Curse of The Pharaohs

Crynn POV

"O'Connell! I trust Evelyn's statue for you and I'll take Jonathan's," I sprinted slowly towards Jonathan's side, trying to avoid the statue from going after me. But its still moving too much and I need my ammo perfectly conserved please. "Jonathan, try stabbing the spear forwards towards its chest!"

Jonathan heeded me and lunged the spear on his hands towards the guard's chest. With its great reflexes, the guard plunged its spear into the ground and caught Jonathan's approaching spear with both hands. His eyes glared at Jonathan frightening the living out of him. As the guard raised its spear.

Bang! A shot from my iron's sight, zipped cross the stale air, piercing the blue rock on the statue's neck. I'm now starting to wonder, why the Egyptians don't just,put a metal cover around the rock instead of leaving it out in the open, how bizarre.But nevertheless, the rock exploded and another spirit gripped on my shoes tightly letting out, I'm guessing some Ancient Egyptian swearing.

"You alright Jonathan!" I approached a pallid looking Jonathan, hands over his head, with sweat all over his face. "Yes, thank you," he grabbed my stretched hand and slowly stood up, swaying a little in memory fear. I put back my gun in its holster as another boom of blue invaded the area and of course another spirit saying God know what.

"Evelyn! Good?" O'Connell pulled Evelyn up and showed tiny concern towards her. "I'm fine, thank you very much," she brushed off the sand and dust she accumulated from the fight while steadily looming to the center coffin. "You understand what the ghost thingies say Evelyn?" O'Connell, reloaded his Magnum once more for safe measure, he isn't gonna forget today.

"More importantly, what in the blazing hell are those things!" Jonathan interjected from behind me, looking quite mad and fear flashed on his eyes upon mentioning of the statues. "Shut up Jonathan! And O'Connell, you expect me to understand a language lost for millenias!" This time, Evelyn looks pissed and crazed. I guess her mentality has really taken a hit!

"Calm down..." O'Connell tried to pat her shoulders before being back-handed on his hand. "Don't you tell me to calm down, I just faced a jackal headed statue trying to kill me!" Evelyn roared from the bottom of the lungs and wait those are jackal heads? I thought those are dobermanns. "Let's all stay still, breathe in, breathe out."

I decided to appear in the middle of the both while giving yoga sessions on breathing. It seems to be doing well. Evelyn is exhaling and inhaling a lot of air while clenching and unclenching her hands. "Everyone cool now," I looked at them both not answering so... "I'll take that as a yes." I exhaled, I'm going on a vacation after this. The next world I'm going to better have some nice beach resorts with all the martinis. (Spoilers, it doesn't happen)

"So, let us open this coffin!" I pushed aside and made my way to the bronze coffin case as I held my hands on the lid ready to push. Soon enough everyone has got into their positions as they shouted, "1... 2... 3... Push!" We pushed the lid with all our mights as it slowly but surely starting to crawl its way off the coffin.

And a small break later, the coffin fell down in a donk as we see what really is the contents of it, I already know that its probably the villain but I can't just tell all the spoilers can't I. That is if I can remember as spoiler the first place. "Oh look! How surprising! It's only a corpse!" Jonathan let out indignantly, hands crossed over his chest and one foot tapping the sand.

He's so obviously annoyed at not finding any treasure but instead an old corpse. "What a minute, this is not some simple remains," Evelyn put her hand inside the coffin as she fished something up from the bottom of it, a shell perhaps? "These are fossilized scarab shells and look at the still preserved rotting flesh the corpse has."

Jonathan looked up at his sister with a question mark displayed on his eyes, O'Connell merely scooped some more shells up, examining it. "This is incredible, this sarcophagus, the human in it is still alive when it was buried and to bury him together with these scarabs, it can only mean one thing!"

Ooh, intellectual! I can't say to have thought of all that myself in the minute the corpse is uncovered, this egyptologist has all the clues figured out, impressive really. "This is the most horrific form of torture in Egyptian history, so great it's considered forbidden, only heavy crimes such as killing the high priest, or an attempted murder on the pharaoh would result in this punishment!"

"And what's this curse called," O'Connell closely inspected the rotting corpse as he gently touched the still soft skin of the flesh. "The Curse of The Pharaohs! Also known as the Hom Dai! It's unquestionably on the top 10 of the world's worst tortures!" Evelyn remarked with power as she traced the coffin sides with her hands as she leaned closer to the corpse.

"Wait a minute! I thought you said Ancient Egyptian is a language to lost to time!" I suddenly had a realization, where did the word Hom Dai come from when the language is not even known. "Oh, actually, only a few known Ancient Egyptian consonants are passed down from descendants, the rest are still unknown, and Egyptologists has translated 'Hom' as 'curse' and 'Dai' as 'Pharaoh'. (I'm just BSing, I don't actually know, what Hom Dai stands for.)

"Did we came here and fought for nothing!" Bewailment was released by Jonathan whom wore a sad expression over not finding the treasures he dreamed before coming here. "Not entirely, these spears are carved meticulously and the gemstones on it seem to be very precious, and lets not forget that the gold spear should in fact be made of gold! After all, I don't think electrolysis is invented in such an era."

Jonathan seemed to have suddenly gotten an epiphany on what I've just explained and I'll leave it to him. I gripped the gold spear for a moment and thought in my mind, 'Appraise'.

{Off-World Appraisals Cost 1000 Mission Merits}

{Proceed Y/N}

I count that I should more than 20000 mission merits so damn yea appraise! I clicked the big yes and a small light came out from my hand, enveloping the spear!

{Spear of Gold}