
56: The Snakes among the Flowers 2

Samui entered her apartment after returning home to Kumogakure. She had checked on her teammates and as usual was only partially surprised that they hadn't killed each other when she wasn't around. Having also scheduled a training exercise with them for the next day, she moved to her answering machine to see if there were any other pressing matters that had come up while she had been away which might force her to reschedule. Pressing the button, she listened with half an ear as her brother left several messages each one growing more and more worried as his hot tempered personality got him worked up over the idea that Naruto might have done something improper and unwanted to her once they were alone. She smiled as he was only partially right as Atsui would undoubtedly define her relationship with Naruto as improper, but it was in no way unwanted.

She received a break from the deluge of calls from her brother as she had received one from the doctor that she had visited just before leaving Kumo. "Hello Samui," her doctor began, "Um, I'm just calling to inform you that you've missed your appointment for your breast reduction surgery. I checked with Mabui and she's informed me that you are out of the village on a mission. I'm afraid that if you want to reschedule you're probably looking at..."

"Message deleted," her machine stated as she hit the button to erase it. She smiled to herself as she thought, "I don't think that will be required." She then let her memory carry her back to her last night in Konoha before escorting another wagon back to Kumo along with Sakura and Matsuri.

Naruto laid his head back on the circular couch in the draped off area of Club N and groaned, "Fuck Samui, don't stop working those tits over my cock."

"I won't," Samui said as she continued to slide her soft globes over his length.

Naruto groaned and pulled the other two women present closer to him as he said, "How does it feel to have Mabui and Hinata watching as you give me your first tittie fuck?"

Samui looked up to meet Naruto's eyes as she replied enticingly, "It's making me so wet. Please cum, I want to feel your dick inside me."

"That all depends on you," Naruto said. He groaned pleasantly again as his words enticed Samui to begin working her tits harder and faster over his dick. He fought back his desire to coat her large mounds in his seed as she worked one tit up his manhood while she brought the other down. When that didn't work though, she squeezed her breasts together around his dick and then began pumping her tits up and down before lowering her mouth to his tip which she sucked on.

Naruto began pumping his hips as he struggled not to cum even as his actions made the feat harder to achieve. His other two lovers leaned in to further test him as they began to kiss and lick his chest before each began to suck on his nipples. "Oh fuck!" Naruto grunted as he began to erupt, prompting Samui to let him slip from her lips as she smashed her tits around the tip of his cock to contain the spurts of his seed.

Naruto sagged back into the cushions of the couch as his dick finished painting Samui pale tits even whiter. Samui sat back on her heels as she licked up the small pool of cum that had risen through her cleavage before she let go of her breasts showing all of Naruto's seed to the other two women. She moaned as Hinata slid from the couch to kneel on the floor in order to lick the blonde woman's chest free of their shared lover's cum.

Mabui smiled at the sight before focusing on Naruto to say, "You've certainly lived up to my expectations."

Naruto sat entranced as he watched Samui capture Hinata's face in order to pull the Hyuuga into a kiss. His dick twitched as he saw them pass his cum between them, but tore his gaze away to look at Mabui to reply, "I hope that always remains the case."

Mabui licked her lips finding that her desire for the man only continued to grow the more time she spent with him. Growing wetter as she watched Samui and Hinata begin to finger each other as their tongue's continued to twirl about each other's, she climbed on top of her lover and said, "Keep it up and I'll see to it that more kunoichi of Kumo come to know pleasure at your hands." Grabbing his dick and lining it up with her entrance she sighed as she sank down his pole while stating, "There's a Kunoichi swordsmith named Shigure Kosaka whom you would be a perfect match for."

Naruto groaned as he sunk into Mabui warm center before responding, "Why's that?"

"S-she's a bit of a loner, but I'm sure it's just because of her not growing up around a lot of people," Mabui said while rising up and down his length, "Her adoptive father spent most of his time away from Kumo in the wilderness while honing his and her skills as a swordsmith."

Before Mabui could go into more, she moaned loudly as she felt a tongue begin to lick her asshole. Looking over her shoulder she was greeted to the sight of Samui with her lower face buried between the cheeks of her ass. Samui pulled her mouth away to slide a finger into the Raikage assistant's tight hole causing her to groan as her finger rubbed inside her in time with Naruto's dick. Giving Mabui a look of lust Samui said, "Perhaps you should let this Kumogakure kunoichi show her appreciation before plotting the next."

Mabui nodded as she moaned out again as Naruto leaned up to suck on her nipple while squeezing her other tit. Her cries were muffled as Hinata climbed onto the couch and sealed her lips to the white haired woman's. The Hyuuga's own moans mixed with Mabui's as Naruto used his free hand to slide two fingers into the blue-haired kunoichi's wet and gripping snatch. Mabu's cunt began to quiver around Naruto's manhood as she came due to the combined attention of the three.

She broke free of Hinata's lips to cry out as she came a second time as Naruto filled her womb with his seed. Her strength left her so she fell to the side aware that the two other kunoichi also wanted a shot at Naruto's dick. However, once he was free, Samui and Hinata instead kneeled on either side of Naruto and pressed their tits against each other around his still hard cock.

Naruto immediately began pumping his hips between the two women who also rubbed their nipples against each. The jinchuriki reached down to grab his two lovers by the back of their heads to encourage them to kiss, which they did eagerly and wetly coating their tits and his cock in their saliva. He began pumping his hips harder between the two marshmallow like canyons.

He soon exploded hitting the two kissing women in the chins before they separated and stuck out their tongues to try and catch his release as it fell back down. The cum they missed coated their tits causing the two women to take turns licking each other's tits clean.

Samui ended her recollection as she recalled Naruto standing and pulling her and Hinata onto the bed that lay at the center of the draped off area. He had then had Samui lay on her back and Hinata stand on all fours over her before taking turns fucking each of their holes. After depositing a load into each of them, Hinata had then sucked him back on the couch as a recovered Mabui and Samui rubbed their pussies against each other on the round bed.

