
57: Target Fuka 2

Kiba groaned miserably as he awoke to the sensation of every fiber of his being screaming in pain despite what he could only assume was a generous mixture of painkillers coursing through his veins. Yet despite that the pain was almost welcome as he knew he was lucky to be alive having been baited into a trap by Koreshige. What was worse than the pain though, was the knowledge that his actions caused Aeris unnecessary suffering as she had nearly been present as another lover had nearly been taken from her.

He felt a steady pressure on his hand and opening his left eye, as the other was swollen shut, he saw Aeris laying with her head down on the bed with a death grip on the appendage. He tried to reach for his girlfriend but found he couldn't as his other arm was in a slinging. He sighed in frustration as he recalled how he ended up in his current state.

Ever since Kiba's relationship with Aeris and Yuffie had become public knowledge his star within the clan had risen, and while the two women's pasts as Taki-nin was still a secret. He found that many who had previously dismissed him as being more like his father than mother were suddenly taking an interest in him. He attributed it to the fact that the First Inuzuka had taken many mates and as such any male capable of doing so in the traditionally female dominated Clan was perhaps capable of following in his footsteps. Kiba knew it was for that reason that Koreshige had seen fit to take six mates himself.

Kiba now realized that Koreshige's recent defeat at his mother's hands, followed so swiftly by his taking two women as lovers suddenly had some in the clan speculating that perhaps he was destined to replace Tsume as leader of the Inuzuka. However while Kiba had never truly thought about it much seeing as he believed his mom would never be bested. He couldn't help basking in the spotlight that had been cast upon him, especially as it had piqued the interest of several females.

Not that Kiba had planned to take any of the suddenly interested women as mates since he knew he was exceedingly lucky that Aeris allowed Yuffie to share their bed. Still it had been nice to suddenly be thought of as a rising star within the clan. Yet it was that status which had made him a threat to Koreshige and why the man had targeted him by using his pride against him.

Koreshige had begun to verbally bait Kiba by using his relationship with Aeris and Yuffie against him by making it sound as if his choosing mates outside his Clan cemented his status as a runt rather than the opposite. While Kiba would never accuse his clan of being particularly Xenophobic of people outside the clan, the powerfully built Inuzuka's verbal attacks did succeed in stirring up the pride that they were the strongest clan in the village. It was never really talked about, but Kiba suspected that deep down all the Clans felt that if there ever was a Civil War within Konoha they would be the winner. It was a lingering type of pride that the One-hundred some odd years in which the Shinobi Villages had existed had yet to erase.

That wasn't to say Kiba believed the village was an exploding tag waiting to detonate into Clan Rivalries, but Koreshige had tapped into that ancient belief that they were superior which had motivated the Inuzuka to fight all the other clans for generations. Hearing Koreshige speak of his lovers as if they were inferior had made Kiba exceedingly angry and so when during a tense exchange between the two the man had issued a challenge he had been quick to accept. However, unlike the political challenge that Koreshige had issued to his mother the one Kiba had accepted was a personal challenge and as such was bound by different rules. One such rule was that it was perfectly acceptable to kill your opponent as the reason for such a match was to settle matters of honor, and in some cases only the death of the opponent would settle the matter for those involved.

Kiba had realized too late that he had played perfectly into Koreshige's hands by accepting the challenge as he could quickly reestablish some of the esteem he had lost from his defeat at his mother's hands, while at the same time taking some revenge on her by killing her son. More to the point there would be nothing that Tsume could do to retaliate as Trail by Combat was often used to settle disputes not create new ones.

That wasn't to say that Kiba needed to fight to the death, but since most Inuzuka would rather die than back down that tended to be the case. Therefore a Trail by Combat often tended to be used for only the most severe of feuds. Something Kiba realized he should have considered before accepting Koreshige's challenge. Still at the time Kiba had only believed that the worst which would happen would be his dirtying his fists with his opponent's blood. It was only after the match had started with most of the clan in attendance that he had realized that Koreshige intended for the Training Field that had been selected for their battle to be the site of his death.

To Kiba's shame the fight had been decidedly one-sided as Koreshige was too powerfully built and had shrugged off most of his blows with relative ease. Furthermore, the tall bald Inuzuka had proved that he had mastered the Clan's fighting style to an impressive degree with his relatively easy defeat by Tsume being due as a result of her combat prowess rather than a lack of it on his part. Thinking of his mother Kiba was still rather surprised by the open concern she had worn as Koreshige manhandled him likely already aware what fate awaited her son. Still he knew she wouldn't interfere even if it meant his death as for most of the Clan dying while giving your all was preferable then living with the shame of having been bested.

Kiba would have counted himself in that category as well at least until he had been knocked flat on his back after having had his arm broken. Koreshige to his credit gave Kiba the chance to surrender, but Kiba had remained defiant. Still just before Koreshige had struck what Kiba assumed would be the final blow Aeris had thrown herself on top of him and begun pleading for his life. Kiba could tell that Koreshige had been surprised by the move as well as angered by it since it had allowed Kiba to keep some small measure of dignity. Furthermore her actions while supporting his claim that Aeris and Yuffie were weak for not being Inuzuka, it also forced him to stay his hand since the rules of no outside interference had been broken.

Still Kiba had been anything but pleased to be saved in such a manner; however before he could say anything to make his displeasure know he had passed out from his injuries. He sighed in relief at that as a small mercy since he had experienced an epiphany in his beaten and drugged state. Going into the match he had been convinced that he was doing what he should be as a man in defending the honor of his women. Yet still, he now realized the only person whose honor he had been interested in protecting was his own. Aeris had pleaded with him not to fight Koreshige as she had stated repeatedly that what he said didn't matter. Yet, Kiba had not listened until he had finally been goaded into the fight.

Aeris stirred before jerking awake disappointed in herself for falling asleep. Her eyes immediately traveled to his face and upon seeing he was awake, Kiba saw a great deal of relief as well as a little worry. Having been the medic of her team Aeris didn't hug him aware of how much it would likely hurt him but she did stand as she said, "Thank goodness."

