Crynn POV
"Never thought a hard mission would be this easy," I smirked to myself and continued to stare hard at the doors of Vault 713. "Security at Gringotts aren't that great it seems," I laughed to myself for being able to get pass those sneaky and tricky goblins.
"You wish," a crooked sound was heard from behind me followed by a 'pop' sound. "I'm Goblin Administrator Ranil, you're under arrest."
I immediately turned my head and saw what looked like a goblin (obviously) dressed in the noble robes you'd found in dungeon and dragons. Beside him, stood two taller goblins in knight armour holding an impressive Zweihänder towering over their bodies. "Let's see you do it," I said blandly and with a swipe of my fingers, i summonded my wand over and smugly shouted the first spell that came in mind, "Expelliarmus!"
The goblins immediately dodged but not after they noticed... Nothing happened
{Skill : Expelliarmus Not Found in Database}
Crap... Seeing that the goblins haven't noticed, I quickly dashed towards the minecart hoping for an escape. Clang!! I impressively dodged a swiping strike from one of the goblin knights. "That's dangerous!!" "Yes it is!" The goblin shouted before striking the Zweihänder in speed towards me. I never expected a small goblin to be as agile as an olympics gymnast.
God! another sword was dodged and now two goblin knights are taking me on, now i knoe why it's 'Hard', this is insane, if not for the fact that i learned self defense (different from martial arts), I would have died all the way throughout the sword swinging session. "Got ya!" I shouted out loud as I grabbed the handle of one of the Zweihänder's handguard and proceeded to snatch the sword throwing the goblin knight towards the other goblin crashing them together.
"Ha!!" Not wasting the precious time, I grabbed the Zweihänder and I ran towards the minecart, flicking the lever with force, propelling the minecart to go out of the Vault Hall.
"Bloody Merlin!" The Goblin Administrator Ranil exclaimed out loud, in fury rather than shock. "Useless knights!" Ranil immediately jumped towards the downed knights and pulled a book out, writing the words, 'Perpetrator moving towards Cart Station.' "Dammit!!" Ranil shouted once more before wandlessly apparating himself and the goblin knights out of the vault halls.
"That was too dangerous," I thought in my head fealing dread. The mission is probably sacked by now. I never thought goblins could use magic, the books did not explain so. "First thing in line, getting out of here," I muttered under my breath, maybe stealing the Philosopher's Stone from Gringotts isn't so easy. The cart continued moving as I was thinking of how to escape, the cart station is in view. "Gotta get out fast," I talked to myself and readying myself for any unexpected surprise.
Once the cart stopped, I immediately made out of the cart station and seeing that there are no surprises, I immediately sneaked my way towards the main hall of Gringotts. Tip toe... Tip toe... Silence is acknowledgeable. "No aurors yet, good," Seeing no aurors in the distant main hall, I heaved a sigh of relief, "Don't want any magic in the way, Do you?" Reassuring myself as I was still largely pissed off of not being able to use magic with the excuse of 'Not Found in Database', that reallt ticked me off.
"Crap! Goblins!" I immediately panicked and observe my surroundings for hiding spots. Only noticing a giant corridor with nothing but pillars, I muttered to myself, "there!" Silently running towards the pillar and leaning towards it hoping I won't be noticed by those goblins. When they all continued marching towards the cart station. I immediately heaved a sigh and fell to my knees, "This is why no one offends goblins," Staring at the passing platoon of goblin knights no doubt searching for me, I know no why no one controls and offends goblins. They are in charge with your wealth and also having a lot of capable personnel in their dispose, truly a nightmare. It may also be why they never tried to wipe them out. The casualties of a war against the goblins must be vast.
{Mission : Steal the Philosopher's Stone in Gringotts Wizarding Bank (Failed)}
{All Bonus Objective Rewards Revoked}
"Shit!!" As if the situation could not have gotten worse, the bonus objectives are revoked. God must hate me.
