
Before starting I just wanted to put a disclaimer: this is BL, BxB, boyxboy, a same-sex relationship story. If you are uncomfortable with these type of stories, don't read it. If not then enjoy. This story is written just for fun, and English is not my first language so expect some mistakes.

Alexis POV

I was awoken by a ringing sound, as I slowly opened my eyes, lights started seeping through the small crack between my eyelids. I pushed myself up to sit while holding my head due to a severe headache. Once my eyes were fully open, I got a good look of where I was laying. "I clearly remember drowning," I thought. I examined the room, it was simple, too simple but had a surreal feeling to it. I have never seen a room this white in my life, there was no spot, nothing just the colour white. I was sitting on a bed, with a fluffy pillow and a thin white sheet. The room's size was not too small and not too big. In the middle of the room, there was a circular table with one thin leg hanging down in the middle of the circular surface and a simple looking chair. I stood up skimming through my memories, "this is probably a hospital room" I thought out loud.

????? POV (somewhere else)

[His name is Alexis Lee, male, 27 years old. Raised by his single mother and graduated from college majoring in Chemistry, formerly worked as a movie director. Original Height is 184 cm (6ft) tall and weighed at 67 kg (147 lbs.). Unfortunately, death was caused by accidentally falling from a hillside and fell to the ocean and drowned to death.] A robotic voice said, "Give me his soul interference report" someone else said. [Soul interference currently cannot reincarnate, however, he is suitable for world interference] the robotic voice answered. "Go and link him to system 027 then," the other said.

Alexis POV

I walked over to the chair and sat there. As I was sitting, I was startled by the door opening. I saw a sphere looking robot levitating towards me. "Hello Alexis!" it said to me. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I suspiciously asked, [Sadly, you are currently dead, your soul is too weak to reincarnate, so you have two choices. First, you are permanently destroyed or second, you can link to me and complete missions] the robotic voice answered. What does he mean I am dead, then how am I here! [As you can see your body is currently disappearing if you don't want to die then link with me!] The robot said cheerfully. I looked down and didn't see my legs, it is not lying, I AM disappearing. "Ok ok, I get it, do what you want," I said. The robot started making weird noises until I heard {Link Established} made from a female voice.

"What do you mean by missions?" I asked, [Oh~ yeah! Well, to sum it up you have to complete tasks in different worlds and get rewards] it said, "Just that?" I asked again, [well there are specific rules and now I will tell you what they are! Teehee] it replied and then continued.

[-Rule number 1, you have to complete the main task, failure would lead to your soul dying. The missions are wishes from the body you will occupy.

-Rule number 2, because you are occupying an already existing body, you are allowed to OCC but not raise suspicion of the world sense, so don't be too obvious.

-Rule number 3, if you want to reincarnate, you have to complete 50 worlds, if you did but don't want to reincarnate you can continue doing missions or ask for a promotion.

-Rule number 4, you are only allowed to learn one free skill before entering a world, for the first world you would be given the story before transmitting to know which skill to learn. If you want to learn more skills you can buy them in the store.

-Rule number 5, don't directly kill the ML and the FL of the story.

-Rule number 6, if you don't complete sub-missions 100 points will be deducted from the award from completing the mission.

Because you are new the higher-ups will give you 1000 points, please use them wisely]

"Are these the only rules?" I asked, [Yes! Before I continue let me introduce myself, I am system 027, or also known as system code Aeviternus]. "Is there anything else I need to know?" I asked again. [Actually yes, as you know I have two names, meaning I am special, systems with two names can have a unique skill that can assist the host, and mine is obviously called code Aeviternus. At this level, I can preserve up to 10 souls from any world and make them follow host, of course, there are more skills I can use, but as of now, you can't access the other skills! Because you are in a special room I would have to change your appearance first to fit the qualifications of the room rules ordered by the higher ups] Then I felt a weird tingling that went through my whole body, I can clearly feel that my height is getting shorter. [Host now looks like his former 15 years old body, I added long hair to make you look better, your current height is 164 cm (5'3 ft.) and weigh at 54 kg (119 lbs.), I will show you your reflection now!]. Then suddenly a huge mirror popped right in front of me. I looked at my reflection and saw my pale skin with no spots, and my long ginger hair that was styled in a mid-part look with a lime bandanna on my forehead, my grey eyes looked back at me.

I looked at what I was wearing, my body wore a lime green tank top with white knee-length shorts. "System do you have a name?" [Of course, I do, I used to be a mortal before becoming a system, I used to be named Rain], "I will call you Rain from now on then" [sure host!] "I have just 1 more question, are the mission separated by the difficulty of it?".

"Yes, for a better understanding,

The first 3 worlds you will enter will be an F-level world

World 4-6 will be an E-level world

World 7-10 will be a D-level world

World 11-20 will be a C-level world

World 21-30 will be a B-level world

World 31-40 will be an A-level world

World 41-50 will be an S-level world

If you choose to not reincarnate the level of the world will be random after world 50.

After completing each world you would get a rating

Rate F, you failed and your soul will be terminated

Rate C, you only completed the main mission, you will be given a try on the random wheel

Rate B, you only completed the main mission and half of the submissions, you will get 100 points and 1 try on the random wheel

Rate A, you only completed the main and all submissions, you will get 3 free tries in the random wheel, 1000 points and an extra free skill, the system will upgrade

Rate S, you have successfully completed all type of mission in B-level worlds or higher, you will be given 1 million points, 10 free tries in the random wheel, and you will skip 3 worlds to reach the reincarnation number but the world's level will also increase with it.

Now for the backstory....."

{End of prologue}