Dry Run

They also double checked every equipment that was going to be used in the day of the press conference. They placed carpets and barricades in front in case someone attempted to cross the line during the press conference.

As the staff of Cosche continued fixing the conference hall, Grey and the rest were all still busy doing their own tasks.

"Marga can you scan this for me?" Adam asked.

"Yeah sure, let me," Marga answered then grabbed the papers from Adam's hand.

"Can you take this with you too?" Jacob asked Marga.

"Yes of course," Marga said then grabbed the papers from Jacob then went to proceed to the scanner.

"So you mean they have been doing this for almost 10 years now? And the police and the drug department did not even do anything?" asked the detective to Jacob.

"Yeah," Jacob answered, "The thing is, Valerie has an uncle with a position in the government," he said.