
57: Target Fuka

Anko laid on her stomach the taste of Naruto still on her lips and tongue after she had sucked him to completion before he had left. She was staring at the outfit that Naruto had pulled from her closet, and the book that was lying atop of it. Anko ran her fingers over the leather of the Dominatrix style suit that she had commissioned Emi to create for her. Remembering how curious the seamstress had been about what she intended to use it for, she wasn't surprised to learn that Naruto had considered her as one of the final candidates for Anko to take as a sub. She closed her eyes and basked in the warm feelings that Naruto had left her with as a result of her learning about how he had always intended to reclaim her as his.

Anko unlike some of the other women in Naruto's life had rarely given much thought about what color her chakra was. It hadn't much mattered to her outside of her feelings of jealousy that women who had entered the Harem after her had achieved a red status while hers had been moving away. The reason she hadn't much cared was because when things had been good between them. She had just been happy to have someone in her life that didn't harbor some sort of opinion about her association with Orochimaru. She knew there were plenty of people who trusted her, but every now and then she couldn't help but feel that they wondered how she couldn't know just what kind of monster Orochimaru had truly been.

Yet now, Anko couldn't help but wonder if her chakra was indeed red as she felt that was the only way to explain the warm feeling that Naruto had left her with. Outside of the semen that he had deposited inside her, that was. She supposed it was due to the fact that Naruto had just shown her that he truly understood who Anko Mitarashi was. His recognition that her desire to be both submissive and dominant were while appearing to be two opposite sides of a coin, didn't change the fact that they belonged to the same coin. Her desire wasn't the product of someone wanting two separate things, but of someone wanting both and seemingly being pulled in two different directions at the same time. She smiled softly as she thought, "And Master found a way to satisfy both seemingly opposite pulls."

Her fingers touched the leather bound book that was the journal of one of Haruna's master. She lifted the cover and the first few pages before letting go. Anko wasn't sure why she was hesitating in reading the journal, but attributed it to Naruto's warning that she be sure taking Haruna was something she wanted. As she ran her fingers over the book she was beginning to understand just what sort of pressures her Master must be feeling as a result of the many women he was bound to. While on one hand, it was easy to think Naruto just collected women for the sake of having them, especially as many of his lovers didn't appear to offer much tactical value to his stated goal of bringing the Shinobi Villages closer together. Not that many of them weren't proving vital to that goal as they made it their own.

Yet, Anko now realized that Naruto was painfully aware that taking a lover meant he needed to be able to meet their wants and desires and that it was something which he took extremely seriously. It also highlighted how he took his lovers as they were, not necessarily how he wanted them to be. It touched Anko to know that her master had been thinking about how best to make her happy while she had been acting like a petulant child. However, she suspected her deeper understanding of just how much responsibility Naruto assumed with each woman he brought into his life was perhaps the reason she was so hesitant to take on a similar one.

After all, ever since Orochimaru had abandoned her, Anko had been a loner at heart. She might have desired a closer connection with others, but had been too distrusting and while she now felt she had that connection with Naruto. She didn't know if she could establish it with another, especially as she would need to take the lead in establishing the level of trust in the relationship between her and Haruna. In effect, Naruto had shown her that there was a responsibility associated with what she desired, and she wasn't sure if she was capable of meeting it. Still, the idea that she could be of some useful service to her Master's ambition filled Anko with the desire to try. After all, Haruna would be a useful ally to have on the Western Border of The Land of Earth, and she thought that if she did a good enough job then perhaps her Master would pass other women whose sexual desires ran outside the gambit of his comfort zone along to her.

Hoping to make her Master proud, Anko pulled the book in front of her so she could read on her stomach and began to research her future charge. Looking at the first entry she put herself in the shoes of Haruna's late master.


Today is the Fifth of May, I'm not quite sure of where to begin. Although, I suppose I should start with why I've begun this journal. Basically I hope to keep a collection of my thoughts as what is being asked of me is far outside any service I ever thought I would be performing as a Child of the disbanded Flower Village. Still, I suppose it is indeed a service if our actions prevent embarrassment from befalling the Daimyo and his daughter.

I suppose a proper place to begin is to explain the change that everyone noticed in Lady Haruna when she returned to the Land of Vegetables. Anyone who knew Lady Haruna from before would have been heartbroken to see that the happy and open young girl she had been before she was sent to Claw returned a distrustful and cold-hearted woman. I suppose it is easy to understand why seeing as she likely saw her time as a hostage as us using her to ensure that Vegetable only knew peaceful times with its neighbor. Still it was difficult for me to see her treating servants who use to adore her as little more than objects to be used and then discarded when she was done. Kikunojo and I were little removed from this treatment either as there appeared to be no sign of the girl we used to play in the courtyards with now.

