A Change in Perspective

Calian POV

I'm finally back! Hahaha! Shove off Resident Evil! "So, where are we?" I looked back, ah right, Jill Valentine is here, which is darn awesome! I'm not going back to Resident Evil, I've had a few worst days of my life but one even as close to the worst day of my life in Resident Evil, I hate Raccoon City.

"We're at ehm... I call it the Dark Space. Which is obvious, because you see everything around you, it's dark but you can technically still see so it's not dark but the point is, the surroundings are dark. You feel like you're standing on a dark floor but I see that it's not actually a floor, we're standing on some sort of invisible floor."

"You can see the walls are black but the reality if you go near the black walls that seem endless, you'll reach a point where you're touching an invisible wall, so this whole room is invisible and with a dark outer background," Jill raised a finger with her mouth open like she wanted to say something, and then closed it back, opened it again.

"I've seen zombies, why couldn't this be any different," Jill sounded extremely frustrated, like I mean yeah, zombies are a fantasy creature and this place is quite unbelievable as well. "There's not much difference around here, huh? Well, except for a newly placed ATM machine and a very narcistic statue of Zeus.

He has a long silky beard and sculpted eyes that captured all his godly majesty and glory. He's fully clothed in golden breastplate and armor skirt, holding a pretty large and long lighting bolt, ready to strike at the hearts of the enemies. Strangely, he looks old and yet youthful, his face hadn't got any creases on it, as smooth as a baby, maybe it's just the beard and the wise old eyes.

"Out of all the gods that had to exist, it has to be the Greeks, hasn't it," Jill grumbled, oh let's here what she has to say. "What religion do you practice?" She's American so by majority, I suspect, protestantism? "I'm a Christian but I guess now, I'm rather forced into Olympianism," Jill sighed and I wonder.

Olympianism is the worship of Olympic Gods if I'm correct and is it even practiced nowadays, I'm not sure really, there must be some. "Anyway, remember what you promised?" Right, what I promised, ok so... Jill Valentine, can't say I remember everything from my years of Resident Evil gaming but I'll try. If only I had Fandom with me right now.

"Let's see, Jill Valentine, friends with Chris Redfield?" Start off slow, only applicable in conversations like these. This is not a business deal and alliance forging so I don't need to be too direct. "We're close, haven't seen him for quite a few weeks actually," she answered, hmm... Chris Redfield should currently be at... Europe? Getting hazy around these parts.

"So, you're S.T.A.R.S, after Raccoon City, you're not S.T.A.R.S, but rather a mercenary of a private anti-biohazard service together with your close friend, Chris Valentine," I said and stopped for a second to recall back more of my memories. "From fighting crime to paid soldiers, great," Jill sighed, she doesn't look sure if she's to believe what I said or not.

"In 2003, you and Chris Redfield infiltrated an Umbrella facility and practically took the whole place down with only the both of you which is impressive, you tried to gain access to Umbrella's database only to find the data all wiped out by Albert Wesker. Surprise, surprise, Wesker has back-up data and decided to give it to the US gov, ending Umbrella's lifeline with all the juicy illegal info inside."

"What would he do that for?" Argh... I don't actually know... ehm... "Let's just say, he has a lot of reasons for it," yup, that's all I can say. "Ok continue," Jill raised a brow in suspicion but shook it off in the end, good. "To put it simply, Umbrella went bankrupt and a lot of its researchers just decided to ran off with a lot of biological samples and data, selling everything in the black market."

"This creates chaos and everything went to crap, let's just say, biological warfare and terrorism has become the new meta in those times. To combat these terrorisms, the BSAA or Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance is formed which sees you as one of its members, it's also like being a mercenary," there done, next part's gonna be harder.

"Let me get this straight, so it's as straightforward as the world has gone to shit?" Language, but yeah, the world has certainly progressed downwards in terms of biological safety. "That's one way to put it. Anyway, the BSAA is working together with the Federal Bioterrorism Commission, or short, FBC, to put an end to a bioterrorist group called, I think, Il Velcro or something, Il Vetro... Whatever."

"Basically saying, there's a traitor in the FBC, by the way, the FBC is part of the US Government so that's a large security breach. So, I forget almost everything centered around the bioterrorist organization's capture and mole pulling but in the end, the BSAA got promoted as part of the UN and has great jurisdiction around the world which means you've become an unconventional traveler that instead of taking pictures all around, you travel to get rid of bioterrorism."

"I pity your future life, it's literally all depression, too much killing, too much stress, and frankly, you don't have an ounce of happiness running through your veins then, so maybe I deserve a thanks for bringing you out of such an undesirable future?" I mused, waiting for Jill's reaction. "Yeah, it doesn't seem that good of a future," Jill shuddered, probably thinking of the 'future' which I have ruined to bits by now.

"So, moving on, now here is where it gets juicy and very uncomfortable," mind control is pretty uncomfortable, well to any normal people, it definitely is.