot of the time it's a matter of opinion. Yet, regardless of whether or not the way those who think differently than us choices affect us, we are so convinced of the rightness and pureness of what we believe that we can't accept that there is another way of thinking. Problems arise when we try to force that view point onto others, and we begin to resent them when they don't come around to what we believe."

Toka nodded as she said, "It's why Mito and I have such a poor relationship now."

"Really," the jinchuriki said surprised.

"Yes, we were always close to the Uzumaki clan, and my father often acted as an envoy to their village. I grew up mostly in the Hidden Eddy Village. It was such a liberating place since the Uzumaki didn't discriminate against Kunoichi." Toka chuckled as she added, "Most of the men would joke that it was because the women there could be so much worse than any enemy they could fight." Naruto nodded as he had seen that side of his mom, as well as his Uzumaki lovers from time to time. "I guess I felt betrayed when she married Hashirama and decided to start a family. I thought we had a sort of unspoken arrangement to take on the status quo in the Senju. But I guess it's just like with the kunoichi of this era, since she already had what I wanted, she didn't place the same value on it as I did."

Naruto nodded as he said, "It wasn't exactly a life that she didn't have regrets about either you know." That surprised Toka prompting him to explain, "Granted you saw her while she was at her happiest, but after the First Hokage's death, she was forced to live a life that made her feel trapped and where she needed to act the part of a prime and proper lady. Plus, as time went on she was forced to watch as more and more of her family became victims of the hatred that consumed the shinobi world. It just shows that even when we get what we want it doesn't mean we'll always be happy with the results."

"I guess I never considered that. I should have, after all I was propelled forward to a time where everything I wanted had become a reality but I still find reasons to be upset."

Naruto nodded as he stated, "That's why when something comes along that does make you happy you should seize it. That feeling may disappear in the future, so it's important to enjoy it while it lasts."

Toka nodded in agreement even as Ino's voice began to play in her head as it stated, "There's room for one more if it's what you want."


"Seven, another winner," the casino dealer said as the table shouted excitedly since a majority of them were betting on Naruto's current winning streak.

The dealer slid the dice to the jinchuriki who stated, "Let's let it ride." He began to shake the dice as the others around the table placed similar bets but stopped to hold them out to Toka. "These dice are getting offly hot. Can you cool them off a little?" His blue eyes twinkled with amusement and Toka smile as well as she blew on them in a seductive fashion. Looking around at several of the men he said, "I don't know about you fellas, but that had the opposite effect on me as now I'm feeling a little hot under the collar."

Naruto tossed the dice which once more came up as a seven causing the crowd to erupt as he again came up the winner. Toka, despite the seriousness of their goal was enjoying herself. A good portion of that enjoyment was it allowed Naruto to act rather affectionate with her. It caused her to wonder if this was his playing at being affectionate, what those who actually got to experience him being sincere must enjoy. Naruto's hand slipped around her back and he held her hip as he asked, "Dear, what do you think? Should we call it a night?"

Quite a few of the other people at the table quickly voiced their disappointment that such a topic was being discussed due to the money they had made off of him. A few of the women, she suspected were more interested in keeping him around as she noticed a few jealous looks being directed her way. Playing her role although she was surprised at how deeply she was getting into it, she placed her hand on his thigh and rubbed it as she answered, "Mmmm tempting since I can't wait to get you alone, but let's make a few more people's dreams a reality tonight."

"You heard her. Give me those dice," Naruto said accepting them back from pit boss.

Toka directed her attention to a dark skinned man watching the action from the top of some stairs leading from the gaming floor. He adjusted his gold frame glasses as one of his men handed him a sheet of paper. She watched him pale slightly and she guessed that it was likely the figures for how much money Naruto and the others at the table were currently up. He stroked his goatee in thought before whispering something to the man who took off running to fulfill his order. Orders, which Toka suspected involved finding out who it was currently attempting to brank the bank, and if they had done their job correctly would cause him to suspect that the shinobi snooping around his city were currently right in front of him.

It didn't take long for the man to return and what he reported caused the man to lose even more of his color than the fact that Naruto had doubled the number of chips in front of him. Giving his man some more instructions, Toka watched him run up to the security office and presumably to rouse some men. Another fifteen minutes later, Toka could easily spot as more and more of the Nagatomi's muscle began to surround them.

Finally when he was confident his people were in place he approached the table. "My, you've certainly have been on quite the hot streak. Allow me to introduce myself, Rikiei Nagatomi of the Nagatomi Family."

Naruto smiled as he said, "That's kind of implied by your last name being Nagatomi, isn't it?"

