
54: Target: Samui

Naruto waited as the cloud of smoke cleared from the henge he had worn while he pretended to be Kakami Takayama. It was the persona that Naruto used when he was taking one of his lovers out for a date as it allowed him to spend time with each of his lovers equally. The woman his lovers would be was named Meiko, although her name changed due to the backstory that she was a Snow-nin who was suffering from multiple personality's disorder. Naruto smiled as the smoke billowed around him as he enjoyed that aspect of dating his lovers due to how some of the people they interacted with never knew exactly who they were dealing with. There had been more than one example when Naruto and a lover had been out on the town, and when his back was turned some guy would hit on her only for the person to learn that the response he could expect varied widely. He couldn't help but chuckle as he recalled a time when a guy had tried, while Naruto had been getting him and his date a drink, to convince his lover to leave with him. The man had obviously expected that at worse he would receive the same polite refusal that he had received when Hinata had been playing Meiko. He had learned that while long purple hair might mean that, unless of course it was Yuugao as Naruto figured she'd simple chop such a guy in the throat, long red hair tended to me proceed with caution. Especially, when the red-head playing Meiko was Tayuya. She had simply responded with a quick, "Fuck off," and when the man had become belligerent had simply decided to end the conversation by slamming the guy's head into the bar. It was a lesson that most people had taken to heart as they recognized that the hair style and color that "Meiko," wore was a fairly good indicator on what kind of temperament they could expect.

Naruto waited for the smoke to clear so he could look upon his date for that night, so made use of the time to reflect on the previous several weeks since his adding Toka to his life as a lover. Naturally, his home life had calmed down substantially with her inclusion, and like he had expected his other lovers had not carried a grudge for her previous demeanor. Although, Mito and the Senju still had yet to truly interact outside of a few gatherings in the Den's war room where they had discussed matters related to his ambition. Truthfully though, Naruto felt it was a mislabeling to consider it only his ambition so had taken to thinking of it as theirs, since while he may have been the one to get things rolling. His lovers were just as dedicated and passionate about it as he was.

But that wasn't to say that he was relinquishing his position as the head of his family. Far from it in fact as he had noticed that with his taking a firmer stance on his being the one in charge it had shored up the cracks in his relationships that had allowed things like the recent discord between Kiyomi and him.

He had been a little worried the first time he had gone against Tsunade's wishes, such as when she had wanted him to seduce a noblewoman, who served as one of the Fire Daimyo's advisors. The Hokage had even gone so far as to arrange a mission where the two of them would be alone for the duration of it. Yet, when he had returned and she had asked how it went, he had informed her that he had not even tried as he had found the woman's personality rather revolting. Tsunade had tried to explain to him how the woman would be in a key position to help influence the Daimyo. However, Naruto had explained how he couldn't bring himself to take her as a lover due to a belief she held that she was superior to others mainly due to the family that she had been born to, more to the point he doubted that she'd ever wish to change. Still his lover had pushed until Naruto had firmly told her to drop it. The Hokage relented, but as he left her office he had thought that he noticed a small smirk appear on her face making him believe that she had arranged the whole affair in order to show him that she too was willing to follow his whims at least as far as their family was concerned.

Naruto felt that in a sense he was finally able to sit back and smell the roses as it were, especially when he considered for how long he and his lovers were reacting to other people's plots. He knew another analogy could be that he was simply in the eye of the hurricane. But peaceful times were peaceful times, and he knew that regardless of the type of peace he was enjoying there was still work to be done. Therefore, every free minute that he had not dedicated to his shinobi duties or lovers was spent training. The results of which he felt were really beginning to bear fruit. For example, Yuugao had taken to joining him and Miya in their swordsmanship practice, something that had benefitted both women's styles as much as it had his. He had also taken to having Tsunade train him in chakra control, and while he had yet to master the basic clone jutsu. He had noticed that the number of shadow clones he would create tended to be double of what he would normally have created due to the fact that he wasted less chakra. Meaning, that using the same chakra that he would have to create two clones now produced four and so forth.

Yet, where he had to say that he had grown the most, if only because it had been his weakest skill outside of actually casting it, was in countering genjutsu. The reason for this was ever since his taking control of the genjutsu that Toka had cast on him, he found he could easily do the same regardless of the situation. Toka theorized that it was because once his mind had accepted that it wasn't powerless, it also realized it could fight back. She had still cautioned him not to grow too complacent as there would likely be times when he might not be able to take control, but she had admitted that his will did seem rather unshakeable at present. Therefore, most of his training with Toka had begun to involve Mikoto as she trained him in how to fight people that wielded the Sharingan.

Apparently, Toka had favored a style that preyed heavily on the Uchiha's reliance on their eyes' ability to read an opponent's movements by forcing them to take the aggressor role. The stance had forced Naruto to remain almost motionless, an easy task considering his Sage Training, and wait for the Uchiha to attack. By forcing the Uchiha into that role and not giving the Sharingan a chance to visualize his movements until the last second it allowed Naruto to turn away and redirect the attacks. The advantage would be lost once the two were engaged, but Toka explained that in close fighting nullified a great deal of the Sharingan's advantage since then it was simply a matter of who was the stronger or faster fighter. As she explained it, "It doesn't matter if they know where you're going to attack if they are too slow or weak to stop it."

Naruto would admit to being surprised at Mikoto's willingness to help him train in overcoming the Sharingan's strengths considering how Sasuke could still be a potential threat. But, the woman had been quick to point out that if the true Madara was the actual power behind the masked man claiming to be him, then Naruto would need every advantage he could muster. She had also added that it appeared Tobi was no slouch in the strength department either considering what she had learned from Kushina.

Another thing that had surprised him, at least at first, had been how well Toka and Mikoto had gotten along. He had expected some sort of hostility considering his lover's long standing hatred of the Uchiha clan. Yet, neither woman had even made mention of it, and he had learned it had been Toka that sought out Mikoto to ask for her help in training him. Mikoto had also placed him in several genjutsu with her bloodline ability which he had been able to take control of and ultimately break. Naruto reasoned that the reason's Toka's animosity for the Uchiha didn't extend to the former matriarch of the clan was due to her knowing that while Mikoto had ultimately sided with her family. She had also in a sense shown loyalty to the Senju by trying to prevent them from rebelling against the village her cousins had founded by leaking news of the plot to the Third Hokage. Naruto believed that due to the concept of being loyal to anyone outside of her own clan was still a rather foreign concept to Toka, she could sympathize with Mikoto, as from what he had heard from his mother, and the raven-haired woman herself, the Uchiha had never fully allowed themselves to be integrated into the village so the clan comes first mentality was rather difficult to suppress.

All in all, outside of the usual threats which normally appeared for the shinobi villages to deal with, things for Naruto were finally settling down. As such he knew it was time for him to apply most of his focus to his and his lovers shared ambition, which while it hadn't stalled any. It had, due to the schemes of Danzou, Joseki, Tobi, and Kabuto, not been something he had been wholly dedicated to as of late as most of the lovers he had taken during the time since Koharu had first discovered Danzou's scheme had been to counter-act the various plots. That wasn't to say they were not instrumental to bringing the villages together, but it had been sometime since Naruto could say a woman he had seduced had been for the purpose of realizing that long term goal, and not for the reason of stopping the more immediate threats. Fortunately, his lovers had more than been willing to take up his slack, by planting the seeds for when he could say he was acting for the furtherance of their shared ambition.

