Arc 1 part 1

A/N: [text] would be Rain (the system talking box) or when Alexis talks to Rain in the real world

Alexis POV

[Now for the backstory, because this is your first world, the plot somewhat relates to your original lifestyle, meaning it is easier to complete the mission. Let me begin now!] said Rain excitedly, I myself am quite curious as to what the mission will be like.....

[Timothy Miller is a well-known movie director and known in the story as the second ML, he and his team wanted to make a new movie, which led to multiple actors audition for the role. Johan Ville is a famous male actor and known in the story as the ML(male lead), auditioned for one of the main roles and passed, he was so happy because Timothy's movies were his favourite. Johan Ville is also the third son of a millionaire and his family were friends with another family that had a daughter, Vivian D'Leo, the VL(villain) and Vivian fell for him, Vivian is also the head of the editors of said movie.

In the set, Johan met a pure looking woman called Crystal Koine, the FL(female lead) of the story, and they became instant friends, they were naturally attracted to each other and after 3 months they started dating. After finishing filming the movie which took around 4 months to film the scenes and 2 extra months for editing and to re-shoot plain scenes. Because of the closeness of Johan and Crystal, Vivian was extremely jealous of her, so for the first premiering of the movie, which only specific important people saw, Vivian projected an edited version of the movie where Crystal acting was extremely plain, and then framed the director Timothy for this. Of course, the real version was premiered in the cinemas, however, this was a huge blow to Timothy's career, because the important people pitied Crystal so they spread rumours about Timothy which were extremely false. Johan knew that Timothy didn't do it and tried to defend him, but Crystal didn't believe him.

After a year, Kris Millers, Timothy's younger brother, who is also an actor, was charged with attempt of murder and was sent to jail, the whole situation was suspicious, well of course because Vivian bribed the court to make sure he gets in jail and also hired people to torture him inside. And after 5 months, Vivian's doings were all exposed by someone anonymous, which also showed the innocence of both brothers. However, 1 day before the release, Kris, unfortunately, killed himself at the age of 24. A lot of people were devastated by this injustice and forgave both brothers, and of course, Timothy was really sad for his brother's death. Crystal met Timothy again, to apologize for not believing in him, but what she saw made her pity him, and lent a shoulder to him, after 4 months, Timothy developed feeling for Crystal, but, he knew they can never be together, furthermore, due to the death of his only family, Timothy became even more depressed and went abroad for treatment. Johan made sure that Vivian gets thrown into jail, and even pressured her parent to not intervene, after 1 month of trials, Vivian was found guilty, and was sent to prison for 40 years. To make her suffer, Johan also hired people to torture her in jail, to pay for what she did to Kris and Timothy.

Years went by and the main leads got married and had 2 sons, named Kris and Timothy, fans caught on to the naming and mourned even more to the 2 fallen stars, and they lived happily. Vivian survived 4 years in prison but died due to overdose. Timothy went back to his home country, after 4 years of treatment and the public welcomed him in happy arms, but he announced that he would retire, and opened his own bar in the city. Which was the former house of the brothers, Timothy spent his whole life mourning his brother's death and died with his heart filled with regret when turning 46. And was buried beside his brother.] Rain narrated,

[Host would be occupying the body of Kris, the second male lead younger brother.] Rain said, "I thought I would be occupying the villain or the second male lead" I told Rain.

[Host, you cannot occupy any of the leads of a story as it would alert the world's sense, but we gave you a role that can make a difference] "So what are the missions" I replied.

[Main Mission:

1. Reveal Vivian's doing before going to jail (1400 pts)

2. Make sure Timothy lives happily with his own family (1300 pts)


1. Become a famous actor (100 pts)

2. Find a lover (100 pts)

3. Let Timothy date Crystal (100 points)

4. Have children with lover (100 points)]

"The missions are kind of hard hmm....." I thought, [Don't worry host, I have normal system skills like filming stuff or creating real evidence but is actually fake and even stalking! I will help host as much as you want! But host, if I help it will cost points, so at the end of the mission some points ought to be deducted.] "Ehhhhh! You can read my mind?!!!??!" I screamed, [of course, host our souls are linked] Rain replied cheerfully, "I don't understand" I say as I smacked my forehead in frustration, [Host! Our souls are directly linked so we can share our own thoughts, you can read mine too uwu, please don't be mad host] Rain said, "No it's okay, I was just surprised, so now what do I do?" I asked Rain.

[Well first, host will have to learn one skill, do you want to see the list?] Rain said

"Wait I can't choose anything I want, but yeah sure" I replied

[Don't worry host, all the skills mentioned would be helpful in the real world, the skills are:

-Art (like painting, drawing, etc.)

-Musical Instruments

-Voice Control

-Idol kit(acting, modelling, promoting, good temperament etc.)



Which one would you like to choose host?]

"I will choose Idol skills"

[Soul transmitting to the training room, host you will spend a long time in the training room before returning, transmitting completed]

I was suddenly teleported in a room with a hologram man standing in the middle when he noticed me, he smiled and said {Hello, I am the teacher for idols skills, in here you will master your inner idol} he said in a nice way.

Oh boy, I was wrong when I thought he was nice, the first few years he was teaching me how to make my aura around me appealing and attractive, and what a strict teacher he is, all day long he would scold me for the littlest things, after that I started learning how to model, which was easier than the first one, after few other years I started to learn how to act and whatnot, after that I was taught how to promote stuff like freaking dirt, my passing grade was promoting dog shit and convincing people that it tastes better than honey. I also learned how to flatter people too. After spending 50 Earth years in the training room I was brought back to my original room.

[Host! You are back! UWU I miss you~~~~] Rain whined, "Well you became more childish" I teased Rain, [Host is so mean, hmph], "Kidding, I missed you too," I said back. Not seeing Rain was really impactful for me, it's as if we are the same person, but some part of me was taken away from me when I was in the training room. Because of that, seeing Rain again made me restful. I guess that's because our souls are linked together.

Even though I spent 50 years training, it felt like only a day passed when I returned back, [Host would you like to start your mission?] Rain asked "Sure, it's not like I have anything else to do" I shrugged.

[Soul transferring request... accepted..... Body link... Established..... Soul transmitting........ In 5...4.....3....2..1 Good Luck host!] Rain said [oops totally forgot I will be with you Teehee] Rain said, well I guess this is the start of my adventure.

{End of arc 1 part 1}


MC(Alexis): Kris Miller

ML: Johan Ville

FL: Crystal Koine

S.ML: Timothy Miller

VL: Vivian D'Leo