This was the status quo for several weeks after her return. Then there appeared to be an ever so slight change in the relationship between her and Kikunojo. I admit that I wasn't as aware of it as I perhaps should have been, but in my defense I was dealing with troubling rumors that the corrupt nobility of Vegetable country were planning treason. Yet, while Haruna treated all of us vassals with the same disdain as before, I had noted that from time to time a spark of something would appear in her eye whenever she addressed Kikunojo in such a manner. It wasn't fear, but almost understanding that later there would be some sort of retribution which she would endure and perhaps hunger for.

Even as I write that, I suppose I'm letting current events color what I actually thought. The truth is that while I did notice something between them, I had no idea as to what. Several months passed, and those troubling rumors began to look less and less like the normal chatter of corruption that passed through the Daimyo's court and more like a coming storm. I suppose that was why Kikunojo decided it was time to let me know just what it was that he and Haruna had begun.

Even after last night, I'm still struck speechless as I recall how he came to my room in the dead of night and asked me to follow him to the usually empty west wing. There he revealed a secret room which had originally been designed as a means to hide the Daimyo should the castle be attacked. It had long been forgotten about as it was decided that the hidden path running down the back of the castle grounds would be the preferred method to ensure the safety of the rulers of Vegetable Country. Still, seeing as Kikunojo was the descendant of the last Flower Village Head, I suppose it was only natural that he would be informed of it.

Yet, as he revealed it to me I can honestly admit to being shocked that he had converted it into some sort of S and M dungeon. Another thing that surprised me was the change that came over my old friend as he stepped into the room. While he was always confident and sure of himself, as he stepped into the room I had the feeling that he viewed it as his domain. As if even should the Daimyo learn of the room, Kikunojo would no longer recognize his authority so long as he remained inside of it.

I followed him inside unsure of what else to do, and after he sealed it. I only then noticed the woman whose masked head was protruding from a stockade in the back. I can only guess that I missed her at first due to the leather mask that completely covered her head which made her appear as if she was just another prop within the room.

Kikunojo noticed my gaze affixed to her and with a sadistic smirk which seemed wholly foreign on his face said, "Ah, you've spotted tonight's entertainment." The masked woman's head immediately perked up at the sound of Kikunojo voice as she tried to locate him within in the room by sound. The reason for this seemed to be explained to me as Kikunojo soundlessly approached, and having grabbed a riding crop brought it down on what I could only assume was the woman's bare behind since her head was facing me and I couldn't see behind the stockade.

A muffled scream erupted from the mask, helping me find my voice as I remembered yelling, "What the hell are you doing Kikunojo? What is this place?"

"I'm treating this slut exactly how she deserves to be treated," Kikunojo replied calmly. "As to where you are, I suppose you can say it's my little pleasure palace."

"Who is she, and why am I here?"

Again the sadistic smirk appeared on his face as he stared at me a moment before answering, "I caught this bitch trying to sneak out of the palace several weeks again. Considering the recent unrest, I'm sure you can imagine why I find that distressing. Unfortunately she has received extensive conditioning, which I'm hoping to break and this seems to be giving me the best results."

"You can't tell me seriously that you've been..."

I trailed off unsure of what charge to level at my friend. While neither of us were innocent of using harsh means to question prisoners. What Kikunojo was suggesting he had done was a line that neither of us should have been willing to cross. True, we've both heard of the horror stories that some Hidden Villages have used to break prisoners, female ones in particular. But the idea that we were using such practices ourselves seemed reprehensible.

Growing bolder I stated, "Whatever the reason, what you're doing is wrong. I need to inform the Daimyo."

The supposed prisoner stiffened at that, even as Kikunojo replied, "Be my guest. Do you honestly think he doesn't know what I'm doing here?"


I wasn't sure if Kikunojo was bluffing or not, but he appeared extremely confident that he was in the right. He came from behind the stockade as he explained, "Get it through your fucking head Yurinojo we are in a perilous position here. The Nobles are conspiring against our Lord with someone and in such times compromises must be made. Even if they are with yourself, and your definition of what makes you a good person. Can you honestly tell me that you'd rather do nothing than to break this slut using whatever means necessary?"

"No, but this..."

"Is for a very good reason," Kikunojo finished for me. "Our Lord has made difficult comprises in the past as well. You know how much it hurt for him to send his daughter away. Now it is for us to look inside ourselves and see what we can offer for the good of Vegetable Country."

"Why me?"

"I'll explain in time, but you are the only person I can trust with the secret of this room," Kikunojo stated.