Toka could tell the man was less than amused, and it showed as he said, "You might not be aware of this. But this is my city."

"Really," Naruto said as the other gamblers sensing the menace rolling off the man decided the blond man's luck had likely run out so left, "I'm not so sure I'd be proud of that. You might not be aware of this but this city seems to have something of a nasty drug problem. You might consider cleaning it up a bit."

"Funny," the Nagatomi family head replied, "I was under the impression that the only problem was that it was infested with shinobi from the Leaf."

Naruto looked to Toka before giving the man an amused smile as he countered, "Can you really count two shinobi as an infestations?" Toka quickly cast a genjutsu over the Nagatomi Family Head although the cameras and other people weren't affected. She waited as Naruto continued, "No, an infestation would be you and the thirty-six pieces of vermin that you've surrounded us with. Luckily, we know how to deal with vermin."

"Deal with this," Rikiei roared, "Kill these fools."

Nothing happened as far as Reikei was concerned as Naruto came around the table towards him while Toka remained in place. Growing upset with his men's cowardice he shouted, "What are you waiting for," while pulling a dagger from his belt.

He was confused as Naruto looked at a spot away from where the woman was standing to ask, "Why don't you show him, what they are waiting for."

Reikei was shocked as the genjutsu faded for him to find his men lying collapsed around the woman that had accompanied the blond. Reikei panicked and seeing the young man was looking at him tried to stab him with his blade.

Naruto dodged most of the attack although it did cut slightly into his arm. Still he managed to grab the gangsters arm and spun him so that he threw him onto the craps table. The Nagatomi Head's face smashed into the back rim of it breaking his glasses as the man flipped over the edge. "Shoot, over shot the table," Naruto said. "Does that mean I lose?"

Naruto then quickly moved up the stairs to secure the security video as Toka bound the members of the Nagatomi family she had dealt with. A short time later the local magistrate and his men had showed up and took the Nagatomi into custody while accepting the tape as evidence with Naruto vaguely hinting he had made a copy to take back to Konoha in case it should go missing before leaving the casino with Toka in tow.


Naruto laid in the bath as he basked in the success of his plan. He looked at his arm to see it was fully healed although it had only been superficial to begin with. In truth he would have been able to completely avoid the blow, but had felt it would add weight to the narrative they had crafted. Still, he had been touched by Toka's concern when she had spotted it and allowed her to fuss over it for the benefit of the samurai the magistrate had brought.

Upon reaching their hotel room Toka had decided to take a bath first while Naruto had offered to rent a separate room now that the mission was over since the suite they were currently in only had one bed. However, Toka had declined telling him that they had spent a couple weeks sharing either a bed or a room so saw no need for him to inconvenience himself. Naruto had relented, although truthfully another reason for his offer was so he could teleport away to be with a few of his lovers as after a week without any sort of loving in light of how much sex he typically enjoyed had him rather backed up.

But he figured, Toka hadn't wanted to be alone especially due to how much she had opened up to him earlier. Not wishing to abandon her, to take care of his own desires he figured he could hold out until they returned to Konoha. Naruto stood in the tub and frowned as he pulled a towel from the shelf as he didn't spot the sleeping pants and shirt that he could have sworn he brought with him. Stepping out, and quickly drying off, he wrapped the towel around his waist as he exited the bathroom asking, "Toka, did I leave my..."

Naruto trailed off as for the second time that night his mouth dropped open although this time it nearly hit the floor since kneeling on the bed with her hands resting on her knees was a completely naked Toka. The Senju blushed as he drank in her beautiful body, before he got ahold of himself enough to ask, "Not that I'm complaining, but w-what are you doing?"

Toka appeared a little of sure of herself as she thought that he might not be interested in what she was about to propose, but having removed his clothes from the bathroom to set up the situation decided to go through with it as she explained, "In my time period it was customary for a kunoichi to wait naked in the room of the man that she was interested in taking as a lover. It was to show that she wasn't armed in order to put him at ease."

Naruto's dick began to respond to the sight as his towel began to lift as he joked, "It's hard to imagine anyone being at ease around the sight of a beautiful naked woman waiting in his bed." Recalling how Komachi had done the same thing he approached Toka while asking, "Are you sure this is something that you want? You were pretty against the idea of a man taking multiple lovers."

"I...I know....and I can understand why you would reject me," Toka said looking away. "I'm sure your lovers won't be pleased at the idea of..."

Naruto sat next to her and cupped her face causing her to trail off. He smiled gently as he said, "I'm not worried about that. Our goal is to help build bonds between people so that they can grow to understand and cherish one another. So I have no doubt you will be welcomed into our family. I ask only because I want to be sure that this is a decision that you can be happy with."