Samui smiled to herself as she again thought, "Yes, I definitely will not be needing to reschedule." Her thoughts then turned to her red-headed teammate whom she was aware had a few insecurities with her body as well. Which while they only appeared whenever Omoi made a comment about how her breasts dwarfed Karui's. Samui was sure that after a night with Naruto the fiery red-head would never be bothered by a thoughtless comment from their teammate again. Finding that she had her own kunoichi that she wanted to introduce Naruto to, Samui began mapping a way to bring the two of them together while heading to her shower since her recalling her last time with Naruto had left her in need of a fresh pair of underwear.


Muffled moans drifted off the wall of the large bedroom, which although rather quiet due to the dick buried in the moaning woman's throat, wouldn't have alerted any of the few remaining servants passing through the palace due to the seals placed over the room. The woman wore an eyeless mask that covered her entire head and forced her mouth to remain open no matter how she gagged as the naked man in front of her forced his length down her throat.

He gripped her head possessively as wires wrapped over a beam in the ceiling forced her arms up over her head due to them being tied to manacles around her wrists and which prevented her from collapsing even as she came from the two large vibrators buried in her ass and pussy. "Take it you fucking slut," the man said as he forced his entire cock into her throat and held it their cutting off her ability to breath. As the seconds wore on, and her struggles to breathe grew more pronounced his enjoyment grew even more. He finally pulled back causing the woman to gasp as she tried to suck as much air into her lungs as she could quite aware that at any moment he'd plunge back inside.

However, the next assault never came as the man's attention was pulled to the window. His eyes grew wide as he saw a red haze off in the distance which he recognized as the home of the Hidden Flower Village. The man freed the woman from the wires holding her up as he said in a kind voice, "Something is wrong. I have to go investigate."

The woman tried to speak, but her abused throat and tired arms wouldn't let her so she only nodded.

The man quickly dressed in his shinobi gear before disappearing as silently from the room as he had arrived. He quickly traversed the few miles that separated Hidden Flower from the Land of Vegetable's capital, and as he did, felt his dread rising as the potent chakra filling the air became more oppressive.

Reaching his village, Yurinojō gasped as he found his people slaughtered along with some unknown shinobi that appeared to be the attackers. The attackers wore masks that covered everything but their eyes, nose, and hair. He could hear the sounds of battle coming from deeper in the village so made his way there while easily cutting down a few of the opponents he came across. However, reaching the center of his village his blood ran cold as he spotted what he could only describe as some kind of demon. It was coated in a blood red chakra and had six tails flaying about behind it as it stood on all fours. A Flower kunoichi leapt from a nearby rooftop and plunged a blade into the demons back but she stared down in shock as her blade failed to pierce it and broke instead. Before she could leap away a tail stabbed into her back and exploded out of her chest as it effortlessly tossed her corpse away. It then raised a clawed hand and swiped a shinobi that appeared to be well outside its range but the arm elongated allowing the creature to cut the man in half.

"You damn monster," The Village leader shouted as he charged the creature that looked at him showing its bright white eyes to the Flower Shinobi. Eyes he targeted as he flashed through several handsigns causing the flowers around him to fly towards the creature like shuriken. The hardened flowers hit their mark of the creature's eyes and which resembled a humanoid fox as Yurinojō was able to study it closer. But the shuriken like flowers did little but annoy it.

It swiped at the man as he pulled a blade and slashed it across the face to little effect. The creature's attack proved more devastating cutting him in half at the waist, but rather than blood, flower petals poured from the remains. Each one of which contained a small exploding tag which ignited around the creature.

Yurinojō remained on guard as the dust settled from the explosion, but his blood ran cold as when it did he saw a massive ball of chakra appearing in front of the creature's mouth. It swallowed the ball before bulging up and then firing the jutsu at him. The jutsu razed several buildings in close proximity as it closed with him. Just before the jutsu hit he said regretfully, "I'm sorry I failed you Lady Haruna," and was then obliterated as were a good portion of the remaining buildings.


Naruto and Fuu traveled at the front of Team Kakashi, which comprised of him, Fuu, Sakura, Toka, and of course Kakashi. The other three were spread out behind them with Sakura in the middle of the formation while Toka and Kakashi brought up the rear. Kakashi's reason for keeping Naruto and Fuu in front was due to the strenuous pace that the team was traveling at, they were likely the least fatigued and thus the most alert.

Having passed through the countries of Rain, Stone, and soon the Land of Birds in a third of the time it normally would have taken, Kakashi believed that if not for the rest of the Team's presence Naruto would have already completed the journey to the Land of Vegetables. Recognizing that the border to Vegetable was approaching Kakashi called for his team to rest.

Dropping to the ground, he saw that even the normally composed Toka looked as if she wanted to thank him for calling the rest break. Naruto as he expected was less so as he said, "Kakashi-sensei, I understand the need to take a rest. But let me go on ahead to scout out the situation."

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," Kakashi said accepting a canteen from Sakura and chuckling internally as he noted all his team members perking up as he reached for his mask. However, instead of pulling it down, he pulled it out and tilted his head back to drink from the canteen once more disappointing his squad. Passing the water to Toka, he continued, "Keep in mind that Lady Tsunade was extremely hesitant to send you and Fuu on this mission. The rumors that we've heard that it appears to be either a Bijuu or Jinchuriki behind the Flower Village's destruction would seem to be an attempt to lay the blame on Konoha or Kumogakure."

Naruto growled in his throat annoyed as he said, "I know. I also understand that she believes it could be Kabuto hoping to lure me out again, or even Tobi trying to entice the people who attacked him and made off with the Demonic Statue to reveal themselves. It could even be Iwa hoping to destabilize Vegetable country like it had the Land of Noodles so it can annex it. But we aren't going to figure any of that out here resting."

"Relax Naruto," Kakashi said calmly, "Even as fast as we've traveled it still took two days to reach here. But we haven't heard of anything happening to the capital so conquest doesn't appear to be the goal here. It might simply be a case of one of Vegetable's neighbors not being pleased that it tried to reestablish the Hidden Flower Village."

