Soul Summoning Scroll

Crynn POV

A minute to destination, well we're about to arrive in practically no time then. I pressed the button and the door closed itself. I'm going to use this gun in the future and I certainly will need additional ammunition for it, so I walked towards the cabinet and took 6 magazines, the maximum in which my holster can hold and it's nice to find that everything fits in it.

"You should probably go back to the cockpit," Calian spoke to me as he went away, I hummed as I followed behind to enter the cockpit. "You're not up for new guns?" I asked as I seated myself back on the seat and focused my eyes on the cameras. "Kingsman issued guns are advanced enough, my pistol can shoot both ordinary pistol ammo and an extra barrel for shotgun rounds," mhm... that's great then.

"So, should we or should we not announce ourselves," I asked because ehm... I don't really know what's gonna happen forward a minute in time. "What do you mean," he asked back so I replied, "There's spotlight systems here." Yes, spotlight systems, frequently attached to police helicopters, it's easy to assume something of this craft should have one, and it did. "Sure then, we don't want to look sneaky and suspicious," good point.

[Hello, so how are matters going?] A voice just suddenly sounded without like seriously man, these guys should learn how to announce themselves without a sense surprise though I'm not really surprised, more like feeling a bit odd that the supervisor would just show up without a moment's notice.

[I'm sure all's fine, you've already completed a chain and now looks like you're going to find your tour guide. The only problem is, out of all tour guides, you went to find the protagonist which is okay but at the same time a bit difficult. The protagonist wouldn't be wavered by money or material so let me give you a hint, she would be really enticed with anything that could prolong her life. I said everything so happy hiring.]

What the hell, the supervisor just said an entire paragraph of words and poofed off, well I guess he did give us some essential information. "You hear that?" I asked Calian next to me and he nodded which means he did hear what was just said. "From the words spoken, looks like our protagonist is no gold digger nor a materialist."

"Looks like we need something that can increase longevity, any ideas?" Calian questioned me and I regretfully have to say, I've got nothing on my head except maybe some of that you know delicious dark magic hocruxes but we're not doing that. "the stores active right? Just search for an item that can prolong Valerie Crest's life, and when I say search an item, I mean just write this entire sentence of, 'item that can prolong Valerie Crest's life', you get me?"

"I understand," good, this search should be relatively quick then and our arrival is within seconds, oh boy.


Calian POV

So let's see, open shop. Is this voice activated, let me try, any item that can prolong Valerie Crest's life, I said mentally said it so it should appear momentarily if this works of course, if it didn't, then, I guess I have to manually type it in which is fine as well. The sentence appeared on the search bar and new products immediately cycled in, ooh, it works.

Next to do in online shopping is to set the filters in and fortunately the shop has filters. So I pressed the filter and ticked the boxes next to the words rising price and another, most beneficiary which is unusual, I guess it shows the items most beneficial to us or to the character. When I pressed enter, it instantly gives me a lot of items but also removes a lot of items as well, I'm guessing affected by the beneficiary filter.

"You want to hear what I found?" I asked an intrigued Crynn as he nodded, well God the prices are expensive, even when it literally says rising prices, the cheapest can't even be said to be cheap. "So the cheapest at 20000 mission merits is a piece of scroll belonging to High Lich Angelice Maviose, soul summoning ritual in which a specific soul can be called from the underworld to be entered into a specific body."

"Is this V dead or something?" Crynn asked puzzlingly, I'm quite curious as well. "The next after that is a DNA's sequence rewinding pill, used in the future to restructure a modified DNA genetic sequence to the previous form before it is modified and it costs 55000 mission merits which is not cheap at all, so we now know what we should get."

I don't understand, how come a ritual that summons a soul from the underworld could be cheaper than a DNA sequence rewinding pill. I pressed on the scroll and on the next page, there is a more detailed description and detailed meaning, a few sentences more. "The scroll is part of a hundred page book, the Encyclopedia de Mortis written by the High Lich Angelice Maviose himself after successfully attaining the state of death and life."

"It is said that whoever collected and bound all the ripped scrolls together will achieve the power of death and life," I said everything and it definitely sounds interesting, the rest of the scrolls is also sold on the button and oh my blimey! Some costs up to a million mission merits! Nope, I'm done, let's just scroll back up, ignore the absurd prices.

"Sounds awesome but unfortunately we're not going for it now, well if the scroll's the cheapest of the bunch, buy it then," Crynn said and well, looks like out budget will have a 20000 mission merits cut which isn't ideal but we're aiming for the protagonist here which should presumably have more pros than cons.

"Oh look, is that our nomadic group?"