Toka met his beautiful blue eyes and nodded as she said, "Yes, I'm sure I will be."

Naruto smiled as his hand against her cheek traveled to the back of her head to pull her into a kiss. Toka's eyes grew wide at the unfamiliar contact, before slowly drifting closed as the kiss grew deeper. Her mouth opened instinctually though allowing Naruto's tongue to slip inside where it met hers to begin teasing it into action. They separated slightly as their tongues continued to dance around each.

Naruto then leaned back letting a thin strand of saliva connect them for a moment before it broke. Toka watched him with half-hooded eyes before he guided her back so that her head rested at the foot of the bed and so he could lean over her to kiss her greedily once more. As they kissed Naruto ran his right hand over her skin staying away from her breasts or cunt enjoying the way she would angle her body in order to almost force him to touch them. Still he resisted until breaking the kiss so he could latch his lips to her neck, and then moved further south to kiss her collar bone. He continued to travel down her body kissing down the valley of her breasts and taunt stomach. Positioning himself between her legs, his lips graved over her recently shaved mound before staring at her silken pussy lips.

"W-what are you doing," Toka said embarrassed, "Stop staring."

She moaned though as Naruto softly rubbed her smooth pussy as he replied, "But you must have shaved for me. It's only right for me to admire it."

"I-idiot," Toka said her embarrassed tone sounding extremely cute to the blond, "I didn't shave for you."

"Oh," Naruto said, "Then I'm really lucky that I get to enjoy this beautiful sight instead of the person you did do it for. I better hurry up and make you mine before that person shows up."

Toka was about to retort, but couldn't as her breath escaped her as a moan as a result of Naruto's tongue beginning its sweet dance over her glistening pussy. When she could speak again she couldn't recall what she had been about to say so settled for contently moaning, "S-so good."

Naruto eagerly continued to dine on the slightly tart juices her pleased cunt provided him. Toka's hips soon began to grind against his mouth as her moans began to increase telling him that she was reaching her first orgasm. The first of many that he intended for her to enjoy. Her hands suddenly gripped his hair as she pressed her pussy firmly against his mouth and screamed as her essence flowed down his throat. She sagged as she panted and watched as he crawled up her body with his chin glistening from the evidence of the pleasure that she had just experienced.

She leaned up to kiss him and she whispered, "Thank you."

Naruto smiled before sitting back as he placed his cock on top of her shaved mound. "This is the moment of truth, Toka. From this point on you'll be bound to me."

Toka reached down causing him to groan as she wrapped her hand around his shaft before sliding it down to her love tunnel's entrance. Naruto gripped the back of her knees as he pushed them back into her shoulders and then shouted in pain and pleasure as he tore through her hymen to take her virginity in a single thrust. Naruto immediately began pumping his hips causing the pain to fade as the pleasure quickly overpowered it.

Naruto dick continued to reach deeply inside her as he bent her nearly in half while he continued to slam his hips into her. Toka's hands traveled up and down his arms until she placed them over his hands in order to aid him in holding her legs open and back for him. "Y-you're incredible...," Toka moaned having never experienced the heights of pleasure she found herself currently enjoying. "D-don't stop..."

Naruto smiled as he grunted out, "You don't need to worry about that...I told you there's no going back for you."

Toka moaned happily as she imagined an eternity of pleasure. She felt another build-up of tension growing inside of her aided by the feeling of Naruto's cock growing larger still. "Oh gooooddddddsssss!!!!" she shouted as she exploded and found much like when she had been trapped in-between dimensions found herself floating, except this time instead of darkness it was a place of white bliss. A feeling of warmth accompanied it as Naruto shot rope after rope of his cum into her welcoming womb.

Naruto collapsed atop of his newest lover as Toka wrapped her legs softly around his hips as they both panted from exhaustion. Naruto kissed her shoulder as something caught his eye. He looked up at the television and was shocked to see a just as surprised Urd watching them from inside it. However as the image faded, he wondered if it was a strange aftereffect of the powerful orgasm he had just experienced.

His attention was pulled back to the woman beneath him as she had sensed him tense up so asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," Naruto said already dismissing what he had seen as a hallucination. "Are you ready for round two?"

Toka's eyes grew wide as she asked, "Already?"

"Oh yeah," Naruto said causing her to moan as he fondled her breast, "I can't wait to enjoy you in every position imaginable."

"T-there are more?" Toka said titillated as her imagination began to show her the possibilities. As Naruto began to move within her again, she soon learned her imagination hadn't even come close.