The Man Among Fallen Statues

Crynn POV

"Now, ladies and gentleman, that is what I'd call dangerous," I directly stabbed my spear right into the scarab, killing it within the second. I know very well what scarabs can do in adventuring movies. They come in hordes and leave you with bones in no more than a few seconds of contact. Jonathan looks absolutely horrified while Evelyn touched the halved scarab up.

"These are man eating scarabs, an extinct variant of the flesh eating scarab, they're absolutely dangerous," I don't actually know anything about it other than its a scarab and it eats people, but now I heard that they apparently eat humans, judging by their name. "O'Connell, mind I borrow one of your knives," he lent me one of them without hesitation as I knifed each and every one of the scarabs.

"Ok, we're done here, lets keep going," I turned back and returned my knife while I looked at Jonathan with a warning, "Don't touch anything scarab related." Now, everyone should know not to touch any of those pretty scarabs, do you know what it means to 'not judge by its cover', as beautiful as it may be, it's also as life threatening.

"Let's continue to the next tunnel," God, I hate this so much, tunnels have become one of my nightmares by now, I won't be surprised in suddenly getting Claustrophobia once I'm done here. (A.N : Claustrophobia is the fear of confined spaces, which includes public restaurants, tube trains and importantly, tunnels. FYI in case some of you don't know.)

"Ok we've arrived in the next room," This is so damn constricted, we're pushing to go through the damn tunnel exit. Out of patience, I stood back and shoved everyone right inside as they all fell clumsily face first onto the sand. "This is why queuing is mandatory in every country!" I stepped past them as we came into possible the largest, most extravagant room yet.

Walls decorated with beautiful paintings, statues decorating the sides and least of all, what happened here. It would be more beautiful if it weren't for the battlefield of a place here. "Hey you all, get up and see, what do you think," I rushed for them to get up from the sand, I want their opinions, especially Evelyn's, she's the expert here.

"Can you wait a second," O'Connell groaned and shook his head multiple times while regaining body balance. And as he opened his yes, it grew bigger and grew even bigger. "What happened here!" he exclaimed after seeing the overall condition of the room. Arrows pierced the walls, blade marks destroyed the serene paintings.

And lastly, an awful lot of Anubis Guards on the floors. "By how many of those statues are on the floor, we can deduce that this room holds much more importance than the sarcophagus room," as we moved further in the room I noticed that in the other end, another entrance decorated with gold and 2 huge pillars by its side were leading into another area.

"These statues are violently ripped out," Evelyn took notice of some of the statue's ripped arms or legs, even some sliced in half, the others are deformed in its body structure. "Whoever did this means business," O'Connell, that was totally unnecessary, one look into the room and the statue of the statues already describe the strength of whoever did this.

"O'Connell, remind us to return here on another time," Jonathan said with a tinge of glee and happiness, what do you mean bruh. "I don't catch," O'Connell tilted his head in confusion as he also didn't understand where Jonathan is going to. "Come on, don't you notice all the gold spears and bows blotted all over the ground?"

O'Connell's eyes gleamed with cognizance as he looked down to find glittering gold in the form of long shafts with spear heads in their ends, all over the floor and gold bows gripped by dead statues scattered all over the room. "Jonathan you're a genius!" I have to say, I completely forgot of the statue's weapons and their absolute worth, I'm definitely taking a bow.

"I'll surely remember Jonathan, it won't cross my mind," O'Connell earnestly said with treasure on his mind and lets not forget wealth, some people say money can't buy happiness but I say it could to some degree buy happiness. "Why don't we check out the next room," I prompted them to stay clear, and focused.

The treasure ain't gonna grow wings and fly away. In the next room is more carnage, and boy oh boy it's a very, very, very spacious room. A half dome as its ceiling, and white pillars constructed in an orderly manner around the room sides. As we first stepped in, we know this room is different, the first few steps led us to a stairway down the top and to the bottom of this semi-dome building.

As we reached the bottom where the height of the ceiling to the floor is more than 10 meters tall and in the middle of the room, among the many, many fallen statues, is a pedestal with a pair of fangs? Why is a pair of fangs so protected by all these statues. "Share any insights?" I looked to see everyone also looking confused at the scene, they obviously don''t know what this is.

But there's something peculiar other than the fang, something humanoid, wearing black robes is reaching his hand towards the fangs, and an arrow pierced his back passing some sort of paper and through the clothing. I'm sure it's a 'he', the structure of his body and his slicked back hair looks very male.

We approached silently and carefully as we watched each other's back while staying alert at the surroundings for any unsuspected attacks. "I think we're safe. I think every statue has been defeated," I looked around and saw no possible way for any statue become active and most of the statues are either lying down in very bad shapes.

We silently approached the black robed man and as we come closer, his features grow clearer. long black brows, adonis chiseled nose and chin, but what interests me the most are those frozen red eyes, staring straight towards the fangs. "Ok, I'm officially jealous," Evelyn stated with envy as she touched the man's cheeks and chin up to his fluffy soft hair, no wonder she's jealous.

"If you're jealous, then I'd die for that appearance!" Jonathan added with intense bitterness as he stared at the frozen man's face with resentment. I recognize that resentment, its the type of look when a college boy was being compared by a girl to Korean celebrities. In gratitude, I've always been handsome as no girls ever compared me to celebrities, I'm a school icon myself.

I've just noticed that the man's apparel, other than the black robe are some impeccably cut aristocratic tux, and those shoes he's wearing looks so comfortable and incredibly expensive. I pinched the base of his shoes, and oh so fine leather. I can attest that Louis Vuitton has got nothing in compared to these foot wears.

But much more comfortable, than the shoes are the fabric of this tux and robe, they're so soft, I wish to lay and rub them against my skin for forever. "Anyone has a guess on who this might be?" O'Connell swung by and asked. "I don't know, but I do know that it's not normal for one to have red irises," Evelyn waved her hand in front of the eyes, expecting a reaction but none came.

"Evelyn, can you translate the words written on this paper," I suddenly remembered of the arrow and looked to find that the paper the arrow shot into has a few hieroglyphs that I obviously don't understand. Evelyn swept right to the paper and blinked her eyes as a thinking look began to cover her face.

"I think, it's freeze? Seal? It's something between those two. Oh, and it's not a paper, it's a papyrus," Evelyn described and looked closely onto the paper or is it a papyrus, is that what Ancient Egyptian paper is called. "Hmm, what if I..." I pulled the arrow and the papyrus glowed red and the glow shattered as the papyrus floated down to the ground, "...Do that."

Everyone immediately backed off, O'Connell gripping his guns and the rest holding their spears. The man's fingers twitched once, then twice. He moved his arm down stiffly and then his legs back. He regained some control and straightened his back, much more fluently drawing his hands to his neck as he moved it around.

All of a sudden turning around to face us, face me. His sparkling red eyes looked at me from the bottom up and to the rest of us. O'Connell has his gun held tightly on his hands as he prepared to fire when necessary. He looked at us and tidied his robes and tux, scrubbing off the dust on his body with his hands. He then opened his mouth to begin.

"I'm incredibly thankful for freeing me, my name is Ferrous Volturi. And may I ask, what's a group of humans doing in such an accursed place." That surname instantly blew my mind, that's impossible!