Crynn POV
"Are we close yet?" I asked O'Connell who keep pointing directions to Jonathan. We've gone out of the city, following a sandy road further from the city. "We should arrive any minute now," I nodded and as we came up form the hill, I could already see it. A small but long runway, a wide and high hangar and a small house behind it.
"There it is, just drive straight through," Jonathan swerved left down the dunes, expensive wheels driving along it without any troubles. We finally arrived at O'Connell's friend's place of living. Right in the middle of nowhere built beside a small but beautiful oasis. The once clear waters have turned bloody red from the plague.
Stopping directly in front of the house, a plump man relaxing by a rocky chair. A royal tea set on a small table next to him and a beach umbrella erected on the spot. "O'Connell my friend! What brings you here?" The man said jovially getting out of his seat to sincerely hug O'Connell with a big bear grip.
"Certainly not for tea," O'Connell teased looking at the tea set and the blood within. "Tea!? It's not tea anymore, it's blood and my oasis has gone bloody red. What's going on O'Connell," the man turned grave and serious while pouring out the 'tea' from the kettle, showcasing how browny red it has gone to become.
"I fear that the bible is right! The ten plagues have came back to Egypt and to stop it we need your plane," The man made a shocking gurgle as he choked on practically nothing. "Oh God in the Heavens above. "If that's right than come with me," the man hurried to his door grabbing two sets of keys. One for the hangar and another for the plane?
I didn't know plane have keys, I'll take note of that. "You haven't introduced me to your friends O'Connell," the man eyed use genially, shoving his elbow playfully to O'Connell's. "This is Evelyn and Jonathan Carnahan, Crynn Avter, and finally Ferrous Volturi," O'Connell chuckled as we follow the man twisting his hangar keys on the door.
"Well ladies and gents, my name is Winston Havelock, an ex-fighter pilot for the Royal Air Force!" Winston proclaimed with pride as he opened the door and finally got to see the beauty hidden within. I may not know a lot about planes, but I know a good looking one when I see it. The British flag painted colorfully on the back wing and the royal coat of arms stamped to the side.
The Lewis gun mounted on top and the pilot in the front. The wings are decorated with a mixture of blue, white and red paint, signifying the colors of Great Britain. "She's a beauty isn't she!" He said pressing a button on the hangar doors, mechanically opening them as wheels started turning and drawing the huge gates back.
He swiftly got on the driver's seat with his helmet and opened the back seat for someone to climb in. "One of you hop on in the gunner seat and the rest I'm afraid has to hang by the winds. I suggest Ms. Carnahan to take up gunner," hang from the seats, oh come on! This is preposterous! Even if its an old plane, it still has a speed of maybe about 150 km/h which is goddamn fast!
"Don't worry guys, I've done it once before, there are straps that would keep you in place," O'Connell pulled a long black leather strap from below the wing and fastened himself with it on the wing. This is insane, bungy jumping is still okay, sky diving is fine, but this!? What insanity has gone in the minds of this old man!
Apparently, everyone has resigned themselves and has begun strapping themselves on the wing. I finally sighed and stuck myself onto the wing, this is the worst idea I've ever heard. "Ready ya lads! 3... 2... 1... Full Throttle!" The engines rushed and smoke came out, the propeller spun furiously, as the wind flow threatened to suck us in. The wheels began accelerating and without even realizing, we were already above ground.
"Whoooo!" O'Connell yelled feeling the gentle breeze hitting his face, is arms spread wide to feel the world and the air around it. "O'Connell! Where are we going!" Winston shouted from the seat, his face facing the front as his eyes focused on the controls. "We are going South of Cairo! Straight until we see some ruins down below!"
Winston did a hard right turn to what I presume is South of Cairo, as we head deep into the yellow desert skies. By a happy chance, the aircraft is actually flying only a dozen meters off the ground and no straight up 1000 feet in the air. Thank the heavens for that, that just means if this plane goes down, the sand might just be the soft landing we need to survive.
"O'Connell! What is that!" What I saw was an absolute nightmare straight from a Resident Evil and The Mummy crossover! A sand storm, higher than the clouds are moving straight at us. The front of it, morphed into a face so haunting, so ghastly, if you've ever seen the face of Zelda's Geldman, then picture it.
A 100 times bigger, 100 times uglier, 100 times scarier, and 100 times more menacing. Thankfully, it's just a bunch sand carried by wind, I see Ferrous absolutely ready for it. A telekinetic shield covered the whole body of the plane as Winston bravely charged through the storm. I could see the sand trying very hard to penetrate the shield but to no avail did it succeed.
"Breach through!" Winston anxious shouted as the plane made past the storm escaping again into clear skies. I looked back to find that the sandstorm was no more as countless sand began falling effortlessly to the desert below. I then gazed down trying to find the mummy who is probably controlling the sand storm just then.
And there he is, not a corpse anymore, he now wore a clean white robe and some loincloth underwear. He grinned at us as his hands clenched and the sand around him gather up to make long wide spikes spanning a 1 meter width and 5 meter height, that's what it looked like from up here.
"As the sand spikes began to gain height and follow us like tomahawk missiles I already know that this plane will eventually go down. Dear lord I'm not riding a WW1 plane anymore after this! That is if I can even survive this!