Arc 1 part 2

A/N: I will try writing in third person view in this chapter

As Alexis's soul transported to Kris's body, he felt a piercing pain flow through his entire new body. [Sorry host, I forgot to mention that every time you start a mission you will feel severe pain because your soul was not made to be in the original body]. After a few seconds, the pain subsided. Alexis regained his composure, and replied: "It's okay, however, I didn't expect an extremely painful welcome to my first mission".

After Alexis adjusted his vision, he observed his surroundings, he appeared to be in a dressing room, full of scattered clothes on the ground and other random stuff, the room was as big as two bathrooms stalls in a public bathroom, with a long mirror. At the side there were two hangers, one is holding up a white dress shirt, and a piece of black pants under it. The second one is holding up a trench coat.

Looking back at Kris's memories, it seems that he was getting changed to film an advertisement for a high-class perfume brand. Quickly after that, Alexis wore his assigned clothes and fixed his hair. When he finished, he looked at the mirror to make sure he looks presentable, the original appearance was really handsome but pretty at the same time. His eyes colour looked really dark, but, if you focused on them you could see that it was not black but it was deep dark blue. The hair was pure black going down till his chins. His skin colour was light with a peach tint to it, with full lips and a slim face, his eyes were slightly slanted and his nose had a high bridge, his body was tall with toned but slim muscles. While Alexis was looking at himself, he heard a voice calling the original's body name.

(From now on Alexis will be referred as Kris)

Kris exited the room and followed a woman that claimed to be the one doing his makeup when Kris sat on his seat and started doing his makeup, he began looking back to his memories to know at what point the story reached, unable to pinpoint the exact moment he asked Rain for help. [Host, you are currently at the moment where the premiering will begin, and in a few minutes Vivian will change the movie to the edited one] Rain answered, [Ok, Rain, can you go and film Vivian changing the movie] Kris asked, [Sure host! I will go now! Don't forget it will cost you 10 pts though!] Rain excitedly said.

After applying the makeup, Kris looked over his script to make sure the shoot goes well. After all models and actors were ready, one by one they filmed their scene until Kris's turn was up. Kris walked to his designated area and followed the director's instruction. While filming, the director was quite surprised by Kris's skills, he thought that Kris was just a rookie actor with little experience, however, the skills that were displayed by Kris, were not inferior, however, it also seemed somewhat superior compared to most of the top actors he worked with, this was the first shoot of the day that went by smoothly, so the director was extremely happy with the results.

When Kris finished his scenes, he called his manager, and asked him for his schedule this week, the manager told him that he has a game show to shoot today with some actors from a movie he filmed, for advertising reasons, and tomorrow he will start filming a new series and also told him to wait in the studio so that the manager can pick him up. After waiting for the manager named Pablo, Pablo came and picked him up and drove to the studio for the game show. The game show was a show with random games played and some interviewing between parts, but the problems of this show were that the show was filmed live with no cut scenes, which the public loved to watch, but celebrities hated it. Before going live, the special guests and the hosts of the show meet with each other and discuss what will happen overall, in the original story, Kris didn't attend the show because he passed out in the changing room, and was sent to the hospital. So now, the current Kris doesn't know what's going to happen. By the time they started filming people heard insiders of the premiering of the new anticipated movie went badly, because of one the actor's scene was bland, and another rumour spread that the director Timothy, was the main culprit. In this timeline, the news spread somewhat earlier than the past, but it didn't surprise Kris, because he knew that his interference changed some stuff.

The game show started and the hosts were really happy with the guests they got, especially with Kris, the whole live show went by smoothly when the game truth or dare started the first person the hosts asked to choose truth or dare was some other actor. "Truth or Dare Elijah?" One of the hosts asked, "I choose dare" answered the actor, "Well then, I dare you to post your most recent selfie!" said the host, after completing the dare, the main host seemed a bit distracted for a second and held his earpiece, after a few second, that host spoke up and said "How about you Kris? Truth or Dare" Kris answered "Truth." The host smirked then asked, "There are rumours going about your brother Timothy, It states that Timothy bribed the editors of his new movie and changed some scenes to make an actor look bad, what do you think about it?" The viewers heard of that rumour, and some thought that it was still a rumour, and the host seemed a bit disrespectful asking a question like that, Kris should never be responsible for his brother's doings. In the outside Kris looked shocked and somewhat disgusted with the question, however, in the inside, he was smirking back to that host, and then answered in a pitiful voice with innocent looking eyes...

"My brother was the one that raised me when our parents died, made sure I was okay because of my twin's death, looked out for me, and helped me, I know him better than anyone here, and hearing a rumour like that saddens me, because my brother, Timothy would never do something like that, because he is not this kind of person, and if he bribed someone, I would know because we share the same accounts, however, if he did it, which doesn't seem to add up, I would stand by his side and never betray him".

The people watching, including the hosts thought for a moment and thought "Yeah, someone like Timothy would never do something like this, Timothy was in the film industry for 10 years, and a lot of people knew him from his old day, and for 10 years no scandals excluding dating ones were made against him, so it was kind of fishy" after the show was concluded, the host that asked Kris the question came over and apologized to Kris, saying that he thought asking him might raise the ratings but forgot that in the end, Timothy was still Kris's older brother.