One such seed was about to bear fruit Naruto believed as he had received his invitation to the grand opening of the Whirling Tides Hotel. It was still a few months away, but he had heard about the buzz that had been generated by their going out, and he knew several prominent people had already reserved rooms for the occasion. One of those future guests, Koyuki, had also shared with him that she had recently crossed paths with a fellow Daimyo Toki, who had planned not to attend until learning that he would be there.

Still, despite his confidence that he would be able to focus on his family's ambition. He knew there were still several major concerns that they would need to deal with. One of which was Koyuki's concern about the spread of the technology which her uncle had poured countless resources into developing during his reign over the Land of Snow. The device Kabuto had used to siphon off his Bijuu chakra when he had resurrected Karura appeared to be part of something bigger as recently several more of them had been confiscated by shinobi, although those ones seemed to tooled to simply restraining a person's chakra. Still, since previously all means of subduing chakra prior to the devices creation had required knowledge in Fuuinjutsu. The devices presence now allowed almost any thug or criminal an opportunity to rob a shinobi of their chakra. While it didn't necessarily mean the shinobi would be helpless, Naruto could attest from his own experiences that it was a situation a ninja wouldn't want to find themselves in.

Furthermore, whoever the group that was currently selling them was, it was rather well informed and dangerous. Fubuki had returned to the person that had first informed her of the ship that had brought her to Tea Country only to find him murdered. More frightening perhaps had been the fact that Naruko, Haku, and Sage having arrived in Sea Country had caught up with the ship only to learn that it had arrived into port with the entire crew murdered and whatever incriminating cargo it had held missing.

Still, despite his concern over it, he knew that for the moment the investigations into the group would be better suited to be led by the Shinobi Villages as a whole rather than his network of lovers. To that end Tsunade had instructed Ibiki to work with Fubuki as part of a task force between Konoha and Spring.

Thinking of the scarred Jounin, Naruto felt some concern about what he and Kiyomi had planned in regards to Tifa and her teammates. Kiba, he imagined was equally concerned. The reason being that in order to allow the women a chance to live in the village somewhat free of being discovered to be missing prisoners left over from Danzou's rebellion, they would need to come forward. Naturally, this would normally result in them being quickly thrown back in prison, so to prevent that the situation required some means to make Ibiki want to drop the matter entirely.

Naruto felt that Kiyomi and he had come up with a way, but he knew it was still a gamble. He had presented the idea to Kiba, who as he expected had been less than thrilled at the idea. But, Tifa's faith in his plan, as well as Aeris's desire to be able to build a life in the Leaf Village without the fear of it all slipping away by a stroke of bad luck had convinced him to go along with it. Yuffie on the other hand had needed both of her former teammates to convince her of the soundness of it and even that hadn't been enough. Naruto smiled as he recalled it being Kiba's assurance that he wouldn't let her rot in prison that while she had acted like she felt his promise had been meaningless, her body language had indicated a different reaction.

The jinchuriki had wanted to implement his plan as soon as possible, but several of his lovers had requested he postpone it a few days, which he suspected was tied to where his date was taking him. He decided to go along with the request since he would need Kiyomi and his other Bijuu lovers' powers to make it a success.

The smoke surrounding him became noticeably thinner showing him the outline of his date, so before carrying on with the evening he allowed his thoughts to turn towards Anko. Recently, the current status quo of her showing up occasional for sex had been shaken, and while Naruto was glad for it, he had been surprised at what had been the trigger, namely Naruto's marking Kurenai with a locating seal.

Anko had sought him out shortly after his return from Tea, having been out of the village on a mission when he had done it, and had not been happy at his tagging her friend. She had believed it had been a precursor to his taking her as a lover. Naruto hadn't understood why she was so upset at first. But, currently believed it was because Anko had seen it in a similar manner as he did, mainly that taking Kurenai as a lover would be something he did merely for the sake of his ego. He also believed she felt it was a slap in the face considering their own longstanding issues, and it might be his taking Kurenai was a means of washing his hands of her.

It was a fair gripe on her part since she had no doubt sensed the numerous women that had entered his life since the difficulties between them had grown to the point where she had stopped appearing in the Den or any other place his lovers gathered. He suspected that her belief that he was planning on taking her best friend as his was just the last straw and had forced her to confront him.

Naruto recalled the short but tense exchange that had taken place in the Hidden Eddy Inn on the floor he shared with Yuugao, Kurenai, and Anko due to the larger apartments being located there. He had been leaving his apartment to practice with Yuugao and Miya, and had only just stepped into the hall when she had appeared from hers. Able to sense that Kurenai was currently not in the building, she had quickly closed with him asking, "What the hell do you think you're doing marking Kurenai? She's still getting over her loss, do you honestly think you can just swoop in and make her forget everything by…"

Naruto had cut Anko off and surprised her by grabbing her by the jacket before slamming her up against the wall. The black-haired jounin had looked like she was about to ask if he had lost his mind, but stopped as Naruto said with an authoritative tone, "What I do is no longer any concern of yours, Anko. You're the one who has decided to pull away from me and the family. You told me that you wanted to go your separate way. Yet, here you are worried about what I'm up to." Naruto let go of her jacket, as Anko seemed transfixed by his voice and his currently steely blue eyes. He gripped her by the neck in a grasp somewhere between caressing and possessive. He leaned in and stopped with his lips mere inches from hers while also placing his thigh between her legs and against her groin. "Aren't you the one that was going to find someone to make into your bitch or whatever it is you desire? It's been several months since then so what exactly are you waiting for? Are you really upset that I might be interested in Kurenai? Or could it be that you are jealous that she'd be receiving the attention you once enjoyed?"

Anko's demeanor had shifted from angry to submissive the moment he had pinned her. Looking into her eyes he saw a desire for him to continue, and didn't doubt that if he told her to drop down to her knees to please him, or even just took her, she would welcome it. Yet, instead he pulled away to calmly say, "Just for the record, I marked Kurenai with that seal to prevent her from discovering my relationships with the others. I'm not all that eager for her to stumble upon me in the midst of ravishing one of my lovers after all." He knew Anko was confused by his suddenly changing the topic back to his marking Kurenai. Walking away he said, "Well now that we've cleared that up, I need to meet up with Miya and Yuugao. Bye, Anko."

He had headed down the stairs, leaving her using the wall as a support to remain standing. He ultimately was glad for the short encounter as it confirmed what he had suspected which was Anko wasn't as over him as he had feared. More to the point, he believed that if he had pushed her then and there, he could have simply reclaimed her. Yet what had ultimately stopped him was the concern that if he had it wouldn't have truly healed their relationship. The reason being that he believed Anko had wanted to make him submit to her, as a response to discovering the desire to be the one submitting in herself. He suspected that she had not necessarily wanted to accept the idea that some part of her craved the loss of control from following a powerful master's commands, especially due to her lingering feelings of abandonment by Orochimaru. Yet, considering how her master/student relationship had played out, she had tried to force him into a submissive role lest she fall into it herself. He imagined she didn't want to admit her need for the recognition of someone, who could have been considered to hold all the power in their relationship, such as during the time where she had been so eager to please her teacher.