Toka looked questioning at Kakashi to ask, "What do you mean reestablish?"

"The Hidden Flower Village was originally founded a few years after Konoha and the other major villages," Kakashi explained. "However, The Land of Claws was not pleased by this so demanded that Vegetable disband the village, a war between the two countries erupted after they refused. After several years of war, Claws formed a pact with Honey and used its Samurai to crush Hidden Flower. In the resulting treaty, Vegetable Country agreed to disband the Flower village and in return Claw Country promised to defend them during any conflicts that arose. To seal this pact, the first born of Vegetable's Daimyo is sent to live among Claw's nobility as a political hostage for a set number of years."

"Why didn't Claw Country help when the Three Criminal brothers attacked?" Naruto asked with a frown.

Kakashi shrugged as he replied, "The Daimyo of Claw likely viewed it as an internal struggle since the Criminal Brothers bribed Vegetable's own ministers to turn against their Daimyo. He also likely felt that he might be able to grow his own Country by stepping in and quelling the chaos after the Criminal Brothers killed the rightful rulers of Vegetable. Whatever the case, Lady Haruna used Claw's lack of action as a means to declare the Treaty null and void and as such, reestablished the Hidden Flower Village."

Naruto nodded, but stated, "Still, even if this is just Claw's delayed response to the reestablishment of Hidden Flower. We can't assume that they don't have more far reaching plans."

Kakashi chuckled, but then whipped a kunai at Naruto that sailed just by the jinchuriki's ear. Before Naruto could ask if his teacher had lost his mind, he heard a gurgle behind him as the kunai embedded itself in the throat of a shinobi that had been creeping up on him. Team Seven leapt towards the center of their camp placing their backs against one another as Kakashi said, "The other reason I called for us to stop was because I picked up the scent of some shinobi tailing us and wanted to see what their intentions were."

"You could have said something," Naruto stated as more and more shinobi appeared. All the men wore the strange masks that he recalled the Watari rank and file had worn when they had menaced Bird Country several years earlier just before he left on his training trip.

Kakashi chuckled as he said, "But then you might not have complained loudly enough to encourage these guys to try and attack us before nightfall."

Naruto could only shake his head in amusement as Sakura giggled before cheerfully saying, "You have to admit Kakashi-sensei has you there."

"Fine, I admit I walked into that one." Turning serious he asked, "What the hell are the Watari doing here? We kicked these clowns' asses when they tried to take over Bird."

"True," Kakashi stated, "But, despite their leaders still being imprisoned, Konoha picked up rumors that a new group had been calling itself that lately. It's probably made up of some of the original members."

"Fuu does not think that their presence here is a coincidence," the former host of the Seven-tails stated.

"Nor do I," Kakashi agreed, "Let's make this quick but leave some alive for questioning."

Naruto charged forward as the Watri in the trees threw kunai and shuriken at the shinobi of Team Seven. Using one of his chakra blades, he sliced through the sword of a Watari that had approached before following up with a roundhouse kick to the man's head that spun him over. As his opponent landed on the ground, he stomped the man on the chest cracking his ribs before using him as a spring board to leap into the trees to attack several shinobi there who were throwing shuriken.

Sakura had a more direct method as she sent the body of an opponent, unfortunate enough to be hit by her fist, sailing through the tree branch where several men had been perched. A few men tumbled from the tree, but three of the Watari tried to leap towards another branch. However, Fuu still able to use the wings of Seven's Bijuu body caught two of them by their shirts and used the tail that represented the Bijuu's seventh to wrap it around the third man's neck.

Fuu then flew skyward smashing the top of the third man's head into a tree branch breaking his neck. Reaching a height far above the forest, she let the other two men go and let gravity do the rest before diving back down. Zipping through the branches, she pulled a kunai and sliced through several of the Watari's necks, but was tackled by a one of them from behind. The man wrapped his arms around her neck which he tried to snap even as they fell to the ground, but a shouted, "Get your fucking hands off of her," was all the warning her attacker received as Naruto appeared in a red flash. The blond jinchuriki smashed his fist into the man's face knocking him loose and then kicked him down to the earth as he used him to leap to a branch.

Several men tried to hit the pair with shuriken, but Fu blinded them as she exhaled a fine power which brightened like miniature suns. While they were obscured from view, Fu kissed Naruto's cheek as she whispered, "Fu is so going to make you feel good for saving her."

She then leapt away appearing from the dust to throw a pair of kunai which hit her opponents in the neck and eye respectively. A horn sounded causing the remaining members of the Watari to quickly disperse into the woods.

Looking around at the carnage of the short battle, Toka said, "I thought the idea was to take prisoners." Naruto had to gawk as she stood next to a dozen men tied together while still under her genjutsu's effects.

The other members of Team Kakashi looked at each other as even Kakashi had been unable to go lightly on his opponents. Naruto heard a soft groan and smiled as he grabbed the man whose ribs he had broken while triumphantly stating, "I took one too."

Toka smiled at her lover before approaching to say, "Well seeing as he's already injured. I doubt we'll have to press too hard to get some answers." She then pressed her foot against the man's ribs causing him to scream. Kneeling in front of him she said, "I'm sure that hurt. Now imagine a genjutsu in which that pain only grows and grows until you beg me to end it. That is what lies in store for you unless you tell us who sent you and if you had anything to do with the destruction that befell the Hidden Flower Village."

"Go to hell bitch," the man spit out, "The Watari have no need to fear you. Our new leader is a..."

The ground began to rumble causing Kakashi to warn, "Get away!"

Immediately his team leapt to the trees even as the ground around the injured shinobi opened up to swallow him and his captured companions. The sinkhole slammed close almost immediately, crushing the Watari in the earth and taking their secrets with them.

"Shit," Naruto cursed angrily.

"We should get moving," Kakashi stated calmly, "This attack had all the markings of an enemy trying to figure out our strengths. We can likely expect several more ambushes along the way."


