You're Not Funny Jill!

Calian POV

"He was infected," I now could see plainly what the man actually looked like. This man obviously has a lot of stress, full grey hair and only around his middle age, that must not be easy. His eyes display the intimidation of a hawk, his lips on a constant sneer, his nose certainly shaped on an axis which improves his villain look.

"He might not be infected," oh dear, Jill just had to reply back, this won't end any time soon wouldn't it. "Are all S.T.A.R.S this soft? No wonder most of you are dead," he sneered with ridicule, eyes so condescending he purposefully raised his chin higher to make it look like he's looking down upon Jill, and he did it beautifully.

The man walked away from the scene without care, skipping me without a thought. "And what are you! U.B.C.S killing their own people!" Jill went pass me and chased behind the man stopping him in his tracks. "He would've turned, have you no self preservation," he moved around Jill and up the staircase.

"Go back to the station, we don't need a bleeding heart like yourself getting in the way," did Jill just get roasted, she unquestionably looked extremely offended. "Isn't the term bleeding heart used for politicians? I'm just saying," she squinted her eyes at me and I looked away innocently. "Is that supposed to help me?"

"You could leave is it as that," Jill left it there and gathered the shotgun shells left on a blueprint drawing table and looked pitifully at the dead man, picking up some sort of book from his hands. I took my pistol out and pressed the secondary trigger on the man's head, blowing it out splattering the paintjob on the car and the walls around it.

"What do you do that for!" Jill looked at me pointily, her hands tapping the desk waiting for my response. "I'm not taking chances of that guy suddenly waking up as a zombie and surprising us," I raised my hands and silently retreated, Jill only sighed and continue arranging her ammunitions. "Need to get used to this whole zombie," Jill muttered and went up the stairs.

She opened the door and to my unsurprise, we are yet in another alley. Jill went down the alley and ripped a note from the brick wall. "A note with some warnings to not shoot at generators, like anyone would do that," she crumpled it just dumped it on the ground. "Littering is prohibited," I said pointing to a sign with red printed words of 'NO LITTERING' on it.

I crossed my hands gimicking the look of a teacher scolding his student. "Shove off Calian," she playfully elbowed me with a smile, her mood has finally gone up, I secretly let out a breathe of relief. Growl! "What's that," Jill circled in alert, those sounded like dog growls, I hope it ain't zombie dogs.

I walked around the alley, 3 big dumpsters, lined up opposite to each other left and right, a generator is sizzling with small bolts of electricity on the wall. My left had tightened the grip on my pistol and the other gripping the umbrella on my waist with vigilance. Is that glowing white orbs? Crap!

The two glowing white 'orbs' jumped at me, I pulled my umbrella up and into the thing's mouth. "It really is zombie dogs!" yes, the two white 'orbs' were actually creepy dog eyes, turned completely white by the virus. I pressed back the umbrella trigger and a loud bang ensued, a hole miraculously appeared from the dog's mouth and out it's head.

"Jesus Christ! What was that Calian," Jill looked down at the twitching dog and then at the umbrella. Growl! "Watch out there's more," I saw two of them dogs come from the streets, we really can't get any lax can't we. I aimed and shot at the dogs, so do Jill and in seconds, the dogs were jerking on the ground and died.

"Thank God bears aren't domestic animals, can't say I didn't worry about snakes though," on the mention of snake, she appeared to have stood straighter and her look was almost... pensive. "let's just hope no snakes get infected," she turned back normal and walked to the end of the alley. "Had a run-in with giant snakes before, Jill?"

"Spencer Mansion, a large snake mutated with the virus attacked us and killed a friend," isn't that Resident Evil 1, there's a giant snake in that game? "I'm sorry, I didn't know," I apologized and walked past the dead dogs. "No matter, it's all in the past," she looked away and continued onwards, did I strike a nerve just then, bad approach Calian, bad approach.

We finally arrived in some place with a crashed police car and an entire are fenced with strong steel mesh and barbwire surrounding everything. "Is that the substation!" I shouted towards the substation appalled! What is that abomination on it! The top of the entire substation looked to be housing some kind of cocoon or a shell of some kind.

"That is unpleasant to say the least," unpleasant you say Jill? It would be enough to make someone's hair curl and their blood running cold. "And to think we're going into that... abomination!" I might overreact but that's just disgusting, horrifying and a whole lot of worsts coming at us.

"We'll be alive, I'm Super Cop and you're Super Agent, who could defeat us!" Jill said with humor, this is not a kid's superhero television show! This is real, one hundred percent real world situation, heroes are a lie and who ever said they can't die is all too wrong altogether. "I'll be the judge of that statement," I walked past her, frustrated, I could be pulling my hair if only I wasn't so conservative.

"You said it Calian!" Jill laughed out loud, apparently satisfied in her remarks, darn her. We went ahead and opened the yellow black steel mesh door blocking our final step onto substation grounds. Opening it, Jill strolled in looking around and then at me, her mouth moved upwards and I knew she was going to say something ridiculous.

"Welcome to one of the most sought after tourist-attracting locations in Raccoon City, the infected sub-station," towards the end, her voice turns deeper and her amusement became more apparent, I could only say four words to her, four mean words, "You're not funny Jill."

"Then it's fortunate I'm not you, for anyone would think it's a curse to have no sense of humor like you," she covered her snicker with her hand. You! How dare you!