Therefore when he did make his move, he needed for her to be sure it was what she wanted. Also, complicating the matter was the fact that Anko was fighting against her desire to be submissive to him. If he had to guess, currently waging a war within her were the two aspects of the woman that was Anko. There was the young woman, who had cherished and adored her teacher, and who had only turned her back on what he was rather than join him by the narrowest of margins. Then there was the woman that she had become in the years after Orochimaru's betrayal. The first had been subservient and eager to please and while it had been in a master/student type relationship. Naruto didn't doubt that had Orochimaru remained in the village, and believed there was something to be gained from manipulating Anko's feeling for him, he might have changed it to a physical one. Fortunately, the Snake Sanin had wanted to use the negative emotions of his betrayal to fuel the curse mark he had given Anko, before such an idea had occurred to him.

This had in turn given rise to the Anko that Naruto could claim to have known. A woman that was headstrong, tomboyish, and playful. In those years she had developed a few close friendships, but also refused to allow too many close enough to look past the surface. He suspected that part of her just didn't want to open herself to the possibility of developing the type of relationship where her more timid and subservient side would come out. Naruto knew that it had still existed in a fashion since one of Anko's hobbies was conducting tea ceremonies. Something she had seemed to truly bask in when she would perform them for him. He suspected that it was in fact something the more timid side of her personality enjoyed.

What made the whole matter complicated was that while Naruto didn't believe there were two personalities within Anko. There were two aspects of who she was, for the sake of clarification he thought of them as Submissive Anko, and Dominant Anko. Dominant Anko, had been the woman who had picked herself up after Orochimaru's betrayal and built a life in the Leaf Village. She had also been the aspect of her personality that had chosen to become one of Naruto's lovers. A choice that as their relationship grew, and her desire to please him became stronger, actually began to strengthen Submissive Anko. Naturally, the dominant portion of her personality did not wish to just succeed control, likely due to a belief that it would only open them to the hurt and pain that had been experienced from Orochimaru's abandonment.

As such, he now saw Anko's attempt to change the dynamics of their relationship by making him submissive to her as a means to prevent that loss of control. Ironically, the Dominant Anko's actions had in turn inflicted the pain of rejection on her as a result of Naruto's childish reaction. Therefore, while they had tried to pass it off with a laugh in order to return to the status quo that they had enjoyed before, it was something that Naruto now recognized that he should have known was impossible. By rejecting the Dominant Anko's over the top method of attempting to establish herself and not fade away. He had in truth disregarded a part of Anko that had given her the strength to carry on after Orochimaru's betrayal. Plus at the time he had not been exerting the dominate personality needed to keep even the Submissive Portion of her personality content.

It had been little wonder that she would then decide to look elsewhere for what she needed. Yet since he didn't doubt that if Anko announced her intention to take a lover, who was submissive to her, she would have applicants lined up outside her door and around the block, he reasoned that the reason she hadn't yet was because the Submissive Portion of her wasn't so quick to have its own desires denied. Thus bringing Naruto to the crux of his problem, and why he had not rushed his desire to bring her back into his family. Yet, while Naruto wanted to please both aspects of Anko's desire. As his period of not being the dominant head of his Harem proved, if he didn't take a firm hand in running things, his lovers may disregard his wishes such as Kiyomi had done when dealing with Tifa and her teammates. Furthermore, much as he had explained to Tifa, if he did submit to Anko even on a part time basis his position as an Alpha male would be tarnished in his other lovers' eyes. While he knew that wouldn't make them love him any less, he did believe it would invite more questioning of his decisions.

Fortunately, his lovers had understood he had needed to learn and grow into his position so had been willing to prop him up during his wishy-washy tenure recently. Yet, now that he was acting the part, he didn't think they would be quite as understanding if he regressed even temporarily so Anko could feel dominant. That was why he had searched for someone that Anko could enjoy that Dominant side of herself with, and while he had found several candidates within the village, even that presented certain obstacles. For one, he first needed to make sure Anko still desired to be with him. Even if she did, there was the difficulty of how to add this new person to his harem, while keeping them separate. Naruto had realized early on that he wouldn't be able to simply seduce a woman and then pass her to Anko. For one, if he did then Anko would simply be developing a side relationship with one of his lovers, not a person pledged to serve solely her needs. Something which he suspected the dominant portion of her would desire. More to the point, Naruto was concerned that it would invite friction between Anko and him, since if he seduced the new woman then it would mean he cared for her as he did his other lovers, and he might not like how Anko treated her. Which while if he played his cards right would mean Anko would be submissive to him, she might come to resent him for interfering in a relationship that she viewed as hers. Therefore, Naruto realized that if he went through with his plan, whoever it was that was added, he would need to leave that person to Anko. As such, it would be best if Anko herself brought her on so he would not develop the same level of attachment.

Yet, Naruto knew he still had some time before he would see if the seed he had just planted grew. Therefore, as the smoke cleared to reveal Urd, he turned his focus to her as he held out his arm to his date who graciously accepted it.


Urd took the offered arm as they walked towards the Hotsprings located on the grounds of Kiyomi's mansion. The woman spent a few moments to recall the dinner that the two of them had enjoyed. She felt her cheeks flush as she recalled having to admit that she had spied on him as he had taken Toka as a lover, and had been grateful he hadn't asked if it was the first time or not. Although, she had to admit her explaining to him that she had learned of her ability to travel through electronics like televisions via her strong Lightning Chakra and had wanted to show him had been meant to influence him into believing it had been the first time.

In truth, the actual event had happened weeks earlier and she had sought him out only to find he was entertaining several of his lovers. Something which she had watched from the dimension that she occupied while traveling through the televisions. She suspected that her jutsu worked on the same principle as Haku's ice mirrors as Urd found that she could enter and exit any television she wanted provided it was connected to the same power grid. But having seen Naruto in all his naked glory once, it had been a show that she had not been able to deprive herself of.

That coupled with the way he treated her as an equal despite knowing of her origin as a piece of the original eight-tails given life, truly had made her infatuated with him. She knew that Kiyomi along with the Bijuu already dating Naruto viewed her similarly, but a part of Urd still suspected that they viewed her as a lesser being much like their siblings Kukaku and Mirajane did. Granted, she accepted that it might just be her own difficulties with accepting her origins that forced her to believe such. Yet, when she was with Naruto, her doubts never seemed to manifest.

Truthfully, Urd saw herself as less of a sibling to the other Bijuu then as a cousin or even a step-sibling. Or when her emotions about the matter were at their lowest due to a remark from the unaligned Bijuu, a simple clone created to allow Yoruichi's interpretation of the prophecy that her father had made to remain true, since she doubted the true eight-tails would willing leave its host.

She looked towards the young man and felt truly indebted to him as in a single evening he had shattered all her beliefs about herself. She flashed back to dinner when she had asked about her role in the prophesy that the Sage of the Six Paths had given the Bijuu.

Naruto, while henged, had been busy pushing around the items on his plate while wondering why people paid so much money for food that looked pretty, but barely fed them. When for a fraction of the cost they could be eating ramen, which admittedly he could put away by the gallon, but for the price he was paying for his current meal he would certainly be full at the end. He had looked up after her question to simply reply, "I don't believe in this prophesy. Or any other ones, I suppose."

