
In the deep darkness of what is to be assumed as the void, you can see a lean athletic body with neat wavy brown hair slowly opening his eyes, brilliant green orbs is all what you can see in the darkness.

"Where am I, weren't I supposed to be dead or is this hell?" Asked the man to no one.

The man, particularly named Crynn Avter, has his questions answered by no one.

"Hello... Anyone there??" Crynn asked once more and to his surprise, a sound so robotic, it placed terminators to shame answered. [Congratulations human, you are the first to be chosen by God to participate in the 'Afterlife Multiverse Travel']

Crynn, being a calm and collected man directly asked back, "What do you mean?"

[As just mentioned you will participate in the 'Afterlife Multiverse Travel' A system God recently created to help humans from being thrown to hell. In other words you will have one chance at living by going through worlds and collecting Mission Merits which can be used to buy your way to heaven.]

"What is this Mission Merit suposed to be?"

[Mission Merits are your travelling currency throughout worlds and you can use it to buy items or skills. And when you have enough of it, you can buy a ticket to heaven. Mission Merits are received from completing missions to other worlds]

"So what am i to do now?"

[You, human are going to have to go to different world and you have to choose the difficulty of the worlds. There is currently 3 difficulties and a tutorial]

{Tutorial : Welcome to the tutorial where everything is easy and you can't die just yet. The first overview on how to do anything in the 'Afterlife Multiverse Travel'}

{Easy : You start of small with worlds that can hardly kill you but still can injure you. A perfect choice for a new paticipant}

{Normal : For those tired of easy, individuals can choose normal mode where more people die that you think of. Perfect for those who have mastered early skills}

{Hard : No Pain No Gain. The harder the challenge the better the rewars. It may be hard, but preserve to the end and treasure is bound to await you. Perfect for hardcore participants}

[You are free to choose human]

"Before i choose any mission, how do i access my skills?"

[You don't access skills human, you already know your skills and when a skill is upgraded, you will experience something change in your body]

"That's really helpful," Crynn said sarcastically.

[It's time for you to choose human]

"No Pain No Gain. I choose hard mode," answered Crynn immediately.

[Are you sure human}

"If i want to do something i do it as challenging as possible," Crynn said with a determined gaze.

[Very well human, your journey starts here.]

A giant slot machine structure apeared in front of his eyes as the slots start turning with speed faster than your eyes could see. As 10 seconds pass by in undeniable tension with thoughts like, "Have i made a mistake" and "What if it's too hard" appearing in Crynn's mind, the wheel finally stopped in a name so familiar to Crynn, he relaxed a bit.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

He got movie he's familiar with and one from a favourite worldwide series as well. Crynn can't be happier than this.

{Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone : Steal the Philosopher's Stone}

Crynn suddenly got so pale his eyes and hair became the only colour left on his face.

Who doesn't know what the Philosopher's Stone is, a magical stone created by Nicholas Flamel. A stone so powerful, creation of gold and everlasting life comes as a package for those who has it. Protected by Albus Dumbledore himself and a certain Dark Lord planning to steal it, it is anything but easy.


{1. Steal the Philosopher's Stone in Gringotts Wizarding Bank}

{2. Steal the Philosopher's Stone in Hogwarts}

{3. Steal the Philosopher's Stone while Voldemort is trying to get it in Hogwarts}

Crynn heaved a sigh of relieve when he sees that there are options available. While the second option might be thought to be easy, you can't forget that there's an army or trolls not yet killed in Quirinus Quirrel's challenge and the third option can be considered worse because there is Voldemort involved. The safest seemed to be... "I choose the first option," Crynn said after considering the options for a long time.

[There's something i have yet to say. There are bonus objectives in every mission that will earn you titles and mission merits. Good luck]

Without any wait, Crynn was sucked into a black hole and everything seems silent until,

"Hmm. Interesting."