Her voice awoke Akamaru, who appeared on the other side of the bed with a soft, "Woof." Which conveyed a similar feeling as Aeris, his canine companion then whimpered and although to most people it would have sounded like his partner was conveying how worried he had been. The canine was actually reading him the riot act about his recklessness. Particularly for making Aeris worry about him so.

Kiba accepted Akamaru's list of complaints before saying, "I know partner, but can you please leave us alone for a few moments."

The large white canine barked an affirmative before adding that he better not make Aeris cry any further or he'd pee in his sandals. Kiba sighed wondering when it was his animal partner had decided to trade his allegiance to him in for his girlfriend. Once the two were alone Aeris appeared far more nervous as if aware that with Akamaru in the room there would have been someone to soothe the anger she expected from Kiba.

Hoping to soothe it herself before it erupted she said, "Kiba, I'm sorry I interfered. I know it was..."

"Aeris please," Kiba said with a calmness that surprised her causing her to trail off, "I'm the one who needs to apologize. Because of my foolishness and pride I nearly forced you to watch as another person you cared for was taken from you."

"Y-you were trying to defend our honor," Aeris said kindly.

Kiba sighed tiredly before stating, "I like to think that was why I acted the way I did. But it was my pride that motivated me. You told me that you didn't require me to fight. I should have listened." He could tell Aeris was pleased with the way the conversation was going. Looking up at the ceiling he admitted, "Growing up I never put much stock in matters of my standing in the clan. There didn't seem to be much point as it was always just assumed that whoever took over after my mom was going to be female. The best a guy like me could have hoped for was to impress some female that I had genes good enough for her to want to mate with me. That's why I guess it kind of went to my head when everyone began treating me like I was suddenly an Alpha."

Aeris shook her head as she said sweetly, "You're my Alpha." She leaned in kissing him softly before pulling back to say, "Let me go get the doctors. Now that you're awake they'll want to run some test."

Kiba nodded as best he could so Aeris gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before leaving the room. After a moment he said, "I know you're out there Yuffie."

"What of it," Yuffie stated as she climbed in from the window. "I'm only here because Aeris refused to leave your side until you woke up. "

Kiba wasn't surprised by the response since the few moments of tenderness that she showed him generally were in the aftermath of her joining in on Aeris and his lovemaking. Kiba and the deaged kunoichi otherwise tended to be rather antagonistic towards one another with Aeris often playing peacemaker. He suspected that he was about to receive a verbal beat down, and wasn't disappointed as she began, "You piss me off so much. You played into that muscle bound bastard's game like a naïve dipshit, and worse yet you made Aeris worry that you were going to be mad at her for interfering in the beating death that you so richly deserve."

"That's a bit much don't you think?" Kiba complained dryly.

Yuffie's demeanor softened slightly as she said, "Maybe."

Before Yuffie could pick up her tirade Aeris entered with Tsunade in tow. The brown-haired woman was surprised her teammate was still around which she stated, "Yuffie! I thought you said you were going home. Were you here all this time?"

"What! N..no... I... I was just checking on you when I saw this idiot was awake. It's not like I was concerned about him or anything."

Kiba was a little surprised to see Yuffie so flustered by the simple question, but hoping to put an end to her apparent embarrassment stated, "Lady Tsunade? I hope your being here isn't a sign that my condition is actually worse than I'm feel."

Tsunade's face broke into a small smile as she said teasingly, "Well it's not like I'm here because I care about the condition of my shinobi or anything." Yuffie's cheeks colored at the Hokage's reply especially as Aeris giggled in response. A moment later the Hokage was all business as she stated, "You'll be fine with some rest. Although you're damn lucky that fight ended when it did."

Kiba nodded in agreement as Aeris grabbed his good hand in both of hers. Noticing the lack of presence of his mother he asked, "How angry is she?"

Tsunade took a seat as she responded, "Hard to tell. She's been put in a rather difficult position as a result of your recklessness. There's nothing that can be done to Koreshige legally as the match between you two was sanctioned by your Clan. Why the Inuzuka would keep such a tradition alive is beyond me, but then again I have a difficult time understanding why the Hyuuga brand half their members with the Caged Bird Seal." The Hokage leaned back in the chair as she crossed her legs while adding, "More to the point, she now has to perform a balancing act in regards to him. She can't just challenge him to another fight as Koreshige likely wouldn't accept since his being weaker than her was already well documented. Plus it can't appear as if she is using her position as Clan Head to retaliate against him by giving him crap without losing the support of the Clan for abusing her powers."

"My mom wouldn't do that anyway," Kiba stated.

"That's kind of a double standard though isn't it," Yuffie stated surprising Kiba due to the angry tone she used. "Koreshige targeted Kiba precisely because he knew he couldn't beat Tsume. Why does he get away with it?"

"Because while that might be what we suspect the true motivation behind his actions was, I'm afraid the optics of the situation allow for a different telling as well," Tsunade replied.

Aeris frowned as she asked, "You mean because of our..."

"Yours," Yuffie chimed in.

"...relationship with Kiba," the brown-haired woman finished.

Tsunade inclined her head as she explained, "Yes. Kiba's apparently taking two lovers suddenly had people speaking of him as a potential replacement for Tsume."

"That seems rather silly," Yuffie said crossing her arms.

Tsunade shrugged before pointing out, "Well keep in mind it is one of the reasons that Koreshige sought out several mates himself. He's trying to set himself up as the spiritual return of the First Inuzuka from what Tsume tells me. So if anything, that Kiba managed to do so with two women from outside the Inuzuka clan where the practice would be considered even rarer and alien then within it, well I'm sure you can imagine quite a few people would be rather envious and impressed. Couple that with Kiba's status as one of the Rookie Nine, and it's not too hard to imagine why Koreshige would feel threatened enough by him to act."

"Rookie Nine?" Yuffie asked turning towards Kiba.

"It's just a title that some people gave my team and the other Rookie's that participated in the Chunin Exam. It's nothing special," Kiba stated with a shrug.

