An Encounter

After walking for a while Fauve pulled out a small whistle and blew it, no sound came out, but a slight change in the surroundings could be observed as he did so. They walked for a few more minutes, the street they were on becoming less crowded as they went but still with a small trickle of people mucking about.

Suddenly Fauve stopped, turned around, and threw one of the long daggers in his hand towards what seemed like a random spot on a nearby rooftop. As the dagger was in mid-flight, Fauve brought his bow out of storage along with a quiver full of arrows and fired off three shots at three more empty areas in quick succession.

Each projectile reached the area at around the same time, with the arrows arriving slightly faster. Cyrus had a quick guess as to what Fauve could be aiming at, which was confirmed the moment each projectile was struck from the air with a quick flash of a blade from each location. From where each projectile was struck down, the shadows nearby started to squirm and move as if it had suddenly liquified. Arising from the darkness were several figured wearing tight fighting dark blue clothing, with their faces completely covered with a similarly colored mask. Each figure looked down at Fauve who had attacked them, not saying anything or even moving for that matter. The only thing that they held in their hands was a dagger each of which had no obvious markings on it. One of them made a clicking sound and they all immediately dashed away from Fauve and began to retreat in a decisive manner.

What greeted them, however, were more arrows that came from the other side of the building causing them to flip off the rooftops onto the ground where Fauve was waiting.

"My my, if it isn't Umbra, the Empire's hand in the dark. To what do I owe the honor of being shadowed by you. Although by sending such a low quality to track me is more of an insult than an honor, bah, not even taking caution to not allow your scent to be carried by the wind. What do you take a Venator's job for, HUH?" spat out Fauve as he slowly approached them with a dagger in his left hand and a short sword in his other, having stowed his bow away once more.

The shadowy figures, now identified as members of Umbra, said nothing but instead silently began to retreat once more. Fauve made no moves to stop them, instead chuckling darkly to himself at their naivety. The Umbra members were once more blocked from retreating as the very random passerby all seemingly decided to screw them over. Some pushed over stands into their path, while others outright attacked them with a level of skill that did not match their simple looks and attire. Constantly hampered or attacked no matter where they fled, the Umbra members were forced back once more towards the area where Fauve was waiting.

"Not only that but you willingly walked right into my territory. Has Umbra lost its touch over the years? The almighty shadow of the Empire making such amateurish mistakes during their hunt, I would be laughing if the display was not so pathetic" mocked Fauve in an icy tone, showing Cyrus a side he had not seen before.

Fauve continued to walk towards them, slow but steady, like a beast of prey on the hunt. The other side made yet another quick decision in unison as three clicks in succession resounded out, with each of them striking towards Fauve from a different angle. Not only that, but if one looked closely at their blades they would see that they were coated in a deadly essence belonging to the Mors domain.

"Fools" spat Fauve, as he leaned in towards the attacks in a rather shocking move. With one move he parried the closest attack with his dagger, with a second move he disarmed the next closest attack with his short sword, and with his last his blade was lain upon the neck of one of the Umbra members.

"How weak… if only all of you were this disappointing" said Fauve with a voice containing a tinge of forlorn hatred heard within.

Fauve then withdrew his blade from the now frozen in place enemy before leaning in towards him while saying with a snarl:

"Now, go and tell someone who is not a complete failure like you lot this message: Don't fuck with me. We have an agreement, do not break it after so long."

He then turned around without a care, as if those behind him did not just try to attack him mere moments ago. As he did he waved his hand in the air, which caused all the unusual passerby to withdraw as well whilst cleaning up the mess they made on their way out.

Somewhat stunned, but also highly pleased with the new information he had gained, Cyrus watched Fauve as he returned to his side without a care in the world. Back to his usual self he said,

"I am sure you have a few questions brat, but it will have to wait. For now let us head to a place that is a bit more secure. While it may be as you said and they were merely there to monitor you… well let's just say I have a bit of a history with them for now" ending Fauve with a laugh.

"As great as I am, it is no doubt that I would rack up a few jealous enemies. No doubt frightened, and secretly in awe, of my immense skill and massive intellect" continued Fauve, either in an attempt to lighten the mood or perhaps with his rage subsided he was just back to his normal self.

He then continued to lead Cyrus down the path they had been taking all the while, heading deeper into what Cyrus now knew to be Fauve's territory.

"It seems that the Venator's are not as isolated as I once thought from imperial politics, even having a high-profile member like Fauve in direct conflict with the Umbral Order who take direct orders from the Empress herself. Not only do they not dissuade him from doing so, it seems they even backed him up to a certain degree. I would have to be a fool to believe that a bunch of random passersby just happened to help him while also displayed enough skill and coordination to force back several trained assassins. Even if I did not see him blow the whistle, it would be obvious" mused Cyrus as he followed behind Fauve once more, fully interested and distracted by the current happenings.