Urd had been stunned as Naruto then took a bite of his meal as if he hadn't just rocked her beliefs. "B-but Yoruichi and the others believe…they even see you as…"

"I know," Naruto said with a smile, "But that doesn't mean I have similar views. I guess the reason I don't want to believe is because then it would imply that all our actions are destined. Which if they were would mean I don't need to stress over anything. Besides, if a person can tell you what is going to happen in the future, then why do they need to give voice to it? Why not sit back and just let the future unfold as they foresaw. The answer is simple, in order for a prophesy to become reality it needs actions associated with it. For example, my teacher Jiraiya spent years looking for the apprentice that he felt would be the destined one to fulfill the prophesy he was given by the Toad Sage that he would be the one to train a person to lead the Shinobi World to a better future or a worse one. To that end, I would actually be the third disciple with the first being Nagato, and the next being my father."

"But that doesn't change the fact that you are taking steps to make The Prophesy he was given a reality." Urd pointed out.

Naruto nodded but countered, "True, but that's because my master passed his will onto me and I don't want his life's work to have been for nothing. Yet the truth is if I wanted I could not take another step to fulfilling this prophesy and it would become just one of many that never actually came true. A prophesy requires people working towards completing it for it to become reality. It would feel a little unfair if all the hard work, sweat, and blood that my lovers and I have put into realizing this ambition weren't necessary because everything was foretold long ago on some dusty tablet or something." Naruto smiled at her as he added, "So to answer your question about what part you play in it, to be honest that's up to you to decide. I do not believe you have some destined role, or are a replacement cog for this prophesy because the original eight-tails is still contained in its host. You're Urd, plain and simple. You can decide if you want to make this possible vision of the future a reality or not. But you shouldn't believe that it is a foregone conclusion that it is how things will end if you decide to."

Urd felt empowered by Naruto's words as they placed her destiny firmly in her own hands, something that she had felt had not been possible as a result of her origins. Letting the memory fade, she looked down at Naruto's hand and entwined it with hers as she melted a little closer into his side all the while feeling that whatever the future did hold. She didn't mind the thought that her destiny was entwined with his.

Reaching the hot springs, Urd guided him to the secret passage located in the grotto that connected it to the mansion and now thanks to Seven's efforts the Den. Reaching the new tunnel, she guided him down it prompting him to ask, "So, are you going to tell me what's going on and why I can't sense my family?"

Urd, smiled as she answered, "That would be because of the seal they are likely wearing to block your ability to locate them." Seeing his confusion she added, "Don't worry, they just wanted to keep their preparations for tonight a secret."

Before he could inquire further his attention was pulled to a soft pink glow as they approached the normally well light hallway that comprised the rooms that made up the Den. However, at the moment it was dimly lit with a soft glow coming from the end located near the Master Bedroom. As he grew closer he saw that it was coming from a neon sign above a doorway to the left of it. He smiled as he saw the soft glowing sign read, "Club N." Looking towards the master bedroom, he spotted a section of recently added brick for where a doorway had been between the one he was standing in front of and the one where he often slept with his lovers. He guessed its removal was related to what his lovers had been doing in the room adjacent and correlated to the addition of a doorway in the bedroom that he had been forbidden from going through.

Sensing that his curiosity about what lay behind the heavy metal door that looked like it belonged to some of the underground drinking establishments that the Pervy Sage had enjoyed was about to be quenched, he asked, "So are you to be my escort for the unveiling?"

"I hope you don't mind," Urd said having no idea what lay beyond. "They decided to take advantage of my winning their bet to get things together while we were out."

Naruto smiled at the reminder of how Urd had managed to take Yoruichi's place for the date that had originally been for the two of them. Still rather surprised at her interest he nonetheless said, "Who would complain at being able to enjoy your company for an evening?" Naruto then turned towards the door and tried the handle but found it locked so knocked against the door.

The door opened inwards and Naruto was surprised to find the entrance resembled that of an exclusive high end lounge. His gaze met the woman's who had opened the door and smiled as Toka dressed in a pair of black silken pants and buttoned down white shirt with a black bowtie bowed politely as she said, "Welcome to Club N sir. Is there anything you would like to have checked before being seated?"

Naruto while wearing a white dress shirt and jacket didn't feel the need to remove it so Toka again bowed before saying, "Then please follow me to your table."

Toka led him and Urd through a grand set of double doors causing him to whistle as he looked inside the dimly lit room that lay beyond. At the far end of the room resided a stage that had a catwalk with a pole running through the middle of it that connected to the ceiling. At the frontend of the catwalk was a table which is where he assumed he and his date would be sitting. In one of the corners he could see several other tables had been stacked making Naruto believe they would be used at a later point when his other lovers were in the room. Soft music began playing causing his attention to be pulled towards a DJ booth located to the left of the entrance near the well-stocked bar and was where he could see Tayuya dressed in similar attire as Toka.

She smiled at him before turning her attention to readying the next bit of music she was going to play. Naruto's gaze then drifted to Tsunade, who was working behind the bar and dressed in what he was guessing to be the standard uniform for his lovers that night since it matched Tayuya and Toka's garb. To the right of the bar sat another stage although this one was much smaller and also served as a waterfall of sorts as the floor of it was water which was fed from the wall behind it by a pair of toad heads. The water was held in place by glass on three of the four sides with the fourth being the wall which as the toad heads filled it would overflow over the sides onto the rocks within the small pond which surrounded the stage and that fed the toads the water.

To his right he saw cushioned booths built into the wall, which led to a veiled off area covered in opaque drapes that he couldn't quite see through but with the soft lighting coming from inside the area imagined it would cast tantalizing shadows for those watching from outside of it. Along that same wall he also spotted the doorway that led to the room that had existed between the master bedroom and the den which had been walled off from the hall. He wondered what lay beyond but reasoned it had to be something that his lovers felt would be of use for the rooms on either side.

Reaching the table, Naruto figured he'd know soon enough so pushed it out of his mind as he pulled Urd's chair out for her before sitting himself. Toka smiled pleasantly as she said, "Please enjoy tonight's entertainment."

Naruto was about to ask what his lovers had in store, but before he could Tsunade approached the table. She handed him a menu as she asked, "Perhaps a drink before the shows begin." Naruto's eyes grew large as he saw all the high end alcohols his lovers had secured for their establishment. Not being a huge drinker himself, he did chuckle as he reached the bottom of the menu to find chibi versions of three of his lovers, Rangiku, Mito, and Tsunade arrayed in a triangle. Outside of it was a choice of the respective kunoichi who favored the drink. But at the center was one that he suspected all three enjoyed. He also believed that the three had vigorously sampled each item on the menu before agreeing. Smiling at Tsunade he said, "I'll try what the experts agreed was the best."

"Of course sir," Tsunade said and then took Urd's drink order as the music changed to something with a quick and familiar beat. Naruto spent a few moments trying to recall why it seemed so recognizable due to its ethnic tone. Tsunade handed him his drink and he sighed as he took a sip enjoying the way it warmed him on its way down. The feeling helped his memory along as he recalled the music that had been playing as the women of Sara's caraban including her daughter had danced around the fire as they had celebrated being rescued by Naruto and Guren.

The music currently playing seemed slightly different as it had a quicker pace and seemed more structured. He took another sip and wondered what was in store when the curtains parted to reveal a veiled woman, wearing a fitted bra and sheer harem style pants of light purple that did little to hide the fact that she was nude beneath them. Naruto recognized Matsuri instantly as she held her arms out and began shaking her hips in time with the music.