"I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it," Tsunade said in reply. Focusing on Yuffie, she explained, "What Kiba fails to mention is that the rookies that make up the nine were all nominated for the first Chunin Exam after their graduation which was only a few months later. More to the point, they all made it through the first two rounds."

"Before I was eliminated in the preliminary round before the third," Kiba pointed out.

"Don't tell me that beating taught you some humility," Tsume said having been summoned from the Training Ground, via Tsunade's foxmark, which she had been in the process of wrecking to prevent herself from finding and killing Koreshige.

"No," Kiba said, "but you were the one that slugged me and told me it was time to get serious after my loss."

"That's because I didn't want you resting on your laurels from your successes," Tsume quickly retorted.

"Well you could have just said that," Kiba responded back heatedly.

His eyes went wide as he realized he had just talked back to his mother, who cracked her knuckles before saying, "Ladies leave."

Tsunade stood with a smirk as she ushered out the other two women as Aeris tried to protest out of fear Tsume would finish the job Koreshige had started. As soon as the door closed Kiba tried to apologize, but was cut short as his mother pulled him into a tight hug. He groaned as some of his injuries protested, but able to gleam some of the worry his mother had been feeling through the affectionate act he didn't complain. Finally after several moments he wrapped his good arm around her to say, "I'm fine mom."

Tsume pulled her head away from Kiba's chest letting his heartbeat assure her that he was okay. Kiba was surprised to see his mother's eyes appeared watery, but then she blinked and the soft eyes were replaced by steel as she said, "As soon as you're on your feet I'm going to put you through such hell of training that you're going to wish Aeris didn't stop the fight."

Kiba felt a heavy leaden weight settle in his stomach as he had felt his mother's training had been harsh before. Still he nodded causing his mother to smile as she said, "Good boy. Now rest up, you are going to need it."

Kiba nodded as Tsume stood to leave, but she stopped as she said, "Mom, I'm sorry my foolishness put you in such a hard place."

Tsume bared her fangs in a predatory smile as she said, "What's done is done. Koreshige is a sly bastard and he knew his verbal attacks against your ladies would make you lose your cool. Now the burden is on you to get stronger from this defeat."

"But what about you?" Kiba asked before clarifying, "He hasn't given up his claim to be the next clan head."

"He's welcome to come after me for it again. If he steps before me once more he's not going to walk away with only a broken nose, that's for sure."

Tsume reiterated that he should rest so Kiba laid back as she left the room. He frowned though as he doubted the next time Koreshige made a move for the title of Clan Leader it would be directly. Afraid that his actions had made it so that his mother couldn't keep a tight leash on the man, he knew he needed to get stronger in order to challenge him in her place. Still even with his mother's training he didn't know if he would be able to best the powerful Inuzuka. However, Kiba did know someone who seemed capable of breaking all the limitations others had placed on him back when everyone thought he was the dead last of the academy. As such as soon as he could, Kiba planned to turn to Naruto for help in breaking down his own.


Naruto walked through the deserted West Wing of Haruna's Castle. Stepping before a section of the wall he turned a lamp fixture sticking out of it. It resisted his attempt to turn it, but finally with the sound of something unlocking it gave way as a hidden door opened to the side. He stepped inside the room that Anko said the previous master of it had called simply The Dungeon.

The door sealed itself behind him as he couldn't help but feel the name fitted as he tried to figure out just what kind of sexual pleasures could be had from some of the devices contained inside of it. One of which was in use as he saw a blindfolded, gagged and nude Haruna tied to a long wooden triangle which was suspended in the air by wires to the ceiling. The Daimyo of Vegetable shifted about atop of it as she tried to use her thighs to prevent from sitting with all of her weight on the blunted top edge of it. Her task was made harder by heavy weights tied to straps around her ankles.

Anko clad in her leather bustier with the pieces that normal cupped her breasts removed paced around the Wooden Pony with a cat o' nine tails which she slapped against one of her leather gloved encased hands. She occasionally lashed out striking either Haruna's breasts or butt whenever she felt the woman was raising herself too far off of the device. Her attention shifted to Naruto and her demeanor which had been stern and domineering seconds before shifted into almost a schoolgirl like devotion as she said happily, "Master."

Anko turned back to Haruna, who had stiffened at the revelation of his presence and she removed the blindfolded as she giddily said, "Look who's come to watch as I play with my Toy." Haruna's eyes looked slightly mortified but she moaned as Anko gave her nipple a painful twist even as she gently tongued her ear. Her moaned turned into a pained yell which the ballgag she wore muffled as Anko's other hand pulled Haruna's thigh away from the horse causing her entire weight to bear down on her pussy.

Naruto looked away so Anko sensing her Master's discomfort stepped away allowing the women to get resituated as she came before the blond. Pushing her chest out as she stood in front of him, she asked, "Feeling a little backed up Master since Kakashi asked you not to play with your other lovers during the mission?"

Naruto chuckled as he moved to sit in a chair as he said, "Maybe a little." Anko moved to kneel before him but before she could pull out his cock to suck him, Naruto stopped her to say, "Actually what brings me here right now is Hana told me what you tried to do."

Anko wasn't surprised that Naruto learned of her attempt to use the Haimaru Triplets. After all, she had read Yurinojo's journal from cover to cover to find something which Haruna had not be subjected to before giving her a safe word to use. In fact, she was actually pleased that Naruto was choosing to confront her in the presence of Haruna and more to the point in the room where the Daimyo's past experiences showed she had little power. She suspected that Naruto knew her reasons so hoping the scenario played out as she expected asked in a tone somewhere between defiant and respectful, "Did I do something wrong Master? She is my Toy to play with."

"That she is my Pet, but you promised me you wouldn't get too crazy in your enjoyment of her. I consider literally throwing her to the dogs more than just playing. I doubt even her previous master did such a thing. Now I suspect you had your reasons and I'm pleased you gave her a means to stop it. But going forward I want you clear it with me before deciding to test her boundaries."