A woman watched as the chakra dots representing Team Seven moved over her scroll as they continued to head towards the Vegetable capital. Addressing the man watching over her shoulder she said, "Tell the remaining Watari ambush teams to retreat. There's nothing to be gained by attacking them any further."

"You mean besides wearing them down?" the man said annoyed at being ordered around by the weakest member that made up the current Watari leadership.

The woman sighed annoyed before explaining, "Leader still requires several days to heal from his attack on Flower Village as a result of his jutsu. Even if we used all the remaining men, they'd hardly stop the Konoha-nin from reaching Vegetable's Capital, and more importantly, they'd hardly be enough to force them to reveal more than they already have. Now if you wish to take a squad and go slow them down. Then by all means do so, I'd gladly share the news of your death with Leader."

"I'm sure you would," the man said with a growl. "But attacking a bunch of Leaf-nin in the capital does not strike me as a smart plan even with Leader leading the charge."

"Which is why you should leave the strategies to me, luring them out into the open is going to be easy. Don't forget that the goal of this operation is capturing the nine-tailed jinchuriki; all the nonsense about taking over Vegetable Country that we've sold the Watari is just to secure their loyalty."

"And to provide some corpses for my jutsu," the man said amused before disappearing into the ground and was followed by the woman as they returned to their base of operations.


Yuugao watched as Neji scanned the cave with his Byakugan active. Canceling his jutsu he said, "I'm afraid that I cannot see if there is anything within that flower bud at the end of the cave. It's the focal point of some massive chakra though and is being fed by some of these flowers."

"What do you mean?" the Anbu captain asked uneasily.

Neji picked up on her agitation, but answered calmly, "All the flowers' roots are connected. The blue colored flowers seem to be gathering chakra and passing it to the bud in the cave via the root system. That's also the reason that if you disturb them the yellow ones react as well."

Yuugao frowned as she asked, "So, even if we seal the cave it might not put a stop to whatever that chakra is feeding."

"It's hard to say," Neji admitted, "The massive blue flowers in the cave are supplying far more chakra then the blue ones outside of it. Sealing the cave and depriving them of sunlight might cause them to die and thus starve the flower receiving it all. But any barrier strong enough to adequately seal the cave's entrance will also hamper me from being able to see the chakra flow inside."

Yuugao nodded, but replied, "Be that as it may. I don't want to leave the cave unsealed to find out what that chakra is being used for. We'll use the Stone Tomb barrier, it'll make the stone of the entire cave impassable. Whatever that flower does give birth to won't be able to pass through it."

"Give birth," Neji said surprised.

Yuugao ignored him as she ordered her Anbu to create a stone barrier over the mouth of the cave. A bear masked Anbu pressed his hands to the ground in front of the cave where the flowers had been cleared away during Yuugao's last visit. Being mindful of the flowers on either side, a wall of stone rose from the ground like a drawbridge before slamming up against the entrance. Yuugao then approached and placed a tag that she had asked Mito to create. The stone barrier flashed for a moment as the jutsu hardened it and the bedrock that made up the cave. She then stepped back and nodded to two more of her Anbu who placed more tags against the stone door; the tags they affixed were outwardly exploding paper bombs to dissuade anyone from tampering with the barrier.

When they were finished, she turned her attention to three more Anbu as she ordered, "You three are to remain here and report anything strange that happens. You'll be relieved in thirty days by another squad. I'll also want weekly reports sent to Konoha."

"How long are you planning to have us keep watch over a bunch of flowers?" a hawk mask wearing Anbu asked as he had been one of the three selected to remain behind.

"Forever if need be," Yuugao stated before directing the rest of her team and Neji to follow her. Leaving the cave behind, Yuugao considered returning with the Bijuu and having them wipe the cave out of existence. But afraid of what the Jofuku flowers would conjure from the Bijuu's memories she rejected the idea. But she couldn't escape the feeling that the cave was not something that was going to remained seal forever, and considering her potentially long life might be something that she would still find herself dealing with at a later date. She just prayed to have a few centuries under her belt beforehand.


Naruto pulled Fu's body to his chest as he pumped her full of his seed. The two of them were currently on the roof of the castle that sat at the center of the rather small village which made up the capital. The castle sat on top of a carved base of stone that was made up of two levels with the bottom one being larger than the top. The buildings located on the first level were dedicated to the few samurai that protected the castle, while the larger building on top was for the Daimyo's use with a separate building off to the side dedicated for the servants that worked there. Laid out in front of the castle was the rest of the village which was made up of homes and businesses that supported the citizens.

It had been two days since Team Kakashi had arrived and they had yet to find any sign of who had attacked the Flower Village. They couldn't even confirm that the Watari had been involved as there had been no bodies to be found, only burnt out homes.

Naruto stared up at the moon as he held Fu in his arms, who after coming down from her orgasm resumed the conversation they had been having, "Are you still disappointed by the welcome you received from Haruna?"

Naruto sighed having tried to distract Fu from her inquiry by giving her several orgasm, but guessing she wasn't going to give up stated, "I guess so. I can definitely understand it since while there is hope for Yurinojō and his shinobi to still be alive. Having seen that Earth Jutsu that swallowed up the Watari, it might just be that we didn't look deep enough. But still, she treated us so coldly when we arrived it was almost like how she had acted when I first met her."

"Perhaps that is just her natural state of being," Fu responded. "Fu does not know if she could be so happy sounding as you made her appear if most of her life was spent as a hostage, even if she had run into you."

"I guess that makes sense," Naruto admitted although he did recall that Haruna had sent him a G-ranked mission several years back. He considered that perhaps her less than warm response to his arrival now was due to the fact that it had taken an emergency for him to visit. If she had been hurt by his in ability to visit sooner, then he doubted she would be very pleased to learn it was because he had been busy building a harem of lovers.

Still, he didn't quite understand why it seemed that she was actively avoiding him since he had only been allowed in the same room as her twice outside of when she had greeted them and both times it had been as she addressed her court. She would then quickly retire to her chambers which she rarely emerged from. He wondered if it was due to her mourning the loss of her friend Yurinojō, but he didn't think that entirely explained her strange behavior.