Yet, it wasn't just her hips Naruto realized as her arms also moved almost hypnotically especially as the music began to slow causing her movements to follow suit. Matsuri, slowly made her way down the catwalk as the music played, her hips rolled around invitingly as she reached the midway point. She paused for a moment to lean back against the pole and slowly slid down it to her knees. There with her arms waving tantalizingly about her body she wiggled her hips in sweeping motions.

In a fluid motion, she got back to her feet as she continued to move towards the end of the catwalk. Coming to the end the music increased in tempo, as Matsuri presented a side profile while she held her hands above her head and thrust her hip towards Naruto. She faced away as the music began to wind down, giving him a glorious view of her ass, before sliding to her knees and then in a control manner fell back as she lay down on the stage.

Naruto had a glamorous view down her body as she stared back at him, but couldn't help but wish she had knelt facing the other way as with the way her feet were bent back to face her head and her legs were splayed he would have been enjoying a glimpse of her tight slit. From the soft smile barely hidden by her veil, Naruto knew that had been the reason since her dance had been to tantalize him with the thought.

He began clapping, but then the room went completely dark and when the lights came back on Matsuri was gone. Naruto downed the contents of his glass as he found his throat suddenly parched and was pleased as Tsunade placed another on the table. Favoring her with a grin, he turned to Urd and wondered what her thoughts on the dance had been. He suspected that she was as surprised as he about what his lovers had prepared. She sensed his eyes on her so gave him an amused smile as she said, "Quite the show that they've prepared. I wonder where she learned to dance like that."

Naruto took a sip of his drink before explaining, "Matsuri's parents were water excavators. In Wind Country people with the talent to find water in the desert are invaluable. They built a successful company based in Suna, and she used to spend a lot of time with them in the field. I guess she picked up a few of the customs from the caravans and tribes her parents dealt with."

"What happened to them? You make it sound like they aren't around anymore," Urd asked, but from the pained look that appeared on his face knew that they weren't.

"They were murdered by bandits," Naruto answered. "For a time she carried a fear of weapons as a result. But she always dreamed of being a kunoichi so never let it stop her."

"What about the company her parents founded?"

"She has an uncle that runs it, but the company board doesn't want an active shinobi running it. They feel that she would put Suna's interests in front of its."

"Still, I imagine it wields considerable influence. She could better serve your ambition by…"

Naruto shook his head as he cut Urd off to say, "But then I'd be making Matsuri give up her dream. She never wanted to be anything but a kunoichi." Focusing on Urd he added, "The women in my life aren't just a means of advancing plots. I can't ask them to help me with my dream while forcing them to give up on their own."

Urd smiled as she took a sip of her own drink. She then placed an elbow on the table and favored him with a mysterious smile. "Hm, I'm starting to take a real liking to you."

Naruto set his drink down while giving her a pleased smile before responding, "Well that's good to know since I've liked you from the moment we met."

Urd's eyes widened at his words as her cheeks began to color while saying, "Y-you're just saying that…I mean when we first met you didn't know the first thing about me."

"I knew enough," Naruto said looking into her eyes as he added, "I'm not the type of guy who just says what he thinks others want to hear Urd. Before we first talked I could already see that you were uncomfortable about how you came to be. I tried to make sure to let you know I didn't think poorly of you because of them."

Urd nodded as she confirmed while placing her hand on his resting on the table, "A task you performed quite well."

Naruto gripped it gently as he said, "I'm glad."

The music changed from the soft background music it had been to a dynamic sounding beat causing Naruto to look away as he eagerly watched for what lover would appear next. Urd turned towards the stage as well, but allowed her thoughts to remain on the man whose warm hand was still caressing her own. She easily could understand why so many women were drawn to him as she just applied what she had begun to feel about him to the others. She knew he wasn't putting on an act because she doubted he even knew what it was that had sparked her interest in him.

While she had spied on him with his lovers several times once she discovered she could, that had only been due to her curiosity about sex. After all, she would have had to be born deaf not to know what he and the women bound to him in the mansion were up to. She had even spied on Kukaku on several occasions. She had found the differences between Naruto and the lovers the Four Tails took to be rather startling. Not to mention the differences she had observed in how the Bijuu acted with the men she had slept with and Naruto's lovers. For instance, in most cases almost as soon as Kukaku's lovers came the Bijuu would be out of the bed to leave. Whether the dark haired woman came or not, Urd often had been unable to tell. That was never the case with Naruto and his lovers as she could tell he prided himself on making sure they were satisfied with his performance. There was one man that Kukaku did seem to favor. She didn't know much about him, but suspected him to work in some sort of business within the village from the expensive suits that he wore. She was of the opinion that the reason Kukaku favored him was because he did get her off, which made Urd wonder why she bothered with the others.

She had developed a theory as to why, and suspected that it in fact was tied to Naruto ironically enough. But she thought that perhaps Kukaku was in fact looking for a lover of the same caliber as Naruto. If she was right, she figured that Kukaku may have somehow been made privy to what it was the women that slept with Naruto felt and was in fact looking for a man of similar quality in others as her pride likely wouldn't allow her to share the same man as the other Bijuu already bound to him.

Urd found the thought rather silly to be honest, but figured the four-tails had several millenniums in which to have developed a way to think and behave while she had several months. Still, she didn't think Kukaku realized that she was slowly losing in the balance of power within the one relationship she seemed to value among the men whose beds she had shared. As opposed to the others she had been with, it would be the man, who would leave a sweaty and content Kukaku in whatever hotel they happened to get together. On one occasion that Urd had witnessed the four-tails had looked like she wanted to snuggle with him only for the man to stand before she could.

She didn't think she needed to spend much thought on how Naruto was the complete opposite. But, it wasn't just that he was obviously a fantastic lover, but the sincerity he displayed not just with his lovers but the others around him. A sincerity that still made Urd smile as she recalled it blowing up in Mirajane's face.

After her draw in the tournament, Mirajane had been rather irate which had made Urd a perfect target for her to take her ire out on as she mocked her about her origins. Naruto had been passing through the mansion after having spent some time with Kiyomi. Mirajane had decided to ask the blond man as a means to put Urd down, "Hey blondie, if you had to choose and could only take one of us which would you prefer. Me, a genuine Bijuu given life by the Sage of the Six Paths or her something we cobbled together from a piece of the eight-tails?"

Naruto shrugged as he replied, "Well it definitely wouldn't be you."

The answer had obviously shocked Mira as she asked, "Why, is it because of my figure. I could change it to be the woman of your dreams."

Naruto gave a dismissive snort as he countered, "You do realize who you are talking to right. I think you'll find there is no woman of my dreams, but women. They all have something in common, but it isn't their looks."

He had tried to leave to meet up with his team but Mira had been unable to leave things be as she said, "You're so full of crap. I bet you're just trying to butter her up since…"

Naruto placed his hand over the one gripping his arm as he turned to face her while saying seriously, "You really are the type of person I dislike the most."

Mirajane had looked shocked as Naruto pulled free and left after giving Urd a smile. He had just teleported away when Mira had recovered from his statement and began ranting about him. She had threatened to stop helping in Kiyomi's plan to which the nine-tails had further astounded both Mira and Urd as she said, "Be my guest. I wouldn't want to upset Naruto by keeping you around."

