Crynn POV
"This is it? This dome?" After a long drive through fields and mountains of ice, we finally arrived to what looks like an ecological construct. It's shape is a dome, half spherical and almost entirely made of glass. What uniquely separates it from the outside world is the warmth radiating off the building, coupled with the green inside.
Yes, green. Something you don't see very often in Antarctica, represented in front of us. The structure houses a plain of grass and flowers with some trees. One kilometer diameter of 'undisturbed' nature sat there, still, no activity, just beauty. "Yes, we have arrived. Though we're not here to see what appeal it has but rather what it hides."
"The entire base is 99% underground in exception to the 1% on the surface, named the Corporate Garden which is quite ironic if you think about it. We're going to park on the basement and head downwards through the elevator," and so, it began, our journey deep into the center of the Earth, not to be taken seriously.
Jill drove us downwards into a short tunnel and out into a very large parking lot with a lot of cars. "Okay, is everyone good and ready to go?" Jill rubbed her hands in excitement as she looked to the back seat. "We'll still go even if I say no?" Calian reasoned with his head tilted and a made-up innocent smile just to add it up.
"Yup," Jill serenely smiled while popping the P, her expressions unforgiving and quite deadly. "Then, why even ask," Calian grumbled as he swiftly got off the jeep, stretching his waist from over an hour long of motionless sitting. "This is why we don't sit on one position for too long a time, it really cramps on my bottom," Aria moaned in annoyance as she got off as well.
"I don't," a smug V clearly spoke, I guess this is one of the charms in body modification, physically superior. "Come on, let's get our bags and move, we wouldn't want to keep ourselves too long around here, may seem suspicious," Jill warned us though I can't see why it may seem suspicious when the parking lot has literally no one other than us standing about.
"So, which bags are the explosives," because there are a number of bags, big and small, impossible for me to guess what's in what considering everything was packed by Jill without anyone's assistance. "It's this bag, I'll be keeping it safeguarded," in other words, Jill will be the one carrying the explosives in a medium sized duffel bag, just don't blow us up by accident.
"And what are the rest of these for?" V wiggled her brows in confusion by the need of so many bags. I too am confused because if we were to hold all this, we'd look like a bunch of air conditioning maintenance crew. "Those contain equipment which we might use. It's better to be over than under," right, I'll be waiting for the time we need all this.
I went and grabbed two of the smaller bags as I waited for the others to get their hands full of it. "So, you are playing as Morgan Blackhand so you better act the part and lead the charge, pretend you're the boss, be cool and do what a 'Morgan Blackhand' would do. I did tell you to study him the days before, you did that? Right?" Jill spoke to Calian, tapping his chest with a finger.
"Yes, don't worry, every good businessmen is an actor. Who knows how many times I rehearsed being Blackhand at my room, let's just say a lot, so we can do this now," Calian showed a bright smile through his mask as it disappeared into a cold complexion, his eyes suddenly sharp, an eagle after its prey, a hunter staring at the hunted.
"Wonderful! Everything's well sorted and ehm... Time to go!" Jill's pretty thrilled, rarely seen her like this but I guess she was a police woman lacking some adventure. By some, I mean well, from what I heard, Resident Evil is a rough game and movie to be in, so rough that the entire world is in shambles and 'undead'.
So, back to the living, we have officially entered this gigantic underground base! Starting from the receptionist. Yes, there is only one entrance into the building that is this entrance, this very grand, very luxurious, very wealthy and lavish entrance. So first thoughts, definitely corrupted, not mentally but financially.
I mean, if I'm seeing correctly, the pillars which is shining gold is actually made with gold. Just for the measure, I secretly knocked once or twice on it and I'm sure that apart from the very center of it, everything is genuine gold! "How much are gold exchange rates today?" I tried to make sure with V and her gaping expression.
I can safely detect that V is feeling quite in poverty as well as surprise and general poor to rich admiration and immense envy. "1000 Eurodollars, a gram," okay, if I had at that moment drunk anything, I would've spit it out in shock because there's no way the price of gold is that absurd and abnormal in the future.
So, a Eurodollar is the equivalent to a Euro, so apparently somehow, along the timeline of this sub-world, gold prices have risen by at least maybe 20 times form the last time I checked by the real world. "I need to know the reason for such a rise in gold prices after this is done," Calian heard that and is feeling very curious as well though not showing in his face because you know, there's a mask so you can't really see the micro-expressions.
I just wanna say, damn, what in the hell have I just entered into. Because I certainly can see that glass vase filled with Safron as a decoration. Yes, the most expensive herb in the world and a meter tall vase of it placed as simple, f*cking, aesthetic boosts. Being poor has really limited my imaginations.