Fu climbed off of him to crawl to the edge of the roof, Naruto was tempted to follow if only to plug the hole where his cum was leaking from once more. But Fu looked back and seeing where his eyes were glued pulled down her skirt before waiving him over. Putting his dick away, he crawled next to her and peered over the edge to see what had attracted his lover's attention.

He saw a cloaked person holding a lantern sneak out the back of the castle to head towards the edge of the stone mesa that the castle rested on. Naruto frowned since the only set of stairs down to the next level were located in front, also finding the behavior suspect, he leapt down to follow the person while wondering if they were somehow related to the Watari or whoever had destroyed Hidden Flower.

Following stealthily, he and Fu watched as the lantern disappeared over the edge. Waiting a handful of seconds, they moved to follow and found a bunch of vines growing out the rock. The vines almost appeared to grow out like rungs of a ladder making him doubt they were natural, but still found it strange as a shinobi wouldn't need something like that to descend the wall. Dropping to the next level they found a similar makeshift ladder towards the back of the plateau. Naruto wondered if it was some sort of emergency escape path for the nobility should the castle fall, but if so knew that not just anyone would know of it's existence seeing as they were grown to blend in with the other vegetation.

He caught sight of the lantern heading into the woods behind the second level so quickly resumed his pursuit. The person holding the lantern obviously knew their way through the forest as they moved almost soundlessly as they circled around the base to head into the village. Reaching the end of the forest, the person blew out the light before setting it down and proceeding. Naruto and his lover had to remain stealthy at first, but as they moved further and further away from the castle the neighborhood grew rougher and more taverns began to appear. The cloaked person easily moved through the increasingly denser crowd as people searched for the right place to drink the night away.

The cloaked person approached one such person or so the man appeared, since Naruto felt he could be a contact of some kind, before whispering something to him. He nodded before following the cloaked person down a dark alley. Naruto and Fu followed them down it where they saw the cloak person pressing something into the man's hand. Naruto was about to burst out to confront them believing the person to be a spy, but his theory turned sideways when the man quickly pocketed the item and then grabbed the cloak person by the throat and slammed the person against the wall. The man then began slapping the cloaked person across the face causing Naruto to see the person wore a mask even as the whimper he heard let him understand it was a woman.

He heard the man say, "You're for real slut," before pressing his mouth against the woman's.

He ripped the woman's cloak open but Naruto fearing he was about to watch a woman get raped shouted, "Get away from her!"

He heard the woman give off a startled cry even as the man's tough demeanor cracked and he said, "What!?" Seeing Naruto charging towards him he panicked saying, "Whoa now...it's not what you think. This bitch paid me to treat her like a slut."

He pulled out what he had been handed just as Naruto grabbed him by the throat and forced him up against the wall. The item slipped from his hand but Fu bent over to pick it up revealing that the item was a wad of Ryo. Letting the man go he said, "Get lost!"

The man quickly took his advice running out of the alley as Naruto turned to see the cloaked woman holding herself in a small ball trying not to be seen. Naruto knelt down next to her and turned her face to his and pulling the mask free asked surprised if not shocked, "Haruna, what's going on?"

"I... I didn't want you to see me like this," Haruna said holding her cloak about her although from what he could see she was wearing some sort of leather outfit which exposed her breasts.

Naruto soothed her saying, "It's okay. Just tell me what's going on." Hearing the man returning with some samurai while mentioning how he had been mugged, Naruto added, "But let's go someplace a little more private." A moment later the three of them disappeared in a red flash leaving the man to have to explain to several annoyed samurai that he wasn't drunk enough to make up such a story.


Haruna felt ashamed as Naruto stared at her in her leather outfit once he had returned her to her bedroom. That feeling only made the desire to have her pussy pounded all the harder to ignore. Still, having grown used to needing to hide that portion of her away to deal with the affairs of her country, called on that stately side of herself to say, "Thank you for getting me out there."

"Sure, but why would you sneak out of the castle to pay a stranger to have sex with you?" Naruto asked as he sat down on a chair while Fu settled into his lap.

Haruna was surprised by the display as Naruto linked his arms around the kunoichi's waist, but ignored it as she explained, "It's because I couldn't ignore my desire to be used as some one's personal cum dump any longer." Naruto and Fu looked at each other in surprise, but Haruna continued "As you know I was sent to live with the Daimyo of Claw in order to honor our treaty with them. It was during that time that I fell under the influence of a man who used me as his sexual plaything."

"The Daimyo," Naruto asked feeling his anger beginning to boil.

Haruna scoffed as she said humorlessly, "No, that man would much rather read his Make-Out series of novels then deal with the affairs of state. He told me that he didn't even care if Vegetable reestablished the Hidden Flower Village as that was his grandfather's fight. He had his hands full trying to keep his people from reigniting the old feuds that they had with Fang Country." Haruna sighed as she said, "No, he turned me over to a relatively low ranked noble to ensure my safe keeping, a man by the name of Sasugaki Kunitake. Little did he realize that the man is ambitious as they come and has dealings with all sorts of underhanded people."

"What kind of people?" Naruto asked.

"He didn't let me know, what I have gathered I overheard when he would talk to these people after they used me and thought I was unconscious."

"Used you," Naruto said his anger easy to hear.

"It was my own fault," Haruna stated looking away able to tell how much Naruto cared for the woman in his arms from the way he held her. "I allowed myself to be seduced by a snake. I told myself at first it was get back at my father for abandoning me. Sasugaki was exceedingly charming and incredibly handsome, and I thoroughly enjoyed those first few times with him." A small hitch appeared in Haruna's voice as she continued, "But then he began to make certain requests, nothing too unreasonable at first like tying me up or dripping hot wax on me. I even came to enjoy it, but then he just invited some of his friends to watch and when I tried to put my foot down took me regardless. T-they even joined in. I of course threated to go public, but then he revealed he had recorded everything and would show my father it I did. I felt like a fool. I had even alluded to him that I'd love to tell my father of our relationship early on so he could see what were the results of his abandoning me because a stupid treaty that didn't even matter. But, when faced with it actually happening I caved and from there my life as his sex slave began. I tried to remain defiant, but it only spurned him on as he enjoyed his victories over me while he broke me down a little more each day."