Urd smiled as she suspected Kiyomi of using reverse-psychology on the six-tails as a moment later Mira was ranting about how they wouldn't be rid of her that easily. Still the encounter had stuck with Urd, since while she had muscled her way into the bet Yoruichi had made with her sisters. In truth the new eight-tails had done so just to show that she could match the other Bijuu's power. She figured depriving them of the night with Naruto was just a way for them to take her more seriously. She had no intention of actually joining his list of lovers, but after that moment with Mira some part of her began to reconsider.

That thought grew stronger as she had heard Tsunade and Kiyomi talking after the Hokage had sent Naruto on a mission with one of the advisors of the Fire Daimyo. Urd had figured that it was a chance for Naruto to expand his influence in the Daimyo's court, but she had been proven wrong as Kiyomi said, "So the woman requested Naruto personally. Under normal circumstances I'd say that was good. But from what I've heard about her there is no way Naruto is going to seduce her."

Tsunade had given an amused smile before sipping her tea as she said, "I know."

The nine-tails had arched an eyebrow as she replied, "Really, because before he left here he was under the impression that was why he was going."

Tsunade set her cup down as she explained, "That would be because before he left I told him all the valuable reasons for him to do it. While making it clear I expected him to seal the deal because it would give us some much needed insight into the Fire Daimyo's thoughts."


"Yet," Tsunade said cutting the Bijuu off, "That doesn't change the fact that if she is the woman that you've heard about then there is no way he will."

Kiyomi began to understand Tsunade's thought process as she said, "Which is why when he returns you'll tell him how disappointed you are until…"

"He puts me in my place by reminding me that when it comes to matters of his ambition and our family he calls the shots. Perhaps a little sneaky on my part, but it'll be good to remind him that while I am the Hokage. I'm also one of his women."

While Urd had found the conversation enlightening in how the women of his harem viewed its hierarchy since she figured it was Naruto's ability to treat each of them equally that kept the women of it content. It was how sure both Kiyomi and Tsunade were that Naruto wouldn't seduce a close advisor to the daimyo of Fire Country due to the type of person she was. The fact that when he had returned things had gone exactly as the two women predicted showed Urd that what he had said to Mira was also true. A part of Urd had figured that what the six-tails had been about to imply that Naruto had responded to the question she asked out of the belief that it was what she wanted to hear. She had believed that perhaps Naruto viewed her as the most susceptible to being seduced by him if he appeared to side with her over Mira. Then at some later point he would perhaps come around to Mira's charms since she suspected the six-tailed Bijuu was trying to seduce him now if only to prove him a liar.

Yet, Urd now believed that unless Mirajane changed as a person his opinion of her would not and he wouldn't add her to his harem. That understanding had convinced Urd of the sincerity of everything he had said, and furthermore had changed her thoughts on what she expected of the date she had won. Now though she found herself extremely nervous and perhaps wondered if she was getting ahead of herself as if the dance she had just viewed was any indication there was a long list of women eager for a night with him tonight as well.


Naruto felt his pulse quicken as a bare leg and foot appeared from between the crack in the curtain. A leg he recognized well as it was followed Temari who held two large red feather fans to cover the front of her body giving the appearance of wings wrapped protectively around her. Temari walked slowly in an exaggerated fashion as she walked like a model with her feet straight and crossing over an invisible line. Once she passed the pole, in the center of the catwalk, she stopped and then held out the right fan away from her body as the left adjusted to cover her torso.

The fluid movement didn't give Naruto a chance to see what the fan had been covering. But, from the amount of skin now peeking out from what wasn't covered Naruto wouldn't be surprised if behind the feathered covering his lover was naked. A fact which had him riveted as he hoped to catch a glimpse of her tantalizing body as she pulled the fan in her right hand in while sliding the one in the left out and way. Again the movement was so fluid that Naruto was only teased with the possibility of her exposing herself as she waved the fan in her left hand around sensuously.

Bringing it back in to her body, she held the fan behind her and then spun around the pole confirming for him that she was not wearing anything as a result of the quick side view. Returning to the front of it, she slid down to her knees before sitting on the floor so that her legs were on their sides with the fan covering her torso held above them blocking his view of all but her face. The fan that had been behind her, she laid down so that she could pull free a smaller orange fan. She brought it around to her front sliding the larger one behind her and although the orange fan allowed him to see more of his lover, it teasingly hid the entirety of her torso. She produced a second orange fan from the one she had just placed down, and then gracefully stood using it to hide her lower half from his hungry eyes.

Temari favored him with a smile as she again walked several feet in time with the music, before stopping to slide one fan out and wave it around her before bringing it in to do the same with the other. Doing this several times, she then spun to face away bringing both fans behind her butt to block it. Her naked back was facing Naruto as she looked back at him over her shoulder. When his eyes met hers, she flapped the fans covering her behind causing his to shift down so that he only caught a glimpse of her beautiful butt.

She spun around again bringing both fans to her front before sliding back to the floor in a similar posture as before. Placing her right fan behind her while the other covered her front, she produced an even smaller black feathered fan. Doing the same with the left, she then stood. Naruto felt his anticipation go up another notch as he was sure that the two smaller fans would fail to adequately hide away her lovely body. Yet through grace and precious movements the fans did exactly that as Temari spun, and moved about the catwalk.

The music seemed to be winding down so Temari began to back away from the edge of the catwalk as she retraced her steps. Reaching where she had left the orange fans she lowered herself to the ground and slid the black fans back inside them. She then elegantly returned to her feet, as she continued her backward trek to do the same with the red fans. Once she had them in hand, she spun about dropping the fans behind her butt when she was facing away and returned them back to their angel like wing position that they had been in at the start of the dance. The music ended and Temari bowed slightly as the room went dark while Naruto began clapping enthusiastically.


Urd joined in the clapping although hers was in a more reserved fashion. When the lights came back on Temari was gone so she stopped to direct her attention back to her date's face. His gaze drifted to Tsunade as he held his empty glass up, who nodded her understanding from her spot behind the bar. Urd used the opportunity to let her gaze drift down to his groin and she spotted the erection that had sprung up during Matsuri's dance was straining to be freed.

She wasn't the only one as Tsunade placed his drink down and then grabbed his dick as she said, "It appears our dancers have made you rather stiff sir. Would you like someone to help with that?"

Naruto eyes went wide as he looked at Urd, who was just as shocked at Tsunade's words and actions. Urd hadn't been unaffected by the dances either, which coupled with her earlier thoughts about the blond had her nearly blurting out that she would be willing to help. She wondered if it had been written on her face as Tsunade helpfully suggested, "Perhaps, your date for the evening would like to ease the swelling since it looks so uncomfortable."

Naruto looked like he was going to politely decline, but Urd quickly said, "Yes!"

"I thought as much. Please enjoy the last show for the evening" Tsunade said indicating the stage near the bar before snapping her fingers. Toka appeared and the two of them picked up the table to carry it away.

Naruto stared at Urd as he asked, "Are you sure…"

He was silenced as Urd leaned in to kiss him which he eagerly returned. He groaned into her mouth as she gave into the temptation she had felt upon first noticing the outline of his dick growing as Matsuri had danced for him. She stroked it through his pants as their tongues continued to wrestle. She broke the kiss and said softly, "Let me make you feel good as thanks for how well you've treated me." Naruto was about to tell her that she didn't need to, but she cut him off as she added, "Shh, I want this." She then knelt in front of his chair and quickly freed his dick.