"Yes Master," Anko said as she stood. Turning towards Haruna she saw the woman watching the exchange closely, she also saw that her gaze when focusing on Naruto held gratitude and more than a little admiration. It confirmed for Anko that her Toy still held feeling for her Master which made her process of rehabilitating the Daimyo so she could take a spot at Naruto's side all the more important.

She was about to return to Haruna though to reassert her dominance, when Naruto grabbed her wrist and pulled her over his lap. Before she could ask what he was doing he brought his hand down on her naked backside causing Anko to cry out in surprise and pain. "M-master..."

Naruto brought his hand down twice more before explaining, "I do understand what you were doing my Pet. But, you seem to be forgetting your place." He spanked her twice more before gently rubbing her pussy which to his fingers seemed to be growing wetter as he added, "First you likely didn't tell me what you were doing as you figured it would be easier to ask for forgiveness then permission." He pulled his hand from her pussy and smacked her ass several more times, "And while you have my forgiveness these spankings are a part of your punishment for going around me." Upon reaching ten he stopped and again began rubbing her pussy causing her to moan even as the cheeks of her ass continued to redden. Finding her quim was practically drooling now he decided to give her five more as he stated, "Furthermore, you were about to go play with your Toy without first attending to your Master's needs." Finishing the five he asked, "Now my Pet, do you have something to say?"

Anko scrambled off his lap to resume her kneeling position as she asked obediently, "Master, may I please service your dick?"

Naruto just gave her a wave to indicate his permission the almost dismissive gesture caused Anko to coo appreciatively as she leaned forward and began to rub her face against his groin. His dick began to harden and once his pants were tented she used her teeth to grip his fly and pull it down. His dick sprang out and she heard Haruna give an appreciative moan as she saw it for the first time. Anko wasted no time in swallowing his manhood, bobbing her head in his lap enthusiastically. Naruto groaned as she tried to swallow his entire length, but she gagged only to try again moments later.

She began to suck on his cockhead as she opened his pants the rest of the way and began to pull them down. Once he was free of them, he spread his legs further apart allowing Anko to crawl closer as she began to suck on each of his nuts. She then ran her tongue along the underside of his cock before taking him into her mouth again, once more trying to force him all the way inside her mouth. Able to relax her throat enough, she succeeded in her task as her nose touched his shaved mound. She moaned in satisfaction as well as a result of her beginning to finger her pussy with one hand as the other massaged a tit.

Her lungs began to burn for air causing her to let his man python slip free of her lips as she backed off. Before she could swallow it again though Naruto pulled her into his lap to kiss her deeply, Anko moaned into his mouth as his hand began to roll around her breast as their tongues swirled around each other. Breaking the kiss he said, "I want to feel you cunt wrapped around me, my Pet."

Breathlessly Anko replied, "Yes Master."

She spun in his lap so that she faced Haruna and then standing up slightly, she gripped his dick and guided it past her entrance until it was nestled up against her core. Anko began bouncing on his cock happily as Naruto's hand gripped her breasts possessively. Aware that Haruna's eyes were glued to them, she allowed her Master to pull her back against him. She then placed her feet on his knees and displayed her pussy to the Daimyo. Naruto took control as he began pounding up into her pussy causing Anko to moan loudly before saying to her Toy, "You want this cock don't you? I'm sure some part of you wonders what it would have been like to meet my Master under different circumstances. Maybe you even pictured him as part of some happily ever after. But sadly my Master has no use for a broken toy who only listens to her cunt. He needs women who can help him shape the course of the Elemental Nations. But don't worry little Toy, your mistress will put you back together again so you can take your spot at his side."

"Anko," Naruto said in surprise.

Anko looked back at Naruto as she said, "It is okay Master. She's been touched by you so I know I'm only borrowing her. I'll do a good job of rehabilitating her and make her worthy of your cock because then my Master will fill his Pet's pussy with lots of his thick and delicious cum." Anko pulled her back from Naruto's chest and still balanced on his knees began slamming herself down on the dick she was impaled upon. She raised her hands behind her head as she felt her lover swell inside her so she displayed herself for Haruna's benefit as she pleaded, "Please give me your cum Master!"

Naruto held back for several more thrusts before exploding inside of his lover as she shook over him as she experienced her own climax. She sagged against him once more as she kissed his cheek lovingly before saying, "Thank you for your seed, Master."

Naruto turned his face to hers and replied, "You're welcome my Pet." They kissed greedily, but before things progressed much further, Naruto forced them both to their feet before extracting his cock from his lover. "I should get going," he informed his lover, "Kakashi-sensei doesn't want me tiring myself out with nighttime activities. Good night, my Pet."

"Good night Master," Anko said walking towards her Toy after receiving a loving kiss from Naruto while he put his pants and boxers back on. Anko smiled as he was obviously unsure of how to address the nude Daimyo so settled for a quick good night which Haruna returned after her ballgag was removed.

Anko helped Haruna off of the wooden pony and smirked as she saw the trail of pussy juice running down from where her cunt had rested. She stepped away as Haruna walked stiffly to get the soreness out of her legs. Pulling a dildo and harness from one of the walls she asked, "Did watching me with my Master excite you?"

"Yes Mistress," Haruna replied demurely.

"Good," Anko replied with a soft moan as she slipped the harness on and slid one end of the plastic phallus through it and into her. "And does my Toy one day desire to be with him herself?"

Haruna seeing what Anko was doing dropped to her knees and kept her head down. She didn't speak making the Leaf Kunoichi suspect that her previous master likely would have punished her for being honest. She had read in Yurinojo's journal that after her encounter with Naruto, he had once asked if she harbored feelings for him. The Flower Ninja hadn't specified her answer, but from how he had described his session with her afterwards she believed he hadn't liked it. Haruna aware that Anko had read the journal likely suspected she was being set up to be punished again.

Reaching down, she grabbed Haruna's jaw roughly as she said harshly, "Answer my question."