"B-but still you're free of him now aren't you," Naruto asked, "Why continue to subject yourself to such abuse."

"Because I can't stop," Haruna said emotionally and slightly hysterically, "Don't you think I would have if I could?" Again she scoffed as she said, "By the end, I was even disappointed when the call to come home came. I had come to crave being used as little more than a piece of meat. I would have likely gone crawling back to Sasugaki if not for Yurinojō and Kikunojo."

"They knew?" Naruto asked shocked.

Haruna nodded as she explained, "Before the Criminal Brothers attacked Kikunojo stopped me from running back to Sasugaki. When, he found out why, he tried to assassinate him, but Sasugaki was too well protected by that point. He had made some powerful friends many of whom he had me service while masked."


Haruna sighed as she stated, "Kikunojo believed that when I returned to him that Sasugaki would force me admit my desire to be with him and use it as a means for me to marry him. At which point he could have me appoint him as Daimyo."

"Do you still desire to return to him?" Fu asked.

Haruna shook her head as she answered, "No... but I still want to be used... I still crave the humiliation or pleasure through pain that I experienced. Kikunojo helped me deal with those feelings and then he brought along Yurinojō to aid him."

Naruto looked surprised as he realized that Haruna's two guards had kept their Lady's desires in check by using her as she wished. But seeking confirmation said, "You mean they..."

"Would treat me as a receptacle for their lusts," Haruna finished for him and for the first time sounded happy. "They didn't treat me as horribly as Sasugaki, but they gave me what I desired. During the day, I was their Lady, but at night they were my masters. I sometimes treated them cruelly back when I was so horrible to people because I knew they would take it out at me during the night. It was painful when I lost Kikunojo. But, now that I've also lost Yurinojō, I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep a hold of myself. It's only been two days, but already I'm sneaking out trying to put an end to this need of mine. I haven't been able to properly grieve for Yurinojō because he left me in such a state of wanting."

Haruna showed Naruto what she meant as she spread her legs for him showing her pussy through the opening in the leather outfit that she wore. Spreading her wet folds, she began to moan as she said, "Please Naruto. I can see you're with Fu, but I need a cock so bad. Just once should be enough to give me some relief."

Naruto looked away as he replied, "I can't." Haruna groaned as she began to slide her fingers inside of her quickly using four as half her hand began to disappear in her tunnel. Standing Naruto pulled her hand free as he said, "Haruna please stop!"

"Don't you understand that I can't," she replied angrily. She calmed as she asked, "Please let go of me." Doing as she asked Naruto stepped away as Haruna got back to her feet. Moving to her desk, she pulled out a small leather bound journal before explaining, "In a rather isolated wing of the castle is a hidden room where my master Yurinojō would perform his sexual tortures. He kept a journal there that showed his journey to becoming my master. He was uncomfortable with it at first as well, but he eventually grew to enjoy it. Maybe you could as well."

Naruto took the book, before replying, "I don't doubt that is the case. But truthfully I don't want that to happen. I am bound to Fu as you pointed out, but I'm also tied to many other women as well. I like to think that some of my success with my lovers is that I don't derive pleasure from debasing them. Calling them cum dumps or sluts for enjoying sex seems rather hypocritical to me."

"I see," Haruna said obviously disappointed holding her hand out for the book.

Naruto though held onto it as he added, "But there is a woman whom I am bound to that might be able to fulfill your needs and in turn you'll be helping her fulfil some of her own. I'd like to give this book to her."

"Very well," Haruna said, "But I'm not sure how much longer I can hold back my needs."

"Don't worry," Naruto said disappearing in a red flash. Appearing in his apartment a moment later he finished, "I'll be back in a flash." Looking around he said to himself, "Next time finish speaking before Hiraishining."


Anko arrived home feeling pleased with herself and stated the reason aloud as she said, "Five fools broken in a day. Two more and I'll beat Ibiki's personal best." Her senses went on alert as she detected someone else in the apartment. Able to feel Kurenai was out on her nightly run thanks to the locator mark Naruto had placed on her and aware that Yuugao was still outside the village, she pulled a kunai from her pouch. She frowned as she had sensed Naruto's return to the village for a moment before he had dampened his presence. Wondering who else would be foolish enough to break into her home and if her closed door was any indication her room, she moved stealthily to her door. Turning the knob quickly, she pushed the door open and was momentarily blinded as the thief turned on the light.

She didn't pick up any threatening movement so let her eyes adjust and spotting Naruto lying on her bed hissed, "What the fuck do you think you're doing entering my room without permission." She saw the outfit that she had bought when she had tried to dominate Naruto spread out next to him so added, "And to go through my things?"

Naruto ignored her question as he stood from the bed and smirked as she closed the door both trapping her with him and barring his exit. Instead he asked, "That outfit was buried pretty deep in your closet considering your professed desire to dominate someone."

"That's none of your business anymore," Anko stated angrily, "Now answer my question."

"I'm making it my business," Naruto replied calmly. But then he began to approach her and said, "The reason I'm here is to reclaim what's mine."

"W-what's that," Anko said meekly finding her anger suddenly gone as Naruto dominantly approached her.

"You," Naruto said, grabbing her arm and tossing her towards the foot of her bed. As she stumbled towards it, he pulled her trenchcoat from her body and quickly came up behind her to hold her face into the mattress as he said, "I've denied myself your sweet pussy long enough waiting for you to find someone to replace me. That you haven't shows me that you are still mine, and as such still crave my dick. Go ahead tell me I'm wrong and I'll walk away right now."

