Crynn POV
"Pardon me, I think I heard it wrong," I definitely heard it wrong, I reassured myself in my heart and kept nodding my head.
"I said, come help me cut open this hyena," O'Connell looked at me strangely as if I'm deaf, and what do you mean, cut open a hyena! "I'm sorry, but what are you doing this for," I hesitantly went near him as he brandished his knives like a professional chef, crisscrossing it together. "To eat! What else!" now he looked as if I'm stupid, and eat? EAT!
"Wait, wait, wait a minute, we're eating that!?" I shakingly pointed my fingers at the corpse of the hyena, tongue sticking out, that isn't edible! "Oh dear, please, it's only a hyena!" A hyena he said, only a hyena he said! Crocodiles, I can bear eating, snakes, why not, but who thought that eating hyenas was good.
I don't think anyone even eats lions or any major predators let alone hyenas! "Come on Avter, don't look at me like that, hyenas are considered delicacies in Saudi Arabia, Morocco and more African countries," he stabbed deep into the hyena's stomach, tracing a pattern throughout the stomach lines.
Calm down yourself, it's only a hyena, it's not like you've eaten anything that can kill you anyway, actually, I do huh.
"Are... You a butcher?" I've given up, and he did say its a delicacy so might as well try it. At worst, I'll just die of some terrible animal sickness? And secondly, is he a butcher, he looks so at ease stabbing it and cutting it across the stomach as if it was natural to him. "Most adventurers or typical desert goers can hunt for themselves and cut their own meat. We didn't go to butcher school or anything, it just comes as its own after living in the desert for a while."
"Well! Are you going to help or not!" he brought me out of my contemplating state of mind, but the information he just gave me was informational to say the least, I love learning new things everyday. "What would you like me to do?" I readied my self, pulled my sleeves up and readying my mind for some deadly bloody butchering.
"Go get Jonathan here, I need both of your helping hands," it looks like there will be no butchering for me at the moment, I looked around in the direction of some light and smokes I hope. There it is, some light in the distance accompanied by the dark gray smoke that became visible from the moon's illuminating light.
I walked a long ways there, to find two men cowering on the back of the camels and one heroine looking around cautiously but not cowardly, truly a brave heroine, like its similar brave protagonist, they do match together don't they. Smart and skill, Evelyn with the mind and O'Connell with the hand. Oh yes, I do make a great matchmaker.
"Jonathan! O'Connell called for you, apparently you're needed," I looked towards the now peeking from under the camel's legs man, tch, no dignity (As if Crynn Avter has any in the first place).
"A- and wh- why am I need- needed?" Jonathan continues to cower and stutter underneath the camel, sweat rolling down his forehead. I sighed, "Don't worry, there's no more hyenas, we're safe, YOU're safe," I need to emphasize the you right there, I need to really convince him. "Oh well! What's there to be afraid of then!" He immediately jumped out, patting his chest and looking upwards on false bravery.
"Well, follow me," I lead the way towards the carcass, the last time I ate any type of exotic meat ahem bats ahem, I died. Hopefully, this does not repeat. "So, Jonathan, what do you do exactly," yeah, what does he do exactly, the entire journey, I haven't seen him done anything other than talk big.
"I'm a treasure hunter! And a historian!" Jonathan bragged out, opening his hand wide. I could see the gold ring dressing him, very... Suiting. "Well what about you Avter, I'm a treasure hunter, Evelyn's a Historian, O'Connell's a mercenary and Omid's a warden," he asked me loudly, hmm, what am I supposed to answer, God's errand boy, yeah right.
"I'm just your usual avid explorer," I walked and talked, this is becoming more like an excursion in the desert, relaxed, calm, enjoy. That's certainly what I'm feeling, calm, relaxed, and enjoying the desert while I'm here. I'm certainly not enjoying the camels and the hyenas though. I got days to count, a few more till the nightmare's released, at least by what I remember.
"You don't look like any explorer, explorers wear beige jackets, carries a satchel and never forget a map. You however wields a sword and wears a tux, in the middle of the desert. Secondly, any explorer I know wouldn't bring grenades to explore," he remarked long a ways, I don't seem like an explorer am I, I seem like an insurance agent that's kill you for not applying for their insurance, if that makes any sense at all.
"I guess I'm just one of a kind," I flashed him a small smile, off course I'm special, have you ever seen anyone die then revived then got to go to other worlds, well there are some others but no one I knew. "You're one of a kind indeed. Now, what does O'Connell want me to do," he swiped sweat off his forehead while wiping his hand on his jacket. I couldn't help but wipe my forehead too, damn the desert's hot.
From all those movies, the desert night is supposed to be cool, breezy and lovely, but nooo. So far, it has been overbearing, dangerous and exhausting. "Well you'll see when you get there," I secretly curved a sinister smile, lets look at how pale dear Ol'Jonathan'll be once he set his sights on the food we're going to eat. I'd certainly want to look at that expression.
"Ah! Look at that! We're here," I said and made a wave on my hand, I've gone hiking before, and I'd do it gladly in compared to climbing these sandy hills. They're annoying, slippery and lets not forget how the sand just loves getting into my shoes. "Finally! Finally! I thought I'm gonna die walking that far! Now what is-" Jonathan paled considerably, his once tanish white skin became as white as a lab mouse's skin.
That really is unquestionably amusing.