Crynn POV
Ok, how did this happen. One time I was about to go my merry way trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone and now I ended up with the friend of the one trying to protect the stone. Sigh... I guess I'll just have to go with it. I sighed repeatedly inside my heart, I guess my inner self managed to persuade me into walking with Hermione, I'm such a huge fanboy, ughh...
Well, she seems a little bit bossy but not a lot and enough to make her seem cute. She may be cute but I'm a 24 years old man and there would be no way that I will be attracted to an eleven years old, I'm not a pedophile. And even if she's 17, I wouldn't want to date a fictional character. Do you think that you can date in heaven? Maybe yes, maybe not.
"So, what's your name again," I decided to try and make small talk with here while we were walking through the room. She gazed at me for a second and her brown eyes seem to be trying to decipher what I'm thinking about. Although I already know her full name but I never knew her physically so I gotta be an actor just for the day.
"It's Hermione Granger, sir," She stated briefly and politely. "Any relation to the Esteemed Potions' Grandmaster, Hector Dagworth-Granger," I just took the line out of Slughorn's sockets, it's not copyrighted I assure you. "No sir, I'm a muggleborn," she looked confused for a second before answering with a weird look in her eyes, it's probably a deciding gaze if I was either a prejudiced pureblood or just someone curious.
"You ought to go to Gringotts to go have an inheritance test, it's only one galleon and the name 'Granger' is not very common name is it," I purposefully raised a brow before continuing to walk to another door. Hermione seem to not budge and stayed standing, her eyes looking unfocused as if thinking about something. "What are you waiting for," I pulled her out of her mind and brought her back to the realm of the living.
I opened the door, waiting for Hermione. Hermione now blushing slightly and obviously embarrassed and came strolling at me. I let her go in first and closed the door behind me. Surely, there is a dead troll in this chamber, it smells like every single kind of feces there ever is combined, if that didn't describe the stench enough then I don't know what will.
"After this Troll Room there's a Potions' Puzzle but we've the potion required to pass the puzzle, I'm not sure if we're able to pass the next a second time," Hermione suddenly looked worrried, well it seems that the potions' puzzle is here unlike the movie where they just removed it out of the picture. As if to reassure her, "Don't worry, I'll always have a way," I swore my eyes gleamed like Dumbledore's just then.
We soon arrived in a smaller room with a table full of potions and one empty vial and in the far end of the room, blazing purple flames vigorously burned the passageway towards the final room. "Not to worry, I got this," I opened my briefcase while Hermione just stared puzzlingly. Aha, I found it, I grabbed the handle of the object and pulled it out of the briefcase. "A- A fire extinguisher!" Hermione looked shocked at seeing the muggle object. "And- Is that a dimensional bag! I heard Newt Scamander currently holds the record of biggest dimensional bag!"
"Well you can't compare this one with Scamander's, he has planes full of different biomes in his bag it's ridiculous!" I said and picked up the briefcase and the fire extinguisher. I moved closer to the fire, appearing as if it would eat and cook rare steak out of me. I brought the fire extinguisher and pulled the pin shooting sodium bicarbonate out of the tank, immediately extinguishing part of the flames.
I moved forward and in the end, no flames were left alive. "Ha! Not even magical fire can stand sodium bicarbonate!" Hermione just stared shocked in the distance, eyes bulging as big as eggs and open mouth enough for ostrich egg or two.
"Well don't just stand there let's go!" I shouted at Hermione which she responded by walking towards me looking absolutely shocked. The fire extinguisher still has some juice left, probably enough to extinguish the flames Voldemort surrounded the last room with. I walked down a relatively short staircase before ultimately arriving in the entrance of a room surrounded with fire.
I'm just in time to see Quirrel flying and chocking the crap out of Harry. "Harry!" Hermione gasped out looking absolutely terrified and shocked again because not only is the thief not Professor Snape, it's in fact poor stuttering Quirrel. Harry bent his neck a little to see me and Hermione standing outside the flame barrier and Quirrel didn't even budge from his position still chocking the crap out of Harry.
This time, I won't bother using the fire extinguisher, it will probably really alert Voldemort while at the same time may be able to disrupt the battle. "Wait here," I calmly (Terrified) said to the young girl beside me, seeing her nod as an affirmative, I jumped through the flames unsheathing my sword bringing it down in a clean cut towards Voldemort.
Voldemort seemed to realize this predicament and jumped back dodging the slash and letting Harry go. I immediately took the advantage and dropped my briefcase, whipping out my wand in a millisecond and "Magic Overcharge!" Bright light surrounded my wand and a beam of equally bright magic shot towards Voldemort.
Having no time to react, the skill successfully hit Voldemort and in the two seconds it hit him, I immediately released my skill, worrying that using it too much will tire me out. I saw Voldemort falter back a few steps, hands on his chest. I could see red molten flesh (If that even exists) pouring out from his chest.
He stared, horrified at the wound on his chest and immediately made his eye towards me, he slightly opened his mouth and blood came out splashing everywhere. Thankfully the diameter of the blood only managed to reach a foot in front of my foot. I sighed relieved at not having blood all over my fabric.
Voldemort dropped to the ground and suddenly, black smoke and a deathly aura emerged from Quirrel's body. A noseless and bald face is shown on the ghastly smoke. "I curse all of you!" Voldemort shrieked with rage and darkness present before blasting the windows and escaping the room.
That is the most anticlimactic fight against Voldemort that I've ever seen. My eyes twitched for a second and I looked around, the flames surrounding the room were no more and Harry still on the ground looked at me. I could see amazement in his eyes and also respect. I'm pretty sure after what I'm about to do, no respect would ever be seen again. I looked to the ground beside Harry, a luminescent bright blood red stone is dropped beside Harry.
I knelt down and picked it up, admiring it through my eyes and rubbing it all over my hands trying to 'feel' what the stone's surface is like. The truth is, it's more like an extremely soft seashell rather than a stone. I grinned brightly and excitedly waved my hands. "Finally, I've got the stone!"