Arc 1 part 5

Arc 1 part 5

The party began and Kris greeted some of the guests, after getting tired of doing that, Kris went outside to the garden. He walked to an area where most flowers were planted and enjoyed his time there. "It seems you got bored, why is that?" a familiar voice asked, Kris, froze for a bit, then nodded. "Well how can I blame you, it is really boring, it is even more suffocating seeing Crystal there, I guess she found someone else" the voice kept talking, Kris stood up and adjusted his posture, and turned his head to the person, Johan. "Do you still like her? Crystal I mean?" Kris asked, "Not really, my feelings of her turned sour before the breakup by a long time, I didn't break up with her because of your brother, there are some other reasons too...." An air of silence enveloped the area, of course, it was not an awkward silence, but the complete opposite, Kris really felt at ease with Johan. Johan was the only sensible one in the story, all characters are either crazy or just straight-up evil, well excluding his brother.

"We'll see who I have here!" a snarly voice erupted and ruined the silence, "Hey Johan I need to talk to you about something?" that voice asked, well to be more specific Crystal asked, "I think I was clear before, I am not getting back with you, after what you did how could I!" answered Johan. Johan gave Kris a look asking for help, which Kris acknowledged. "Why do you want to talk with Johan?" suddenly Kris questioned, "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" shouted back Crystal, "Of course it is, would you like seeing your lover talking to their ex," Kris said back. "L-lov-vers, h-how, Johan would never, HE LOVES ME!" Crystal shouted back. Johan thought of something then decided. Suddenly, Kris felt an arm pull him, and in a second, Kris felt something soft on his lips asking for entrance. Which Kris gladly accepted, he smirked making sure Crystal saw every move between the two 'lovers', and after 8 seconds, panting could be heard. "You will see! I will destroy your brother Kris and then you, you two brothers will be ruined tonight!" Shouted Crystal and ran back inside

"Dude, you are so smart, I should have said I was dating someone, and yeah sorry for the kiss," said Johan while blushing slightly, "it's fine, at least you know how to kiss, heh" Kris shook his head while speaking. "Do you want wine?" asked Johan, Kris nodded in agreement. As Johan left, Kris's face turned into a shade of red, Johan was so good at kissing that it made his heart skip a beat. Thinking about it, Johan is a good person, if he likes him, then why not get together, if Kris fell in love with Johan, then he can take his soul with him with the system feature. Johan came back with two glasses filled with wine, "here" handed Johan a glass of wine to Kris, "thanks....." then the place was once again silent, with a sound of sipping from time to time.

"Do you know, I feel every time we are together, it's always silent, not that it bothers me, but I would like to chat with you more, you know" Kris was quite surprised, the voice scared him to death, Kris was just daydreaming about someone. "Well firstly, both of my parents are dead, obviously, I had an older twin sister, in the car crash..." Kris stopped, his eyes reddened as he recalled that memories, the original's soul feelings stayed even though his soul died, so a lot of times the original affected Kris's feelings. "Actually, at the crash, I should've died, my sister saved me, jumped on me so that I won't get hurt...... At first, I blamed myself for her death, I wished that I was the one who was dead, not her, I even tried to kill myself once, I am grateful I didn't die," Kris stopped for a second and then continued "Timothy was the reason I pushed myself to become better, obviously I also went to a psychologist too, your turn now" Kris narrated and said.

"Well my family, The Ville Family, are quite rich, I was born with a silver spoon, however, I never seemed to pique my parents' interest, I was the youngest, all of my brothers were already in their 20s, I was left out, I never felt parental love, but then a nanny that was assigned to me gave me what I was missing, the feeling of being loved, but that soon dissolved away, I grew up craving to be loved, one of the reasons I chose to become famous, I was such a jerk in my teens, thankfully you didn't meet me at that time," Johan said, he then kept talking about his past relationships with friends and family, even Kris talked about his time in rehab and how it all even started. "Can I ask you a question?" suddenly asked Kris, "Sure, ask" "Why did you and Crystal break up? It just seemed so weird, no way my brother was the main reason, it's okay if you don't want to answer as it doesn't concern me." Quickly Kris asked, being a bit embarrassed with the question. "Crystal, when I first started dating her, she was really nice and lovely, but before our break up I stopped liking her, and you know, she is quite violent when she gets angry... I got hurt a lot of time because of that, I don't even know how I just ignored that major red flag when she began doing it".

Kris inwardly smirked, [of course that wackhead is also abusive], of course, Johan had no idea as to what Kris was thinking, and again silence came. Until....

Kris and Johan's small silent session was disturbed by a loud gasp of many people, Kris had some idea as to why that gasp was made, and his plan was sailing properly. Both men quickly stood up and rushed inside, trying to figure out what was happening.

In the middle of the room, Crystal was standing there looking a bit pitiful, when she saw Johan entering with Kris, her eyes grew in rage, and she suddenly shouted, "Look! Even the younger brother is as bad! He dares to seduce my lover and make them break up with me!" while screaming she pointed to Johan and Kris, the people present sneered and once again looked down on both brothers.

Crystal was inwardly smiling and celebrating her success in revenge, but that happiness soon disappeared as a video was suddenly displayed on a white wall, Kris was surprised, he didn't tell Rain to display now, [what is happening?] Kris asked Rain, [Host, I have no idea...] when the video started, two figures could be seen, one male and one female, the female was obviously Crystal and the male was Johan, in could be seen that Crystal was hitting Johan, for no apparent reason, and shouting about her weird complains about actors she was working with. Then a new video cut to Crystal being intimate with someone else and their conversation was clearly heard, only stupid people would not have realized that this was shot when Johan was dating her.

Kris was irritated, his plan was ruined, someone else took his spotlight, Rain chuckled at Kris's thoughts. [Rain display it] ordered Kris. After the series of videos were displayed, another one came up, it was better in quality and was really clear, it showed Crystal talking with someone, a close friend it seemed, she was talking about how she lied and ruined people's lives, and how she was going to do it to Timothy too. The guests were shocked, they only came for a birthday party, not a drama show, what was more scandalous, the whole situation was live, because Kris asked Timothy to share his party with his fans, and the fans watching were clearly shocked.

Today marks the day of the fall of the actress named Crystal.

{End of arc 1 part 5}