Episode 4.4: Dirty Bastard

The loud and unadjusted eating room came into view. His sharp red eyes constantly sneaking to his left and right searching for the right place to resolve and start his schemes...

Students wearing a black and white uniform messing around the canteen like an untrained pet in their self owned zoo. It was not the loveliest sight but it's not the ugliest to see in a school full of mafias. Therefore, he needs to be prepared for the worst outcome. There will be some time before the male lead kicked by the bullies

"Akira? ... Did you not bring your "bento"?"

The girl beside him, Mira blink to moistened and sparkled her eyes. Akira just learned her name when they were on the way here and because she helped him for a while back then. This girl is the one who helps him so naturally, he promised to treat her nicely...

"Uhm... yes, I guess I'll go buy some then..." he pushed the steel chair to the back and stood up to buy some food at the food counter. He has a calm expression until some girls busily lining up in front of him, blocking his way. They aimed to create a small chance to steal his heart. Their mind is filled with blushes and squealings as long as their eyes lay upon that man. Akira is speechless. He has nothing to say except to silently cough to avoid their unwanted gifts. That method didn't work at all! instead, they keep leaving their bento on his table which annoyed the hell out of him. Clearly, Akira showed that he doesn't want or need any of this illegal raw homemade affection!

"Hey!" Mira frantically holds her waist. Her eyes glaring a grim light at those sickly girls. Mira is one arrogant and selfish girl but her observation skill is better than anybody else in this school. That is why she can perform a good score in almost all test since her first year of freshmen and never halted out of her tiny space. She knew that her father is not a good man and this school isn't as decent as people thought it should be. There are almost zero nice people in this school and unexpected fights often happen. She truly despised these people and swear to be a different matter of the story. Her strong heart drove away all bad and unnecessary things, such as drugs and bribe's transits which happens almost every day to be exact! She defined that she is far way better than other girls in this crazily static and unarranged place...!

"Can't you see that Akira is uncomfortable with your doing! You should stop doing this and take everything back! Leave him alone!" The girls' face changes upon hearing Mira's domineering voice. It's not that people are afraid of her angry little kitty face. The source of her high status and most of all, unbeatable blockage never failed to scared people away. It's a given fact that her father is one of the strongest Yakuza households between five distinguished Yakuza's and mafia's families. There is not a single person in this school including the teachers can deny her request or any of her bad behaviour since she is the renowned 'queen' of the powerful Sakiyurai Yakuza household. Moreover, the hatred she put onto those people never dispersed even for just a second... Akira is the first person ever to receive her blessing! The place where no one can enter, he is the first and probably the last one to ever exist...!

After the sudden commotion, those girls that forcefully put the "bento" from before scurried off with their homemade lunchbox till not a single one dares to sit in that area. Students who didn't have anything to do with it also avoid it in case the Queen would be mad at them for no particular reason. Mira seems satisfied with how this is going and proceed to sit down in the process while taking out her huge lunchbox. Her "brothers" really put a lot of effort into what she eats since birth. It's clearly visible that the lunchbox is full of delicious nutritionists food to help her diet. The said lunchbox contains two layers and she decided to serve one of the layers to the stunned boy. "Eat this..! I don't eat much, my brothers put a lot of effort into my lunch but I never got to properly finish the meal" her calm mood shows that she is not someone who gets agitated for too long. Instead, she is someone who forgives rather easily... It's surprising to think that a girl under the care of a real-life yakuza is actually a smart and reliable person.

Akira picks up his chopsticks and starts taking a bite out of the squared black box. "She is just like the previous world's body" except for her rustic and rough behaviour, which makes the difference. "What did you said just now?" Mira asks with a questionable tone. Ava shook off her thought. She didn't notice that her words would be blurted out so easily... Now she is neither Yui nor a girl named Ava. Akira is the main role in her story and she should not get out of character. "No, nothing" she answers simply glancing to the side to prevent any question to be thrown at her.

Mira observed his face and brush off the unpleasant suspicion.