I wasn't sure why I relented. I suppose it could be due to my belief that despite how he had acted since entering the room, he felt he had a very good reason for it. As such I asked, "What do you need of me?"

He didn't smile again as he likely felt it would break the spell he had just woven for me, but a flash of excitement appeared in his eyes. His voice betrayed some of it as he said, "Simply put, use that fuck pig's body to enjoy yourself."

I nodded wordlessly as he stepped away to allow me to close with the woman. I walked around the stockade to find her shapely ass was red from what I can only guess was a session with the riding crop that Kikunojo had indulged in before getting me. To my surprise the woman's vagina was extremely wet with some of her secretions running down the inside of her thighs.

Kikunojo noticed where my gaze had landed causing him to say, "I got her all wet, and ready for you. All you need to do is supply the dick to fuck that cunt into submission. I'd do it myself, but the harlot has gotten used to it over these last few months. I want her to experience the humiliation of someone new enjoying her fuckhole. Or her ass if you prefer, she is quite proficient at taking it up the rear as well."

I missed his minor slip up about just how long he had been entertaining his guest as I was still locked in a debate with my own conscious. I was aware that Kikunojo had been less than forthcoming with the woman's identity, making it likely that I might have known her. I wondered briefly if that was why Kikunojo had summoned me. I began to consider that I shared some connection with the woman that my taking her by force would help to break down her resistance. Still I had been trained since birth that regardless of what was asked of me; so long as it benefited Vegetable I needed to perform it. Therefore, trusting that Kikunojo wouldn't ask this of me unless it did serve our home, I turned to that part of me which obeyed unquestioningly as I freed my cock and pushed it inside her.

I would be lying if I said I felt some deep remorse or as if some part of my soul had been lost. In truth at that very moment I felt only the deep pleasure a man could feel when buried balls deep inside a woman. It had been some time since I had last been with a woman, and seeing no need to be gentle here I took my pleasure eagerly. I even fantasized that the woman in the mask was Tsunade, due to my childhood crush on her. That fantasy was far darker than any I had indulged in before as I imagined myself fucking her to break her spirit for some secrets of the Land of Fire.

I was pulled from the fantasy as I became aware of Kikunojo kneeling in front of the woman completely naked, although the wood of the stockade prevented me from seeing him or the head of the woman. I heard it though as he slapped her masked face several times before saying harshly, "How does it feel you slut? Are you enjoying Yurinojo's cock as it stirs up your sloppy cunt?"

I heard some muffled response, but he cut it off with another slap before saying, "If you're going to sound like you have a cock in your mouth then you should at least have one there." He stood ripping the mask from her head, before jamming his dick down her throat. Although curious, I couldn't pull myself away from the gripping vagina of the woman.

Seeing as I was using her for my own pleasure I saw no reason to hold off cumming as I felt the familiar stirring. I announced my impending release which encouraged Kikunojo to say, "That didn't take long, but I'd expect little else from such a well-trained cumbucket. Go ahead Yurinojo and cum wherever you want."

I looked at Kikunojo in shock as I had often prescribed to the pull out method before, having never much cared for the use of condoms. In the past Kikunojo had often teased me that it was only a matter of time before a past lover showed up with a child. Still, I couldn't deny myself the pleasure of filling this woman with my seed, which amazingly enough seemed to trigger her own orgasm.

Kikunojo having used her throat far more roughly then I had even used her pussy pulled out as he exploded pulling the woman's hair so that he made sure to coat her face is his cum. He looked at me contently as he asked, "Would you like to see the face of the sow you just fucked?"

The way he said it, filled me with a sense of concern like I had been set up. I came around slowly not sure what to expect and as I saw the cum covered face of our Lady exclaimed, "Haruna."

I dropped to my knees as I was torn between begging for forgiveness and the strange satisfaction of having enjoyed her body. She focused on me with her violet eyes as she said softly, "Thank you Yurinojo," before she passed out.

I felt Kikunojo place his hand on my shoulder and I looked back at him with a smoldering anger, which died as his face had lost the domineering sneer it had worn since entering. He gave me a weak smile as he said, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth. I know you have questions, and I will answer them all. But, for now let me tell you the reason I brought you here. Dangerous times are approaching, and I needed to bring you in on our secret in case something happens to me. It is imperative that this secret remain just between the three of us as if Lady Haruna is left unfulfilled it could lead to Vegetable being taken over."

I of course found such a claim difficult to believe at first. Yet, any attempt at taking a moral high ground was impossible considering what I had just done. Faced with that I considered revealing what I had done to Haruna to the Daimyo, however Kikunojo seemed to be inside my head as he stated, "All this has been to protect the Daimyo."

