Diving Into An Icy Lake (6)

The dark Cyrus, the masked Cyrus, looked upon the figure of his ally whose robe was stained with both sweat and tears and whose face looked pale and frailer than ever before. Everything that he had just learned replayed in his mind again and again, until he drew every conclusion he needed to and thus completed the full canvas that was Minerva in his mind.

"She was talented from the start with the sword, having a knack for it from a young age. Her situation at home became the foundation for her stubborn and ruthless personality, further cemented by her training with her father. The hatred and revulsion of men, the dislike of the superficial, and the suspicion of those with seemingly kind intentions come from her interactions with that Asmod Bellicus fellow. The suicidal stubbornness, stress, and lack of taste is from the result of all of these things adding up…they are the cracks in her framework that manifest in interesting ways. To still function as well as she is despite all of this, a testament to her strength and future usefulness to me" analyzed Cyrus.

"Still, what is this feeling that I am experiencing. A deep displeasure, like I am looking upon something foul. Is it coming from Minerva?" thought Cyrus as he isolated the feeling.

"Yes it is, but it is deeper than that. Asmod Bellicus, he is the root of my displeasure then. How annoying, like a fly that keeps one awake at night or a rat that eats away at ones food in the night. What might I do to be rid of such a feeling, oh I know" mused Cyrus as he stood up from his stool of bone and walked in front of Minerva.

Lifting her chin slightly, taking careful note of her reaction to this all the while, he sported a sinister smile and said.

"Well, well my dear ally. It seems we finally see eye to eye, having confided in one another completely at last. For my problems I expect you to be a source of strength for me, someone who can assist me in destroying my enemies. Oh and my other half is interested in your knowledge of the military sphere, so that too. In return, well, it seems you have many enemies yourself. What do you do to enemies? Do you run and hide from them? Maybe, at least for a while assuming that they are too numerous or strong. Yet this does not mean you run forever, for they have dared to go against you and must pay the price. The ultimate price."

Light returned to Minerva's eyes as she heard such words, the implications heavy but she was no doubt somewhat taken by such words. Especially when said so simply and matter of factly, like the task being discussed was no different from chopping vegetables.

"The Bellicus family is no pushover, at their head is a general that controls an entire region..." began Minerva unsteadily.

"I know that you have been traumatized by this person, but do not make him out to be some kind of undefeatable godly being. He is but a man, and one whose moral character is so bad that even I am in awe of his wickedness. As he is a man, he can be killed and killed quite easily if a decent plan is put in motion. So what if he is tied to the family name of Bellicus? Take down the whole family if you so desire it, what does it matter to you what happens to a family who harbors such scum? Or we could alienate him from his family even further and raise our own position enough that they would only offer a token response when we kill him, or just assassinate him and keep things quiet, or even pay someone else to do it for us. The possibilities are endless, Minerva" explained Cyrus as he took a step back and had Ares walk up next to him, using him as a backdrop of his capabilities.

"I will be moving upwards, gathering as much power as I can. As much as I may dislike it, I will need allies along my path. You know everything about me, I am sure you can imagine some of the trouble I may get into in the future. If you choose to walk with me, to take my hand and travel on the same path as I, then I will get you your vengeance. I cannot offer you consoling words or sweet nothings as you called it, but I can offer you the death of all who have wronged you. Your parents that tortured you throughout your entire childhood? I will kill them with you. This Asmod Bellicus fellow, the beast in human skin? I will castrate him and hang him from the ceiling, allowing the ground to taste his blood. That which you have lost, the broken parts of you, I will restore and repair them with the flames of vengeance.

What say you?" asked Cyrus, holding out his hand towards Minerva.

For a moment there was no reply or even movement from the one who had been offered the hand, instead she stood swaying in her seat slightly while making sense of everything that she had heard.

"That is insanity you know, to declare that you are willing to take down not just one but multiple powerful and old families that have been around for generations. The foundations of such families are nothing to scoff at, especially now that commoner families have all the power in the Empire while the nobles continue to be stripped of everything. These families, my own included, are at the height of their power…yet you say you will just walk in and eliminate whoever displeases you?" asked Minerva incredulously.

"Obviously. Why do you make it sound so complicated? We will just be doing one thing and only thing only: Killing Monsters" replied Cyrus nonchalantly.

A smile surfaced on Minerva's face at these words. Willing her unsteady legs she tried to stand, reaching her hand towards the man in front of her. Such a man was no prince or saint, but she had enough of these types for several lifetimes.

"And now that annoying feel has dissipated. Killing all your problems seems to work yet again" thought Cyrus, most pleased with himself.

Noticing her difficulty in standing, Cyrus leaned forward and grabbed her hand. Pulling her in and locking his arm around her own he pulled upwards and brought Minerva to her feet.

Looking down at Minerva, who was now effectively in his arms at this point, he said

"Well then partner, welcome aboard. You will become my strength and I will assist you in piecing yourself back together, eventually even delivering you the ultimate revenge you require so. Once you have severed your past fully by your own hand, then you will be reborn anew and can be whole once more. Now, stand tall and steady. From now on I require the strong Minerva, but if the fragile you wishes to come and out talk just let me know in advance."

Laughing to himself he made sure Minerva was steady on her feet before finally releasing her, ordering Ares to stay put while turning his back and exiting the room.

"Congratulations on being my first living ally as well" jested Cyrus as he exited, followed by Minerva who was still in a trance like state.

Coming completely to her senses, her faced flushed slightly as color returned to it in full and perhaps even more than just that as she stared at the back of Cyrus who was walking in front of her.

She smiled to herself slightly before picking up the pace, not wanting to be left behind.