
The next day arrived smoothly and without issue, barring Cyrus' sudden cultural shock when he entered the lodging Fauve had chosen for them. When the two had entered, Cyrus noticed that this building as also quite cool inside. While it wasn't exactly scorching outside it was still a bit warm, but the inside of the lodge was far colder than the outside was and colder on the inside than it should have been. Cyrus tried to locate the cause, but was unable to tell even with his sense. Unable to hold his curiosity whatsoever he asked Fauve who promptly took the time to make fun of his ignorance while also calling him green and country bumpkin, among other things.

Cyrus looked in the corner of the room, where an inconspicuous piece of metal was sitting. It looked like a box with a grate on one end, with a layer of fabric wrapped around it.

"Cooling, was it. A new technology created by a mix of alchemy and magic that allows for cold air to be transported like a resource throughout the city during the hot summer months, which any business or homeowner can have for a fee. In the winter it can be turned into heating, which instead of cold air transports hot air. What luxury, what genius!" thought Cyrus in excitement.

The moment he learned about it he had pestered Fauve for all he knew, eventually forcing the man to buy a book explaining the process just to shut him up. Cyrus then spent the rest of the day, and part of the night, learning how exactly it worked. Sadly, the more integral parts of the information were not available to the public.

"I wonder if I will get access to such information when I enter the academy…"

Putting his thoughts aside, Cyrus dressed himself and headed out the door to meet with Fauve downstairs. He sported the only clothing he really had, aside from a few tunics Cato had given him, but also the only type he liked: Form fitting travelling clothing that emphasized durability and range of movement, not only that but also conveniently dull in color so as to not stand out.

Downstairs he met with Fauve sitting at a lonely table in the corner, finishing up some food he had ordered whilst grumbling how everything was going to taste like shit for another week after having tasted Gabriel's godly food.

"Took ya long enough, I almost had enough time to eat this inedible food waiting for you" grumbled Fauve when he saw Cyrus approach.

"I'm sure its not that bad, it is not the lodge's fault that you had recently eaten something that contained divinity within it" said Cyrus as he recalled Gabriel's cooking.

"Here, you try it then" pushing his plate towards Cyrus, of which Cyrus promptly picked up a piece of meat from along with a slice of bread and ate both.

"Oh, this does suck" said Cyrus in between mouthfuls, "but I have had worse, its passable."

Recalling Cyrus' tale of his past, Fauve felt a little bad for complaining so he awkwardly coughed a bit to clear the air, before saying

"All right enough about food that food this, we have places to be today. I want to see with my own eyes whether you pass or fail so I can send word to the rest, else they will never let me hear the end of it. Assuming you pass, I will head over to the Venator Association to stay." Fauve then looked sharply at Cyrus, "but if you fail… first I will personally kick your arse. Then I will bring you to fight beasts from grade F all the way to B as punishment!"

Having gotten long used to Fauve's unique way of displaying affection and care, Cyrus simply shrugged while saying

"While I was made aware that some of my knowledge is going to be slightly outdated, I still can not imagine it being possible for me to fail. Relax, I have received far too much favor from both my mentor and his lifelong friends… I do not plan to let you down. Most importantly, I do not plan to fail myself. I have devoted a lot of time to studying a variety of things, becoming well balanced in almost every regard. My hard work will speak for itself when the time comes."

The confident tone Cyrus ended with satisfied Fauve, so he nodded in satisfaction. Standing up and stretching, he informed a nearby tavern wench he was done with his meal and led Cyrus out back towards the inner sanctum so that he could take his exam.