"Are you mad? How can debasing his daughter be considered protecting him, or Vegetable?" My disbelief was easy to see as was the conflicted visage that Kikunojo wore.

After several minutes of silence he finally replied, "You know that the Daimyo always felt remorse over his sending Lady Haruna away. How do you think he would feel if he knew honoring that treaty had in turn delivered his daughter into the hands of a monster?"

"The Claw Daimyo would not be so foolish," I stated quickly.

"No, he wouldn't. However, the Claw Daimyo also apparently has little regard for the treaty. He in turn passed Lady Haruna off to a minor noble hoping to curry favor. Little did anyone realize the man had plans of his own. Plans which may see him assume direct control of Vegetable should Haruna return to his side as it seems she has been conditioned to do."

Kikunojo then explained all the horrible things that Lady Haruna had endured. Still even with all that I questioned how we were helping by heaping on more humiliation and debasement. I can only guess that Kikunojo had done his own soul searching long ago as he was quite well prepared with his response, "I debated about bringing you in on this Yurinojo. It wasn't an easy decision. However, this plot by Sasugaki Kunitake isn't the only threat we face. Can you imagine what our own nobles will do if what Haruna has become is learned of? They'll use that as a means to rip the Daimyo from power."

I couldn't deny what Kikunojo said was true. It had always amazed me that for such a pleasant and peaceful country Vegetable seemed to have an exuberant amount of corrupt nobility. The number of plots that Kikunojo and I had to unravel never ceased to amaze me. The current one that we had been hearing rumors of seems far more dangerous than most, but his point had been well received. Plus we both wanted to prevent our Lord from the guilt that he would inevitably feel should what happened to Haruna become known to him.

Lady Haruna soon awoke and we all left the room. As soon as we were clear of the Dungeon, as I began to call it, Lady Haruna returned to the cold and dismissive personality she had been displaying since her return. Now however I could understand why she viewed the world as a place where the powerful used the weak. Upon returning to my room, I decided to keep this journal as despite Kikunojo seemingly having a good reason for his actions. I couldn't help but recall how he almost seemed possessed while in the Dungeon. I suppose I hope to keep a chronicle of my state of mind to see if traveling down this path changes me as I suspect it has Kikunojo.


Anko licked her lips as she finished the first entry. She also wondered if Naruto had read the journal before deciding to bring her back into his Family. Something told her that he didn't even as it seemed the Yurinojo's fear that he would change due to his association with the darker aspects of the sexual world he was stepping into mirrored her Master's concerns. While on one hand she felt both of them were worried over nothing, she realized their situations weren't exactly typical.

Anko now realized that Naruto would likely never share her interest in BDSM to any great degree. While the fact that he had a Harem meant to some that he was already a part of that world. She recognized that to him, it wasn't the same thing. To Naruto being the head of his Family was little different than being the Hokage and he didn't truly demand his lovers submit to him, but rather to accept that there were times and places to question his decisions. Anko wished she had been present when he had informed Tsunade of what he intended in regards to Haruna and her. She could imagine the Hokage arguing against it rather vehemently only to reach a point where Naruto told her it was no longer open to discussion. The idea of the Hokage accepting such a decree caused a tingle to run down her spine before settling in her pussy.

Still, she knew that Naruto could have just as easily convinced Tsunade of why he felt it was the best way to include Haruna in his ambition, without tying her to a life she might not enjoy. She suspected this was the tactic that Naruto actually used as well as a little physical coercion which had left his seed planted firmly in the Hokage's womb.

Having read Yurinojo's journal Anko believed that the reason that both he and Naruto feared being changed by engaging in the more extreme practices of BDSM was due to the unbalanced nature of their respective relationships. Much of BDSM was based on there being a mutual trust between those who engaged in it, and while Naruto did have the trust of his lovers. He also had the means to circumnavigate it at his leisure. For example, Naruto could just as easily forced Tsunade to accept his decision with the power he had gained over the women he slept with using the technique that he called The Voice.

Anko couldn't imagine the temptation which Naruto must face knowing that he could literally make his lovers do anything he wanted. Anko's trust in her Master was absolute now due to his choosing not to use it in order to make the difficulties between them go away. That he had spent the many months they had been separated searching for a means to make her happy by allowing her to explore her own kinks only highlighted just how incredibly special he was. She also understood that was why Naruto wasn't into what could be considered the rougher side of BDSM since he excelled at building people up, and as such couldn't derive sexual pleasure through tearing them down, even if it was what they wished as appeared to be the case with Haruna.

Still, thinking of her Master, she began to wonder just what effect his run in with Haruna had on the Daimyo of Vegetable. Flipping through the journal, she found the entry after Naruto had dealt with the Criminal Brothers.


