Exam (4)

Each and every examinee found a seat at a rather uncomfortable wooden table, silently waiting for the commencement of the next test. They found themselves in brightly lit room but other than singular lighting fixtures mounted on the walls and the tables they sat at, there was seemingly nothing else in the room. That was what everyone thought, Cyrus included, until they heard a slow clapping sound that came from the front of the room.

"Congratulations, congratulations indeed. You lot are not completely useless, very good" said an ominous sounding voice, laced with sarcasm.

The examinees were looking at where the sound of the voice was coming from but could not see nor sense anything. Some reflexively used various detecting methods, but it was to no avail. Cyrus also did his usual Vita detection, where he let loose a gradually expanding ring with himself at the center. This failed just like the rest, however he had one last trick to pull. This time he made use of his opposing domains, casting his usual detection spell but this time also mixing in his death essence infused sense. This time around the detection spell succeeded ever so slightly, the spot where the professor was seated was temporarily revealed to Cyrus giving him a glimpse of the individual.

Short in stature and donning the black robe, that signified they specialized in the Mors domain, with the same Tower of Babel symbol with two towers sewn onto the robe as the previous professor.

"Excellent, it seems my theory for this spell is correct. While some may be able to hide from my detection magic in various ways, such as creating a barrier that causes the spell to simply slip past them, by mixing death essence into it weaker barriers will be temporarily eaten away allowing the detection to go off successfully" thought Cyrus in joy.

With one more clap, this time a loud forceful one, the barrier hiding the professor and his table was released. "Wow, I am genuinely surprised. Two of you managed to spot me and both through different means, this time I actually am impressed" said the professor with a cold voice, but with more emotion to it this time.

"You and you" said the professor who was still unnamed, pointing at Cyrus and one other examinee. "For seeing through my trick you have proven that you are worthy of attending Glacies. Still, I recommend that you still take the written exam so that you can prove yourself even further, securing more benefits. The Empire requires talents, but we have many of them and only those who are willing to go above and beyond the mere requirement will truly shine. What say you?" asked the professor.

Both Cyrus and the other examinee said,

"I will take the written exam."

As they spoke in unison they looked at one another, scoping the other out. Cyrus saw a lean man of similar height to himself but sported short brown hair that was combed back neatly and kept its shape with some means or another. His clothes were quite orderly and of high quality, a neat half-suit that was both functional and comfortable. Essentially he was Cyrus' polar opposite in terms of looks… aside from the fact that they shared similar hair and eye color. The boy merely raised an eyebrow at Cyrus before breaking his gaze but the one who he somewhat ignored could have cared less about it as he only spared the former a glance before pondering as to how the professor created that barrier.

Hearing their response, the professor nodded in approval before picking up a large stack of papers that was lying on his table.

He pointed to one of the examinees in the front row at random while saying,

"My name is Caligo, I am a Master of the Mors domain and I am in charge of this test. You, pass out these to everyone."

The student hurriedly stood up and carried out Caligo's orders, passing out the papers one by one to everyone.

"My first role is to make sure that no one cheats somehow" continued Caligo as picked up another stack of papers as he pointed at yet another examinee, "Pass out these papers."

"My second role is to make this test uncomfortable to you." He then picked up the last set of papers on the desk and promptly ordered one last person to pass them out. He waited until all were passed out before saying,

"Attached under the table is a small box of writing materials. The antiquated quill pen and stationary for those who still use that and then what the rest of the civilized world uses, the modern pen." Said Caligo in a monotonous bored voice, making Cyrus wonder if he was reading a script.

"Agh finally done reading this dull script" said Caligo as the sound of tearing paper sounded.

"Okay you have until you pass out to finish, begin"

With that said, immediately the same pressure that had descended them before began once again. The examinees came to the quick realization that this test was clearly timed, thus with a hurry they organized the haphazardly passed out papers and began their written examination.