Episode 4.5: Dirty Bastard

"Good morning Akira-kun!" Mira settled herself beside her desk mate. Akira had arrived long ago and skimming some notes for their first Math class. The friendly air around them has always been there since their first meeting and Akira is quite comfortable with her presence. "Morning... Akira-san..."

A small voice came from the weak-looking boy, still can be heard by Akira. He won't forget the familiarity of the boy's features since he is an important soul in this story. He tilts to look at the boy who is fiddling with the end of his white sleeves. The said boy is looking shy as usual but he is bolder than before, ever since Akira save his life. He is more devoted to him and always follows him around like a little chick following its mother's footsteps. He even asks the teachers to change his class just to be near where his saviour is. Without any doubt, he got what he wants since Aoi is the "teacher's dog" which is also one of the reasons for being an easy target. The three of them have grown close due to the past incident and that night of trauma didn't happen at the rear end of that day, nevertheless, it didn't predict that the storyline of the lead's first meet would change...

"You too... Aoi... " Akira replies genuinely. He didn't foresee the future of meeting with this boy again. His job was finished months ago but the lad is sticking tightly to his side. The arrangement of the class was changed so that they can be nearer and noticeable to each other. Akira palms his head, 'If the male lead is slightly different from how the story describes... Then does that makes the protagonist walks the same way?'

Akira can't think of a way to break through the character's traits or their true feelings for the story. As if he is in a game of life and death without a lie detector to hold on. 'Whatever it is, I need to break the code and save myself no matter how risky it is..!'

"Good morning class..." The calm demeanour of Mr Kirishima shook away his thoughts as the whole class stand up to bestow respect to the teacher. 'Good morning too you, Sir Kirishima!' Their voices encircle the class before settling down in a minute. Mr Kirishima starts his lessons, as usual, asking his students to return their homework the first thing in the morning. Some students groan out of irritation for the teacher. Some didn't even care to complete the whole work and the rest are trying to not sleep during the class. Akira blinks his eyes, relaxing his posture. "This world is quite peaceful for a murdering polygamy fiction..." Akira stares at the blackboard. He closed his eyes showing that he is exhausted from the fruitless effort. Yes, Akira is in a dire state of sleep not knowing the eyes that have been watching for hours and days. The pair of eyes that never gets bored of nurturing the love he felt the moment Akira save him. When his mundane days finally ends as a new fun begins...


"I... I am sorry! Forgive me! Please forgive m..."

A ball of brown-haired head slips onto the ground. The smell of blood coated the black carpet but no one inches a little bit after seeing the murder scene. Slight city lights peers through the window but they are not enough to cover the whole room. The unattached body falters with a thud leaving the world in two-piece...

Over the leather chair, rest a smiling man caressing his lips as if trying to suppress his laughter. He is not a huge buffed middle-aged man, rather just a small figure but the evil in his eyes are recognisable. A lift of his hand could move hundreds and thousands of his people. The unidentified man is indeed a very powerful person around this area. His five-millioned red suit fixed perfectly to his torso. Plus a high-class gold pinned onto his black silk tie to match with his golden dusted leather shoes. His black hair is styled neatly, expressing his elite prestige in the underground world.

Crossing his slender legs, the man directs for the dead man to be disposed of his sight. "Soulless stupid beings shouldn't be held in front of me... "

"Understood...!" His men strictly shout, out of discipline. The people of "black viper" are trained to survive in the real world where laws don't exist. They won't even bat an eye on people dying beside the streets if there is no relation to their group. Their leader "The King" is known as a born psychopath. At the age of five, he killed both of his parents and the lawsuit stays for three years before the police found out where the bodies are. Rumours says that he chopped them to pieces before burying their body under an old tree. When, the police ask him why did he bury them under a tree? "But, mama papa needs air...! I... I just think that the tree will give them enough to breathe..." Carrying a sweet smile, he hugs the police officer while pouring little giggles along the way... The police officer left the inspection room with a gloomy face after hearing the child "sweet" little confession. After that day, the child was sent to the hospital for seven years for treatment before getting released at the age of fifteen. Now, he is the leader of the black viper which rises to the top in just one year...

