Crynn POV
Whole new day, whole new morning, whole new- not new environment. It's a great morning honestly, it would be better enhanced if there the air condition in this world was cleaner or if my the surroundings is not a boundless desert but an area of fresh lush. But that's not the kind of world we are currently in.
"So how's your night?" As soon as we entered the main caravan, V greeted us while taking a sip of a black liquid which might be coffee. "Our night was pretty informational, I assume you had a fun night?" Did Calian really just asked that? "Yes, I indeed had a fun night," V smiled, she really doesn't know what Calian meant, does she?
"So, what's next on the job?" V is like the normal everyday father before commuting to work, with a cup of coffee, a toaster toasting bread over there and a digital magazine on her other hand, oh she doesn't know what's coming. "We're going back to Washington DC, we're going to crash on someone's party, not literally."
"Pardon?" V's puzzled gaze were centered on us. "Militech will be celebrating its birthday in 3 days and we need to briefly snatch someone invited to it. I've made the summary in this drive, we could have a look at it," Jill has switched on a more casual outfit, a short sleeved buttoned up navy blue shirt with some black jeans, like an executive.
"Well, let's take a look at it," V took the USB and drank the rest of her coffee down her throat, stopping by the toaster to grab the toast and lastly stopping by the line of screens and computers to plug the drive in. "You know, almost no one uses UFDs (Universal Flash Disk) like this anymore, you could really switch a much better form of alternative digital storage, one that could store terabytes of data."
We really should but don't you insult our ancient technology, ancient doesn't mean there's no use to it! As soon as the drive has finished loading, a detailed picture of what looks like a tall skyscraper with lavish settings, that's the hotel. "I give you Hotel de Mazzon, I stole their blueprint from their very hackable hotel server," nifty.
"You mentioned birthday, it's going to be conducted here? In one of the best hotels in America, how are we going to get in?" V showed a solemn look while munching on her delicious looking golden brown toast. "This entire setup was made possible because of one flaw in the hotel, it respects employees' privacy," how's that gonna help us.
"To put it better, there isn't any cameras throughout the employees quarters," now I know why, that is a real severity in security. "But, we can only utilize this disadvantage today because Militech will be putting up temporary equipment for protection tomorrow but not today which we will utilize to our advantage."
"First step is as easy as pie, enter the hotel like any other visitor and go into one of the fire emergency stairway, this will lead us directly downwards to the underground floor where all the employees have their breaks and tea time, where the security room is located in and where the more securely defended servers are in."
"There will be cameras in the stairway which I will take care of once we got near to the hotel for me to establish a much sharper connection to temporarily cripple their cameras. By cripple I mean not shutting them off but indefinitely pausing the cameras recording systems and so it's view will stay the same and not change even when we are walking right in front of it."
Goddamn, Jill is a total strategist and she arranged this overnight? Even my heists aren't planned out that quick. "But this has be done totally stealth, no staff members can discover us or we'll be f*cked. In fact, stealth is not as difficult in this environment, look at the 3d blueprint," Jill zoomed in on the fire emergency stairway and down to the entrance of the underground.
"Going in, we'll find a wide corridor going both right and left and since we will be going inside the hotel during a busy work hour, overall, there won't much employees hanging out downstairs. But for precaution, we will have to be extra careful to not alert anyone and be completely silent. No one say anything throughout, we will just use hand signals."
"Even if suddenly there's someone walking down the corridor, we should be fine as long as we avoid where's that 'anyone' is going. After that, it's all trouble-free, we should avoid the security room, no use going there. The server will be easily accessible. See the corridor, turn right at once and a left, on the end is the server room and only a door is left between us and it."
"And we do this today?" Aria has finished crunching on all those toasts as she looked up at Jill. "It will only be a few minutes at most once we're inside, it's only gonna take a longer time in the journey to and from the hotel," Jill explained with a shrug as she crossed her hands together. "All right, when will we start?"
"12 pm, after lunch, I believe that's all, I'll make a new plan for the birthday after I finished analyzing the data from the server. "Actually, never mind, we're going to be inside the server room for a longer period of time because I need to check if we'll need to get anything before we make an exit. I bet we'll need one of the staff uniforms at the ready."
"Is that it?" V asked as she stood up and stretched her back, I'm pretty sure that's for loosening the after affects of her 'workout' last night. God I seriously do not need to hear that, so V is either a lesbian or a bisexual, pretty cool. "That's all, for now at least," Jill has concluded, great, I'm going to go soot some cans just for fun.