Diving Into An Icy Lake (5)

"The family that sent the engagement request was the Bellicus family, specifically a branch from the main one but still powerful nevertheless" explained Minerva.

"Is that name supposed to mean something to me? Who the hell is that" asked a confused Cyrus.

"I see that you do not have many friends in military circles, as anyone who has anything to do with the numerous families that exist within that sphere would know the name. For it is the family whose head controls the military of the entire southern region. Rising from common origins, they were awarded the name of Bellicus for their unmatched martial prowess and tactical genius. Many members of that family hold top positions throughout the southern region's military forces, both in the Hammer and the Scouts. The branch family that offered the marriage controls the city guard though, which is not as honorable as a position but still a powerful one"

"Aaaaand the name of your betrothed?" prompted Cyrus with a yawn.

"Asmod Bellicus is his name, the one who I am still promised to even to the current day and whom I reject and hate with my entire being… Of course, I did not reject him immediately. Nor did I do a silly thing such as run away the moment I heard, for I had overcome much already and cared little at first for what seemed to be such a small thing in comparison, or so I told myself. As eventually I would have to seek a partner if I stayed in the family, so I tried my best to be as open as possible…but soon any illusion I had of a possible decent future tied to a man from a powerful family was shattered at once. I knew of this from the very first time we met and were left alone…"


Three figures were in a luxurious room that oozed wealth, a style that was far different than the rest of the house that emphasized a more muted and tasteful display of power and wealth.

Minerva sat on a seat, wearing a dainty white dress that hugged her body and emphasized her fair skin and long dark hair. Such hair had been obviously brushed free of any of the usual tangles and given a glossy look with some kind of after care, there was even an ornamental pin in her hair that had a rose engraved on it.

Across from her was the one she was now destined to be with, a young man who was pleasing to the eye and had a cheerful air about him. Every move he made was fluid and measured, which gave away his martial background easily, as well as whenever he leaned forward his sleeves would raise slightly revealing some of his Adonis body that was fit for a man of his position and apparent martial talent.

He was wearing a simple white tunic and pants, one that someone who was heading to a training room might wear but on him it seemed completely natural to be wearing such a thing. His curly blonde hair and bright hazel eyes only added to his overall looks, a sight to behold by anyone who had the pleasure of meeting him.

The words exchanged between the two were formal but pleasant, making Minerva feel as if the whole deal was not so bad after all.

"He looks the part of a prince who came to rescue a damsel in distress and he seems nice enough. Maybe this is a good thing for me?" thought Minerva as she watched her father bid the two goodbye as he left the two to mingle amongst themselves.

The moment the door shut, however, her focus was yanked from the closing door immediately as she felt a beast set its sights on her. Her hand reflexively reached for her sabre that never left her side…except this time it was not there at the behest of her father, saying that it was too unwomanly to have such a thing be carried on the hip all the time.

Defenseless, she turned to see what monster could give her such a feeling of fear and dread…one that not even her own cruel father gave off during their hellish training sessions, for at least that could be construed as some kind of tough love at best and at worst it was complete neutrality.

This…this was far different. Her eyes looked upon the source of her sudden plight, but her brain froze for a moment as a clear disconnect was had.

The kind and caring young man, who looked straight out of one of her beloved romance novels, had his face twisted in a wicked smile as he licked his lips and eyed his prey.

"When I was forced to send an engagement to some middling family as punishment I had thought that I was doomed to suffer having to lay next to some ugly wench. But who would have guessed this was actually a blessing in disguise? How on Mundus such a fine quality woman went unnoticed for this long is beyond me, but I am not complaining now hehehe" said the young man, lust and greed clear as day on his face as he advanced onto Minerva.

Reflexively resisting, for her mind was still in a state of shock, the young man easily subdued her displaying how competent he truly was on the martial path.

Tying her arms behind her back with his belt, he savagely tore apart her dress to reveal the milky smooth skin beneath. Feeling every inch of her body without a care for a completely frozen Minerva, he relished in the feel and even took delight upon seeing the tears fall from her face.

"Ah, I forgot. I cannot make you mine yet, what a pity. It seems I will have to satisfy myself with other methods until that day, damn family rules but if I go against them my punishments will be so dire even I will not be able to avoid them…" muttered the young man as he got off Minerva, which brought her a small amount of relief before such relief was thrown out the window and into the dirt only to be trampled into smithereens by a passing angry mob.

For out of an exquisite bag with a bright ruby red gem engraved on it he pulled out a box of tools…in it were many things that only increased the level of fear in Minerva. Whips of all shapes and sizes, nails, belts, and even branding irons…

Every day that Minerva had to meet the man was the day that she wished would never come…but no matter what she did it continued to come without fail.


"Every meeting I was forced to have with him ended much the same, being touched felt and admired like a piece of fine art rather than a person. Not to mention his many perversions, often enjoying whipping me on end and taking pleasure from my cries" Minerva was shaking almost uncontrollably at this point and her voice hoarse, as she recalled that which she spoke of.

"Whips, needles and even burns…he grew more and more insane whenever we were in private, inflicting far more pain than my father ever could…"

Cyrus took the chance to interject, a small look of displeasure on his face if one looked carefully,

"Did you not try to escape your circumstances?"

Minerva heaved a self-deprecating laugh, her tears finally falling from her face as she shivered uncontrollably.

"When I told my father he simply said, "Everyone has to make sacrifices in life." When I told my mother she just looked like she wished to congratulate my tormentor if anything. If I tried to escape the house there were many guards posted to stop such a thing, if I tried to take my own life I was rescued without fail, and if I tried to retaliate against the beast then I was easily disarmed and tortured even more than usual…there was no escape. All I could do use my every moment of freedom to train, to become stronger in hopes that I could free myself one day. Eventually that day did come though, the day of my coming of Age Ceremony where I was able to finally retaliate against my family by choosing the path of a mage. With the help of Imran and his family I was smuggled out of the house and placed under their protection, while I severed all ties to my family with the help of the Eye of Babel by showing off my aptitude."

Finishing her story she leaned back in her seat, now keenly aware of the massive amount of sweat that now covered her body and tears that had fallen from her eyes while narrating her darkest and deepest secrets.

"Strangely enough, I feel relieved. Maybe I wanted to tell someone everything…for anyone to hear what I had to say just once" thought a drained Minerva, who was now absentmindedly staring at the ceiling.

"Not that anything will come of it though, but at least I feel a bit better. Maybe I can even sleep properly for once tonight, not having to wake up to nightmares every hour."