Thirty of September, it has been a few weeks since my last entry. But with the recent chaos that had erupted in Vegetable there has been little reason for me to make another. Haruna has returned to the Capital as Daimyo as a result of the death of her father. I expect that for the foreseeable future Haruna will have little to fear in the way of plots from the Nobility due to the Criminal Brothers, as they are being called, killing most of them. Although, the loss of her father and Kikunojo was an extremely high price to pay for what I expect to be a rather peaceful tenure as Daimyo.

Haruna also seemed to have benefited from the experience thanks in part to the Leaf-nin Naruto. She no longer appears to be nihilistic woman that she had been since her return as a hostage. I admit that at first the change was welcome. Yet, I would be remiss if I did not mention that as the days turned into weeks and Haruna did not seem to need my nightly services I began to resent it.

With my nights once more free, I began to read through my journal. Looking over the amount of time that passed, it is rather hard to believe that it has been nearly half a year since Kikunojo first brought me to the Dungeon. Looking over my previous entries I began to understand why I was beginning to resent Haruna's apparent overcoming of her need to be used as a sex slave. While difficult, reading my entries forced me to realize that somewhere along the line I began to enjoy being a sadist. It became apparent to me that my actions in regards to taming Haruna's lusts became less about helping her and instead were to sate my own needs.

I hate to admit it, but I had been looking forward to resuming our relationship now that Kikunojo was gone so that I could experience the pleasure of making her worship my cock without him around. A thought which had begun to consume me as I considered forcing myself on her in a manner similar to how she had been "trained" by Sasugaki. As much as Haruna had been changed by him, I too had been changed by her. It wasn't even like I could just find a new partner since in a true Sadomasochistic relationship there are rules. Rules that empower the submissive, and which had no place in the one that Kikunojo and I had established with Haruna. To my knowledge she had no limits, no line in the sand which we were not to cross as any such boundaries had long been driven from her by Sasugaki.

As such I suppose you could even say that I had begun to envy Sasugaki in a manner of speaking. Having enjoyed the fruits of his labor, I could only imagine the immense satisfaction he must have felt every time he succeeded in breaking her resistance down in order to make her such a perfect slave to men's lusts. That was why forcing her to abandon this new existence that she seemed to have established as a result of meeting Naruto proved so tempting. It would have been an opportunity for me to experience the same pleasure of making her accept her role as my personal cock sleeve.

However, fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective it appears that in spite of her shedding her old outlook on life. The desires that Sasugaki had installed into her flesh were not so easily dismissed, and hence the reason for my latest entry. I nearly cried out in joy when Haruna gave me the old sign that I was to meet her in the Dungeon yesterday. I had a difficult time waiting for the appointed hour. When I arrived to find her wearing my favorite outfit, I wasted little time in taking out my lusts on her.

Having just finished, I will likely have to tell the court that Haruna is not feeling well as I may have gone a little overboard. Still, it is hard not to be pleased knowing that she will remain my cumbucket forever as I can no longer claim that my actions are for her benefit. Still, I do cherish her so I can only hope that small distinction prevents me from seeming like Sasugaki in her eyes. I suppose only time will show if that remains the case.


Anko had slipped out of her apartment building just before sunrise as she had wanted to avoid Kurenai. Not out of any sense of embarrassment, but to avoid any questions her roommate might have had. She reached the main gate and was surprised to find Hana kneeling among her Haimaru Triplets. She approached the Inuzuka, who smiled upon seeing that Anko had traded in the fishnet shirt that she wore for the leather bustier which cupped her breasts which she had purchased. She also wore her trench coat and skirt, but had traded her old shinobi sandals in for thigh high boots similar to Sakura's. Hana had little doubt that if she reached up Anko's skirt she'd find the kunoichi wasn't wearing panties so said, "It must feel good to have returned to the place you belong."

Anko returned the smile as she nodded before asking, "I'm guessing the official story is that we're supposed to be reinforcing Team Kakashi then."

Hana stood after finishing petting one of her canine companions as she answered, "Yes, I'll be aiding Kakashi in trying to pick up the scent of those who attacked the Flower Village. You've been assigned the task of providing protection to Lady Haruna. Which I can only guess is code for you will be allowed to explore your desires with her."

Anko was a little surprised at how easily Hana seemed to accept her new role in the Harem. The Inuzuka smiled as she said, "Naruto already explained his reasons when he told me I would be joining the mission. He's my mate so I trust his judgment and besides, it's good to see you happy again."

