Arc 1 Epilogue

Arc 1 Epilogue

For now, "Kris" will be called Alexis

Alexis woke up because of a burning sensation on his chest. He lunged upwards, hyperventilating as he remembered of what had happened. Clears tears flew down of his cheeks, Kris held his chest tightly as he grieved. He knew he didn't lose Johan, however, seeing Johan in that state broke him, what also stabbed through his heart was that he never told him about his job, his real name, his past life.

[Host, Johan's soul came back, would you like to see] said Rain, Alexis nodded, and Rain showed him a sphere that had flamed emitted from it, Johan's soul looked so pure, so beautiful.... [Host I have to put him back, for now, in your third world you will be able to meet him again] Rain continued. Alexis gave him in a confused look, [What do you mean in my third world?] Asked Alexis, [Host, the higherups gave the system an update, I will explain later, do you want to know what happened after you left, in their time it took 10 years for Johan's soul to come back] Answered Rain. [Yes, I would like to see what happened]

[After the death of the famous actor Kris, Johan became depressed, he lost his lover and his best friend, with the help of Timothy, Johan found a meaning to continue to live, which was to do his best so that Kris can be proud of him. Johan became worldwide famous, and never entered another relationship after the one he had with Kris, Johan became so focused in his work, he overworked himself to death, Johan died in his thirties, however, he didn't fear death, because he knew surely that one day he will see Kris again. For Timothy, the new of his dead brother tore him apart, however, Timothy already knew how it felt losing a member of his family, he had seen how broken was Johan and made it his job to get him back on track, of course, he grieved, but he had his future wife by his side. He lived a long life, he had two sons and one daughter, Kris, Eliza, and Katarina, he lived long enough to go through the death of Johan, Johan and Timothy's relationship grew, their friendship was as strong as iron. Johan's death didn't surprise Timothy, when he read the letter Johan left in his will, he knew that Johan died peacefully, even though he died because of overworking his body, he lived long enough to see his grandchildren, Timothy also died happily, and his happiness was because of his brother, Kris.] Rain said in a monotone voice

Suddenly something appeared, to be exact someone appeared, "A-Alexa!" exclaimed Alexis and continued "Why are you here?" he asked. Alexa smiled at him and said "Thank you, you made me found peace and now I can rest knowing you are okay, I have protected you long enough" then she walked towards him and touched Alexis's forehead with her finger. She then became to disappear, just like he did before binding to Rain, she kept smiling until he couldn't see her smile, then she vanished into thin air.

After she had vanished, he felt extreme pain in his forehead, the pain became more and more intense until he received memories, memories of his childhood, when he was around 3, these memories were never seen, the pain the little him felt at that age was devastating, he knew one thing, and that there are more memories he had to remember, but how he could find them, he didn't know.

Arc 1: Mission rewards

[Host] called out Rain, [I have received your report that shows your progress in completing the mission, and I have also calculated your total remaining points, the report states;

Your overall rating is Rate B, because it is your first world getting this rate is normal, you completed your main missions, so your soul is safe this time. Change of points states:

Main mission 1(completed), points received upon completion:1400 pts

Main mission 2(completed), points received upon completion:1300 pts

Sub-mission 1(completed), points received upon completion:100 pts

Sub-mission 2(completed), points received upon completion:100 pts

Sub-mission 3(failed to complete), points reduced: -100 pts

Sub-mission 4(failed to complete), points reduced: -100 pts

Points used in mission: 380 pts

Prize received from the wheel

Rate B Awards: addition of 100 pts and 1 try on the lucky wheel

Total remaining points: 3620 pts] Rain reported

[Can I use my lucky wheel now?] asked Alexis, which Rain agreed to. [Host I will repeat the rules so you can remember it,

Rule 1, First-time player can re-spin if the player is not happy with the prize

Rule 2, Prizes can only be open in the waiting room

Rule 3, Player can re-sell prize on the system market

I will bring out the wheel now ]

Rain summoned a huge round carnival-looking spinning wheel, which was around 75cm tall (around 30 inches), each section was separated into 8 parts by colours, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. The parts didn't actually have any prize written on it, in which Rain re-explained that there are millions of awards that the creator of the wheel wanted to spice things up, so Alexis is spinning between millions of prizes. Alexis then proceeded to press the 'spin' button that was displayed under the wheel.

After around 30 seconds, the pointer finally stopped in a yellow coloured section. Alexis then waited for the wheel to show what he got. The prize finally appeared, Alexis got 50,000 pts and a skill card in which he can buy a skill without paying.

[Host!, now you have a total of 53,620 pts, you can use the skill card when you are inside a world or in here] Rain excitedly said.

[Rain, I remember you saying something happened to the next world, what did the higher-ups do?] asked Alexis [Right Host totally forgot that, let me explain.]

This Chapter was just to show the points and awards Alexis received, I forgot to put it in the Epilogue. I will be posting the Prologue of this arc on Saturday.

This is officially the end of Arc 1, cya in the second Arc.