The body fell to the ground

Blood splattered and decorated the walls and ground. Gargling sounds came out of the viscount, face stuck in a state of confusion before the pain could even be registered. The black-robed man drove the arrow right down into the skull, piercing the brain. 

The body fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Ariunbayar almost halted in her shock, unable to understand what just happened. Was there some infighting between the baddies or what?

Wait a second! These were bad guys, of course it would be no surprise that they might turn on their own, having no real concept of loyalty or morals in general among each other. 

The black-robed figure jumped down the chasm, and snapped the Princess of the Steppe back into action, "Wait!" she called and rushed forward, only for her advance to be stopped by a sword that shot from behind her.