Urd felt a little self-conscious now that she was at the moment of truth, but the lights began to dim before the room went completely dark as a soft music began to play. Urd found the darkness rather liberating since she didn't know if she would do a good job, and didn't want to look foolish with women who had become experts at pleasing Naruto looking on. So under the cover of darkness she leaned forward to kiss the tip of his dick, causing Naruto to moan softly. Grabbing the base, she began to swirl her tongue around the head before running it down his shaft and back up.

Urd's tongue reached the tip and then she kissed the end of his dick before quickly swallowing half of it. She began to bob her head as she sucked on his manhood, and felt her pussy moisten as he groaned from her actions. His dick grew larger in her mouth and while she would have liked to think it was because of the blowjob she was giving. A soft glow appeared behind her making her suspect that the sudden additional exuberance was due to a show another of his lovers was putting on.

He placed his hand on the back of her head as she continued to please him and was able to taste the proof of how well she was doing as he leaked more and more of his pre-cum mixed in with her saliva. The additional flavor made her even wetter as she began to rub her pussy causing her to moan around his length. Working even more feverishly she wanted him to release his seed but believed that the climax that she sought would only be achieved near the end of the show he was currently viewing.


Naruto watched a soft blue light turn on between the two toad heads that provide the water for the floor of the stage which he faced as Tsunade had turned him to face the stage as Urd took up a position between his legs. He felt torn at the moment only because he would like to give Urd his attention, but as her sucking of him actually increased once the lights had gone off, believed that at least for the moment did not want an audience. Still, the blond had been about to pinch himself since he couldn't believe how much his life had changed in the nearly two years since he had opened the scroll Kanji gave him. To say that he could ever picture himself sitting in the dark while receiving a blowjob while another woman was about to perform a dance for him, well to honest he could imagine it, but never thought he would be actually living such a fantasy. But before he could see if it was a dream Urd's teeth scrapped across his length a little less the gently causing him to place his hand on her head to calm her excitement.

The blue light resembled a moon as it fully came on and revealed the silhouette of someone standing on the water in front of it. Naruto frowned as he couldn't place which of his lovers it was from the build and if he had to guess believed it was likely the woman was far younger than any of them, but then a memory clicked as he recalled the mission for the beetle, and the nymph he had watched dance by the waterfall while on it. Feeling like an idiot for not realizing who it was back then, he had no problem figuring that the only female that had been on that mission was currently henged as she had appeared then.

Hinata then began dancing as she had on that night moving fluidly about and as her hands reached out, some of water would spin around her. She continued like that for several minutes as even the water from the fountainheads seem to dance with her. Naruto basked in the beauty of the moment even as he also enjoyed the pleasure Urd was giving him.

Hinata began to change making him believe she was using Tsunade's henge as she morphed into her more voluptuous frame even as she grew taller. Her dance continued on for several minutes as she moved gracefully about the stage before stopping in the center as she kneeled in a tight ball. Naruto wanted to clap as he had for his other lovers, but he couldn't hold back as he exploded powerfully into Urd's mouth.

The blue light cut off as he groaned while Urd continued to drink down his seed. When the lights came back up, Hinata was gone as Urd continued to lick his dick to clean it of any cum she may have missed. Naruto sat back in the chair as he watched her.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Toka asked as she appeared next to him.

He smiled pleasantly as he replied, "I think Urd can attest that I did?"

Toka smiled as Urd seemed oblivious to anything but his dick which she had begun to lick like an ice cream cone. Toka leaned forward as she had to call "Miss," several times to attract her attention. When she had it she said, "Miss, if you would like to take things to the next level there is a private area for you to do so." Urd looked to the draped off area, that Toka indicated by holding her hand towards it. The Senju then continued, "As otherwise if you don't mind we'll be taking him with us to the bedroom."

Urd's cheeks had colored from her embarrassment at how into pleasing Naruto's cock she had been. She bit her lip as she watched Tsunade and Tayuya enter the door that she suspected led to the master bedroom she had heard some of his lovers mention. She looked up at Naruto, who could see that she was unsure of what she wanted which prompted him to reach out and cup her face. "Urd, you've already made me feel fantastic. There's no need to push yourself into anything you're unsure of."

Urd's doubts melted away as she said, "I'd like for us to continue."

"Excellent, right this way." Toka then moved towards the draped off area as Naruto stood and held out his hand to the eight-tails. The pair reached the entrance as Toka pulled aside a drape for them to enter and before letting it close behind them said, "Scream when you're finished."

Both Naruto and Urd were surprised by the setup they found as encompassing the perimeter of the area was a circular sofa, while at the center was a large round bed that looked like it could double as additional seating if the area was filled. They approached the bed and Urd sounding nervous asked, "S-so what now?"

Naruto turned her to face him and sealed his lips to hers as he kissed her softly. Breaking the kiss, he said, "Now, I return the favor that you paid me out there." He kissed her again although this time it was fiercer and more passionate. Urd found her body melting into his as his tongue slipped passed her lips and was met by hers. Urd ended the kiss this time to step back and was pleased at the lust she could see in his eyes. She knew that at present and outside of the brief friendship they had enjoyed that emotion was currently driving both their actions. Urd, also was of the opinion that perhaps Mirajane was right about her and she was willing to be with Naruto simply because he had been nice to her. However, she also knew that her story may be similar to some of the other women bound to him. Women whose stares now were filled with love and devotion, which in turn were returned in the blond's blue eyes whenever he looked at them. Hoping to one day see such a look directed at her she reached up and pulled her dress from her shoulders, and let it fall around her to pool at her feet.

Standing before him naked except for her panties, she watched him drink in her body. The lust in his gaze while still present seemed to take a backseat as the light she had seen directed to the other women began to appear in it. Meeting her eyes he said, "Urd, you're beautiful. Almost like a goddess given form. Are you sure you want to be with me? You've only experienced a few months of life. Do you really want to tie your path to mine so soon?"

Urd felt touched at his question as it only highlighted how he viewed her as more than just a piece of his ambition. She stepped out of her clothes on the ground and wrapped her arms around his neck as she met his warm gaze with one she was positive many of his other lovers reserved for him. The words she spoke next surprised her only because they came forth without her dedicating any thought to crafting them, which she reasoned was because they came from her heart. "I might be younger than even Nel appears, and I haven't experienced much of the outside world. But, you don't need experience to know when you want something. In time perhaps I might feel I acted rashly, but the good thing about tying my path to yours is that I have the benefit of seeing the other women who have been walking it much longer then me. Based on them, something tells me I'll have no regrets. So, if you'll have me…I'm yours."

Naruto pulled Urd off her feet to carry her in his arms before sealing his lips with hers again. Carrying her onto the bed he laid her down gently and pulled away to take off his jacket and unbutton his shirt. Lying beside her, he lowered his face to hers and was pleased when she raised up to place her lips against his. The two kissed lightly as Naruto began to rub her stomach in circular motions that started small but gradually grew bigger. She moaned as his hand made contact with the underside of her tit causing him to grab and squeeze it.