Anko smiled as she said, "Good, and now for your reward." She pushed the plastic dick into Haruna's lips who expertly began sucking it to get it wet. Anko placed her hand on the Daimyo's head as she began to fuck her mouth enjoying how the toy stirred the cum inside her up. Soon though she was ready to mount her Toy so grabbing her by the hair had her walk on all fours to the chair Naruto had just been occupying. Placing her face down in it, she lifted the woman's ass and crouching behind her slid easily into her drenched cunt.

Haruna moaned in both pleasure and pain as her still tender pussy was slammed into by Anko. The jounin pulled Haruna's face back by her hair as she said, "You love it don't you, you masochistic bitch. You love being nothing more than a Toy to be used by people to satisfy their lusts."

Haruna whimpered but a sharp pull of her hair from Anko had her replying, "Yes Mistress."

"Then that is what you'll be," Anko said as she began pushing her rubber dick in and out of the tight tunnel gripping it with renewed vigor. "But my Master has no use for toys, Haruna. If you want his cock to eventually be what gives you pleasure then you need to desire more."

Anko stuck three of her fingers into Haruna's ass and began to work them in time with her thrusts. She wasn't surprised when a few moments later the Daimyo tensed as she began to cum. Anko let the woman collapse against the chair as she stood pulling the dildo free. Staring down at the woman she asked, "Who gave you permission to cum before me?" Pulling Haruna's face up by her hair she added, "Here I was thinking that I'd allow you the privilege of sucking Master's cum out of my pussy."

"Please forgive me Mistress," Haruna stated hungrily.

Anko thought about it for a moment before pulling the dildo free of her pussy. Holding the end that had been inside her out to the woman she said, "We'll see. But I suppose I'll give you a small taste first." She watched as Haruna eagerly began licking the end of the rubber toy with her tongue trying to gather up any of the cum that still clung to it. Growing excited from watching the Daimyo clean the toy, she took a seat in the chair to allow the woman to put her tongue to work cleaning her as well. Anko moaned as the woman wordlessly accept the invitation which grew even louder as she pictured her Master one day behind the Daimyo pumping her full of his seed as well.


Fuka was bored as she remained seated outside the cell that housed Leader's prisoner. Her role thus far in his scheme had been little more than to constantly drain away the prisoner's chakra. They naturally had chakra seals which would do the same thing, but she believed the Leader felt having her do it was a more personal touch. Something which Fuka could appreciate, yet nonetheless longed to take a more active role as up to now she had not left their current hideout. She also believed it was because should they capture the target that had brought them to Vegetable she'd be used in a similar manner to keep the nine-tails subdued.

She went on guard as she heard footsteps approach, but relaxed as she saw the man she had just been thinking of approaching. She frowned as she didn't see Fudo or Fuen with him so asked, "Where are the others?"

"Fuen is off to collect the bounty we collected, and Fudo is preparing for the final stage of the plan," the man replied. Indicating the cell, he asked, "How is the prisoner?"

"His chakra is delicious, although I'm growing a little bored with it."

The Leader chuckled as he opened the door to say, "Hello father, are you enjoying the accommodations?"

Kazuma looked up weakly due to his near chakra exhaustion as he answered with a question of his own, "Sora, what brings you by to visit your old man?"

Sora smirked tossing his dad a sweet potato which the man eagerly grabbed looking to recoup some of his strength. The young monk watched his dad eat ravenously before tossing him a cloth as he said, "Here use this to wipe your face."

Kazuma grabbed the cloth and recognizing it as a sash that was given to the Twelve Ninja Guardians asked, "What's with this?"

"The reason for my visit father," Sora stated coldly. "I thought you'd be interested in knowing that you're the last of the Original members of the Twelve Ninja Guardians." Seeing his father noticed the blood on it he added, "You might not be aware of this, but before I took over for you, the reason Chiriku was always turning up is we Ninja Monks developed subtle means to alert one another that a brother was in in the area. I've been leaving him a trail of breadcrumbs to keep you off balance as you tried to stay one step ahead of him."

A mirthless chuckle escaped from the young man's father as he said, "A clever plan keeping me focused outside while you turn my associates against me. Still, why pray tell bait your former teacher into a trap?"

Sora shrugged as he said, "It was actually my goal that he'd help bait the trap for our true target. I suppose he suspected that I was no longer the unwilling accomplice that your kidnapping me from the temple would have led him to believe. I suppose my taking such an active role in destroying the Flower Village was bound to have such consequences."

"Perhaps he hoped by not involving the Leaf, to keep your involvement from being public knowledge," Kazuma stated.

"You almost sound regretful father, has the passing of your once dear friend touched some vestige of emotion you still harbor in your heart. No matter, Chiriku like you tried to use me as a pawn between the two of you. It was you yourself that pointed out his taking a personal interest in me, was just to deny you the power of the nine-tails growing within me. He knew perfectly well what you did to me but remained silent even as I had to endure the looks of disgust from my fellow monks."

"I gave you power," Kazuma said attempting to stand.

Fuka moved to drain him again, but Sora held up his hand as he approached his father. Pulling the sleeve of his right arm up he showed off the beastly arm that he had used to bandage. He then backhanded his father with it knocking him down to the ground as he said, "You didn't do this to me for my benefit, but yours. You lacked the power to destroy the current system yourself so attempted to use me as your weapon. Everything about you was a lie including your supposed affection for me. The only reason you still draw breath father is because I'm going to tear down everything you valued and I want you to see it."

Kazuma scoffed as he asked, "And how do you intend to do that boy while playing as some sort of low rent bounty hunter?"

"That's your problem father, you lack vision. That's also why your crew now works for me. Fudo and Fuen only worked with you because they expected the rewards for removing Konoha for the Fire Daimyo would be substantial. You can only maintain the loyalty of such people for so long with promises of the good life. Under my leadership however, they've already achieved riches they didn't think possible so trust me when I say more is to come. We'll make a little coin by removing the nine-tails jinchuriki and then not only will I crush Konoha, but then I'm going to kill the entire Fire Daimyo line. Imagine the chaos that will erupt as all the nations try to be the first to claim the territory that once belonged to the Land of Fire." Dropping to his haunches as he stared down at his father he asked, "Now tell me father, how will a man like you react when the country he tried to protect by removing what he perceived as a threat to the power of its rightful ruler is destroyed piece by piece as the other countries fight for it?"