Anko couldn't deny that it felt good to be happy again. Stating as much, the two women quickly signed out of the Village before heading to the spot Naruto had designated as the spot he would collect them. Anko felt pleased when Naruto appeared and was struck speechless by the changes she had made to what she normally wore. He then quickly Hiraishined them away so that she could be introduced to the woman that she would be given charge of.


Naruto landed behind Hana as they began their search of the decimated Flower Village. His lover looked over her shoulder as she stated, "I'm glad that you wanted me to join you on this mission. But I have to admit that I'm skeptical I'll pick up a scent trail if Kakashi couldn't."

Naruto inclined his head in agreement, but replied, "True, but call me crazy if I like to believe that when it comes to tracking there are few better than the Inuzuka. Besides Vegetable is a big place and Kakashi-sensei's summons are stretched out pretty thin in trying to locate one."

Hana nodded before giving her nin-dog partners some instructions. The canines split off to search the ruined village as she walked next to her lover's side. Hoping to distract herself from the sad thoughts of the number of people who died in the Flower Village she asked, "Have you been watching the sessions between Haruna and Anko?"

Naruto nodded before answering, "A little. I get a bit uncomfortable seeing Haruna enjoy being humiliated by Anko. I have trouble accepting that the cheerful woman I left behind over four years ago could be so...damaged. I'm not even sure if it's right of me to describe it in such terms since it seems to imply that she needs to be fixed."

"In a sense she did need to be though," Hana stated. "Her previous shinobi masters did do a lot of good for her it seems. They helped break the hold of the man who made her that why."

"True, and it seems that Anko is using the insight that she received from Yurinojo's journal. She had Haruna establish a safe word with her so she knows when she is stepping out of bounds. The problem is that her previous masters didn't seem to care for such things so there might not be any boundaries left for her."

Hana bit her lip nervously for a moment before stating, "Well she doesn't enjoy bestiality." Naruto's head spun towards her so quickly she feared he might have snapped his neck so Hana swiftly explained, "Anko, asked for my assistance and was going to have my nin-dogs have a go with Haruna. She used the safe word though before anything happened. Anko appeared pleased, so I guess she was hoping that would be the case so that Haruna would see she could put an end to activities she wouldn't enjoy."

Naruto stared ahead as he said, "I'm guessing she asked you not to tell me?"

"No," Hana replied, "Although I believe she didn't tell you beforehand because she feared you'd stop her from even trying."

Naruto chuckled, "I guess she was relying on the old adage that it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Still, I'm glad that there appear to be some things that Haruna had not been subjected to, or even if she had, she sees that she need not be any further."

Hana nodded, but went on alert as one of her nin-dogs hollowed. Taking off in the direction it came from she appeared around a corner to find her three partners surrounding a monk of the Fire Temple holding a walking stick like a bo. Her canine companions growled at the bald man, who despite the threat they represented remained calm and composed. He looked at Hana as Naruto appeared from around the corner as well and asked politely, "Would you mind please calling off your animals? I mean you no harm."

Hana was going to ask the Fire Monk what he was doing in the destroyed village, but Naruto placed his hand on her shoulder. Understanding the silent request, she whistled causing the Haimaru Triplets to return to her.

Naruto stepped in front before asking, "Sorry about that, but you're a long way from the Fire Temple so perhaps you'll explain what you are doing here."

"Of course, my name is Chiriku," The monk stated politely. "I was on a journey of self-discovery when I heard of the tragedy which befell the Flower Village. I came here to offer prayers for the dead."

Hana was going to accept the monk's explanation, but Naruto appeared less trusting as he stated, "I'd appreciate it if you would come with us to the capital."

To Hana's surprise the monk tensed as he gripped his make-shift staff tighter as if he was preparing to attack or defend himself. The small movement was enough for Naruto as he charged the monk while pulling shuriken from his pouch which he sent flying towards the man. The monk spun his staff easily battering the shuriken away causing them to smash into the ground around him. Naruto leapt in with a punch, but Chiriku moved his head to the side to avoid it and slammed his staff up into the jinchuriki's stomach.

However, he was surprised to learn that rather than knocking the wind out of his opponent. Naruto had caught the end of it with his other hand. Chiriku's eyes grew wide as he realized his opponent was balancing on the end of the staff. Naruto then grabbed the end of the weapon more firmly before flipping himself over the monk and used the staff as a means to flip Chiriku along with him. Naruto landed on his feet pulling the monk into the air before tossing him over his head. Chiriku lost his grip on his staff, but landed gracefully several feet away.

The monk studied the blond shinobi before asking, "Do you often resort to attacking people before they can answer your requests?"

