Chill and Enjoy

Crynn POV

"So, what are we doing now?" I decided to ask once we made it onto the bridge, Jill has a captain's hat on and is rolling around a seat. "Considering we have three days ahead of us, we can take things slow but not too slow, we have a schedule to run and a plan to continue and commence," she pulled the hat off her head as she stood up, walking around the room.

"First order of business, Morgan Blackhand, I need to locate and extract his memories. While I'm at it, all of you are free to do as you please, this is a top technological military submarine. Think of this as a yacht and you're the owners of it, you're on a tour, enjoy," okay, how are we supposed to enjoy ourselves in a submarine, this is not exactly first class, 5 star hotel facilities.

"Speaking of which, have you patched Morgan Blackhand yet? Because I saw Crynn did him good on the legs," Calian spoke as we were brought into attention, yes that. "Don't worry, although Crynn did multiple deep cuts on him, it wasn't anything difficult. I easily stitched Blackhand up and covered it with some tied cloth."

"Very good, how is this ship moving? Autopilot?" Aria questioned as she tapped on one of the screens showing the submarine's speed in knots, miles per hour, and kilometers per hour. (Just a fun fact, boats use knots as the distance in seas are measured by nautical miles which is different from ordinary miles and knots measure the former.)

"Yes, it's on autopilot. Don't worry, everyone can stay chill. The communications is still cut, the authorities in command won't know of anything happening on this ship. They'll get false alerts showing green lights of us and they'll continue so. We're out of their monitor and anyone's in particular," that's very reassuring.

"We won't run into another submarine, or will we, by chance?" V raised a point, what if some other random submarine appeared out of nowhere and started hailing for us, we'd be in big trouble. "We won't, I'll make sure of that. I'll just set the navigation systems to cloak and never get in range of any identifiable underwater vehicles."

"This submarine is the state of the art military equipment anywhere around the world. Equipped with the highest possible radars, it has detections far above any other submarine. We'll detect others but the others won't be able to detect us. So don't put any doubt because none is needed, we're safe, be chill, drink an iced tea or something."

"Just relax, we'll arrive in short span of three days, before the mess could possibly happen," I can do that, I can chill. I'm going to make myself completely at home, starting from the... kitchen. Yes, I need to cook myself a nice meal, preferably with eggs, a steak and an appetizing sauce. That's what I'd do and so I did.


A day has passed and its proving to be... "LET ME OUT!!! LET US OUT!!!" peaceful to say the least. Yes, maybe the screams of anger from a collective submarine crew might bring a warlike atmosphere that would disrupt the tranquil setting but I find myself agreeing that that's not the case, not at all.

You see, when you're so used to something, you can begin to deny it, yes, denial is a strong weapon, a powerful defense and a method of silence. As a professional thief, I can make myself quiet in every scenario and so I'm able to do otherwise, making everything round my soundless. The brain is the mightiest organ we have, it is the central area of thoughts and stimulus.

So, to utilize it in this situation is block any stimulus connected to sound and you'll have eternal stillness. Like a calm water in the middle of a storm, undisturbed as the surroundings pained to be wrecked, to not give a f*ck, now that's my way. "Everyone, please come to the bridge," well, it's my way until an important voice comes up that I needed to hear and that's when all hell broke loose.

"CAN'T YOU EVEN GIVE US SOMETHING TO EAT!!! YOU HAVE NO SHRED OF DECENCY!!! INHUMAN BASTARDS AND B*TCHES!!!" Ah yes, this is not what I'd call prosperity. Surely they'll get tired and exhausted from all that loud speaking but we'll just have to wait. I ascended the ladder as the voice gets smaller every second I'm getting on a higher level, ah bliss.

"Morning everyone, what time is it anyway?" I greeted, walking into the bridge with a smile plastered upon my face. "How are you Blackhand?" I mocked as my eye was centered on the man with his entire body tied on a chair, insults muffled and any sort of mobility stifled. Ropes cover him from head to toe, literally.

His two feet are strapped onto the metal chair, his legs from down up as well. His arms and hands also locked into the chair as well as his entire torso, his neck and well, his mouth, a handmade gag with inadequate craftsmanship. Should I mention that both his eyes and ears are covered as well? One by blindfold and the other by earplugs.

So to summarize, this is extremely wicked and he is having a very bad time sitting down on there. "It is 11 am, hardly morning, almost noon," Aria replied as I sat myself down in front of Jill, getting ready for an upcoming brief and explanation, she does make a good leader though maybe she shouldn't be doing everything herself.

It is a wonder she looked this energetic from being such a workaholic, there isn't even black bags under her eyes or even anything showing even a bit of tire, she's... super. "So, yes, I have extracted what we needed from Morgan Blackhand and Calian, you'll be going into virtual reality," Jill say as she handed the braindance device to Calian, taking it in hand.

''So, lets jump in."