Arc 1 part 11

Arc 1 part 11

Last night Kris received a notification from Rain saying he accomplished another wish. When Kris woke up the next day, he didn't see Johan's figure. Kris started to worry and sprinted to the living room, he then sighed when he saw Johan watching tv. "Is Timothy home yet?" asked Kris, "Umm, I don't think so, didn't see him when I woke up" answered Johan. Kris then sat down on the sofa and pulled Johan's face toward him for a kiss. After that, he laid on Johan's thighs and watched whatever Johan was watching.

After watching a couple of dramas, Kris's phone rang. Kris then went to answer his phone and he was informed by his manager that he had a modelling session today so that he doesn't forget. Putting his phone down, Kris then moved to the kitchen to make breakfast for him and Johan. Because of his "amazing" cooking skills, he made scrambled eggs with toast. Both of them sat down and ate their breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Johan had to go home so that he can get ready for an interview. They said goodbye and moved on with their busy schedule. Kris also had to get ready and wait for his ride to the studio. Kris wore a simple white jumper and black jeans. He combed his hair so that it doesn't look like a mess and waited for his manager to come.

Around half an hour, Kris's manager came and picked Kris up, the ride took 40 mins. When Kris entered, he noticed that the studio was empty. [Of course, it is empty cause the day just started] Rain told Kris. Kris mentally scoffed and went to the stylist. They introduced each other and the stylist told Kris what the photographer wants from this shoot, like how he should look like emotion wise and some of the poses he could do.

The makeup artist and the hairstylist dragged him to his room and started to do their work, both of them were happy with Kris, because, he wasn't as stuck up as most celebrities were. The makeup artist didn't do much work because Kris's skin was at a really good condition and only added the glitter on his cheekbones, while the hairstylist slicked his hair and added silver glitter. When he finished with his hair and face. Kris was then dragged to the cloths room. The stylist put on the clothes for the photoshoot and made some adjustments, while also adding other accessories, such as a chocker and an earring.

The stylist liked Kris's flower tattoo, so they adjusted the clothes in a cool way to make the tattoo appear. After getting ready, Kris was instructed to go to the photo shoot area and meet the photographer. Kris reached the area and introduced himself to the team that will work with him during the photoshoot, and also discussed how the photoshoot should go.

This specific photoshoot was to show that clothing didn't need to be for a specific gender, so they tried to get celebrities and models with an androgynous look. Kris had to do some solo photos and one with a female model. The photoshoot went smoothly, and Kris said his farewell and his manager drove him back home. While Kris was in the ride back home, he received a message from his lover saying that he was at his house and is cooking dinner for both of them.

When Kris reached home, he was introduced with the smell of the food. Johan noticed Kris entering while he was setting the table for both and moved to Kris so that he could kiss him. "Where is Timothy?" asked Kris, "He told me he would be staying out" answered Johan. Kris smirked and moved closer to Johan and whispered "So we have the house to ourselves then huh" to Johan's ears. Johan blushed, and dragged Kris to the table so that they could eat.

After eating the delicious dinner, Kris went to the bathroom and showered. When he finished, he went to his room and saw Johan laying on his bed while searching through social media about some movie. Kris smiled and then moved to Johan and sat on him. Johan jerked up seeing a half-naked Kris with only towels on and just smiled. Kris got annoyed at the little reaction, so he kissed Johan without any warning. Johan wrapped his arms around Kris's neck and pulled him down closer to him. They continued making out for a while but then parted away from each other so that Kris could go and wear some clothes.

That night nothing happened because both of them were exhausted and wanted to relax. Morning came and Kris woke up first, went and made breakfast for both of them and went to wake Johan up so that he could eat. They ate and washed the dishes. Kris went back to his room and got ready for his little date with Johan. Johan brought some spare clothing so that he could also change for the date.

When both of them got ready, they got out of the house and locked the door. Johan unlocked his car and opened the door for Kris and went to the driver's seat. The place of their date was going to be a small café and then they wanted to walk around the park nearby. Both of them knew if they went out together people were going to notice them and question their relationship. But they didn't care.

When both of them entered the café nobody noticed them, because, there were not many people in there. They both ordered what they wanted and waited for the drinks and sweets to arrive. When it arrived they ate it and conversed together. There was the occasional "omg are you (name)?" but their date wasn't ruined by that. However, what ruined it was the swarm of paparazzi that was waiting until they got out.

After paying the food, the exited and the group of said paparazzi kept on asking them personal questions, like "Are you dating?" or "who is your boyfriend Kris?". They both knew that this was going to happen, but it still annoyed them. After the repeated questioning, Kris and Johan decided on what they were going to do so Johan stopped walking and faced them "you want your answer?" then he pulled Kris closer to him and kissed him. The cameras started clicking and the fans kept on squealing. "Please make space we want to go to our car now" he continued, and they did as he said. While they were walking across the road, a paparazzi grabbed Kris by his arms and kept on questioning him, ignoring the protest from Kris and Johan. Then a man shouted, "Watch out!".

Kris turned his head and saw a speeding car getting closer to Johan, Kris asked Rain for assistance and he pulled his arms away from the man and pushed Johan away from the car. The car then slammed Kris and kept moving as if nothing happened then slammed to a streetlight.

Kris POV

I felt something smash me as I fell onto the ground, and I heard the screams of people calling my name, I couldn't open my eyes, it hurts when I tried to. I felt someone picking me up and from his voice, I figured out who it was, Johan kept calling my name over and over begging me to stay with him. With all of my strength I got to at least say a weak "Goodbye, I love you." And I felt my soul getting sucked out.

[Host you died trying to save Johan, would like to see what is happening] asked Rain, I agreed and then I was brought back to the familiar street. I saw the ambulance come and pick my body from Johan, they told him to follow inside the truck and I followed in. I knew I am not going to come back. I really hate this, why did I have to die when I felt alive again. [Rain… can you bind his soul to mine] and Rain agreed, saying it would take a few minutes. [When he dies host, he will follow you].

The doctor said to Johan that he can't save me, I am already dead. And the look on Johan's face broke me even more. His tears kept sliding down his face I heard him say "I love you too Kris" and went over to him and kept hugging him until I was forced to go back to my room.

{End of arc 1}