"Al... Have you done your research on my new doll..."

"Yes, it seems like she is not a he... Boss, you should really furnish your eyes on certain things..." Al raises his brow in an attempt to mock the 'king'. The King didn't bother to look at his face to know what he is trying to do. Al is the first person to join his group and certainly the most loyal henchmen for him. The King cherish him as a close companion that he wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who dares to disrespect him. To cope with it, Al puts all his trust into the man who was once his saviour during the time, he is out in the cold. The henchmen was once a homeless and pathetic burglar. He doesn't really mind the man's psychopathic vision and never fails to follows his orders perfectly. Therefore, no one dares to mess with these two or you could lose your head in the wood...!

"There is no way I didn't notice this..? I have been watching her all along in school...!" The king reveals his annoyed shitty face. Al laughs out wild that he almost dropped to the carpet. This is the first time he sees that face in a while. This man is too serious for his own good! Nearly all the time his face is like this "I'll kill you" or "Obey me...!". Glaring and smiling like a sick psycho for the whole day. "I guess she is too handsome for you to peel off that layer...! Kkh kh kh kh..." The king smackdown the spirit who is being that one noisy fly making stupid buzzes in the room...

"Gah! What is that for!?"

The King glance at him with the 'You ask for it' face before resuming the stalking research. Sometimes he would form a smile or sneer along with the read and Al would try to peek at his face just to get shoved to the side... "How is "he"?" The king flips the paper, neatly placing it to one side. This is full information on his new doll. He should cherish it as much as possible. Learning her likes and dislike are important before asking her out for a date...

"He is fine... Our men have been watching for a while now, you don't need to worry over such trivial things..." Al shook his head. At this point, it's no use asking her out if you are going to be such a creep. "Then, are you going to ask her as that nerd ass boy?" Al glimpse at the boss's shifted face. He decided to shut his mouth but in his heart, he hopes that the king won't be too serious for the new girl... 'The more you dug a pit the more you will fall down the darkness'...

The King grabbed the wine roughly, gulping down the whole bottle then rashly slam it on the glass table. His reflection reveals a menacing aura. He knows that if she discovers his real self, the girl would possibly leave him. This is the first time he felt this way. The feeling to show only the good side of him and shutting down his bad side...

"I'll manage somehow..." The king glares at Al who is polishing his personal black gun.

This gun is special to him since this is the first weapon he received from the king. He didn't use it unless it's for special occasions. "Whatever you say won't infer the result..." The henchman reload the gun but his conscience didn't leave "The king"... He walks over to the wood table and pulls out one of many round glass spectacles. "I am sure she won't notice anything similar... Look at you...!" Who would have thought that the king is just a nerd boy in high school."You don't need to pick up my glasses, I can walk..." The king annoyingly snatches his glasses from the henchman while trying to ignore his existence...

Aoi adjusts the glasses neatly before removing his red coat. He is in a stressful state to win the girl's heart. "I guess there is something more than death for me..." He smiles as the lights between the curtains darken his facial expressions. The psychotic roses bloom around the room...

"I'll get you... Even if I need to destroy your whole being..."


Behind the closed door, the whole family are trying to clean a room full of rubbish. The father is cleaning the windows while the mother is arranging the girl's mountain-like stuff. The brother almost trip from being chase by a mice that came out of nowhere trying to jump on his head...

Ava almost dies scrubbing out the dark lumps around the toilet floor. 'She is nasty!' If Akira still has the body of Ava, she would move out of this room. This poisonous room will slap her down to the ground! "We need to get it done... " I can't stand it any longer...

"Alright love, we understand...! You don't need to feel guilty about it..."

She almost pukes out blood from guiltiness. 'I am truly sorry for this...' Ava looks away, remorseful from her action. This family must be shocked to see their daughter change into a man one day but they didn't say anything and just move on with their life. 'Mfh. You are a lucky person Yui San... If only you see it...'

She stares at the sky as the moon glowing its lights. "I hope you there. Know that you are very special to someone in your life... Your mother, your father, your brother. Every single one of them is special and I hope you know that you are also worthful being in this world and you could also change your destiny..."...