Sora stood after slapping a chakra suppression seal on him not caring to hear if his father had an answer. He walked from the cell leaving Fuka by the door and who then began to close it. But just before it slammed shut Kazuma asked, "And how did he secure your loyalty Fuka?"

Fuka gave an amused smile as she answered, "You know better than most that I'm a monster Kazuma. I've been around long enough to see countries come and go so don't care in the slightest who rules whom. I simply followed you because I thought it'd allow me to have a little fun. His plan however sounds far more entertaining." Her voice dropped down to a small whisper as she added, "But don't worry, I won't tell him your dirty little secret... at least not until it amuses me to do so." She then slammed the door closed and headed after Sora suspecting that since he had applied a chakra suppression tag to Kazuma it meant she would be taking an active role now.


Kushina sat on the edge of her bed looking at her right arm which was marked with the symbols that made up the key for Naruto's seal. She was nude having enjoyed the experience Naruto had with Anko. She had felt a delicious thrill as she had mirrored Anko while the woman had begged for the privilege of enjoying her son's dick. That it had been her voice repeating Anko's words had driven her to the heights of lust. However, it had also been Anko's words to Haruna which had caused her to end the session prematurely.

Hearing Anko tell Haruna that she was a woman whose pussy was calling the shots had hit a soft spot within the Uzumaki. After all, she was no better as she had begun to try and justify her desires using whatever rational she could. Minato's actions for example didn't suddenly free her from the fact that what she desired was wrong and while others might have given in, their choices didn't mean she should succumb to her own base needs. Especially as she saw that Naruto had plenty of lovers, but only one mother, and she needed to stop letting her lusts try to make her forget that fact.

That was what made the key that Kiyomi had given her such a horrible temptation. She knew that she could simply unlock the gate and the matter would be outside of her control as even the lamps would stop working since Naruto's chakra would meld with hers. Kushina shivered as she imagined that if that happened and with no further barrier between them the pleasure she gleamed from his lovers would be even greater. She harbored no doubts that she would soon be begging her son to fuck her directly throwing away any chance to be a mother to her son. Instead she would just be another woman enthralled by his dick.

Kushina had considered asking Kiyomi to set her free by supplying a body for her to use. But she feared that even once free of the seal, she would still desire her son, and to her surrendering then would almost be worse than if she was in the seal. This was because she felt that being free of it and still desiring Naruto would prove that her desires were her own and not just a product of the situation she had found herself in.

But she knew that at some point leaving the seal intact would be detrimental to her son. Kushina had already come up with a solution to her situation which would allow her to keep her dignity as a mother intact. But she found going through with it harder than she thought causing her respect for Minato and what he had sacrificed to return somewhat. She considered going to sleep since she didn't need to make a decision now, but then the lamp switched on. She frowned, but she waved it off since Kakashi had made it clear he didn't want the women of his team engaging Naruto in sex while on the mission. Curious as to who was disobeying his order, she fought against the pull which would have had her assuming the woman's place to find her son laying on the bed with a woman she didn't recognize on top of him.

The red-headed woman seemed to melt into Naruto's arms as he encircled her with them. Kushina wondered what was going on until she realized his chakra was being siphoned from him. Panicking she shouted, "Naruto wake up!"

"Huh... what... mom," Naruto said groggily as he came to.

He heard a seductive laugh he didn't recognize as his bottom lip was sucked on. The woman let it go saying, "Oh my, what a kinky boy to have a dream of kissing your mother in such a way."

The comment caused both Uzumaki to blush. The woman enjoyed the color that appeared on the young man's cheeks even as she leapt back when Naruto tried to kick her off him. Landing elegantly the woman said, "Normally I ask my victims if they like to deep or soft kiss." Moaning slightly as she licked her lips and ran a finger down her body she continued, "But I think I know which you prefer."

"Who the fuck are you?" Naruto asked preparing to attack the woman.

"Maybe I'll tell you if you catch me," she responded before creating a water jutsu that took the shape of a snake's mouth which hit him and smashed him through the wall. Naruto landed in the courtyard of the castle as his opponent laughed joyfully from the hole he had made. She leapt out followed by several kunai from behind launched by Kakashi as he appeared in the room. As the blades approached, she pulled a scroll which she held in front of her. For a moment Naruto thought he saw two of the woman but the image faded. She then spit out a large volume of mud which upon hitting the ground grew into a massive barrier between her and the weapons which imbedded in it. Landing on the ground, she blew Naruto a kiss before darting away into the darkness.

Kakashi landed next to Naruto hand him his pouch as he asked, "Are you alright?"

Naruto nodded as he affixed it to his belt since he had been sleeping in his pants and a black t-shirt. Accepting his sandals and cloak from Sakura as the rest of the team arrived, he said, "I'm fine. She surprised me that's all. We should get after her."

Kakashi was hesitant to agree fearing the woman was trying to bait them away from the castle. One of Hana's pups whined followed by Naruto saying, "Shit!"

Turning back to the jinchuriki and able to see from his eyes that he had entered Sage Mode, Kakashi asked, "What's wrong?"

"The Village is surrounded."

Hana confirmed the pronouncement as she said, "He's right Kakashi. I think it's the Watari."

Kakashi revealed his Sharingan as he began to order, "We're going to need to try and evacuate the citizens to the castle. Luckily most of the village is laid out in front of it. Sakura, go raise the alarm in the lower level, they should have a means of alerting the whole town. Once you do so establish a medical center as there may be wounded. Anko will remain close to Haruna as per her mission parameters so we don't need to worry about them. Hana and Fu will need to guard the back of the castle in case the Watari try to make their way up that way." Looking at Toka and Naruto as the others began to follow their orders he added, "That leaves protecting the village while evacuating civilians for us."

"Right," Naruto and Toka said in unison as they began following behind Kakashi.