Urd responded by seeking out his still exposed dick and wrapping her hand around it. She then began to stroke it gingerly. His already stiff manhood seemed to turn to steel within her grip causing him to moan from her gentle caress. Not one to be outdone, Naruto pulled his hand from her tit to begin rubbing her mound over her panties. Their kissing grew heavier and heavier as their bodies began to move of their own accord as they attempted to help their partner please them.

Urd's desire to know what it would be like to have him inside her got the best of her as she said, "I…I want this inside me."

Naruto pulled away to lie on his back as he replied, "Then by all means."

Urd licked her lips as her gaze zeroed in on his tower of flesh. Getting to her knees, she pulled the string of her panties untying the knots holding them up. Naruto's mouth watered at the sight as the front of her undergarment fell away to reveal her wet pussy and the small upside down triangle of trimmed white hair above it. Urd straddled him as she grabbed his dick and lined it up with her entrance. It took her a moment to work up the courage to force it passed her nether lips, but when she did she plunged down ripping her hymen. She yelled out in pain as tears gathered at the corner of her eyes. She remained still until the discomfort began to fade, but then slowly began to move her hips.

Naruto placed his hands on them as he let Urd set her own pace and once he was sure the pain of her deflowering had faded began to meet her downward thrusts with his own. Urd's cries grew in volume as she began to thrust herself down his pole with increased vigor. "M-my hips…they're moving on their own," she cried as she threw her head back while her hands reached back to gripe his thighs.

Naruto's hands slid up her body until they reached her tits which he fondled causing her to moan even louder. Urd bottomed out on his dick and began rocking her hips back and forth as she ground her clit against him. She tried to hold back, as while she needed to experience the promise of pleasure that was building inside her. She also didn't want to cum alone. Naruto however helped her along as he rolled her over suddenly so that she was on her back and then began thrusting into her powerfully. Urd's feet locked behind his ass of their own accord as his thrusts hit her deeply each time he was fully buried in her.

He brought his lips near her ear and whispered, "Don't hold back on my account. Go ahead and cum. I want to see you explode in pleasure."

Naruto then pulled back as he stared at Urd as he continued to knock at the entrance of her womb. She couldn't hold back any further as her floodgates failed and a tidal wave of pleasure coursed through her. Naruto stopped as he watched her face turn into a mask of pure delight as he felt her pussy attempt to coax his seed from him. He rode out her wave, until she relaxed beneath him.

Lowering himself back down so that his chest was pressed against hers, he pushed some of her hair from her face. The gentle gesture pulled Urd back to reality causing her to say, "I'm sorry…"


"Y-you didn't cum," Urd said guessing Naruto hadn't been pleased with her, "I know I'm not as skilled as some…"

"Shh," Naruto said and then prompted her silence by kissing her. Smiling at her, he said, "Nothing gives me greater pleasure than knowing I pleased you." Naruto began to pull out of her causing her to moan, but he then slid forward again as he added, "I wanted to give back some of the pleasure that you gave me earlier with that blowjob. I still have plenty of vigor; I hope the same holds true for you."

Receiving Urd's nod, Naruto began pumping his length inside of her in earnest once more. He pulled her up with him as he got to his knees where he aided her in riding his pole while sucking on her nipple. Urd's arms wrapped themselves around his head as she pulled him against her tit so that he could suck more of it in his mouth. Before she knew it though, she was experiencing another orgasm which caused her to lose her grip on him. She slipped from his grasp and off his cock as she fell back onto the bed as her newest glimpse of the white world of pleasure left her weak.

"Incredible," she breathed as she tried to move but couldn't.

"It's not over yet," Naruto said spinning her over and pulling her ass into the air. Getting to his feet he crouched behind her upturned ass and with a thrust buried his dick inside her once more. Urd moaned loudly into the silken gray sheet over the bed which matched the coverings of the couch surrounding it as Naruto squeezed her asscheeks while he fucked her with deep and energetic thrusts. Urd's knees slipped from under her due to the lingering weakness she felt from the previous orgasms and her approaching third. Naruto followed her hips down as he just kept pounding away as he drove her into the mattress. Urd's vision turned white again as her third release was the most powerful which she attributed to the feeling of Naruto's seed being injected into her womb as he buried his dick fully inside her while straddling her hips. She let out a loud scream of "AHHHH!!!! I'm cumming again!!!!"

Naruto pulled out as he said sublimely, "That was incredible my sweet Goddess!!!" However the only reply he received was Urd's snoring as the last orgasm proved too much for her rendering her unconscious. Naruto looked for a blanket to cover her and him with, but he guessed whatever his lovers had intended the area for it hadn't been for sleeping.

Still one was tossed to him as Toka stepped in saying, "I guess that was the signal that she is finished."

Naruto chuckled as he created a shadow clone which took the blanket and covered both Urd and it since the jinchuriki figured his lovers weren't done with him yet. "Well you did tell her to scream," he said before kissing Urd on the cheek, he stood from the bed to grab his discarded clothes.

He stopped as Toka replied, "You won't be needing those." Holding the curtain open she said, "Please follow me." Naruto followed behind her as she made her way for the door that led to the room between his current location and the master bedroom. Wondering what else his lovers had in store for them as they were hiding their chakra signatures; he let his thoughts turn to the one that he could still feel as he felt the only thing that would make the night even better was if the rift between them was gone.


"My, it's seems rather deserted tonight," Kurenai said as she ate the meal that Miya had prepared. She could tell the purple haired landlady had not received any help from Naruto as while it was edible it lacked the taste the meals that he helped her with usually contained.

"Who cares," Anko said with a great deal more emotion than the red-eyed woman would normally think was warranted.

Kurenai watched as her friend ate and had to admit that even her presence at the communal dining table seemed strange since Anko often avoided eating with the others. Looking around the table which currently just consisted of her, Miya and Anko, she was forced to admit that was an aspect of her behavior that seemed to be holding true. She wondered what was bothering her friend. She felt bad that she really had no inclination since for a while the two had not been keeping tabs on one another.

A part of the reason had been due to her marriage to Asuma as she had tried to build a family with him, while Anko seemed to have started a relationship of her own. Kurenai's felt herself grow a little warm as she remembered the moans that had drifted into her bedroom from the apartment next door as Anko's mysterious lover had obviously done an excellent job of pleasing her. Kurenai had meant to speak to Anko about it until she realized that her friend had likely heard hers as she and Asuma had tried to conceive a child. A part of her had wondered if Anko's cries had been a form of payback for the nights Kurenai had kept her awake.

On a few occasions, after a night where Anko's lover had visited her, Kurenai had woken up early to try and catch a glimpse of the man as he left the apartment. But, however he left it was in a way that Kurenai couldn't spot from her windows. She had considered asking, but due to how she had kept her own marriage a secret for so long she didn't feel that she had the right.

At first Kurenai was worried that perhaps Anko's lover was one of the many casualties from Pain's Invasion, but due to her own issues her friend was grieving alone so as not to stir up any unpleasant memories for her. She had brought her concerns to Yuugao, but the Anbu Captain had dismissed them. She had instead suggested that it was likely that Anko and her lover were simply in the middle of an argument. The sureness of Yuugao's explanation had made Kurenai wonder if the Anbu knew who Anko was seeing, but when she had pried the woman had quickly turned the subject.

"Can you stop that?" Anko said to her pulling Kurenai from her thoughts.
