Calian POV
I have to say, I am absolutely cringing and feeling oh a lot of embarrassment, and I don't even know why. Maybe it's because some random girl is pretty much accusing Jill of wearing the wrong cosplay set, I can't say she's wrong but I also can't she's correct. And now that I've said that she's genuinely Jill Valentine, that will raise some questions.
"She- she really is Jill valentine?" The girl, Ariane Veil, asked once more for assurance. "Yes she is, how hard is it to believe that," I must say, quite difficult but not that difficult if you catch my meaning. I turned towards the girl's companion, a man dressed in possibly the oldest piece of tux I've seen in a while but then again, the girl also wore a princess coat that looked like it came from the 1940s, it does look nice though if a bit ancient.
The man, Crynn Avter is his name I believe if I heard it correctly looked completely and utterly clueless about the whole issue, might he be? "So, I don't mean to interrupt or anything, is no one going to fill me in on why you're all so fuzzy about 'Jill Valentine'? Is she a celebrity or something," wow did he seriously just say that.
Jill raised a brow to the question and I just can't help face palming again. "You don't know Jill Valentine?" Even his own companion, Ariane, can't believe what he just said. Jill Valentine, a celebrity? Total ludicrous, she's a Goddarn good cop! A cop good enough to fight her way out of a zombie-ridden city!
"Do you know of Resident Evil?" That's a simple question, most would say yes, it's very popular. "You mean the zombie apocalypse movie? Heard of it, never quite got the time to watch it and never would've actually, is it good?" I personally don't like the movie, it's out of my taste but I can say that more would know of the game than the movie but he could've not been a fan of games.
"Well, in my opinion it's not that good. But what's better than the movie is the game and Jill is a protagonist of the game," boom! I except some mindblowing! I carefully surveyed his expressions for some micro surprises or shocks but so far... none? He's blank, might be confused or is simply thinking. "Ok?" Pardon?
Crynn POV
Let me think this through for a bit and when I say bit, I mean at least 5 seconds. Activate fast thinking speed, let's start. Jill Valentine is in fact not a celebrity but a game character. More importantly a game character protagonist so she's very important. But how exactly did the guy, Calian get a game character? Gonna have to ask him question later then.
Is that all the information I've got? I think that's all including the fact that yeah I'm not ever going to watch the Resident Evil movie or is it movies? I don't really know, apocalyptic genres just not my cup of tea. That's all, right, the correct response to give right now is definitely to say, "Ok." I've successfully made Calian Otho Aurelius bewildered.
So, he ain't saying anything, I'm going to say something. "How exactly did you get a game character exactly, no offense, I'm not insulting you by saying you're not a real person, it's just a convenient way for saying it," halfway through, I turned to Jill, explained my wording and back towards Calian.
"None taken," Jill Valentine calmly answered so I guess that's done over that way and back to Calian Aurelius. "I got a mission to get her to be my companion and I got her as a companion to travel around the worlds. Let's just forget about that for now, do you know the specifics of this mission cause my bloody supervisor just threw us on board without a single word of explanation."
That is a problem, looks like you have an irresponsible supervisor. "My supervisor explained to me that the Gods have detected a disturbance in the form of an energy surge in this world. Apparently some guy in the heavens with the job of paying attention to different sub-worlds have been slacking, thus he completely missed the fact and information that this sub-world's connection to 'up there' has been cut off."
"So to summarize or grand job is as pretty much investigators sent to obviously investigate the causes of this energy disturbance, that's all we know. Second problem seems to be what world this is," yes, impending question, what name does this world have, presumably games are included in the list of sub-worlds because Calian says that Jill Valentine is from a game so... this world may just be a game as well.
[I almost just forgot! You'll also get an aerodyne as your means of transportation around this sub-world, complete with everything you'll except for a few things which you'll have to get yourself] The voice, I guess I'll refer it to supervisor starting from now, said some things and just went away. Right, where is this mode of transportation the supervisor's talking about.
It's not in front, nor the left or right, it could only be the back. Oh... it's like some futuristic aircraft? It's in this rectangular slick box design, it also has 4 side attached thrusters on the four corners and a round satellite above the aircraft, like those you'll find in an US spy plane just smaller. "Ehm... Looks like I've got the key," Calian said from behind as he went forward while looking at the buttons on it and he pressed one of them.
"So what is this? Future flying car?" Jill Valentine asked a rhetorical question, it doesn't seem to be designed like a car, more like towards military use I presume. I can also make out that this is a VTOL aircraft by the 4 thrusters. After the button is pressed, the big sliding door opened on the side, yep definitely looks military, the interior sort of says so.
"Huh? This looks familiar, like I've seen this somewhere," Aria suddenly spoke, she might know something.