As they reached the base of the castle a loud bell being hit sounded. The deep tone carried through the village causing lights to be switched on. The sudden illumination revealed many of the Wutari as they tried to sneak through the village towards the castle. The masked shinobi spotted the three Konoha-nin so charged as they tried to get passed them and into the castle.

Naruto easily broke through the horde before he created a clone which immediately charged a group of them preparing to throw shuriken at some of the civilians running for the castle. The Wutai targeted the clone instead, but it easily avoided the thrown weapons. It allowed one of the masked shinobi to hit it upon reaching them which caused it to explode killing the man and those moving to surround it.

Naruto ducked his head to the side causing the weighted end of a chain to sail past his head. Grabbing the chain, he pulled it and the man holding the sickle it was attached to towards him. Once the man reached him, Naruto slammed his fist up into the man's chest sending him skyward. He crashed down behind him with a sickening thud even as Naruto charged several more enemies before him. Reaching the group, he kicked one in the stomach sending him flying back into another group chasing after some civilians. As the streets began to thin out of civilians as Naruto moved deeper into the village, he created hundreds of clones to cut off any pursuit by the Wutari as the civilians rushed up the steps into the castle.

He avoided a sword strike against his back by rolling forward before throwing a pair of kunai behind him. The blades impacted with the knees of the woman who had tried to cut him down from behind causing her to scream as she fell back grabbing at them. Naruto leapt up with a knee that caught a man wielding a bo in the face. The man's face rocked back so Naruto took his weapon from him and then swung it to catch his opponent and two others standing behind him. Naruto's blow lifted all three men off of their feet and over the roof of one of the buildings as they disappeared into the night's sky.

Naruto looked around as he found himself alone at the center of an intersection. He could feel that his clones were driving the Watari back with the aid of Toka and Kakashi. He could also feel that Fu and Hana had their hands full with a group trying to scale up the back of the castle. Naruto was about to turn back to lend a hand when a large number of his clones nearby were suddenly wiped out. Receiving the image as to why he didn't need to feel the earth start shaking for him to start running down the street as a large mud river began chasing after him.

The river over took him carrying him down the street until it smashed into a mud wall that sprung up. Naruto was smashed into it as the mud river crashed against it before receding. Getting back to his feet as three more mud walls appeared boxing him in he said, "Are you going to tell me your name yet?"

He heard the amused laugh of the woman as she said from atop of the wall he was closest too, "I suppose its only right you know my name considered all we shared. Naruto leapt away as a bunch of spear like pillars of rock appeared from beneath him. Touching down he rolled back to avoid the last few before glaring up at the woman. She smirked before she leapt down from the wall and landed gracefully to balance on one of the spears that she had created, "My name is Fuka."

Naruto took a moment to run his eye over his opponent admitting that she was stunning in her pink shoulder-less gi with loose arm-warmers covering her which extended from her upper arms down to her wrists. She wore short purple shorts and short black boots that left her shapely legs exposed. Still Naruto couldn't shake the feeling that something about her was off. He wasn't sure what it was, but attributed it to when he had held her earlier her body had seemed unnaturally cold.

Tabling trying to figure out the mystery for the moment he asked, "You're not a member of the Watari. Not wearing that getup, so what do you want?"

"What all women want," Fuka replied amused pulling her scroll in front of her again. Putting it away she continued, "To find a bit of warmth to share with a good looking man. So how about you come home with me now and we not waste time fighting?"

"Sorry lady," Naruto replied pulling his chakra blades from his pouch, "but something tells me you don't have all the much warmth to give."

Fuka scowled at him before flashing through several hand signs. A cyclone appeared in front of her before flying towards Naruto. The jinchuriki rolled out of the way and prepared to charge the woman but was forced to dodge again as the wind jutsu angled around to attack him again. Needing to avoid the jutsu a third time, Naruto waited until the last moment to roll out of the way. He then channeled his wind chakra into his blades before swinging them at the rock pillar Fuka was standing on.

The wind scythes cut through the rock easily causing Fuka to lose her balance and thus end the jutsu as she leapt away. She landed on one of the rock walls in a crouch, where she began firing air bullets at the charging jinchuriki. Naruto reached the base of the wall and began running up it towards her while dodging between the frantic air bullets she fired. Just before he reached her, Fuka leapt from the wall but Naruto created a pair of clones which followed after her. She hit both of them causing them to dispel, but cursed as the smoke caused her to lose sight of her opponent. He appeared through it a moment later with a Rasengan in his hand, but Fuka blasted that Naruto as well. Her moment of triumph was cut short as that Naruto burst into smoke also and what appeared next from it was a smaller but faster version of the Rasenshuriken.

Naruto watched through the clearing his jutsu had cut through the smoke as Fuka pulled her scroll just as the jutsu hit. He noticed the pair of Fuka again as his jutsu collided with the one he had original aimed for. She was carried away by it where she smashed into the opposite wall at which point his jutsu unleashed its full fury. Thankfully though his chakra training had paid off as allowing him to make the Rasenshuriken smaller so rather than a massive crater in the earth only the earth wall she had hit was damaged. Still Naruto frowned as not only the top portion of the wall, but her body crumbled to dust.

Reaching out with his chakra sensing abilities, he cursed as he sensed his opponent above him so leapt as a deluge of water fell from above. Fuka stepped to the edge of the wall as Naruto landed on the ground in the water. She smirked as she pulled her scroll again before saying, "You certainly are a ruffian aren't you to treat a lady like that. Luckily I can take it and dish it out."

She placed her hands down on the front of the wall and from them appeared a wave of electricity which began traveling downwards. "Fuck," Naruto cursed leaping from the water to the top of one of the stone pillars still covering the ground as the wave hit the water electrifying it.

Fuka grinned darkly as she said, "You don't have anywhere to go now. I told you that you should have just come with me."

"I remember you giving me the same option," a voice cut in.

"What!" Fuka said turning her head towards the newcomer to have her throat slashed open with a three bladed claw as a man dressed in the garb of a monk appeared next to her.

