Exam (3)

As the crowd slowly filed into the passageway, Cyrus finally was able to see clearly what was inside… well as clear as he could with the only light source coming from Cilla in the front of the pack. What he found was that the small opening actually led to a slight downwards incline, that opened up further and further. As the crowd of examinees started walking down the path they had to go in two long lines but as they progressed they soon had enough room to walk in pairs of three, then four, and eventually it opened into a passageway so large that there was enough room to hold your arms out and spin around without hitting anybody.

"Truly remarkable, I imagine only the dwarves or a group of proficient Terra mages partnered with skilled laborers could manage such a large and stable underground passageway" thought Cyrus, rather impressed.

Eventually Cyrus realized something was wrong, or rather, something was changing in the passageway. A slight pressure began to build up and descend on not only him, but all the other examinees. At first it was barely noticeable but as time went on it grew larger and larger, eventually becoming suffocating.

"This is most likely the second part of the exam" thought Cyrus in realization, as he began to expend a small amount of will to counteract the pressure. He had long discovered this technique he was currently utilizing, to mix the smallest amount of essence into one's sense which gave it varying properties. Cyrus had guessed that eventually it could even be used as an effective weapon once he became sufficiently powerful enough, but as of now it had little utility other than making him either seem exceedingly ominous or naïve and innocent depending on which realm he used. Right now, however, he was using it to shield himself from the intrusive sense slowly pressuring him.

Those around him also quickly picked up on the nature of what was going on and quickly took steps similar to Cyrus if not exactly the same. Those that did not know how to do this, however, quickly began to slow down before eventually passing out entirely. A few people worriedly looked at them, Cyrus included, wondering if they were to just be left here to die before Cilla's voice rang out.

"Leave them, someone will be here soon to collect them. Continue forward."

Doing as they were told, everyone either carefully stepped around the fallen or simply stepped right over them and continued walking along. Continued they did, alas, as they continued so did the pressure which started to even effect the ones who had taken proper measures. For those of weak will, the gray stone walls seemed to turn into a black void and the silence of naught but footsteps turned into demonic whispers. One after another, the wheat was decided from the chaff as examinee after examinee fell to the surprisingly harsh test.

Though, for Cyrus this test was quite simple; he even theorized that he could even neglect to use his sense and still pass this test if he was allowed to use his mask but sadly his storage equipment had been confiscated at the start of the exam. The rest of the examinees did not seem to share his sentiment, aside from a small number that could be counted with one's hands.

By the time that the examinees had arrived at their destination, at least half of the original number was culled from the get go.

"This could be regarded as harsh, but as Fauve had mentioned before the Empire rarely wastes resources on useless matters and instead deploys them elsewhere for maximum effect. This policy can be seen in action here, where they remove those of less potential from the start" thought Cyrus.

"Congratulations, you have passed the second test. The two previous tests were the pruning process that we have every batch undergo to remove those who do not belong climbing the demanding, long, and dangerous tower that is the study of magic. The next and the final part of the necessary tests will be in the next room" said Cilla, whom Cyrus could now see again from his place in the crowd due to the large amount of people who had dropped out.

Cilla's words were perhaps meant to be of consolation towards those who had lasted up till now, but the mention of the third test set forth a certain level of tension and nervousness in the crowd who were no doubt wondering what trials lay ahead of them.

Noticing this, Cilla let out a smile and said reassuringly "Do not worry, the next test is a simple writing one to check your current level of knowledge. While it is quite the extensive one that will test you on a variety of topics, all you need to do is pass the minimum requirement to pass. Otherwise, it is just to grade you against all your peers which will be the first way of us determining your standing in the future." With the first half of her reassuring words, the crowd relaxed, but then the latter half brought the crowd back to the brink of hell as they understood the implications.

"Oh… woops. Well, good luck!" said Cilla cheerily after realizing her mistake, simply brushing it off before leaving the way she came.

"Just enter inside and find a place to sit, the professor residing over the test is already inside" said a disappearing Cilla.

Thus, everyone slowly but surely filed into the room and did as they were told. Each having various thoughts about the test ahead, they sat down in the seats that were arranged in the room and waited for the task ahead of them.