Anko struggled weakly against his grip, which had she truly wanted to break free of she could have. But offered no further protest than that, therefore Naruto hiked up her skirt and then ripped her panties free of her body. Anko cried out as the underwear dug into her pussy before giving way and tensed as she heard Naruto pull down his fly. She waited for him to pierce her once more, but when it never came began waving her butt back and forth to entice him. Finally Naruto said, "You're not getting it until you tell me you want it."

Anko bit her lip a moment before whispering, "I... I want it."

"What was that?"

"I want it."

"Come on Anko, put some feeling behind it."

"I want it! I want your cock inside me stirring up my insides! Please give it to me!"

"That's what I wanted to hear," Naruto said plunging his dick inside her causing the purple-haired woman to cum immediately.

"Fuck are you cumming already," Naruto said glad to be back inside his long missed lover as her pussy squeezed and cradled his shaft. Reaching down as he pumped his shaft inside her, he ripped the front of her fishnet shirt open causing her tits to spill out. Grabbing them roughly he said, "Your pussy is wrapping around my dick like it was made for it, Anko. Is it?" She moaned as Naruto pulled her nipples, but remained silent so he said, "No answer huh? Maybe you want me to stop now that you've had some release."

That got the response he hoped for as she quickly gasped, "No!" Still Naruto stopped after pushing her hips into the bed to prevent her from moving any. She began tightening and releasing her pussy trying to keep the pleasure going, but when it didn't compare whimpered, "Please, stop teasing me. I already told you I wanted you."

Naruto nearly relented, but held firm and instead slid his hand between her and the mattress to begin teasing her clit. "That you did," Naruto admitted, "but you want me to tease you. Your juices are dripping down your thighs and your cunt is squeezing me like a vice. You know what I want to hear." Naruto pulled his hand from her pussy showing her the wetness he had collect. He held it near her mouth and was pleased as she quickly began to suck on them. He pulled his clean digits free and began to slide out of her as he said, "Perhaps you're not ready yet."

"No!" Anko said causing him to stop. She bit her lip for a moment before stating, "My pussy was made for your cock. I-it's not my pussy but yours, my entire body is for your enjoyment."

Naruto grinned as he said, "Then I'm going to enjoy it thoroughly. Whenever and however I please."

He slammed his hips forward causing Anko to arch her spin as she shouted out, "Yes, I'll do whatever you want. Just don't stop fucking me!"

Naruto quickly put her mind at ease that wasn't going to happen as he began pounding her with long deep thrusts. Anko groaned deeply into her mattress as he got to his feet behind her in a crouch and began pulling her hips back towards him causing his dick to poke her womb on every thrust. The two were so lost in enjoying each other that they were startled as a voice asked, "Anko is everything alright?" Anko shot a alarmed look towards the door as the handle began to turn so that a just returned Kurenai could check on her friend finding the muffled moans a curiosity.

Naruto considered Hirashining them out of the room, but feeling Anko's cunt bear down on him decided on a different tactic. Quickly grabbing his lover up, he carried her to the door and pushed her into it just as Kurenai was pushing it open. It pushed back against the jounin sensei causing her to ask, "What's wrong Anko."

Naruto ground his dick into Anko's pussy as he whispered into her ear, "Tell her the truth." He then thrust his cock inside her causing his purple haired lover to moan loudly.

Naruto could tell Kuernai had no trouble telling what Anko was up to as she more hesitantly asked, "I-Is everything okay."

"Yes," Anko hissed unable to believe how good it felt to have Naruto pounding her cunt with her friend just on the other side of the door. Back in their old apartment buildings they had often been able to hear when one or the other was with their respective lover. But, in the morning neither would call attention to it the next time they saw each other.

"O-okay," Kurenai said preparing to leave.

Yet she was rooted to the spot as Anko moaned, "He's fucking me so good."

Kurenai couldn't stop herself from asking, "Who?"

Anko felt Naruto tense behind her perhaps not expecting the question. She looked over her shoulder for some sign of what Naruto wanted her to say, but didn't receive any so said, "M-my Master!!!" She screamed into the door as she came from having Naruto flood her womb with his cum. She panted as she came down from her release, but then felt her ass getting spread and unsure if Kurenai was still on the other side or not stated, "H-he's taking my ass now. His dick is so big."

Naruto pressed the button to lock the door before pulling Anko off of her feet as he held her by the thighs and began to bounce her on his cock. Anko didn't hold back her cries as he pounded her ass while he effortlessly supported her weight. He soon carried her to the bed letting her feet rest on it so he could use one hand to grope her breast as he buried two of his fingers of the other in her pussy. Getting them slick with her cunt's elixir and his cum, he pulled them free and raised them up to her lips which she eagerly sucked clean.

She turned her face to look at him as she stated, "I...I'm going to cum."

"If I'm your master shouldn't you ask for my permission?"

Anko's eyes lit up as she asked, "Please Master! May I cum?"

Naruto shook his head no as he said, "You can cum when I do."

Anko moaned as she began meeting his thrusts hoping to stimulate Naruto into filling her backside. She became frantic the closer and closer she came to cumming first, but Naruto stopped fighting back his own release and buried his tool inside her. Anko erupted moments after she felt the white hot magma of Naruto's seed filling her ass shouting it out as she screamed, "I'm cumming!!!"

Anko blacked out from the long missed feeling of cumming from Naruto's cock. When she awoke she found herself lying in her bed with her head resting against his stomach as he stroked her hair. She raised it up to stare at him unsure of what to say considering some of the things that had escaped her mouth in the throes of passion. Aware that Naruto might be a little uncomfortable by her calling him master, she said, "Um about that... Master business. I'm not really sure where it came from."

"Did you mean it?" Naruto asked seeing his lover was a little unsure of herself he added, "I was surprised, but I don't mind you using it. I see it as a term of endearment."

"I-it doesn't bother you?"

Naruto sat up as he replied, "Hardly. I see it as being little different then how Ino calls me Lover." He cupped her face as he said, "Does that please you My Pet?"

Anko's eyes lit up at his nickname for her. She smiled as she nodded against his hand before stating, "Then I guess my place was always meant to be submissive to yours."