Naruto shrugged as he answered, "I do when I think they are lying to me." The jinchuriki pointed towards the sash that the monk wore as he stated, "That Sash belongs to a group called the Twelve Shinobi Guardians. They were the private protectors of the Fire Daimyo before it splintered in half due to the One King Movement. A movement which sees the Kage, and I'm guessing leaders of Shinobi villages as threats to the rule of the Daimyo. Now if you want me to believe you are just here to offer prayers then you should have hidden that sash."

Chiriku looked down at his sash which showed his former association with the Twelve Ninja Guardians before replying, "I suppose since you hail from the same village as Asuma, I shouldn't be surprised that you recognized this. Yet it is quite the leap to make that I am somehow responsible for what happened here."

"I never claimed that I thought you were responsible," Naruto replied dropping out of his stance. "I merely believe that you are not telling us the truth about what brings you here. I attacked you to see how you'd reacted. You fought defensively which makes me believe you aren't an adversary, but that doesn't mean that you don't know more than you are telling."

Kakashi appeared behind the monk having heard the nin-dog's howl as he said amused, "Color me impressed Naruto."

Chiriku looked behind him to see the rest of Team Kakashi had gathered so admitting that he wouldn't be able to get away said, "Kakashi, it has been awhile."

The jounin nodded as he said, "It has and although I still owe you for the assistance that you provided Guy, Yamato, and myself when we showed up on the Fire Temple's door half dead. I hope you understand why I can't let that influence me here."

The monk inclined his head as he said, "I do. I suppose you are here at the Vegetable Country Daimyo's request." When Kakashi nodded, Chiriku sighed before stating, "My journey here does indeed have little to do with a monk's benevolence." Focusing on Kakashi, he continued, "You recall how the Fire Temple was attacked several weeks before your run in with Akatsuki's leader?"

"I do, one of your disciples went missing during that raid if I'm not mistaken," Kakashi answered.

"Yes, his name was Sora," the monk said worriedly. "I have been searching for clues to his whereabouts ever since the attack. Every now and then I would hear some hint or receive a sign as to what had happened to him." Looking at Naruto, he said, "I believe the attack on the Fire Temple was carried out by members of the One King Movement and that the reason behind it was to make off with my student as he is the son of one of its leaders."

Naruto frowned as Toka spoke up since he could hear the suspicion in his lover's voice as she said, "The Fire Temple is a rather public and well-defended place to simply to be reunited with his son."

Chiriku turned his gaze to Toka while keeping his face a serene but unreadable mask as he replied, "I have long since stopped trying to understand Kazuma's thought process. I haven't been able to contemplate his mindset ever since he joined the One King Movement and convinced half of my fellow Guardians to join him. However, as I do believe he was behind the destruction here it does show he has little qualms about attacking well-guarded locations."

Toka didn't look convinced and was about to state as much but Kakashi politely interjected as he said, "Still, if we are looking for the same culprits. Then perhaps we can help each other out?"

Chiriku shook his head in the negative as he replied, "I do not believe I will be remaining here in Vegetable Country. If they hold true to their typical pattern now that they have shown themselves they will quickly fade back into the shadows. That they have made no further moves since this attack convinces me that they have already moved on."

Kakashi nodded as he said, "Okay, but if you change your mind you can find us or one of our colleagues in the capital."

"Thank you Kakashi," Chiriku stated with a slight bow as he turned away to face Naruto.

The Jinchuriki tossed him the walking stick that he had taken as he said, "Sorry about attacking you."

"No need to apologize," the monk replied good-naturedly, "Your reasons were rather well thought out. It also showed an understanding of the simple truths that one can learn about an opponent through the martial arts. As much as you learned from me, I also learned from you. Your fiery spirit reminds me of my student."

"I hope you find him," Naruto said kindly.

A small sadness appeared in Chiriku face as he said, "As do I." The monk's tone seemed to hint at a deeper meaning, but before he could be asked about it he began to walk away.

Team Kakashi and Hana watched him leave for several moments and as soon as he was out of ear shot Toka crossed her arms as she stated, "He knows more than he is letting on. We should have pressed him for more answers Kakashi."

The Jounin pulled out his ever present book as he replied calmly, "That may be, but he is a respected member of the Religious Caste and of the Fire Temple in particular. Unless we have proof of some kind of involvement on his part detaining him against his will would only cause the Hokage to be put in a rather difficult position if the monks brought their complaints to the Daimyo." He could tell Toka was still less than satisfied so added, "Besides, I believe I know why he was so evasive to our questions."

"You think his student may somehow be responsible for the destruction of the Flower Village."

Kakashi looked up at Naruto in surprise before asking, "Did you gain that insight from your brief fight?"

Naruto nodded before explaining, "He kind of reminded me of how the Old Man was with me."