Fuka's jutsu cut out as she fell forward into the water. Naruto stared up at his rescuer as he leapt to the wall before running up it. Keeping on guard he asked, "Who are you?"

"My name's Sora," the monk said keeping his distance. "I was taken captive by these people on orders from my father. Luckily, whatever they are planning forced them to leave their base lightly guarded so I could make my escape."

"Do you know how they destroyed the Flower Village?" Naruto asked.

"I... I'm not sure that I know what you are talking about" Sora said sounding confused and disoriented as it appeared like he was trying to remember, "T...They spent a lot of time keeping me drugged. I...I think I remember maybe hearing about it... or seeing... but its like trying to remember some sort of fevered dream."

Naruto kept his face expressionless, but having had a similar experience when he had entered his four-tail state during his training trip couldn't help but feel he was meeting a kindred spirit. His senses screamed at him about a threat from behind as a man landed on the edge of the wall shouting, "There you are boy. You're not getting away from us."

Naruto turned to face the new threat instinctually putting himself between Sora and the man. "You're not taking him anywhere," Naruto said defiantly.

He felt something get jammed into his back as Sora said coldly, "What makes you think he was talking to me?"

"Bastard," Naruto shouted swinging his fist behind him trying to smash the monk's face in. He felt everything begin to go topsy-turvy as Sora leapt away while still holding the injector he had used. The jinchuriki turned to face the monk and tried to charge him, but Sora sidestepped him before kicking Naruto in the middle of the back. The blow caused the jinchuriki to stumble forward into the waiting arms of Fuka.

She cupped the jinchuriki's face before saying, "Shh, don't fight it. Let Fuka help you off to sleep." She then pulled him into a kiss as she began to drain him of his chakra and life force.

Fuka wasn't sure why but as the kiss progressed a warm flush began to come over her. She began to feed more finding the feeling intoxicating as normally her existence was filled with nothing but a deadened existence. She became aware of her name being called until she was roughly grabbed away by Sora who tossed her to the ground saying, "That's enough goddammit. We only get paid if he is alive."

Fuka only listened with half an ear as she was shocked by the fact that it had hurt to hit the rough stone. Sora began to order Fudo to secure Naruto as the man slapped a special seal on him to prevent him from being able to use chakra and block his ability to feel his Hiraishin kunai to teleport away. By extension a panic began to spread throughout the network of his lovers as they felt Naruto's comforting presence disappear.

Sora smirked as he looked over Vegetable's Capital. Kneeling down he pulled the scroll that Fuen had prepared and flashing through hand signs, he pressed his hands to the ground causing massive stone like temples to appear around the village. He noticed some of the nearby Watari turn towards him looking at him with questioning eyes as a barrier sprang into existence trapping them inside. Sora smirked as Fudo then leapt to the ground in front of the barrier and pressing his hands to the ground caused a large pile of dirt to grow from the ground inside it. The Wave of disturbed earth grew and grew as more Watari began to gather to find out what their leader was planning. But then they began to panic as from the unnatural soil the corpses of all those killed in the Flower Village began to appear.

Many of the Watari ran towards the barrier hoping they would be able to escape, but they banged against it fruitlessly as the undead shinobi pounced on them. The rest ran deeper into the village hoping to defend themselves from the undead horde.

"Well done, Fudo," Sora said as he watched the Watari scatter.

"I aim to please," the man said leaping back up the wall to pick up their target.

Sora turned away and noticed Fuka still on the ground so said, "Let's go Fuka. I want you around to drain his chakra if his Bijuu tries anything. Just keep in mind that we need him alive to collect the bounty."

"R-right," Fuka said shakily as she stood dusting her clothes off. She stopped though as she felt a sudden pain in her hand and inspecting it was shocked to find it she had suffered a cut as she hit the ground but even more surprising was the fact that it was currently bleeding which would be impossible considering that her body's heart had stopped long ago. Yet reaching to her chest her eyes grew wide as she felt a steady thumping rising from within.


Naruto felt a pain in his stomach as a woman he thought had loved him stabbed him with a kunai she had hidden somehow despite only wearing a white sheet taken from the bed where they had just made love. The force of her attacked slammed him against a large glass window. The window behind him cracked as a result causing him to fall from the tall building that had been his crowning achievement. Everything seemed to slow down as he drank in the moment of what appeared to be his death.

The woman burst into smoke revealing someone he didn't know even as her still pink eyes shown with the same light he had always associated with her. Now though that light was replaced by anguish and pain as she watched him fall further and further away into darkness. Clutched in her hand was the kunai that she had just plunged into him, but in the other hand holding the sheet to her he saw she gripped the red strap of a headband. The metal portion spun around and as it faced him he he saw it was marked with the symbol of Iwa.

Time sped up again as Naruto fell the fifty stories that made up the building whose grand opening that they had just celebrated. Hitting the pavement of the street below, he was surprised that he didn't feel anything even as the heavens began to open up and pour rain down upon him. He heard someone scream before people began to gather around him with an old lady he knew but didn't pushing her way to the front. In her mouth was an ever present cigarette which fell free as she caught sight of him.

"No," she shouted as she knelt next to before asking, "Who did this?"

Naruto felt his light fading and couldn't answer even if he wanted to so just gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Just as everything went dark for him, a thought popped into his head which strangely enough seemed to be a message to him from the great beyond. "I didn't see that coming. I'll let you take over from here, Naruto."

Time began to reverse itself as Naruto began to see all the events that led up to the moment and strangely enough start in the bathroom of the Grand Konoha Hotel as the room began to fill with the pleasured filled moans of Tayuya.


Fuka looked up as Naruto began to twitch while he was chained up to a wall. Currently Sora and Fudo were out looking for some sign of how Kazuma had escaped since they had returned to find him missing. The woman was surprised as she felt her cheeks heat up while she stared at the still unconscious jinchuriki. She then felt an urge that she had not experienced in centuries despite how promiscuous she acted. Turning away, she tried to understand what was happening to her and wished Fuen would return so she could find some alone time to figure things out as well as deal with the increasing dampness growing between her thighs.