Naruto inclined his head but replied, "At least in regards to our roles within the Family yes. Yet, the reason I decided to finally reclaim you is because there is a role that I need you to fulfil." Naruto reached for the book that Haruna had given him, and handed it to Anko.

"What's this?"

"That is the journal of a man who was the master of Haruna," Naruto explained causing Anko to look at him in surprise. "I long wanted to bring you back to me Anko and ever since our troubles reached this point I've been thinking on how to do just that. I've done plenty of research on this fetish you're interested in and while what I've seen has more than convinced me that I can't walk down the path you wish to explore. It doesn't mean I can't encourage you to do so. I was scouting out candidates here in the village but believe Haruna would be perfect for your needs."

"Y-you mean you'll let me make her my submissive," Anko asked hopefully. When Naruto nodded she inquired, "But, what about Tsunade? She wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of anyone having a lover outside of you."

"I've already let Tsunade know my decision. She didn't like, but she will accept it," Naruto stated. "The truth is Anko; I can't be there for Haruna. I'm no good at tearing people down, even if that's what they want. Sure I can tease a little, I can be domineering, but when it comes to treating a woman I'm with as garbage, even if that's what gets her off." He shrugged as he said, "That's just not me, and that is what Haruna needs. She would be a great asset to our ambition, but it would be selfish of me to take her knowing I can't supply her with what it is that she craves. That is where you come in my Pet. You do desire that type of relationship with someone, and with Haruna you can have it while remaining my sweet submissive little Pet."

Anko felt a little trepidation since she wasn't sure she could live up to Naruto's expectations of her. He could see her unease so said, "This is a big decision I'm sure. Take tonight to think about it. Read Yurinojō's journal; make sure this is what you truly want. If it isn't, then you don't have to. But be sure, as this isn't a journey to be taken lightly. Haruna deserves a Mistress who truly cares for her."

Anko nodded so Naruto stood to leave, but before he did she requested, "Master."


"May I clean your cock before you leave?"

Naruto pulled his fly back down and fished out his flaccid dick as he answered, "Absolutely."


Kurenai lay in her bed having trouble sleeping, as she couldn't get Anko's cries of pleasure out of her head. She continued to stare at the clock before turning away in frustration. She had already used her vibrator to bring herself to what at the time had been a satisfying conclusion. She had fallen asleep for a few hours before awakening as her dreams had been filled with her pressed up against the door as she had imagined Anko had been while the man she had identified as her master fucked her senseless.

Kurenai's dream had supplied her with several candidates as to whom the man could be. Despite knowing that Naruto was currently out of the village on a mission, her dream had even suggested that he could be the person who had been pleasuring her friend. It had been his face on the man fucking her when Kurenai had awoken. She had quickly dismissed it as a product of an over active imagination.

However, now several hours later she didn't think it might have been as crazy as she first thought. She still thought that he was the most unlikely of the candidates available, but she did realize his being out the village didn't necessarily clear him. So long as he had the Hiraishin Jutsu and Anko had a seal for it somewhere. Naruto could literally appear at any time. She also realized that such a jutsu would be how Anko's lover could have come and gone without being seen back when they had been neighbors in their old apartment building.

Kurenai cursed her libido as she had needed to break out her vibrator to please herself as Anko was still in the midst of passion. She should have held off so as to try and catch a glimpse of the mystery man, as now her curiosity was getting the better of her. She hadn't heard anyone leave but couldn't rule out that Anko's lover had taken off, while she had been in the midst of her self love, or the few hours of sleep that she had enjoyed afterwards. Feeling sweaty and dirty as much from the run she had taken as the activities afterwards she decided to take a shower.

Leaving her room, she saw a light coming from beneath Anko's door. But refrained from bothering her friend due to the embarrassment she was sure that she would feel. Stripping from her clothes, she stepped under the warm spray of the shower to clean the accumulated grime from her body. Her thoughts once more turned to Anko's lover and for a moment pictured Ibiki, feeling that of all the people Anko knew or interacted with he would be the most into having the purple haired woman call him Master.

The image didn't stick even though as far as Kurenai was concerned he was the most likely suspect. Yet again however, her thoughts turned to Naruto. She wasn't sure why, but figured it might be tied to some of the strangeness in her new home. She still had a hard time understanding just what was going on, since if she didn't know better she'd think most of the women were in some sort of relationship with him. It was little things that seemed to imply it such as the fact that Naruto always sat at the same spot at the table in the shared dining room. But the other women seemed to rotate regularly while seeming to via for the two spots next to him. Then there was how she felt whenever she entered a room where Naruto had been alone with one or more of the female tenants. Kurenai always had the feeling that whenever she appeared there was some pause that happened, as if they had to reset to speak differently once she was around.

Then there had been Anko's behavior. She had obviously been upset about something for the past few months, and as a result had rarely spent any time around the other women and even less with Naruto. Kurenai briefly wondered if her friend's sulking was going to be at an end now that she had seeming reconciled with her lover. If so Kurenai realized that she would likely have her answer if Anko started spending more time outside of the apartment and more with Naruto as well.

The idea shocked Kurenai, since it would seem to suggest that if Naruto was Anko's lover in some sort of secret relationship then he could very well be in others. However, the conspiracy her mine had conjured was dismissed as she thought, "I really need some sleep if I'm thinking Naruto has turned this place into some kind of harem's den." She shook her head as she laughed to herself, "I'm sure that's also why Elder Koharu and Tsunade stop by so often. They're obviously enthralled with him too."

Kurenai sighed as she thought that another reason for her over active imagination was due to how long it had been since she had taken a real lover. She felt that she was probably just transferring her sexual fantasies onto the only male she had spent any time around recently. Still, she doubted that would change anytime soon as she still felt that she didn't deserve the happiness a relationship could bring her.

She bit her lip as she began to run a finger over her slit as once more she heard Anko's moans playing in her head. Replacing Anko with herself, she let her imagination choose the man behind her and wasn't too shocked to find it settled on Naruto. After all, if she was only going to have fantasies in her life in the near future there was no reason she couldn't make them good ones.