"Old Man," Fu repeated confused as Sakura giggled while Kakashi gave his student a smile which was reflected in his visible eye.

"He means the Third Hokage," Kakashi explained to those unaware. Focusing on his student once more he asked, "But what do you mean?"

Naruto folded his arms and assumed a thinking pose as he stated, "When I was young the Old Man was one of the only people close to me. After I found out I was a jinchuriki, I was really angry at him for not telling me." Naruto paused and then sighed sadly before continuing, "I kind of wish now that I had talked to him about why he kept it a secret. But thinking back, every once in a while I'd catch him looking at me with a worried expression. In hindsight it kind of felt like he was trying to guess which way I would go, whether I'd continue to love the village and be a benefit. Or, if I would come to despise it and become a bane to it."

"Naruto, the Third Hokage cared for you a great deal and..."

"I know Kakashi," Naruto replied, "I believe I understand why he didn't tell me about my being a jinchuriki. He wanted me to experience an as normal childhood as I could. Still, my point was that his knowing what I was and the pressures already being applied to me as a result caused him to worry I would lose my way. I imagine it must have been rather similar to what you felt towards Sasuke."

Kakashi was once more impressed with the maturity that Naruto had developed as a result of his many relationships. Inclining his head he said, "Indeed. After the confrontation with Pain during the mission to protect the Tsuchigumo Clan's Forbidden Technique, Gai, Yamato, and myself were in bad shape. We probably wouldn't have made it if Gai hadn't pushed himself so hard to reach the Fire Temple. There had just been an attack on it in which Chiriku's disciple was kidnapped. Yet despite that the other monks almost seemed relieved that he was gone... like..."

"Like he was a jinchuriki whose existence they barely tolerated," Fu said the pain of her own experiences easy to hear in her voice.

Naruto placed a comforting hand on her shoulder even as Kakashi said, "I'm afraid so."

"But that doesn't make any sense," Hana interjected. "We know where all the Bijuu are which means all the jinchuriki are accounted for."

"Perhaps," Toka said with a frown.

"What are you thinking?" Naruto asked turning towards the Senju.

"Well in my time the means to contain the Bijuu in a vessel had not yet been mastered," Toka replied. "Yet that didn't stop many Clans from searching out means to increase the power of their ninja. Most attempts ended rather poorly. It might just be that this Sora was one such example. If the other monks knew they may have shunned him for it. In either case, we can assume that this Kazuma character must have done something to his son and that the attack on the temple was to reclaim the power he stored in him."

"But why attack this village?" Naruto asked while looking at the destruction. "More to the point why would Chiriku's student help?"

Kakashi closed his book as he said, "We can't assume too much. I agree with Toka's theory, but we can't be sure that Sora is a willing accomplice. However, if the One King Movement was behind this attack it makes sense as a testing ground for whatever power was sealed in him. It would also eliminate a Shinobi Village which is the stated goal of that organization."

"But what about the Watari that attacked us?" Sakura asked, "We all agreed that there reappearance wasn't just a coincidence. But it's kind of hard to believe that they would team-up with people hoping to do away with the current system."

Kakashi shrugged as he replied, "True, since the One King Movement seems to espouse loyalty to the Daimyo over splitting power with a Shinobi Village. However, perhaps the leadership of the movement has decided that since the Daimyo haven't joined with them that they should create a country where their ideals can flourish. If that's the case then this new country would require warriors to defend it thus giving the Watari a place to call home. However, without more information it's impossible to tell. For all we know the Watari that we ran into recognized me or Naruto and were looking for some payback. For now let's return to the Capital, it doesn't look like whoever attacked Flower left a trail for us to follow."

Team Kakashi began to run back to the capital of Vegetable although Naruto remained still for several heartbeats as his gaze turned towards where the Monk had been heading. Knowing that it was possible the man's student might have been a human weapon like the jinchuriki were meant to be, he considered following after to question him further. But recalling the concern he had felt in the man's spirit as they had fought, he understood the difficult position the monk was in. It was apparent that Chiriku likely suspected his student had been responsible for the destruction of the Flower Village. Still being quite aware of the preconceived judgments people made about jinchuriki, Naruto suspected that Chiriku was loathe to give voice to his belief lest his student be deemed a monster by his peers without having a chance to defend himself. Naruto figured that was also why the monk had turned down Kakashi's offer of assistance. He believed that Chiriku hoped to find his apprentice first and if he did fall to darkness to end him without the truth ever being discovered. That way in the very least he could deny those who had judged his student unfairly the validation of their beliefs, since it was likely those very opinions which would have pushed Sora onto a path of hate. Naruto turned to follow after his team hoping that the monk's fears turned out to be unwarranted.