{Mission Changed}
{Steal the Philosopher's Stone in Hogwarts}
{Bonus Objectives : }
{1. Bird No Cry : Get a drop of Phoenix Tears from Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix. Birds do cry. (Rewards : Curse Em Birds Title, 5000 Mission Merits) }
{2. For the Greater Good : Expose Voldemort in front of the Great Hall, Dark Lord turns a shade darker. (Rewards : Exposer Title, 2000 Mission Merits) }
{3. Secret No More : Find and Enter the Chamber of Secrets, a hidden room unhidden. (Rewards : Room Finder Title, 5000 Mission Merits) }
{4. Senile Old Man : Defeat Dumbledore in a duel and prove you're better. A fight with the greatest light wizard of the century?? No problem. (Rewards : Legend Title, 51000 Mission Merits) }
{5. I Hate Spiders : Kill Aragog the Acromantula. Giant spiders are no different from spider memes, they just want love. (Rewards : Spider Slayer, 20000 Mission Merits) }
"Oh Bless The Lord! I have another chance," I said gratefully towards no one in particular. I haven't got time to read up on any of those bonus objectives. I'm busy, in a pinch, and would gladly ignore the bonus objectives at the moment.
I continued sneaking towards the Great Hall and when I got there, I realized just how much damage I did, a gaping hole, some bodies lay on the ground not knowing whether they lived or not. I felt guilt looking at it, "Maybe shouldn't have bombed the bank and injuring civilians," I guiltily walked and exited the bank feeling some mixed feelings on whether he should or shouldn't bomb the bank. But what's done is done and he proceeeded walking towards the street like nothing happened. (Total Douche)
General POV
"Ahh, another great day. Minerva, Harry should be shopping right now in Diagon Alley this moment isn't it?", Dumbledore said happily with a warm smile deserving of the greatest light wizard of the century, staring back hard at him would be Professor Minerva Mcgonagall, strict and just, a deputy headmistress and transfiguration professor at its finest.
"Yes, Mr Potter should currently be on the streets of Diagon Alley feeling the wonders of magic by now," Mcgonagall said with a bland voice but still could not hide the enthusiasm showing in her face at the thought of Harry Potter studying in Hogwarts and getting high grades like his dear mother, Lily.
"Well, if he's anything like his father, he's bound to be a naughty and arrogant boy full of mischief. I fully expect him to get a lot of detention and dissapointment this year," sneered a man seated right beside the deputy headmistress, a man with bellowing black robes, crooked nose and greasy hair, he looks anything but the definition of good.
"Give the boy a chance Severus, Don't judge him when you haven't met him," Dumbledore said in his warm voice with his twinkling eyes focused on the man, Severus Snape, a potions master that hated the Potters with a passion. Silencing his hopes of talking back, an owl carrying a latter stamped with Gringotts' insignia came down from the windows above bellowing at the headmaster to quickly read the letter. "A Gringotts letter, what could be?" Dumbledore said in a tone of mischief while the potions master and the transfiguration professor just grumbled in silence, thinking along the lines of, 'Senile old man'.
Dumbledore opened the letter and couldn't hold the shock when having fully read it.
Headmaster Dumbledore,
Gringotts has just went through an attempted robbery on a specific Vault 713. Presumably after that specific item. Thankfully the robber, by the name of Crynn Avter did not suceed in the robbery. For further information contact Gringotts. Mr Flamel has also been notified of this incident.
-Gringotts Wizarding Bank
"What happened Albus?" Seeing the worry present on the old man's face, Mcgonagall can't help but ask. "There's an attempted robbery at Gringotts, apparently on a quoted on the letter, "a specific Vault 713," Dumbledore said coldly, the twinkle vanished from his eyes. "And what of the item," Asked Snape, still sneering throughout the conversation.
"Nothing was stolen, the item remains in the vault," Dumbledore finally said again which quenched down the worry on the two professors sitting right in front of him. "I believe, you two have classes to plan and experimenting to do," Dumbledore said which prompted the two professors to leave and say their goodbyes.
After they leave, Dumbledore sat there in silence contemplating, still worried on the issue but can't help but think, "Crynn Avter? Where have I heard that name before?" We might never know the answer but nevertheless, protecting the stone has come first on the headmaster's mind and the rest shall be thrown to the back of his mind until the problem at hand is solved.