The atmosphere felt odd

Zhang Wang and the red-haired demon, whose name he learned was Ru Hai escorted the prisoners through the complex of tunnels below the auction house.

Their footfalls echoed through the the damp tunnels, glowing orbs of light dancing as they walked. Zhang Wang could hear sniffles behind him and he turned around to wink at one of the frightened girls, "Don't worry, we'll be out of here soon."

The girl nodded with after some hesitation, wiping as the tears that soaked her face. 

They continued to walk.

"You seem to know these parts well," Zhang Wang hummed to fill in the silence. 

Han Lixiu glared at him with pointed disapproval before she admitted, "I was merely helping someone out."

Oh, was this the intel that Su Zui had talked about? "So how did you sneak into there?" Zhang Wang asked, curious.