A Love for A Lifetime, An Adventure for Another

Crynn POV

"NO! NOOOOO!" Imhotep gawked with an expression so horrified, his mouth could've just been spilt in half and his eyes could jump themselves out! The chariot went right through, piercing Imhotep's chest and making it out from the other side. The moment the last of the chariot got through, it pulled along a blue shadow of a ghastly looking Imhotep.

The skeleton riding the chariot cackled loudly and returned back to behind the door and closed. "NOOOOO!" Imhotep chased after the images of the chariot but its too late, the chariot has gone passed into the blue reality (which I'm guessing is Egyptian hell) and the door has gone back to its previously shut ad sealed state.

In fact, everything that just transpired is aligned with the period where Ferrous has finally decapitated the rest of the undead. I and the rest slowly stood in the center of the room in front of the altar where Imhotep is kneeling with grief behind it. Suddenly, Imhotep's eyes stared at us with peril and he got up in pure villain style.

"YOU! YOU!" Imhotep pointed accusingly at us and could only release the word 'YOU' out of his still open mouth. "Evelyn, I thought he should be dead," O'Connell murmured behind Evelyn, my sword still on his hand and a revolver primed for shooting on his hip. "Nope, we only made him mortal once more."

I took back my pistol out of Jonathan's hand in his surprise and fired three consecutive shots on Imhotep's chest. Clutching his chest as he staggered backwards he could only look at us in intent and malice while mouthing a clear, "I will return!" before slipping off an edge and dropping down to the blackish pool only for thousands of ghost hands to drag him down to the abyss.

"That was creepy," Jonathan stepped carefully and closer to the black pool, everyone shuddered together at the feeling of a thousand hands touching and trawling them. "That's the end of that," I carefully get ahold of the black book sitting on the ground where Imhotep probably dropped from the previous 'chariot event'.

"Finally a mission complete," I muttered a barely audible voice from under my breathe as I lay my hands on both books, golden and black, clutching it in my arms.

{Bonus Objectives Completed : }

{6. Book Worm : A black or gold book, which is better, why not take them both. Hold the Book of the Dead and the Book of Amun-Ra on two hands. (Rewards : Book Worm, 2500 Mission Merit) }

"What are you doing Avter," everyone eyed me strangely and I looked down to find myself hugging both books rather tightly between my arms. "Ahem, I was just giving the books a final farewell before being taken by the ministry," I emphasized the farewell to put things to a clear, don't want them thinking I've got a book fetish.

"Okay then, we've just taken down an immortal mummy and his army, summoned a chariot from god knows where and finally, I think we're all tired," O'Connell made a very good point as I handed Evelyn both books from my hold and she took it rather delightfully. "Yeah, I suppose its a good day to rest."

I smiled softly at the rest of them as we made ourselves out of the room, past the treasury and back to the surface. "What will happen to the rest of the treasure," Jonathan whined and look a bit regretful. "Do not let greed overcome you and besides, I think your spoils are all packed and if you need anymore, I'm sure Henderson have discovered more treasure just laying on his camp."

{The Mummy : Protect Richard O'Connell and Defeat High Priest Imhotep (Accomplished) }

{Returning in 2 Minutes}

I sighed, although I can't wait for this to end, I really will miss everyone. We've developed quite the friendship in this whole journey spanning less than a week. And even if we still used each other's last names, we really do care among us. "Everyone, It's truly been an honor working alongside you, in 2 minutes, I would be away travelling the world."

"What do you mean Avter?" O'Connell's happy face dissolved into confusion as do everyone else's. "It's just as what I've just said, I'll be leaving soon," everyone looked constipated and worried for obvious reasons. "But why Avter, we've just won a big battle and saved the world," O'Connell's indignant question truly made me happy and quite saddening.

"The world is not permanent, just like my stay here. If we're lucky we will meet each other in the future (A.N : SPOILERS, they will)," I opened my arms wide for a hug where O'Connell gladly accepted and returns. Soon enough, everyone began joining together forming a very comfortable and warm group hug.

I couldn't help but beam once more, I love having friends but with the travelling through worlds, you simply can't have the leisure when you can't even bring them with you. "There it is, there it is, I think Evelyn's uncle will be quite happy to see you all completing your missions and that it's almost time I left," I softly said mussing Evelyn's hair.

"O'Connell, please return my sword," I cheekily shrugged him as he rubbed the back of his head and returned the goblin sword back to my hands. stroking its blade slowly, smoothing my fingers through the body as I plunged it back into the sheath. I sighed as I left their hugs and sat back on one of the broken structures.

"Well, it's time to go. And O'Connell, Evelyn, get together faster, everyone here knows you like each other," I smirked before vanishing leaving nothing in sight.


Evelyn and O'Connell blushed heavily secretly holding hands together. "You like my sister!" Jonathan said absolutely appalled by both their actions. "isn't it obvious," Ferrous innocently questioned Jonathan who have continued to fume and began thinking of wild thoughts between his sister and Jonathan.

Showing a look of disgust and anger, Jonathan lashed out at O'Connell. "You're not touching my sister without my approval!" grabbing both intertwined hands and separating them forcefully. Pushing Evelyn and O'Connell off of each other and standing in the middle giving each other a span of two hands and one body.

"Give me a break Jonathan," Jonathan stared unbelievably at O'Connell's mouth after uttering those words. "A BREAK! She's my bloody sister, mate!" Jonathan roared and Evelyn shoved him as do O'Connell, snickering lightly between them. Jonathan was left frustrated as he walked away looking very red and hot-tempered.

"Where do you think Avter's went," Evelyn asked O'Connell, caressing his cheek bones lightly. "I don't know, but what I do know, he's off to the next greatest adventure," they smiled at each other as both heads moved closer and O'Connell lips touched upon Evelyn's. And they hugged each other without care knowing that a forever awaits them.

A love for a lifetime and an adventure for another.