A Secure Place

The two continued their walk until they turned into a narrow alleyway that was rather packed for how out of the way it was. On either side were tall and thin buildings for lodging or shops that seemed to sell extremely specific items that only specialists would use, such as the shop Cyrus passed that he saw selling various types of hidden weapons.

Onwards they pressed, until they ended up at the end of the alleyway where a massive building awaited them. While it was unassuming by design, the amount of people walking in and out of it spoke for itself. Not only that, but the type of people that entered and exit all had a certain air about them…

"These are no ordinary citizens. While both their attire and equipment are seemingly random, the way they carry themselves carefully eyeing their surroundings at all time and the various amount of scars seen on exposed skin easily betrays their true identity" reasoned Cyrus as he approached the doorway, which were two easily push-able doors that did not even fully connect with the ground, with Fauve.

As Fauve walked, Cyrus noticed that some of the passerby who were more scarred than the rest looked at Fauve with a hint of respect as they nodded towards him before carrying on their way.

Cyrus' ever watchful eye aside, the two entered the building. What greeted Cyrus was a scene that a stricter individual would describe as 'chaos' while a more free spirit would perhaps use the word 'unique' instead. A casino and a bar were easily discerned with a quick look while at the wall opposite of the doorway was a series of windows with professional looking people sitting on chairs behind them in intense discussion with those that waited in line long enough to talk to them. Walking on the only area not full of random happenings, such as loud gambling from the small-scale casino to his left or the fist fights going on in the bar to his right, the two made their way past the ruckus and headed towards a guarded stairwell that was adjacent to windows.

When they approached one of the two bulky guards asked,

"What do you want?"

Fauve merely produced the same metal card that he had used when entering the city, which quickly changed the tune of the guard who let him pass respectfully. The two walked past the guards who had changed their tune, heading to the upper level.