Arc 1 part 4

Arc 1 part 4

While Kris was making his way to Crystal, Rain told him that he filmed Vivian changing the files, and also accidentally stumbled upon her talking with someone about her doings, which was all caught on tape. Kris was quite happy with that, at least he won't need to directly go to her and make her confess. After some time, Kris reached the place where Crystal chose to meet. The place was a café for the rich, and of course, Crystal booked a private room. Going inside, he informed the servers his room number. After confirming, they made Kris follow them to the designated room.

Crystal was sitting on her chair until she heard the doors open because Rain planted fake memories of Kris in her, she thought that this person was a long time childhood friend. Crystal stood up and quickly went over and hugged Kris, "Alice! Finally, I was waiting for you, you look so pretty!" Crystal exclaimed. They both sat down and ordered food. Kris told Rain to start filming. After talking for a while, the food came, and Kris's plan started taking in action.

"Crystal, I need your help with something~" 'Alice' said in a cute tone. "Eh, what do you need?" Crystal asked in concern, to her 'Alice' was someone she 'felt' extremely close to, someone she could share her deepest darkest secrets with her. 'Alice' continued, "There's this guy that's annoying, I don't really like him, I want to humiliate him but I don't know what to do, he is too clean, and I can't find anything to humiliate him with" Kris wanted her to take the bait, if not he has to go with plan B. "Really, well for people I don't like I.." Crystal stopped for a second, debating, [Take the bait women!!] Shouted Kris inside.

"What do you do??? Can you please tell me? You would be a lifesaver!" hearing this Crystal decided to talk. "Well, for people I don't like, I pretend that they've taken advantage of me, gain support and push them to the corner, even if they don't go to jail, at least their reputation is ruined, I think I will also do that to Timothy, you know, the director that ruined my scenes in a movie, he also made me break up with my boyfriend! Ughh!" Kris was taken aback with what she said, she wanted to also frame Timothy! So Kris wanted her to dig a deeper hole for her and asked "really if you are confident about this technique, who did you ruin? I want to know the probability of it succeeding" Crystal didn't even hesitate and told Kris all of the names of people she accused of said actions, Kris thanked her and told her because she accused a sum of people, she should wait for a while before also framing Timothy, maybe a year before doing it. After that, their meeting ended, and 'Alice' told Crystal that she won't be able to meet her because she has to go in hiding from people, and surprisingly, Crystal seemed to believe her and not asking about the 'guy' Kris wants to frame.

6 Months passed since then, half a year until Kris would be framed and goes to jail.

Through these months, people were debating whether Timothy actually did it or not. Most people believed the latter, until a few days ago Vivian, the editor, admitted that she personally saw Timothy change the files. People started spamming both brother's social media accounts. Even though Vivian said that most people still believed that Timothy didn't do it, well his fans dominating, but nevertheless, Timothy was not as affected as he was in the plot.

Kris also finished filming his show, and his performance was spectacular, while he was filming the show, he was personally invited to film a movie that was extremely anticipated. Kris shot his scenes faster than most people and the filming concluded really fast, it only took 4 months to do so. Because of that, Kris became more famous, and being Timothy's brother, his fame exceeded a lot of actors.

At this time, there was an award show coming up, and Kris was nominated as a rookie actor of the year, because of his performance in the show and movie, people were expecting Kris to win. Johan was also nominated as best actor of the year.

Unexpectedly, Johan and Kris became good friends, and to be honest, Kris enjoyed his company. Johan was someone simple-minded, and at some points stupid, so Kris felt at ease when he was with him. Timothy was also happy, not only did his younger brother became more expressive, their relationship improved by 100 folds.

Rain, on the other hand, was enjoying seeing his host having fun while completing a mission. Never in his life, had Rain heard that there was a host having fun completing a mission, excluding the crazy ones of course. However, he shouldn't forget that this was the first mission. Thinking about his host, he was afraid that Kris would fall in love with someone and was afraid that Kris would forget about Rain special ability, so when that person dies, his soul would want to follow the lover. This situation happened a lot, which is why there was only at most 30 active hosts with their own systems. The number was low, but these hosts did their job well and rejected reincarnating, the number was higher, but a few years ago 40% of hosts were promoted, and did other jobs that also greatly helped to keep the different universes balanced. Yes, there was a God, but that God was busy with other stuff. So he assigned people to balance the universes, an example was the host-system relationship, their job was to change the fate of a world ruining its imbalanced energy.

When the award shows started, Timothy and Kris went with each other, people adored their brotherly relationship, going through the red carpet, they were the focus of it, a lot of reporters kept bugging them about the whole scandal, which both denied, but it was still annoying for both brothers, especially for Timothy. Because, today was his brother's first award show, so he was annoyed that people kept asking his brother about something Kris was not related to.

The award show went smoothly, and as expected, Kris won the rookie of the year, and also Johan won the best actor of the year. After a few days, Kris would turn 24 years old, so his brother, Timothy, organized a birthday party for Kris and invited close friends, like Johan and some directors that Kris worked. When the day of the party came. For some reason, Crystal was there too, even though she wasn't invited, but it seems that she was a partner with an invitee. Seeing that, Kris felt that Crystal was planning something, so he did his own preparation.

{End of arc 1 part 4}