A pair of old glasses shattered beneath his table followed by a skinny boy. His delicate features are covered with bruises and some of them shows signs of bleeding from another person's punch. The boy seems to be scared but his weak condition didn't give him a chance to fight back. He tries to scoot as far as possible but anyone could see that it's no use for that and he should accept the fact that he is going to die today...

"Little pig... why are you running away!?"

The tormentor's callus complexion is unprecedented for a human being but they are not Ava's true target. Akira's eyes shifted to the boy on the ground with a hardened face. She then swung to another man who is entering this room right after he witnessed the incident. Akira smiles, his right hand intentionally touch his nose. The phoney smirk excluding a certain dangerous aura. "Yes... You are the one I have been waiting for..." 'Furukawa Akio' the heroic vibe of male leads are truly vibrant. But only he knows that the male lead is not an actual good person. There are two ways to judge his character, one, he is too full of himself or he would not have the heart to forget his wife's loyalty and two, he never once helps the poor boy in pain. He only knows how to claim the said, "rights"... What kind of male lead he is? The scumbag style of the story who loves toying with others... The style of a person who thinks he is all that great and deserves more than what he gets...

Akira is now doubting the girl's man of choice. Why him? Because he showed you the light? Or his face is just your type? ...

Nonetheless, you are an idiot for one. He didn't show a bit of reaction upon witnessing the male lead's behaviour towards the bullied boy. There is not a bit of sympathy that crosses his face. Not even an angry righteous veil too covers his cold-looking complexion...

Akira holds up his feet and began to walk over the event. The salty utterance not once diffuses from his clock conveying his disturbance by their foul deed. His thin lips began to move in the motion of the cold whisper. "Is it fun?"... All of them standstill in position. Their feet that are ought to be kicking the protagonist stopped promptly. One of the bullies who was tall with brushed hair walk a gangsta walk trying to impress that he is the strongest one from the others while being a literal dog to his household. Akira is disgusted by this kind of humans who can't think right and will always do whatever they want in other to get recognition from others...

The bully stood in front of him trying to scare him with his ugly expression while saying some nasty words right on his face. His bawling is too much that it splatters some spits which he quickly wiped away with his hankie. The bully abruptly stops, astounding by his outrageous mien. 'This kid wants to die!" His nasty face becomes worst as he pulls out a punch to provoke the boy's fear. But in the end, nothing can stop the boy from being ruder than before. Akira took a hold of his arm and slung him to the wall, erecting an audible strike that cracks the one's osteon... He veers at the others who are the main fault of the violation as they scram away after witnessing the unfortunate guy's outcome. Onlookers can't help to avoid his eyes as much as possible, this one is not an ordinary human. His strength level is above a typical newbie's platform. He is a monster! They shivered, realizing that he might be the one out of millions that will have the chance to become a "high" in the underworld. It will be more dangerous if he piques one of the leaders' interest. He would be indestructible and if he gets luckier, he'll have the possibility to dominate the underground world!

Aoi who just realise his sitch gawp for a while, wonderstruck by his action. He wants to thank his saviour but at the same time scared to meet his face. His mushroom head keeps showing as he bent his whole neck inside the large hoodie. He didn't know what to do since his legs hurt from being beaten to a pulp, he could not flee from this place so he just froze in the spot hoping that he would ignore his existence...

Akira walks over to the boy who is cowering inside his nest. He is confused as to why the boy is in a frantic mess trying to find a place to hide. Maybe he scared them a little bit too much...

"You hurt..?"

The cold voice contains a small amount of warmness that woke the boy up, saying that he would not hurt him without a reason. Akira waits for his reply and a small nod resolve his quest. He slips his hand between his injured body and picks him up in the air. Aoi is in fright but being him, the tiny chick like mushroom didn't move even a little bit. "What if he crushes me...!" He ponders along the walk, still unconvinced with his intimate act but even so, Akira didn't say anything. He is too deep into the strange sensation. "Cheng?" He glances across the hall but no one is in sight. Feeling the small snore on her chest indicate that the child is fast asleep from the tiredness of being beaten almost every day.

Akira sigh, he cannot get any hope up. Then proceeding with his walk through the lonely hallway...